body To some who have voiced considering the BNP and similar groups, I consider this moving from one extreme to another. This is not the way forward. Britain has enviable values and we mustn't lose them. For quite a while now I have noticed our country get bad to worse and Im utterly fed up, and hence left to work abroad. Our politicians don't represent us anymore. False promises and their in. I really hope we get a more representative party with middle of the road policies and one which stops throwing our tax money to those who have and most probably will never contribute to the system. Im not against immigration but this has gone out of hand - its utter madness. Don't you hate how this government gives tax payers money away so freely to residents of other countries! Are we British allowed these benefits in all EU countries should we decide to plonk ourselves in any one of them ?, or does this ruling only apply to people coming here. It would be great to live somewhere in France if they too supply these lovely benefits to all and sundry. Is there any single benefit to us to belonging to the EU? Seriously, we always end up paying out huge amounts of money for this daft organisation - we haven't got the money for all these extra benefits surely!! Get us a referendum NOW!! So now you know why they will never let you have a vote on the EU. Just wait till they start bringing in the massive populations of the Middle East & half of Africa? As for these people not being able to get benefits? They already have & continue to bleed this country dry whilst forcing down wages & forcing up housing costs. This EU is ruining this country all these benefits being given willy nilly to all you choose to enter this country whether it's on the back of a lorry or other means, no wonder we have them all forming a nice queue in Calais waiting for their chance, no wonder Cameron has had to make so many cuts in jobs etc. i know Labour left us almost broke but now us British born and BRED are having to pay through the nose so that all the migrants can live the good life, i am glad i am getting to the age where another 20 years of life is not possible because i can see this country being the worst to live in. When are we ALL GOING TO TAKE TO THE STREETS ......DEMAND OUR COUNTRY BACK. We MUST get out of the EUSSR. It has almost destroyed the UK - that is the PLAN - TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE UK. Why isn't UKIP getting more support ? Why are people in the UK so stupid that we allow this to happen. When do we start the REVOLUTION - to get us out of this mad-house Animal Farm EUSSR. Just weep - My poor, poor, beloved country - Anne Smith _____________________________________________________________ So what are you doing about it Anne? Apart from spouting off on a website of course when you could be doing something constructive. - Chris, London, England, 3/3/2011 13:06 So what do YOU suggest Chris. There is not much we can do as individuals. We need a strong leader and I cannot see that happening. As soon as anyone dare try to stand up for his or her country they are called racist - fascists- little hitlers- thugs by the media and from that moment on their career has ended. Box Ticker , we voted to join the "common market" a totally different animal to the EU. We were missled then & succesive governments have been hoodwinking us ever since. Now is the time for a referendum of our membership, we can`t be any worse off out of the EU. Switzerland & Norway do alright. My Mum worked full time for many years, and was advised to pay a woman's stamp contributions, hence now she is retired and part of a couple receives £30 a week pension. I have a friend who contracted breast cancer in Australia and had to come back to live in Britain because they would not treat her there as she was English and had not contributed. If I go to another country I have to make sure I take out an insurance or I will get no healthcare, so why do we treat people from all around the world who have not contributed to our health system. When the NHS was founded it was just that a NATIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM NOT AN INTERNATIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM. With mass unemployment hence a drop in contributions these extra benefits and healthcare are coming out of the pockets of the British people, and we have not even been consulted about it!! Said it before and I'll say it again : deduct all benefit payments from the EC contribution and add a hefty administration charge on top. Come on, Coalition and Opposition - speak up for what is right rather than just pay up. How come these "Job seekers" from abroad are worth more than UK citizens that haven't been able to find work for years, however hard they have been trying? And we pay these incomeres twice the old age pension, to look for jobs that clearly don't exist, given the rising rate of unemployment. DC, you dug your heels on over votes for prisoners. Don't stop there. There even more important matters to throw back to Brussels. VOTE BNP ! WE MUST !!! Why do UK citizens (and taxpayers) have so much trouble claiming something when they fall on hard times such as unemployment, but we seem to fall over ourselves handing out money to people who have never paid 'into the pot'? It's a disgusting way to treat the people of this country. But Brits are not allowed to sign on for work in Slovenia never mind claim benefits. If you own a house there you have to wait 5 years for residency or pay 20 per cent gains tax - unlike Slovenes who wait just 3 years. EU equality as we all know only applies to those coming to Britain - not we Brits. It looks to me that the fools in EU headquarters are hell bent for the G-8 countries in there to leave. We have two options - IGNORE the stupid decrees from the EU or PULL OUT. Common sense must prevail. Take note, Both Germany and Austria have high unemployment, both countries also bailed out Banks that misused funds in wrong investments, both countries are also taxing the peoples to the hilt to pay for the mistakes of others and tolerance levels are on the brink of exploding. ITS HIGH TIME TO TELL THE EU dishing out money for NIL input will not work - this is only going to build up a dislike of foreigners. We can have a referendum on voting, which many think is a waste of taxpayers money, while the British public are still being denied a say if we want to remain in the E.U. who if we stay in it much longer we will well and truly done for as a country. I suppose there are a few in government circles that keep us in as it helps to line their pockets, never mind joe public we do not count as we are just a number. Benefits assessor- You are absolutley correct! I am a UK citizen born and bred. When I returned to this country after a few years living in Malta (an EU country), I found it necessary to claim a number of benefits. I was asked an astounding question by one benefits assessor "Why did I come to this country?"!! I can't tell you how angry I was at having to justify coming back to my own country! If it makes DM readers fume with anger it can only be a good thing. All hail the EU!!!! Amazing animal story !!! Weasel gets spine transplant ! ( Get the hint Dodgy Dave? ) Why did I fight for my country ? It is not my country anymore and I am ashamed of what the politicians have done. ! In the event of street protests and civil disorder across Great Britain, would Cameron do a Gadhaffi and set our own troops onto us? >>>>>- meridian, crewe: I asked a mate of mine who is a serving soldier this question and is answer was an unequivical, NO WAY! I don't believe the British people are strong enough to do this though, most of us sit there with a passive indifference to what is happening to this country. Complaining on forums like this is about as militant as we get! Well I voted UKIP. What did you vote? LIB/LAB/CON,,,,,,,,more of the same. Continuing to do the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result = insanity. Come on Barnsley, wake up! What does it take to get you angry? Cameron. "The Government believes that it is in this country's interests to be members of the EU." Brown. " We do not believe a referendum is necessary on the Lisbon Treaty" Cleggover. I love the EU and my pension depends on supporting it. This is our tax that the EU and its subordinate - our government - is squandering on people who have contributed absolutely nothing to our economy nor do they have any historical or blood ties. We owe them nothing. Our government is surely now obligated to put continued membership of the EU to a referendum and the sooner the better. The last few paragraphs of this article state that anyone can't just walk into this country and claim our benefits ..... That may be true , but can they claim " hardship allowance " ?....which could be the same as benefits under another name....! And I have just been fined for late tax returns ..what to keep these immigrants on benefits think I will refuse to pay and go to jail instead Just another way to get more money out of us taxpayers, to give to people who do absolutly nothing to earn it. Do the government really think these people will come here to look for work?? No - They will find a way to fool the system, get money out of our country and contribute nothing! So,british can claim benefits in our country and immigrants in the uk can't? get out of eu than,we are tired of british parasites Spain doesn't obey the EU rules on the vast majority of things and yet receives a lot more money from the piggy bank than the UK When are we going to learn? Wouldnt it be wonderful if the middle class, so hated by any politician of ANY party, could just up stumps and move to a new country and run it themselves and sit back and see how clever Cameron, the EU, the ECHR and all the left wing nutters in Notting Hill were. This country needs a revolution and quite a few heads to roll...literally Stop supplying documents in languages other than English. Insist that claims are filled out by the aplicant in the Jobseekers office in front of the clerk dealing with the application. All claimants should speak and write english, inability to do so should mean that they cannot work in this country so cannot apply for jobseekers allowance or any other benefit. It'll never happen, there isn't a minister or MP with the backbone to suggest it. This country is just being given away to foreigners. Our national pride has gone. I sometimes wonder if we need somebody with the leadership powers of a dictator to put this country back on its feet. Our recent governments do not have a clue. Thats it!!!! I'm 54 and unemployed. I worked 20 years and paid tax into this country. I dont care if I NEVER work again now!!! If this is a EU ruling ,then why can`t you claim unemployment benifits in France. To claim unemployment in France you have had to have a job first then become unemployed, they do not pay unemployment benifit unless you have previously been in work in France. Dont think that call me dave will do anything about this stupidity and boy clegg loves the e.u. as do most of the trough dwellers. The only way out is a revolution so that the will of the people prefails (stupid me thought that was the way so called democracy worked) I thought it was migrants coming from outside the EU that are claiming our benefits and jumping the housing queue? What has this country come too.. We're taxed to the hilt.. Can't afford to run a car any more. There's no jobs. housing problems. 17,000 forces made redundant, with no jobs to go to. But ok to let more immigrants come in and claim benefits. Benefits which even my own family can't get.. I see a riot on camerons & co hands.. Will he let me have a tax rebate... i doubt it.. And this would be one of the reasons I'm out of here as soon as I get my degree and find a suitable job away from this mad country. Everyone else takes what they can get so I'm doing the same. It's okay though because as the country continues to sink, stupid voters can keep voting idiots into power. When will you people wake up and smell the coffee. Why should the public suffer at the hands of nut jobs? I don't see a politician feeding his family with cheap crap food which has no real food value... I don't see them struggling to make ends meet and nor do I see them living in poor conditions like some of us have to. And considering there are no jobs per se, how is anyone expected to better themselves especially if we're giving everything away to every foreigner to hit our shores? Welcome to Britain, where our own people come last. Don't worry, we only pay for it all, but what do we know! A national disgrace. Look after us first Dave and Nick! I'm amazed at how ignorant the majority are on this forum. If you pay in to the system you are entitled to get something back, no matter where you come from. There are a lot of foreign workers over here paying tax to support British free loaders and no doubt foreign free loaders too. Its not just the UK who do this all EU countries do it. If we work abroad, we would be entitled to benefits in these countries too. Stop winging and bitching, its and even playing field. If you dont like it, move to a foreign country, work and claim their benefits . . . . Honestly +shakes head+ It is impossible in France to claim job seekers allowance unless you can speak FLUENT French. The UK needs to be OUT of the EU before it sinks under immigrants LOL - look at them go! The British fatcats paying them 4.0 £ / hour will welcome them ! From what I understand these Eastern Europeans can claim child benefit for their children even if they are not living here, and send the money back to their countries. Yet, British people who live and work abroad cannot claim the same same benefits for their British born children. This is disgraceful discrimination and how much longer are we going to stand for this. It basically means we have all become second class citizens in our own country, we need to boot all those traitors out of Parliament. Elect people who have the British people's best interest at heart, and then leave the European Union with no ifs, buts, or maybe's. So this is why my widowed mother had to exist on a basic state pension? Not powerless, just not willing to leave the EU! Tell them to get stuffed! This is stupid and I am Czech! But the same is happening in my country! People from Romania and other countries are coming to stay because it is so easy to receive benefits! So inviting for them! I came to UK few years ago to study and work and learn english properly. I spent a lot of money on school and tax... Always respected the country's laws and culture... I felt as a guest and that's the way it should be. Unfortunately, I have to say, I am happy to leave UK now as I feel it is time to move on... And to defend my country, there is a tiny number of people from Czech republic in here, our country is beautiful and very well developed... UK should concentrate on people from other countries that come here in huge numbers and use this country for their benefit... with no respect or regard. JUST GET US OUT NOW, ARE YOU LISTINING MR CAMERON This nonsense would never have happened under Maggie, you are a traitor Cameron....- Mark B, London.....Well said.....I totally agree. She had more balls than the whole of this current lot put together. Tens of millions? Try a figure in the billions by the time they've claimed all that's going. Never mind, we can always go the way of the Tories and make everybody pay for everything themselves. Living, health, education etc. And don't think it isn't going that way. Local surgeries turned into businesses with doctors bring in their commercial buddies, the economy being turned over to commercial moguls, and schools doing their own thing. The little tax payer ain't seen nuthin' yet, and isn't Mr. Murdoch doing well thanks to that nice Mr. Hunt. Let's just get out of Europe and throw all illegals out.. . . . . . . We have had enough. . . . We are paying our taxes to every one except the true Brits who should get it. . . . Most British people would vote no to the EU. Cameron knows this, that's why he won't give us a referendum. They call this democracy. The Government should negotiate with the EU that any benefits paid in one country to a citizen of another are reimbursed by the home nation of the claimant. It won't stop claims but at least we would get our money back. I am British living in Greece, if I return I am entitled to..........nothing, though I paid tax and N.I. for forty years. And contrary to common belief we abroad are not all entitled to heating allowance, not that I want it. Still rather be here though. I am convinced the EU is deliberately working against the interest's of British people. We have nothing in common with them, never have and never will. We should be OUT of the EU. I want us to leave the EU. How can I get my MP to lobby parliament on this question. What do we have to do as a people to force this issue through ? We already know that marches don't work. We could all go on strike to make our point ? I think the only way we can do this is to hold our own EU Vote. I am sure there is a way of creating a website where people could register, perhaps using their national Insurance Number as a unique ID & then vote on this issue. Perhaps if parliament was presented with a nationwide vote they would have to take our wishes into account ? A hundred thousand reasons for coming out of the abomination called the European Union. The time has come to vote for a national british party if some one would start one up that is against violence. We have got to stop this insanity asap, we have to get rid of all 3 predictables, who too are insane..This will finally finish this country of ours, the writing has been on the wall for too long..The revolution in the middle east will happen here sooner than many think..Unite, the BNP, UKIP, and the best of the EDL together, to rid us this rubbish in Wetminster.. Nobody in their right mind could ever believe this would happen to Britain, this could only be possible by the gutless emotionless wimps in Wetminster..They have no remorse for our dying nation, because it is they, who have driven the final nail into our coffin..... Actually, they have been entitled to Housing and Council Tax Benefit from day one in this country since 2004 provided they were registered workers, and the only requirement for Child Benefit and Tax Credits is a National Insurance Number. This will only affect JSA , ESA + Income Support.. As for the Habitual Residency Test - it is an absolute joke! The only people it seems to stop from claiming are native brits returning to live in the UK after a period abroad. What utter rubbish. Our so-called govt can do what the hell it likes, just as the French are wont to do. Impose a complete bn on all new non UK born claimants from 1st April, then tell Brussells to go whistle. The sumsequent court case, appeal, counter appeal ect will go on for yearsby which time we will be totally bankrupt an no-one will want to come here. Simples! ...after working for 44 years,i as a british citizen can not get or is entitled to job seekers you tell me how these people are going to get it...they are not...end of! In the event of street protests and civil disorder across Great Britain, would Cameron do a Gadhaffi and set our own troops onto us? That would be a tad risky in my opinion. Those soldiers are our sons, daughters, nephews, nieces, aunties, uncles, mums and dads. Ditto our police force. Over to you David. Isn't it about time that we (the UK), like France told the EU where to stick it? This is appalling when so many sick and disabled people here have been thrown off benefits & some have been driven to suicide as a result. Bob from Brigg: Best laugh I've had all day (although it is only 1pm, and I haven't seen any other news yet) ' leaves Britain powerless to counter the move.' Not quite: if Britain made benefits conditional on a record of contributions for ALL claimants, that would automatically rule out what is now threatened. The issue is to ensure everyone treated the same, whether British citizens or national from other EU countries. 'A spokesman said: '...We have strict rules in place to protect the system from any abuse.' Obviously, that's the warm words and wishful thinking bit; especially when too many of the cases publicised clearly show widespread, systematic abuse by both British and foreign nationals! That apart, the benefits system is out of control and needs to be reformed and reined in and damned quickly!. Recession; what recession. Cut-Backs; what cut-backs, All in it together; what all in it together. As we are haveing a referendam on voteing can we not have a box on the same form to get out of the EU It wiil not cost alot more Sounds about right.....Poor old Europes Barrel, with more and more sediment settling every week. EU? A bureaucratic, legal, and hideously expensive disaster, proof? Ireland and Greece, with, so we are led to believe, Portugal next on the list for bankruptcy...or should that be properly termed, total Brussels control of all the countries finances whether they like it, or not, and, at the EU's set interest rates.....Indeed, some are saying that the EU is deliberately encouraging economies to fail, in order to gain total fiscal control of that host nation, and have such a nation, totally under their control...interesting assumption... This was agreed 7 years ago - what on earth is the problem ? The impact in the UK is going to be a lot less than it will be here in Austria.... For the love of god Cameron please stand up for us! I can't take much more. So we work, pay taxes & NI, do not claim a penny from the State, then we retire and what do we finish up with £102.per week & some do not even get that. makes you proud to be an honest hard working Citizen in GB. Isn't it time the Powers that be got a grip and did what was right for the People of this Country that have given their all to make this a better place. Why is it our Politicians manage to get Gold Plated Pensions when they retire. Where is the land of milk and honey we were promised if we went into the EU? I did not believe it then (early 1970s?). It is a shame we always have to live through about 30 or 40 years of a mistaken policy before that mistake is not only proven but also becomes too big to ignore. Dave etc. are always on about learning history at school, but it seems they themselves learnt nothing from history. BNP BNP BNP - patarazzi, australia, 3/3/2011 11:35................................................I'm sorry, but your on the wrong website. This non-story has nothing to do with Brisbane National Parks. The government could stop this type of thing very easily, with one stroke of a pen, but they won't because they have no leader with guts. The only things that could possibly get us out of the disaster that is the EU and enable us to set our own laws is a massive, it would have to be two million plus, public demo or voting for one of the two main nationalist parties (UKIP/BNP) at any and every opportunity. Tory voters, forget the 'coalition effect', subjugation to the EU is what Cameron and many senior Tories want. Apart from a few strong sounding words and a bit of waffle where's the evidence to the contrary. I had to give up work 7 years ago as I wasn't well enough to commute 5 hours a day. I didn't/couldn't claim JSA or benefits as my husband's supported me since then. Prior to that, I had 31 years of NI contributions and tax from full-time work (I was then single, no kids). Yet if I signed on unemployed today for the last 2 years before I draw a pension (which might be up to £97 a week) I'd get nothing because I've made no contributions in the last 2 years. Much talk of 'fairness' from Lib Dems, Labour and the Conservatives - How the HELL is it fair that a foreigner can turn up and get over TWICE as much as a pensioner with 31 years of paying tax and NI? I love it. "Mr Cameron give us a vote on our membership of the EEC or go now - mr woo , glasgow scotland, 3/3/2011 12:08 ----------We've already had one, when Edward Heath (Conservative) when he was Prime Minister. He took us into Europe and then we had a referendum as to whether or not we wanted to stay, and aApparently we did. - Box ticker, London, 3/3/2011............................NO, that was a referendum on whether we wanted to be in the COMMON MARKET not the EU............Politicians signed up to EU on our behalf.......we have never had a referendum on whether we want to be in EU. Like we dont breed enough of our own lazy dole loving lay abouts..... Lets get out of the EU before its too late Have you realised yet that the same applies for people who leave the uk and go to another eu member state!! stop whinging We should never have joined the EU. So now all my hard earned tax money goes to pay those individuals that have never done a days work or supported this cuuntry in any fashion. We are a JOKE Come on fellow Brits, it's time to rebel and insist we withdraw from the EU! When are we ALL GOING TO TAKE TO THE STREETS ......DEMAND OUR COUNTRY BACK. We MUST get out of the EUSSR. It has almost destroyed the UK - that is the PLAN - TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE UK. Why isn't UKIP getting more support ? Why are people in the UK so stupid that we allow this to happen. When do we start the REVOLUTION - to get us out of this mad-house Animal Farm EUSSR. Just weep - My poor, poor, beloved country - Anne Smith _____________________________________________________________ So what are you doing about it Anne? Apart from spouting off on a website of course when you could be doing something constructive. The Prime Minister. 10 downing Street, London, SW1A 2AA There are about 650 3rd rate halfwits who infest OUR parliament. Everybody should write to the above address and keep writing. It's easier than rioting in the street - anyway, I'm too old for that! I voted UKIP. - daves, chelmsford uk, 03/3/2011 11:48 And so did I, Daves. Many Conservative voters in 2010 were too scared to vote UKIP in case it let Brown in again through the back door. Now there is no excuse to vote for any of the 3 old parties anymore. This coalition is not just unpopular because of the cutbacks, it is unpopular because of their backtracking & inaction on just about everything! In a short period of time, the UK has had Labour, Conservative & LibDems in government. All have shown their total contempt for the British people. Next time, either you waste your vote by not voting at all, or you choose another party. The 4th largest political party will take the UK out of the EU, therefore saving almost £49 million per day. Money to build hospitals, schools, prisons, repair the infrastructure, invest in the armed forces & also return jobs to British workers. But you will have to put your cross in their box first. Almost 1 million of us already did that in 2010. Does this mean that I will be able to claim benifits from the Spanish system seeing as we are all ruled by Europe ? No I didn't think so either - beachboy, calahonda spain, 03/3/2011 12:48 ---------------Actually if you qualify for benefits then yes, it does. If Cameron does'nt do something very soon he will see the worst riots ever to befall this country,with I suspect the full blessing of our disgruntled police force - Oddy, B'Ham, 3/3/2011 11:42..........................................Hilarious. So when the foreign journalists interview the rioters (assuming this hypothetical riot does kick off when someone decides to fight your own sorry plights for you because you're too lazy to do so yourself) about what it is they're rioting about, what will their answer be? 'XYZ,' say the rioters. 'And where did you learn about that?' asks the journalist in his bullet-proof vest. 'It said so in the Daily Mail.'..............In that instance, we really would be the laughing stock of the world. So will we be hearing about this on the BBC? That propaganda machine for the Government and the EU? Which we also have to pay for with the license fee whether we want to watch it or not, and who are quite capable of getting their own funding like the others do. We are being milked and fleeced at every turn. It makes me sick to the stomach. Get us out of the EU NOW! I just want to echo the words of Charles De Gaulle, when he continued to do Britain a favour with his consistent veto of our entry into the common market in 1967, "Non, Non, Non" Cameron can guarantee a second term in office with one very simple act. Give us a voice, by having a referendum on the EU. And the choice should not be a wishy washy multiple choice designed to suck up to the lib dems, but a straightforward choice "IN" or "OUT". To help us make an impassioned choice, I invite the DM to produce a list of the financial advantages and disadvantages of Britain remaining in the EU. I need some help in finding the positive side of the argument. Is THIS why David Clown is making 11,000 servicemen redundant - to give THEIR salaries to Eurics..................? DON'T hand in your uniforms OR your arms, lads......... You know what the next mission is......... Does ANYONE from government ever read this website? If so, they will KNOW what people REALLY think of Camoron, the CONalition, the EU and so much more. Now that they know, what will they do? Absolutely nothing that's what. They just don't care. Simple as that. They care ONLY for themselves and not one jot about any of us. When will we have democracy here Dave? When will you put the people of Britain FIRST? When will we have the MUCH promised EU referendum? When will you get off your backside and actually DO SOMETHING? The other side of the coin is that British immigrants to other countries will be able to claim benefits. Here we go again! D.M. READERS IT'S QUITE SIMPLE - Keep voting and putting your "X" on the Con / Lab / Lib Dem voting paper promising 'change' = Keep getting the same thing and watching your childrens' future and prosperity go down the pan as we hand over our nation's wealth to the dregs of the world .....gratitude or an agreement to be law-abiding by receipients is not even necessary! Why not put your "X" where your mouth / heart is at the next election ? There is an easy solution to the benefits system in our country. Any foreign national wanting to claim, must only be allowed the same as their home country. It would stop all these thousands of immigrants coming here for one thing only...... free housing, free health care, free handouts..... without working one day or paying a penny in tax. OMG. Time for Britain to leave the EU I think. simple vote ukip from here on in. Either take to the streets or get more of the same. Roll on the end of the world !! well i think i'll just get myself pregnant, get a council house and live on benefits for the rest of my days (despite the fact i have been in continual work since 18 years old and paid my dues within this pathetic scrap of an excuse for a country). and they wonder why we are in a recession - GET OUT OF THE EU NOW, AND another reason for voting BNP! Time to take our country back out of the hands of the EU, over the past 13 years a labour government has given all our powers away, you only have to ask why is ENGLAND the only country in britian NOT to have its own parliment or assembly ? English mp's can't vote on matters in scotland, wales, or northern ireland but their mp's can have a say on what happens in England would I be right to call that discremination ? LET'S GET OUT THE EU AND GET THIS DEVALUTION SORTED AND GET THIS COUNTRY GREAT AGAIN...Thinking UKIP could do well next election !!! Just refuse to pay--at least the fine from the EU will be less!!!!!!!! Its no different to any other EU country ... so why all the moaning ? I would like to suggest that PolishBrit (hope I read that right) becomes PolishGerman as quickly as possible or better still PolishPolish. EVERYBODY PLEASE LISTEN....For those of you who wish to vote BNP the next time you go to vote, please PLEASE take a PEN with you. I admit to voting for that party and for the UKIP for my local area and all that was there for the voters were pencils which i think, people rub out and put something different, and that is why the bnp have never won yet.. Remember,, take a pen so your vote cannot be rubbed out. Com'n all you patriotic British nationals get a reality check please. Compare the number of Birtish nationals living on benefits as part of the total population to the number of immigrants who live on benefits. You will find that immigrants do not come to Britain to claim benefits but to make an honest living and return to their countries in few years time. the number of British nationals, though, who live on benefits is ridicolously high. So if you are paying for anything, its for your own people. The lunatics who allowed this law on our behalf are wasting my hard earned taxes..... I am not giving any more until the government act fairly on my behalf. Yes there is a way out of this mess, withdraw from this club which is run by a group of idiots who want to reduce the UK to the level of a third world country. It's time the British people said enough is enough and took to the streets to demonstrate against this rediculous situation. I am in utter despair, will no one in the political establishment do something to save our country from completely going under? Will no one act in the national interest for once? They are coming to take you away ha ha. This country is a shambles all thanks to Labour and I doubt if we will ever regain our pride and democracy again. I know for sure that if I was 30 years younger I wouldn't hesitate to take myself to another country that respects it's citizens instead of the workshy and illegal immigrants that we have here now. Wake up Cameron before the riots start because believe you me, they will, people have just about had enough. - law-abiding citizen, UK not EU, 3/3/2011 11:30................................Yeah yeah, blame Labour once again, but you probably haven't looked into this latest work of utter fiction by the Mail because in your view, that'd require too much effort, and so the best policy is to read the headline alone and set off on aLabour-bashing tour (and I'm not even a Labour supporter). However, I'm pleased to inform you that your comment has a comedy rating of 7 out of 10. A bit of Blair and Brown bashing, along with a few pseudonyms would've increased its funniness a bit. NO Dave, you MUST stop putting other countries and the people of other countries BEFORE your own. Stop being a traitor to this country. Get us OUT of the EU, stop ALL immigration, deport thousands already here and leeching off us. TRY, just TRY to find a backbone somewhere and put a STOP to all this. We MUST get out of the EU and that is just for starters. We used to be GREAT Britain, now we're just a GREAT joke around the world. It is time for a referendum on pulling out of the EU.I would definitely vote yes to that.Come on Mr Cameron give us a vote or face losing the next election. Isn't it about time we got the EU to take on some of our ideas instead of us having to take their nonsense all the time? Unfortunately , this EU dross has been coming here for years. You can see them all lolling about in any town up and down this benighted land. They come here just to get our benefits - they have no intention of doing any work Hardly hear any English people's voices in my town these days - most seem to be from the backwaters of the newEU. If you accept this Britain you are just fools led by a bunch of fools. it would not happen in France!! I am an OAP I get £73 pension per week + NHS nurses' 'generous' pension' of about the same, a total of About £150 per week can I get this upgraded to a migrant's £250 benefit? I have worked all my life and I feel neglected by all governments. Words fail me..... why do I bother to work and pay my taxes!! This si becoming ridiculous, it's about time we left the EU! For goodness sake when will this weak country find it's teeth and say enough is enough. I'm sick of flogging myself doing one full time job and two part time jobs to keep afloat only for it to be paid out to someone whose paid b-all into the system. Is the govenment(and I don't actually care which one)capable of putting it's own people first or is it going to be forever doing it's Euriah Heap impersonation weasling around the great and mighty EU? Speaking of which, when is there going to be justification for their overblown pay and expenses? The French won't pay any social to foreigners until they have worked and can speak the language - bit of a hint about what needs to be done - speaking the language would be a start. what is the point in working anymore, i feel so sorry to our future generations and the mess we have left them ........... The stupid politicians can’t open their eyes wide enough to see that the people have had enough. They only react when they themselves are threatened with losing money and power. Watch this space… This is what Labour signed up to just as it did to bail out other European countries ie Portugal Greece and Spain. When are we going to bail out of this waste of space called the EU, an organisation which we were duped into joining by dangling that carrot - The Common Market, for which I, for one, voted a "NO" in the first place. It really is time to go. We need a referendum or are the Government frightened of what the result would be! - Paul, Leeds UK, 03/3/2011 12:26 ************************************************************************* Paul, Leeds you have said it ALL . I was too young to vote back then . My late Father, and Grandmother , voted NO. WE NEED A REFERENDUM NOW. I'm 52 years old YET have never had the opportunatey to vote on this matter., just like millions of others in my age group, and younger. My God! I can't even weep for my country.It's been sold off as a sattelite to the E.U.Never mind true Brits just work your socks off to keep thiese middle European free loaders in absolute luxury.Revolution any body? You aint seen nothing yet, Turkey and her millions, and the millions waiting on her borders to be part of the EU, will swamp this country, and and be the cause of civil unrest the like of witch this country has not seen before, and the chief Donkey is all for it. Vote for BNP. Get our country back under English rule. It's up to the public to vote outside of the big three. We've had enough of this EU rubbish. Tell them where to stick it I see the call for a referendum on leaving the EU, but I have this sick feeling that even if the vote were to get out, the UK government would probably find they were prohibited from doing so without EU approval. I watch Lebanon, and various other international hotspots, and wonder whether this is what is needed in this country. It seems just voting democratically is no longer effective, as our MPs are either unwilling to go against the EU guidelines, or are unable to. What a sad reflection on 21st century Great Britain. For me this is the last straw. I will never accept an EU policy that does this to our country. Cameron, you are finished !! I million pensioners could be given a £25 per week rise with this money WHATS THE POINT OF WORKING, PEOPLE ON BENEFITS ARE BETTER OFF THAN WORKERS, ITS ALL WRONG. This is such a non-story. The so called "Eastern Europeans" (A-8 nationals) were allowed to claim benefits since 2004 after they have registered with Home Office and had a full-time job for 1 year. The only thing that changes now is that they are not longer required to register. They still need to be in a full-time employment for at least 1 year, pay taxes, have a verifiable address etc. Daily Mail you should be ashamed of yourself for getting people in frenzy. And people commenting on this site should re-direct their hatred towards international financial institutions and businesses who are behind the credit crunch. You are being played by the right-wing propaganda who is financed by these people. Right that's it. Making sure now that my kids emigrate and hope we can eventually follow. What with this ,and the inevitable influx of ME immigrants (s0called refugees-of their own making) after their rioting and who are now starting to flee en- masse to the West, we will soon be over-flowing to more than full. We will in Europe soon be designated to third world status unless we get out of the EU NOW. Maybe, thinking about it, time to buy an uninhabited large island somewhere, and start a new country, anyone else in for it?? A friend of mine, a Brit, having worked & paid tax in France for 33 years fell on hard times (made redundant at 53, hard to get a job), enquired to British authorities if he could come back to the UK and get some benefits while looking for a job. Answer, NO, you are British, you are not entitled to anything. So, he is now thinking of taking Latvian nationality to go back to the UK and claim for everything! Kind of sick, is it not? David cameron shouts about the freedom of people against goverments who dont listen to there people and are un democratic what about the people of the uk we want out of the eu, so lets have a democratic debate for and against and then a vote before we lose our great country for ever,i for one would march to london to demand this we need change any one with me. It just keeps getting worse. This country has been successively destroyed by a parliament of morons. We plainly no longer need parliament, it is not fit for purpose. Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, hopefully the UK next to get freedom and democracy! Why aren't they queueing up to go to the other EU countries? Because our benefits system is riddled with stupidities and run by stupids. If we just made it impossible to claim unless you've worked and paid tax for, say 3 years, then they wouldn't come here us benefits tourists. It might help deal with the home grown scroungers as well. remember to work harder so your taxes can be used to pay more people on benefits, oh and don;t leave your home because if they squat in your home you'll never get them out either!!! welcome to UK don;t you just love it??? But the Department for Work and Pensions insisted that strict rules would remain in place to prevent abuse and stop 'benefit tourism'. What they mean't to say was "strict rules would remain in place for the British citizens to make them third world citizens, but foreigners will be allowed to come here as benefit tourists and claim what they like. We will help them by printing leaflets on how to claim all benefits in all relevent languages, but not in English". Non-Jobcentre trators, all of them. A shiver ran round the cabinet meeting room looking for a spine to run up. Here we go again ..... let's treat the immigrants better than those people who were born in the UK and have worked all their lives paying taxes and national insurance. Time to take the country back people ....... Britain is powerless to fight this decision? Cameron and his useless sidekick should hold a referendum on telling the EU to take a hike and bailing out. They should do it NOW, while there's still time! the govt. is going reduce benefits for UK people cos how else are we going to afford to support eastern europeans...............this is all Labour's fault. and Nick Clegg is too pro europe. how is any of this going to help our country get out of recession? we have to stop doing what the european court says. no other country is so generous/stupid with benefits. we can't afford this. we really can't. In these 'special circumstances' involving new East European EEC citizens there surely cannot be resentment to their receiving basic benefit when not in work. Politically these 'safetynet' concessions are a small price to pay for 'locking-in' former communist states to our western values. We cannot have it all ways and these are after all reciprocal arrangements. The family elders of these citizens went through a dreadful world war in Europe just as ours did - unlike the 'other' dead wood we have 'welcomed in' and supported from the four corners of the earth!! OUT OF THE E.U NOW. So let me get this right. I and many other have worked and paid into the system for over 40 years without getting a penny back ansome foreigner walks into the Coutry and straight away starts taking money without having contributed. The time is approaching when we need to come out of the EU. Gets us out of the EU now,,,, Disgusting that people who have never paid any taxes into this country are allowed to claim benefits.. Sent the lot back, we can hardly pay for our Eduction/NHS/Armed Forces/ OAP's now.... what the hell will it be like in ten years time..... David Cameron your spinless....................GIVE US A VOTE TO GET OUT OF EUROPE............................. Does this mean that I will be able to claim benifits from the Spanish system seeing as we are all ruled by Europe ? No I didn't think so either Enough is enough why cant people come into this country with money and something to offer us like Australia insist on. Soon it will not be worth us ordinary tax payers going to work if we are only paying to keep lazy imigrants who come here for a free ride I only got £64 a week and that ran out after 6 months. Can someone explain to me why anyone of any nationality should receive a penny from the state? - Oflife, Oxford, 3/3/2011 12:21 The state should provide a safety net for any of our citizens who is temporarily out of work or is incapable of working. For most of my adult life I've worked for a living and paid my taxes, but I've been out of work in the past and claimed dole and housing benefit and had no qualms about it. That's all it should be though, a safety net for OUR citizens - it should NOT be a lifestyle choice for idle home-grown chavs NOR a bottomless source of free money, housing etc for all the freeloaders in the world. Simple, no-one draws a penny from our benefits system unless they have paid in. Yes, it IS time to take to the streets and march in protest. Im an ex pat and left the UK for good ten years ago but it makes my blood boil to see what the EU and the UKs toothless government are doing to my fellow countrymen and women. Why do you stand for it, why are you not marching in your millions on London? I'll tell you why because slowly and systematically you have had the life and the will sucked out of you by the EU and successive governments who are only concerned with self promotion. Do you think the French would swallow this? Blackadder's General Melchet was right....'When the chips are down and our backs are against the wall a pig headed refusal to look facts in the face will always see us through'. Not this time, not this time please! I will tell you straight I would rather die than come back to live in the UK. The UK can do something about it. My brother lives in France - the system there is biased for the French. Even if you wanted to work at the local Leisure Centre behind the desk, you would need to take French exams to get a French qualification to do that job. The UK needs to wise up. about time we got out of the EU.... I'm sure it costs us more than the benefits it gives.. He's Quite Happily Destroying this Country of Ours While Brown Nosing the EUroCrats.......! - martin, hant's, 03/3/2011 12:20 I'd vote out tomorrow but to correct one point, Labour have already destoryed it. Most of the rullings we are getting are form Tony and Gordy running up the white flag. Dissapointed that Davey has not pulled it down and run up the union flag. Let us simply tell the EU where to stuff it's rulings. We reap what the politicians have sown! A mass demonstration on the day of the royal wedding would get their attention! the answer is simple...close our borders NOW ...before it costs us billions of pounds more to people who have never contributed a penny to our system... When Europe tell our government to JUMP they ask how HIGH. We need to GET OUT OF EUROPE. In the year 2011 what possible excuse do we have not to stop this? we have BNP we have UKIP. Or do some of you want this? your choice. There will be no jobs, no houses, no pensions, no health service left. for anybody soon. The migrants have bled this country dry. We can't take the whole world into this small country. Why can't they go to underpopulated places like New Zealand and Australia. Grrrrrrrr this has really annoyed is very frustrating To be fair, most people who come from East European or outside of EU are working 2-3 times harder than British people in order to establish themselves in this country. Without their contribution, London's hospitality and service industry is DEAD. We should focus on our own crisis - far too many Brits sit at home watching TV, eating junk food and complaining about government while claiming benefits!!! The current system allows people claim benefit only if they have saving less than 16K. The biggest loophole is, no immigrat will be stupid enough to say they have 16K saved in the bank. The will comfortably saving all their money in the bank in their own county and come into this country claiming benefits from the begining. This is totally unfair, and will be quickly abused by millions of foreigners flooding into this country. I see the UK heading to bankcrupcy due to its own stupidity and mismanagement. I was driven out of work 16 yrs ago, lived on my savings for several years. Then i found that because of the gap I am not entitled to a penny from the state. I even recieved a letter offering me the opportunity to pay £800 per year for 7years to qualify for a state pension. I wrote a letter to the then responsible minister, who more or less told me to get lost. This minister was later found to be employing his 80+ year old mother as a parliamentary assistant during the expenses scandal. If we are going to remain in the EU and be subject to all these EU regulations then maybe all benefits payable across all the EU countires should be standardised. So that no matter where you claim benefits, the value would be the same. is anything left in uk??? "Mr Cameron give us a vote on our membership of the EEC or go now - mr woo , glasgow scotland, 3/3/2011 12:08 ----------We've already had one, when Edward Heath (Conservative) when he was Prime Minister. He took us into Europe and then we had a referendum as to whether or not we wanted to stay, and aApparently we did. No taxation without representation! And no, those MEPs are not representing our interests, they couldn't even if they wanted to as they're a very expensive rubber stamp for whatever the EU commissioners see fit for them to vote on. We want out of the EU and I suggest we have a General Strike until we are given the Referendum we were promised. I voted UKIP too. Even though they got 919,546 votes they received no seats in parliament. While Democratic Unionist Party got 168,216 they received 8 seats. Right... Democracy's so fair. I thought the Lib dems were going to change the voting system... I guess not. The problem a lot of people miss is this: Under EU regulations all EU citizens must be treated the same under the applicable laws/regulations of a country. It is not permissible to apply double standards - one for foreign EU citizens and a different one for UK citizens. Other countries who don't have the same problems with benefits for EU citizens obviously have different rules altogether for eligibility for benefits. In the UK we qualify for benefits as soon as we are out of a job (whether you have ever worked or not). This is the whole reason why we have so many people on the dole who have never worked. If we are allowing UK citizens benefits from day one then we must allow foreign EU citizens the same. If our laws were changed for UK citizens (no benefits until you have paid in contributions for X number of years, then it would be perfectly acceptable to treat EU immigrants the same. This is succesfully done in other contries and can only be advantageous for the UK. It is disgusting, when my partner was made redundant last year, after 6 months he was entitled to nothing because apparently I earn 'too much money', despite him having paid national insurance and tax and working since he was 16.......this country is becoming the Ubend of Europe. Time to change our relationship with Europe......... Time to vote UKIP THERE IS GONNA BE ONE HECK OF A RIOT SOON IN THIS COUNTRY WHEN THE SLEEPING BRITISH BULLDOG WAKES UP I'm starting to feel very trapped and depressed and wondering if my children have a future. Is life worth all this worry? If this is the same rule for all EU countries then wahts the problem, but it isn't. I wouldlike to see a UK peson come to Spain and claim anything from the state if they haven't lived here for at least a year without working. I f they have a job and lose it then Ok. That seems to be the difference.We need a level playing field across Europe. Peoplwill the truly be free to move around in search of work, it must work both ways. god we need another Thatcher You can either have a state safety net, or you can have unlimited immigration. You can't have both, the numbers just don't add up. 3rd world Britain here we come - we may be daft, we may be stupid - but the world will never be able to call us bigots! Labour has enabled us to hold our heads up high, even though we are now on our knees, and broken ....GOOD OLD LABOUR, and now thanks to U-turn Cameron and Part time Clegg we can carry on with this proud tradition - am so glad to be British! absolutley sickening. I dont know how they get away with this. Do they not want the best for their country?? i just dont understand what goes through their mind that this is a good decison CANT WE SAY NO?? THIS ISNT DEMOCRACY!!!! I am one of so hated by Daily Mail crowd Eastern Europeans, living and working in the UK, and what suprises me most in this country is your unhealthy obsession with benefits. You think that the whole world comes to this country to live on benefits or use your NHS( the institution you are so proud of, ha ha). I came to this country 10 years ago and 2 days later I was already working full-time, and I"ve never been out of work ever since, mostly working 6 or 7 days a week. And not Eastern Europeans are to blame for your outdated , ineffective, unfair and too expensive benefits system , but your succesive governments are.Simples! - Eastern European, London, UK, 03/3/2011 Fine speak your point but please don't insult our NHS system which I am sure if you were ill, YOU would use! Currently they are looking after my cancer ridden Father which would have gone into the thousands had I had to pay. Are you telling me you would not call an NHS ambulance if you had a terrible accident????? My own personal experience leads me to believe that many EE's do indeed come here for the 'benefit' advantages. I paid into the sytem since I was 16 (18 years) and when I came back from spending a year abroad, I was unemployed for some time but not entitled to benefits because I hadn't paid my tax for that year. It's not right to blame the immigrants, it's the government who are an absolute disgrace. Unless you take to the streets you will be ignored. i don't think you will so you will be ignored Great Britain has just died. Maybe the National Anthem should be changed to "God save our sad little Britain".....why God? because the numpty politicians will never try to save it! Sounds like we need a REVOLUTION!!! Over throw the Politicians and have a People's Party. Benefits to be claimed ONLY by those who have worked for 1 year and then they can only claim for 1 year (just like the French system). You need to have worked for longer than you claim. As well as immigrants, lets get the deadleg chavs off the dole too. Get people creating small companies, selling services (DIY, cleaning, cooking, gardening, language lessons) to the neighbours if all be it - anything to get people contributing to society. What an utter shambles the EU is. Not a thought for cost, the impact on indigenous peoples, national budgets and so forth. How on earth can any national government work properly in such circumstances ? Stormtrooper said "You're not all disliked, just the ones who DO ONLY COME HERE FOR THE BENEFITS. You say you are working? In which case you pay tax into the system. Its those that pay nothing but take everything we dislike (and also our Government for allowing it). " Agreed in principle but the majority of these tradespeople file minimal profits, pay minimal tax and avoid VAT because most of their revenue is cash in hand whilst deducting all their expenses. The customers may be equal accessories to this fraud but it doesn't change the reality. I know one declaring £8k profit but has a £400k house and a buy to let using self-cert mortgages. There is also a massive leakage of cash to countries of origin which harms the UK economy. The sooner our brainless politicians realise that being in the EU is NOT in the countries best interest the better. And they can claim UK pensions in addition to their own which are higher in many cases than UK pensions are. This whole farce is a total travesty and if the UK is forced to pay these people, then our politicians need to take a close look at the amount we pay the EU and take away the amount we are having to pay non UK citizens. The only other possibility is to come out of the EU -then remove all those EU and non-EU citizens that EU membership has forced us to take in, feed, house and educate - that is the cheaper option and may actually give us our country back Let's get out of the EU, then you will have to find someone else to blame for the bad policies our leaders keep making. It's all too easy for them to blame it all on the EU at the moment, and is probably a major reason why they refuse to get us out, and that even applies to the Conservatives who keep on insisting that they are anti-EU strangely enough. I doubt we will be allowed to have a referendum on it anytime soon. If Cameron is still prepared to send millions in foreign aid to despotic dictators who use it to fund their lavish life styles, then he ain't going be troubled about paying a few million quid of tax payers money to immigrants. David Cameron will never hold a referendum on the EU because he - like all politicians - look to Europe as a very luxurious gravy train if and when he is kicked out of office. Kinnock is an example. He was an abject failure as a politician in this country but went on to amass a fortune in pay and expenses in Brussels. It doesn't matter which party is in power - they are all the same. We could pay off the debt that Brown left us with within a year if we didn't have to hand trillions over to the crooks in Brussels. The only way we will get out of the EU is if we take to the streets and demand it. The way to stop this happening is by changing the benefit system in this country so that only people who have paid tax in this country for five years would be able to claim. This would stop immigrants being able to claim and also a lot of bone idle workshy British layabouts from scrounging off the dole. Mr.Cameron...JUST SAY NO. People in the UK are really starting to hate the EU now and there will be reaction to it if something is not done to stop this madness. Boycotting Made in EU products will help, and boycotting EU holiday resorts outside of the UK will too, but we need Government action...NOW. ONE STEP NEARER TO THE REVOLUTION....... Under the new rules being forced through at the moment the DWP will have the ability to cut benefit if THEY think a person is not making enough effort to find work. This includes missing 'back to work' classes they set up, even if it is to go for a job interview. Looks like they knew this was going to happen and were making the money available. Tell the EU to stuff it, this is our Country and we alone should make the rules that govern it! AM I GLAD my mum and dad brother and myself left back in 1957...because britain is only a pale Shade of itself when i was a kid ..its gone to the migrants some.bloke, england, 3/3/2011 11:38.......So let me get this right....These people will not get a penny in benefits, that then must mean it is not going to cost us one penny for them to stay.....I have never known the government of this country let any illegal die of hunger let alone legals. If they are put in prison or put in detention centres we still have to feed them along with all the other trimmings. There is absolutely no way that 100,000 people can land on our shores and it will not cost us a penny. And even if it was just a penny it is still too much when our own people are going without. This lifeboat is full, we are going to have to pull away and leave those still in the water. These East European migrants are taxpayers in this country. They pay their contributions, so if they fall on hard times they must surely be entitled to benefits just like anyone else.The vast majority return to their home country, so make no demands on the welfare system. It's very different to the case of British immigrants (so-called "ex-pats") in Spain, who sponge off the Spanish health system without having made any contributions, and refuse to learn the language or integrate in society. When is this farce going to end? Its not rocket science. The Government has the ability to deport illegal immigrants but fails to so in any significant number. It also has the ability to ignore the EU when it chooses to do so. The upshot is that while immigrants get favourable treatment the rest of us suffer. Its plain daft and makes no sense. It wouldn't happen anywhere else. Come on Cameron do what we elected you for and get on with it. the e.u is determined to destroy our lovely u.k. if our government refused to cooperate with this ridiculas edict the e.u could do nothing about it.what happend when france banned the burkah all the e.u.did was sabre rattling,nothing was done to france.what we want is another lady thatcher. The question that remains now is is the EU trying to bankrupt Britain forcing us into the EU and to adopt the Euro ? Of course this would fit with New Labour's master treason plan, denying the country a promised referendum and selling out the country under the electorate to the EU. New Labour pushed its own politicans into the EU.. Kinnock, Mandleson, Baroness Ashton (whoever she is?) Cameron has his hands tied by a coalition government of which the Lib-Dems are pro EU. - Thanks to all you who voted Labour and Lib Dem, *YOU* are responsible for this. - aw, surrey, 3/3/2011 11:47..........Cameron could have his hands tied by a daisy chain and the wet, gutless wimp would still not be able to break out of it. You should have all voted UKIP instead of voting for the lesser of two evils. Cameron has no fire in his belly. I do not see the problem here. Like many immigrants they work hard and contribute to the economy of a country. Some of the best workers are from the east of Europe. They are just as entitled to claim benefits as anyone else. It is what social care is about. They pay into the system so can claim. Too many Brits are work shy. Simple solution - The rule should be that EU citizens can claim benefits in any EU country but it is paid at the rates prevalent in their home country. Economic migration would stop overnight TIME FOR A GENERAL STRIKE. The 'Daily Express' has been calling for the electoral reform vote on May 5th t also include a vote on the EU membership of the UK. Despite over 370,000 signing a petition asking for a voice on who actually governs us, Downing Street has responded that membership of the EU is in our best interests, and therefore there will be no referendum on this issue!!! So much for Dave promising to listen to the people! Why are these damned politicians convinced that they know what is right for us? Such arrogance! I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to take to the streets in huge numbers to show we have had enough of our country being destroyed, whilst the politicians aid and abet, or at best look the other way. Well I can think of only two things to stop this problem.. 1. Opt out of the EU 2. Stop all benefits entirely, that way the scroungers who are already living the life of laziness can get off their backsides and earn a wage and those who are planning to come into the UK for the same life will think twice about it. Though I expect not many people will agree with me I think it is time that people earn a wage and get some self respect into their lives. Out of Europe now please...we can't afford any of this club anymore..let's ditch our membership "I work in Greece. You have to have worked and paid your tax and their NI for two years before you can claim benefits and show proof that you have paid your taxes before you get any benefits. The same should apply in the UK - Roy, Worcester England, 3/3/2011 " Roy, what the article does not point out, but is in fact what is happening, is that this is pretty much exactly what the situation will be in the UK as well. It's time we left the EU and before the winging Europhiles say we couldn't survive; well most of the world does very well without it. Norway for instance VOTE UKIP every time you can. I'm from Australia, my grandmother was English and I can't/don't receive any pension/job seeker allowance at all, yet someone from a non Commonwealth Eastern bloc country can?! To say they're cracking down on immigration is a farce, all they're doing is stopped well educated people from outside the EU from coming in while opening the floodgates to any old person from inside it. The UK is being dragged down to the standards of the rest of the EU, which for the most part isn't as prosperous. Things will go from bad to worse. When are we going to bail out of this waste of space called the EU, an organisation which we were duped into joining by dangling that carrot - The Common Market, for which I, for one, voted a "NO" in the first place. It really is time to go. We need a referendum or are the Government frightened of what the result would be! The fourth reich speaks. Time to take our country back, stuff the Middle East, we need revolution here. Can some one with a large calculator work out the cost of 100000 people who can claim up to 250 pounds per week plus health and schooling and all the add on,s and then tell me where the money will come from, thank you What is the point of becoming an MP if you are only going to do as you're told by unelected bureaucrats, if you don't want to govern, resign and let someone else be elected who wants to do their best for this country. When you consider the length of time that Parliament doesn't sit, all of the school holidays, and the number of MPs in Parliament for various debates, says to me that they are not interested in running the country at all. I moved back to the Uk for a short time and had to fill in Habitual Residence Test ,i'm 100% British but i had to prove i had a reason for living there,i was not impressed,no such thing as British any more,whether we like it or not,we are treated as European by our own Government:(( Living in Greece for the last 20 years,unless you have worked and paid in to the NHS system,there are no benefits for Greeks let alone foreigners,no council rebates,no help paying your rent,no child benefit,all we have here,is help from family. So why should foreigners,with no benefits systems in there own country get British benefits? How can anyone vote for other than UKIP? For the sake of our country get a grip.This cannot be right,are my human rights out of order? I cannot afford to continue to pay more and more taxes to fund anyone who has never contributed to the UK in their lives. Exercise your right to protest - Stop the Cuts March 26th London. If you are in a union, check if transport is being laid on. This is your chance to take to the streets. Only one party will get us out of the robbing EU, The British National Party. Guess what, at the next election, the sheep will vote for a mixture of the traitorous big three parties again. What are you going to do about this Mr Cameron ? another kick in the teeth for the weary British Tax paying electorate. The worse thing is that it is widely known that they claim benefit with their real details and also work with forged documents and these are cleaners in hospitals Britain is not powerless to prevent this fiasco. All that is required is for Cameron to offer a referendum to offer us the choice of whether or not we wish to be part of the EU. This would have to be restricted to citizens of the UK and exclude foreign nationals from voting. However, I know only too well that I'm living in fantasy land. This nonsense would never have happened under Maggie, you are a traitor Cameron So basically British workers, who have become ill and unable to work are to be hounded where ever they go, the Government is trying to take our benefits off us... take our DLA off us and leave us penniless and homeless yet the bloody foreigners are to fetched over in the millions and given everything! What kind of incentive is this to our people? Work... that would be good, IF there were any jobs left open to Brits that is!!! NO to the EU It's not just that they live on benefits - Our NHS is crashing down around our ears because of a lack of funds - there is a fundamental lack of housing for OUR OWN PEOPLE never mind those people. Our children (my son is 23) CANNOT GET ONTO THE PROPERTY LADDER - he has also been turned down for council housing because he earns a reasonably decent salary. THIS IS TOTALLY DISGUSTING and the message to Messrs Cameron and Clegg sort it out before we all vote UKIP When I was out of work for 18 months last year for the 1st time in 30 years, I was allowed to claim JSA for 6 months only, after that I got nothing. So despite paying into the system for years when I wanted something back I got very little. Isn't it about time our government stood up and said if you pay nothing in you get nothing out, this means to migrants or people that have lived in this country and scrounged for years. For those hoping that cameron wil get us out of the EU think again hes a europhile at heart. I am just beyond disgusted at the chinless nature of our politicians. We are a people and we have a land - CAN YOU GET THAT SIMPLE IDEA OF NATIONHOOD INTO YOUR TINY POLITICALLY CORRECT HEADS PLEASE. PLEASE! Can someone explain to me why anyone of any nationality should receive a penny from the state? Now I know the meaning of the big society "Get us out of the EU it is costing this country millions that we cannot afford. - Kathleen, Wakefield, West Yorks, 3/3/2011 10:26" Actually the E.U. Annual Budget is around £100 "Billion",.... Then there is aprox' 80% of all Vat collected, (it's an E.U. tax), & the E.U. Levy (tax) on everything we buy that does Not come from member states, (clothes, electricals, etc.), & that is somewhere between another £100-200 Billion...... Total = aprox' ££300 Billion,........ And what do We Get out of the E.U. ?......... Nothing But Grief........... Also,..Davey Boy Wants to Spend ££30 Billion on a So called Fast Rail Link to Brum',......BUT,...... At the Same time He IS TRASHING Our Armed Forces to Save £10-20 Billion, he says we Cant Afford.......... Now,...Do the Maths & you will Quickly come to the Conclusion that "Call me Dave" Has an ATTROCIOUS Sense of Priorities......... He's Quite Happily Destroying this Country of Ours While Brown Nosing the EUroCrats.......! Well well well....... here we go again........... Next they will be after a pound of flesh, from us, to feed the immigrants! Lets get the hell out of EU and get rid of the crazy government! I'm for taking to the streets, worked all my life to look after my family and help build up the country after the war. This government may as well ask us to open our purses and dish out money Willy Nilly! Over my dead body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The UK needs to get OUT of the EU while there are still a few remnants of the UK intact. Otherwise, Britain will have to be spoken of in the past tense. ...migrants...........will no longer have to register if they wish to WORK for a month or more in Britain. The key word is WORK. Surely they can't just come here and register for benefits and all that that entails. stuff the EU, and kick these leaches out. It is so bad that these people can come into our country and claim benefits, when our own are being taken off it and expected to survive on fresh air, where is the justice in that, and we cannot complain about it because if we do we are called racist!! Time to take to the streets and claim back our country form the morons that dictate from over seas. Why arn't our lilly liver government reacting in the same way the did when prisoners where allowed the vote. We have cuts being implemented at every corner yet we will pay millions to these parasites that have our benefit system ready for milking in their sites. Today the Middle East tomorrow Europe, lets follow suit and rise up and rid our country and lives of these blinker idiots that are hell bent on destroying the UK both from within and abroad. An absolute joke, 5 million unemployed, bankrupt and still more migrants. Britain is finished due to pandering to the champagne,leftist,socialists. Nay nay and thrice nay.........we do not want any more immigrants. We are full up. Do something Camoron. YOU PROMISED SOOOOOOOOOOO much but have delivered NOTHING. Things just keep on getting worse and worse . You can't blame anybody else, this is all YOUR mess. Put a stop to it, if you have the guts of course! Get us out of the EU, it's what we all want. you get what you deserve. idiots voted for labour and clowns voted for the tories.heath took us in the eu and wilson kept us in.the great plan is the united states of europe so these migrants are entitiled to everything that the poor brit is entitled reap what you with it or vote for the party that will take you out of the eu.the uk is nothing but a collection of sheep .anyone with sense left years ago This why Cameron is robbing his own people in order to pay for this. Another reason why Great Britain should get out of the EU. How much more does it take to move these Politicians? I'm voting BNP in the future. Dear old Dave!talks big on benefits, then lets another 100,000 in! oh the intelligence! Get out of Europe NOW.. VOTE UKIP NEXT TIME Our Government MUST have the final say, this country is BANKRUPT we cant afford to pay out more money to those that dont contribute in paying taxes, and come here for a FREE ride.. When Will the British people take to the streets and bring this country to a halt? Another LABOUR cock up to add to the long list. This country is the Toilet of Europe. The Past and present governments are to blame they are weak and corrupt. Our Kings and Queens were once the ultimate leaders, they too over the years have become weak with no voice, the present Queen should take control of this country and put the british people first, if not why is she there?? Nothing good will come out of another 100,00 people able and allowed claim and to scam, EU or British it makes no difference any more there is no GREAT in Britain now, if I could leave now I would, but all the other country's have immigration rules they stick too, so welcome to the biggest open prison in the world. I don't blame all the people that come here and scam and claim, the only ones to blame are the leaders of this now crap country. PEOPLE, DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE LEADERS WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME. Doubt the DM will publish this but if they care about democracy or the country they will. A competitor paper (DE) is running a campaign to force government to include Euro referendum in May alongside the political reform proposed changes we're being asked to vote on. If you care enough write to your MP now and demand they support the campaign to have a 'do we stay in or out of europe' question added to the ballot paper. A number of MP's already support it - we're spending £250Million on a political reform vote to it's a very cost effective way of getting the more important issue of European membership sorted once and for all. It's a bigger threat and drain on our resources than any other. So if you care get onto your MP now and ensure they support democracy. time to leave the eu and if cameron wont listen to the people who pay his salary perhaps its time for the people of this country to stand up and be counted we need another general election instead of the one for electoral reformon 5th may. disgruntled gran You are going to have to accept CAMEROON WILL NEVER GIVE A REFERENDUM ON THE EU. Even if it costs the tory/lib the next election. The man is EU, through and through. Thought they already did - I guess my town is no different from most others and all day every day there are more of these EU dross hanging round all day in coffee bars, or street drinking with no work and no intention of doing anything except bum off our benefit system. More foreign voices than English ones now on our local buses, in our shops and elsewhere... I think it is nearly time for the people of this Country to stand up for themselves and this, their own Country. What is the point in paying tax on so many things, and paying their taxes i it is given away to foreigners that have absolutely no interest in this Country except its "hand-outs? What on earth are we paying British Politicians for when they too have to obey foreign EU Ruling? The people have never agreed to the giving of British Sovereignty (authority) to foreigners. I wouldn't trust them to hold a referendum Anymore because the stakes are too high for them to lose. And the people would never be allowed to win. I no longer trust any Politician any more. Even the Census paper with its extra intrusive questions come from the EU, and is written in the EU Journal of 13th 8.2008, page L 218/14. Our Government have known since 2008 yet have not had the GUTS to tell us the truth. Do YOU trust them anymore? No Englishman voted for this. RESIGN FROM THE EU NOW! If somebody organised a mass protest outside Westminster to demand we got out of the EU and stop this madness, I would be willing to go even although it would not be easy for me to do this. I am sick to death of seeing the state this country has become because of the refusal of the leaders to get us out of the EU, as if our membership is set in stone. It is not. They are continuing in it for their own ends and not for our benefit. It is a tragedy unfolding before our eyes and we appear to be powerless to do anything about it. Treason on a mass scale been committed by what they have done in giving away our Sovereignty to an unelected Marxist Dictatorship in Brussels and never consulted the people. No way should we allow any more migrants and their dependants from the poor EU countries in when we don't even need them, or give them all this money as well when we are cut to the bone on our resources and the UK people are going without themselves. Can someone please get us out of this awful EU..... Please Please Please vote UKIP (I voted for the Torise last time, But never again... We allow anyone in and they can claim all the benefits they want, they must think it's paradise to come and live here in Britain and get the handouts they want, then when we want something, you try and get it. What's up with this country? Why can't they look after their own first? We then allow the EU to DICTATE all our rules and regulations from people who are unelected by this country - ridiculous. And we're paying for them all on their gravy train. Just think of the billions of pounds that could go towards hospitals etc etc, wouldn't need to be cuts then. No one else abides by the rules so why is it that Britain is the only country that does. Get us out of the EU now! "Britain powerless to counter the move"? Absolute rubbish. All it would take is someone in the government with the balls to say NO to the EU!!!!! The sooner we get out of the EU the better off we will be. As they have been unable to get their accounts "signed off" for many years they are obviously corrupt to the core so we should be no part of it. I hate to say this , people , but you all had the chance to vote UKIP and BNP . Eastern Europeans and Asylum Seekers are coming here with not one penny to their name because they know the British taxpayer will house and feed them, we desperately need a Government that puts The British People and THEIR beloved islands before foreigners human rights, and EU legislation. Why have the eu not disolved the english government. they do everything else to ruin us partly, they can do it completely by getting rid of the gov; while they are at it why do we have to subsidise the welsh scotish and irish parliments and people when they do not pay anything back to this broken country,. Daily Mail ,please start a petition now to hand in to No 10 Downing street demanding a vote on getting us out of the EU.You can read the majority of comments on here as well as I can, Do it now please ,lets take our coutry back from the hands of the EU. Eastern European, London, UK, 03/3/2011 11:31 Try and show a little humility and respect for your hosts - rather than just spouting off a venomous assault on the people who have accepted you to their country. Instead, you should try and understand how we work and what has happened to our country in the last 13 years - then you might, just might, understand where we are coming from. If you don't like us then please leave. We shall fight them on the beaches...... No good just moaning about it, actions speak louder than words. Leave the EU. Now. Dave Cameron; How many more time do I (and others) have to say this...QUIT THE DREADFUL EU! Give us the promised referendum! LISTEN to the people that you were elected to represent. Show just a little bit of backbone and IGNORE the 'human rights brigades' and the 'pc crowds'. On leaving the EU, our balance of payments with the remaining EU will IMPROVE, trade WILL CONTINUE (these other countries will still want to sell us their wares), we will bve able to control immigration, we will be able to give benefits only after the claimant has worked for a period and paid taxes, we will be able to work to UK laws again, we will not have to support vast armies of EU beaurocrats, etc, etc. Wonderful, an immigrant worker can claim up to £250 PER WEEK! not having paid into the system, or only paying for a few months, ands a poor OAP, having paid in all their lives, and in many cases having fought for their country, have to struggle on less than £100 PER WEEK! One word DISGUSTING!!!!!!! I spend a lot of time in other European countries and believe me I would get NOTHING if I tried to get benefits in any of them Uk Dumber than dumb as usual They think we are a joke JJ I agree its time we stood up to the EU, yes some come from these countries and do work and pay taxes, but many many more, come to the UK because we are a easy target for claiming benefits, I am a tax payer and I object to letting these people come here and claim benefits while I might lose my job because of all the cut backs. Just how much more do we take from the EU before we do something about it. No longer is this a green and pleasant land. Why isn't UKIP getting more support ? Why are people in the UK so stupid that we allow this to happen. When do we start the REVOLUTION - to get us out of this mad-house Animal Farm EUSSR. Just weep - My poor, poor, beloved country - Anne Smith, Grey & Sad & Weary UK, 03/3/2011 11:50 UKIP are just as useless, they have more than enough greedy MPs dipping into the EU pocket, have a look at the official figures for the time they spend 'working' compared to what they claim for........sorry but it's time for the BNP, it's time to take our country back. For people commenting negitively on yet anoher E.U Directive it's too late. You all had the chance to use democracy in the last General Election and vote for UKIP if you do not like the UK being a member of th EU. Your only options now are to"Lump It" or join all the Brits in Spain remembering here in Spain the government only abides by E.U. regulations that it favours and disregards the rest. Try getting any benefits here! although you can smoke any where you like. It's like a form of genocide. They can ignore us as we are "just" British. Enough is enough. Time to stop complaining and start acting. I will only vote UKIP from now on. May God Help Us All... I have nothing against EU workers, most of them work hard and are friendly, but British born workers must be put FIRST, SECOND & THIRD otherwise we will see cultural and social breakdown on a massive scale....... British born workers must be put first!!!!! Yes, well we've only ourselves to blame! If the benefits weren't so generous, then they wouldn't be flocking here would they? What about the immigrants from the third world countries who come here by the millions claiming political asylum? They get access to benefits as soon as they step on British soil, then they invite their large families over to join them here, I suppose EU immigrants are only going to be entitled to the same rules of getting benefits as the others, so that there is no discrimination by having to wait 12 months before they are allowed to claim. By all means, let's get out of the EU, it won't stop the third world citizens from queuing up to get in here though, there are many conflicts going on at present to ensure that. The government will continue to do as they see fit and let them all in on the false basis that they will be good for the economy of this country. They should simply stop making it so attractive to come here in the first place! Bring them all! Plenty of room! Can the last one out make sure the lights are off please? Mr Cameron give us a vote on our membership of the EEC or go now I see all the BNP and UKIP nutters are out in force today. These people are seriously deluded if they think that wasting a vote on these so-called parties will change anything. You might as well waste your vote by voting for the Monster Raving Loonies. In fact, they're not so very different. "What really makes my blood boil is that only now will Germany and Austria are opening their job markets to the new members of THEIR beloved EU. Yet we have suffered from overwhelmed local services and a problems with housing for seven years due to mass immigration?"-- Harken, European Dictatorship, 03/3/2011 -------------------------- The UK had the option to restrict immigration from the new member states too, but the CBI lobbied for cheap labour (and still are). One day after... 100,000 over 75's still working (mostly English I suspect).... makes you proud! Its only a problem if you're skint. Where as me im paid very well along with partner! Happy days! - Anthony, Halifax, 3/3/2011 11:16 That could all change within a day...Let's hope it does you selfish man. One of the major reasons I left England was the EU. Britain never needed to join it and should get out now and tell the EU to stuff their stupid laws. britain unite, britain b strong ,B.N.P..u know it makes sense.. now its our turn Aren't we a generous country eh; lets look after all the immigrants but sod the rest of us. My husband has had years of illness nearly died a few times but because he can peel a carrot gets knack all apart from £180 a month and I work my socks off so my taxes can encourage more anad more scroungers into the country, I love Britain!! Damien Green's plan to reduce immigration to 'the tens of thousands' is just a lie. We cannot control immigration from the EU so we have a limitless flood from the member states and tens of thousands from outside the EU. All this at a time when unemployment is soaring and almost a million young people are out of work and with no future. I am sick of being milked through my tax to pay for so many people who contribute nothing. I'd love to have some to spare to help my own family. Cameron never intended to control immigration, despite his pre-election promises, and he's promoting Turkey joining the EU! A recipe for disaster for the UK. Can anyone give advice which Country is best to emmigrate to?I simply have had enough!! this makes my blood boil!!British have to let this useless government know how we feel!!Marches anyone ?any suggestions ?!and lets face it theres more waiting to arrive in Britain, which we will be contributing to !! This is immoral and verging on fraud. Most of these people have not paid into the welfare system (like most of us have) - yet they come here to feed off it. How low is the EU and its cohorts going to be allowed to stoop before something is done about their illegal and auocratic law making. I hope the europhiles are watching what is happening in the middle east (and to a certain extent in Greece) and taking note. This mad and nasty eu experiment will end in tears - mark my words! Words almost fail me. Where are our politicians when we need them? Utterly useless, every one of them. One day the British public will wake up instead of being more interested in Coronation Street/Eastenders.They vote for the three main parties and then moan. This new lot in power are no different from the last lot.We're giving billions in foreign aid and allowing hundreds of thousands of immigrants in.Those people coming in are very poor and yet the public wonder why 1 in 5 children are living here in poverty.Our hospitals are clogged up, roads jammed, housing shortage, Still WHO CARES, the country has already gone down the plug hole.The country is full up and we're broke.We need to urgently get out of the EU. But the Department for Work and Pensions insisted that strict rules would remain in place to prevent abuse and stop 'benefit tourism' LIKE THEY STOP THAT NOW???!!! Britain isn`t powerless to stop the move! All we have to do is leave the EU, tell them to get stuffed, reclaim our sovereignty & make claiming benefits dependant on having had gainfull employment in the UK for at least 20 years. I commend the idea to the house. We need democracy in the UK. How can these handouts be more than the amount a pensioner is expected to live on?! Hell will freeze over before "Call-Me-Dave" grows a backbone and defies an EU ruling! Our benefits system and lack of oomph when treated badly means we are Father Christmas to EU member states. The other countries must be so relieved that we are so stupid, and will never do anything to alleviate the problem for us. So - please can we vote. I don't care what alleged benefits the EU gives us - we must be losing more than we gain. Out now. Bring back pounds and ounces, bent bananas and scrap cushy human rights for murderers and paedophiles. You get outraged at this yet fail to be outraged at the money flying straight out of this country to Eastern Europen states in tax credits and child benefit. I mean this is happening right now. Lets be honest we don't even know if the kids exist. I am truely depressed now how did we ever end up in this dire mess! GET OUT OF THE EUSSR NOW! Right Cameron, you've spent a week talking tough to a failing dictator. Now's the time to put up or shut up to another failing dictatorship, the EU, show us you're not just another soundbite politician by telling the EU to go to hell. You may actually regain some of the respect that you lost when you compromised your principals for the whiff of power. If you don't have the power to ignore this EU edict then you and your government are of absolutely no use to the British people and Wasteminster will be exposed for the sham that most of us suspect it is. If the EU is in controll then all 650 of the self serving trough dwellers may as well be sent back to the sewers from whence they came. Don’t know why people are bothering over this, just because we are sitting with record un-employment, our health services are collapsing, education is going downhill rapidly, no council rented accommodation is available, and the country is heading for a horrendous recession when un-employment will rise to unimaginable heard of levels, but our Prime Minister is obliviously not too concerned, so let them all come and claim benefits, as I’m sure our politicians know best. God help us can you imagine our country in a few years. One consolation however is that the country will be bankrupt by then and in so much of a mess no one will want to immigrate here or have I got it wrong? this is got to be a joke .these people will take us for every penny they can get.its got to stop vote for e BNP government A man who came over to England as an immigrant then had his "third" child here and claims all benefits under the son told someone in my family that he did not work because he "wanted" to spend time with his children!!!!!!!!! Laughable - my husband and I who are breaking even with our finances would like to spend more time with our children. Someone save us from this INSANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great!!. It is obvious to anyone with foresight that the Social Security system is heading for meltdown. The increased number of Benefit immigrants who will be attracted by this, the substantial number of our own legitimate citizens who choose not to work and the blatant unchecked fraud that is going on will ensure that honest workers will have to give up more of their hard earned cash to keep it afloat. Bring them all on it will ensure that we will have to adopt a system whereby you will only get paid if you work or have worked. Can't wait for it, as reading about all the disgraceful behaviour of the abusers and our witless politicians is doing nothing for my blood pressure or hard earned wealth. squatters, spongers...i predict a riot This country is doomed. RIP UK. My pension after twenty years of paying tax and insurance is £45 00 per week!( I lived abroad the other twenty years) What a disgrace this country is .I advise my children to leave ASAP so immigrnts can only work hard and pay taxes but they will not be entitled to benefits.....who will get this taxes then lazy brits......this country is getting crazy The idea is that they come here to work. No work, no stay! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! i predict a riot "But the Department for Work and Pensions insisted that strict rules would remain in place to prevent abuse and stop 'benefit tourism'. You just know that statement is lie. The British Government, Ruthless with the British taxpayer, spineless with the EU. Just received my Northumbrian Water bill for the coming year........An increase of 9%, fortunately I can afford the extra but how many other people can't and how many of these people will be getting no pay rise this year, still as long as we can continue to provide overseas aid and more money for immigrants and asylum seekers thats all that matters isn't it. Pentioners who fought for this Country get less than 100 pounds a week but east eurpeans who never put in days work can claim upto 250 pounds a week,I am lost, This is like pushing the self destruction button, I never wanted to, but finally I know we have to leave the EU and regain our sovereignty. I feel like I am being robbed. Just another kick in the teeth for the UK from the Brussels Gauleiters,Britons have to pay taxes all their working lives to to 'qualify' for their right to these benefits and have to watch thousands of foreign freeloaders get such 'rights' without contributing in any way thanks to gutless politicians who while accepting these dictats flatly refuse to grant British expats in Canada,(through the same EU courts) their right to a full state pension and no linked benefits whatsoever RIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When are we ALL GOING TO TAKE TO THE STREETS ......DEMAND OUR COUNTRY BACK. We MUST get out of the EUSSR. It has almost destroyed the UK - that is the PLAN - TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE UK. Why isn't UKIP getting more support ? Why are people in the UK so stupid that we allow this to happen? Anne Smith, Grey & Sad & Weary UK, 03/3/2011 11:50 Hi Anne, it's because not everyone believes all they read in the Daily Mail. In a recent poll, 48% claimed they would vote for non-violent right wing parties. Maybe now that has gone up somewhat ?? I am so glad I no longer live in the UK, when is the country going to stand up for itself and stop the EU imposing ridiculous legistlation on them. Look you stupid people we are the NWO . Do as your told. BAA BAA Get some backbone Cameroon or the people will show how,its not just the middle east that is fed up Now is the time to get out of the EU and send these migrants back home or to Germany & Austria if they really want them. Enough of this namby pamby left wing tosh, it is time for middle England to fight to make this country a proud nation once more. Being in the EU is obviously a liability now, there cannot be any profitable reason (apart from benefiting the fat cat rich) why we should remain in this power hungry 4th reich. I wonder what would happen if we all decided to leave the UK (all the people who have always worked rather) where would the money come from then to support these people? It must be reaching a stage whereby there are more people in receipt of benefits than there are people working. Have we not reached saturation point yet? I always thought policitians were intelligent people???? When are we going to have someone with some backbone and the desire to fight for this country? Come on Cameron, tell us what you CAN do not what you can't. The country wants out, either the EU go or you will. I get more despondent every day. If I didn't have family over here that needed me I would leave this god forsaken country. The only thing our politicians really care about is lining their own pockets before they get voted out. We, the UK citizens should strike over many things our so called government inflict upon us, high fuel duties, increased VAT, raising the retirement age, giving our taxes away in benefits however, but we are far too British to do so. Its totally unbeleivable how we let ourselves get here, we should have risen against the government a long time ago. The HRT does not prevent migrants from claiming British State benefits. It is not difficult to qualify through the HRT interview. I can also confirm that English people are usually denied access to JSA benefits for one reason of another despite having paid the National Insurance. BRITAIN IS POWERLESS, AND WORSE STILL SPINELESS ! ! ! HOW LONG BEFORE WE ARE PAID IN EUROES ? ? ? This is such a non-story. The so called "Eastern Europeans" (A-8 nationals) were allowed to claim benefits since 2004 after they have registered with Home Office and had a full-time job for 1 year. The only thing that changes now is that they are not longer required to register. They still need to be in a full-time employment for at least 1 year, pay taxes, have a verifiable address etc. Daily Mail you should be ashamed of yourself for getting people in frenzy. And people commenting on this site should re-direct their hatred towards international financial institutions and businesses who are behind the credit crunch. You are being played by the right-wing propaganda who is financed by these people. Interesting comment re other eu countries where you need to work 5 yrs for benefits However pushover UK only one week . Can we go and free load in Sweden now ?? STRAW was responsible BUT NOW CONDEM ALL TALK NO ACTION CLUELESS \HOPELESS \GUTLESS A complete JOKE as nothing will happen as with all their hot air Can we not tell brussels to get stuffed for that is what is happening to this country well and truly , David Cameron nor those bloody politicians who kow down to the eu don't even listen to the people of this country let alone read comments in the papers and not just the DM , I am heartily sick and tired of having my taxes used for scroungers , idle workshy men and women paying benefits to children that have children , and the pigs in the trough mp's here and in Brussels, and what a pity we are so tolerant towards this parliment and it's unfair laws perhaps a taste of egypt ,is needed here and I shall be voting BNP at the next election for sure. For gods sake Cameron wake up and smell the manure that Brussels is sending us into. and get some backbone We would manage our own country without the EU we have in the past and would do so again.. Soft, soft, soft Britain! I am an immigrant, and I've been always amazed how easy to get British benefits! Who wouldn't want to live here? I hate to say this as immigrant, but British people need to take their country back! - Sam, London, UK, 3/3/2011 11:31=========================We know how easy it is to get benefits if you're an immigrant but if you're born and bred here you have very little chance indeed. When we read and hear continually about this but are unable to do anything about it, how do you think that makes us feel? I work in Greece. You have to have worked and paid your tax and their NI for two years before you can claim benefits and show proof that you have paid your taxes before you get any benefits. The same should apply in the UK - Roy, Worcester England, 3/3/2011 12:23 Correct... It's called IKA and it's the Devil's own job to prize anything out of the Greek system; they got it right, the UK shoudl do the same. It's time to support the BNP and get out of this union which is totally destroying us. I think its about time voting was made compulsory with a none of the above space to put your cross in then we just might get a government that listens to the electorate and does something we all want .look its own people. The whole benefits situation has been rudely bought home to me in the last week. My husband and I have worked all our adult lifes and are now retired trying to eke out an existence on the meagre state pension. Our youngest daughter has worked since before she left school, went to university, married and had a child last year. She has had to return to work as she could not survive on her husbands wage alone. Now heres the rub, our elder daughter hasn't worked in over 9 years, has 2 children by different fathers, never married either of them and has just split from the latest one. She has managed to get a house costing £900 a month to rent that she will only have to pay £100 for, Tax Credits totalling almost £190 per week, (how, when she doesn't pay tax?), and income support for herself. This does not include her Child Benefits of course. This is equivalant to her earning £20,000+( which is incidentally the amount that her hard working sister earns). It's a kick in the teeth isn't it it is time to come out of EC now sooner than later ..... England should also charge road tax for foriegn vehicles on a daily rate this would stop the scam of insuring vehicles abroad and paying no road tax here whatsoever as then it would be cheaper for them to tax and insure in england if they live and work here ......a friend had to pay £815 road tax for 2 and a half days road use for his truck in Switzerland as they charge by the kilometer..Just think how many foreign trucks/cars use our roads for free. France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Germany, Austria and Swiss to name a few all charge for using their highways even Poland charges by the day to use their roads. Now please someone tell me where is the BRITISH sense of fair play its time to charge them for the use and upkeep of the highways system as they charge us to use their highways. All British Road Tax Payers are subsidising foriegn hauliers at the expense of our own hauliers. It's time we adopt a benefits program to what the US does between states. if you move to another state you are only entitled to the amount of benefits that you home state pays. So say you move from Utah to California you are only entitled to $82/week instead of $200/week. This would result in Spanairds receiving only the same number of pounds per week as they would have received if they had remained in spain and for the same limitation of the length. In Spain they only recieve Jobseeker for 6 months. And what? I am Hungarian and have lived in the UK - working 'over' full time continiously and never claimed a penny. Although I see many British people being lazy and not wanting to work hard. You people are so comfortable, that you get to choose what sort of job you want to accept, if that doesn't come up - because YOU chose to learn a trade that is not a necessity in society, you prefer sitting at home and just live on benefits, draining your own country! In Hungary (and most Eastern European countries) you would be living on the streets with this behaviour!!!! PS: What did the British Empire do for hundreds of years? They were draining other countries... Which is true. When are we ALL GOING TO TAKE TO THE STREETS ......DEMAND OUR COUNTRY BACK. We MUST get out of the EUSSR. It has almost destroyed the UK - that is the PLAN - TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE UK. Why isn't UKIP getting more support ? Why are people in the UK so stupid that we allow this to happen. When do we start the REVOLUTION - to get us out of this mad-house Animal Farm EUSSR. Just weep - My poor, poor, beloved country My small rural town in Dorset is about to lose its library which is very well used, particularly by the elderly, many of who do not have cars and who have paid their Council Tax etc for years. The loss of our library will be devastating and the news that Eastern Europeans can come here, work a few weeks then claim benefits at a cost of miullions is salt in the wound of every rural town and village losing its library. It's morally wrong - like much of the EU and in future I'll vote for ANY party, no matter how right wing, that promises to get us out of the EU and if enough people do the same, perhaps the main parties will take action. What really makes my blood boil is that only now will Germany and Austria are opening their job markets to the new members of THEIR beloved EU. Yet we have suffered from overwhelmed local services and a problems with housing for seven years due to mass immigration? How dare these countries not fulfill their obligations while trying to tell us what we must do. Time for the referendum and to leave this disgraceful, unmanaged debacle of a so called union! Get us out of the EU now I am one of so hated by Daily Mail crowd Eastern Europeans, living and working in the UK, and what suprises me most in this country is your unhealthy obsession with benefits. You think that the whole world comes to this country to live on benefits or use your NHS( the institution you are so proud of, ha ha). I came to this country 10 years ago and 2 days later I was already working full-time, and I"ve never been out of work ever since, mostly working 6 or 7 days a week. And not Eastern Europeans are to blame for your outdated , ineffective, unfair and too expensive benefits system , but your succesive governments are.Simples! - Eastern European, London, UK, 03/3/2011 11:31========================You're not all disliked, just the ones who DO ONLY COME HERE FOR THE BENEFITS. You say you are working? In which case you pay tax into the system. Its those that pay nothing but take everything we dislike (and also our Government for allowing it). . . I voted UKIP. DM has already covered stories of new to comers to the UK being given housing and allowed to claum job seekers allowance, without ever working, the whole thing is out of control. We have two choices. Get out of the EU or tell them to stick their silly immigration rules where the sun don't shine. They will huff and puff but I think we will find that the majority in France, Holland, Germany, Sweden, Denmark et al will agree with us Isn't it bad enough paying out for British scroungers, without now handing OUR HARD EARNED MONEY (couldn't help but shout then) out to foreigners. Something tells me Britain is going to disappear and hard earning Brits are going to end up emigrating themselves. Actually, lets do that then WHERE will these scroungers their free money from, if no one is here to supplement them? The question that remains now is is the EU trying to bankrupt Britain forcing us into the EU and to adopt the Euro ? Of course this would fit with New Labour's master treason plan, denying the country a promised referendum and selling out the country under the electorate to the EU. New Labour pushed its own politicans into the EU.. Kinnock, Mandleson, Baroness Ashton (whoever she is?) Cameron has his hands tied by a coalition government of which the Lib-Dems are pro EU. - Thanks to all you who voted Labour and Lib Dem, *YOU* are responsible for this. Please can we come out of the EU before they all bleed us dry? The Welfare Reform will clear the decks of UK claimants so that we can let the incomers claim. Why the hell are we still allowing the EU to tell us what we can and cannot do? No wonder they all want to come to the UK. Our Benefits policy will soon be......UK applicants need not apply, Immegrant applications welcome!! Why are we so embarrassingly weak and useless over this? GET US OUT OUT OUT OF THE EU NOW CAMERON. There is no other choice. GET US OUT!! Unelected people in Brussels, unelected people in Downing St and we, the poor muggins British population, stuck in the middle. The Tory party is responsible for our being in Europe in the first place. Come on spineless Dave, get us out. Now we know how he finds it so easy to do soooo many U TURNS, he has no spine whatsoever. You promised us an EU referendum...when may we expect that please? Your stay in Downing St will be short, but NOT sweet, so try to make it memorable by doing JUST ONE USEFUL thing Cameron. You are a disgrace. I do tire of this but I will say it once more.....this pontificating is pointless. We are ruled by the EU and our UK Government is rendered impotent as a result. Get used to it as all is lost. Does this work both ways. So am I to assume, that if I want to move to Europe to try & find work - and then find myself unemployed I will be entitled to all these benefits as well?? I doubt it. is it really possible that this spineless government (and the one before) do not realise what harm the EU is causing us? on top of the £11000 a minute we give to that corrupt institution we now have to give benefits to these people who flee their own corrupt countries We're full and were broke and the EU morons want to load us with more immigrants. The EU has almost destroyed the UK. Don't our moronic MPs think a Trillion in debt is enough. Maybe we should get rid of the Police and RAF entirely so we can give the money to foreign criminals, I mean spongers. Looks like the majority on here want to leave the EU, well you better get on a plane and go because it will never happen, even the people you put in power have no inclination to leave. They tell you one thing and do another, the next step I hope is that we join the euro, that is the future. Dinosaurs are extinct because the could not keep up. What on earth does it mean ' It leaves Britain Powerless to Refuse'? Just refuse access unless they can prove they have a UK sponser and a job that can't be filled by a UK citizen. How many more times are Europe going to kick the UK in the face, just for us to role over to get our belly tickled? It's obvious that Clueless Cameron and Clawless Cleg can't or won't lead us out of the EU, so just play the same game as Germany and France and only enforce the laws we want, and to hell with the rest. GET OUT OF THE EU BEFORE IT DESTROYS THE UK. Any MP who is not inflamed by this should resign. The Royal Family should stop it. happening for heavens sake in stead of standing back and doing nothing. Our Fathers and past members of families of WW1 and WW2 didnt give up their lives defending their homeland for this to happen. Listen to DCs interview on youtube and you will get the answer for it. He reaffirmed that his government has no plans to leave the EU, end of story I guess. He never once mentioned about immigration from EU while he was campaigning last year nor does he mention that even now. Nothing much can be expected. I can't understand this.I went to Hungary to work,unlike in Britain where if you can't speak the language perfectly you have no chance of a job even if like me you have a skill that is sadly lacking in the country.I couldn't find anyone to employ me even stacking shelves in supermarkets so i enquired about benefits.No chance,zilch,zero,you have to be working full time & paying tax for two yrs to claim anything.So why is the same EU laws not applicable in Britain for migrant workers?I returned to the UK,signed on & tried to claim rent payment too,by the time i recieved benefit(6 wks) i was homeless & severely in debt.Maybe i should have pretended to not speak the lingo,claim to have several children,with no proof of their existence,& undoubtedly the benefits office would have pulled out all the stops to provide me with everything i could need. Oh the joy of being in the EU, but what do they do for us? Mike King Thailand. When it kicks off, or Catch something, youll be back to mummy. UK in debt to the tune of £4 trillion (£4,000bn), according to data released in 2010 by the Office for National Satistics - £65,000 for each of us. National Debt INTEREST PAYMENTS alone will climb to £73.8bn by 2014/15, Institute for Fiscal Studies calculations. CUTS…More than 50,000 jobs are disappearing from the NHS, according to freedom of information responses, due to cuts by local health trusts struggling to save £20bn from their budgets. CUTS…fund for 21,000 people with severe disabilities cut by 2015. CUTS…The £359m Independent Living Fund (for carers so disabled can live at home and not in a care home) CUT CUTS… almost one million jobs lost in the UK because of government cuts in public spending… CUTS tuition fees treble and now THIS?! SOMEONE PLEASE ORGANISE A PROTEST TO LET THE GOVERNMENT KNOW WE WANT OUT OF THE EU NOW... I'll be there, GREEN ARRW IF U WISH 2 B THERE It is an outright untruth for Green to say they are "bringing immigration down to tens of thousands". They are bringing NET immigration for SOME non-EU routes down to that figure. GROSS immigration from all EU and non-EU routes will still be of the order of 500,000 a year. Half a million. DM - don't let him get away with that untruth. Good grief its getting worse day by day. it all must be stopped .we canot afford it any more .the government is spineless and pathetic .for not standing up for this country.and its own people It's total nonsense that checks are adequate. HMRC are busy cutting like crazy the people who check on tax credit fraud (I have a close friend who recently had her job disappear). Here's the deal: East Europeans come over, they register one child at school and on tax credit system. Single dad brings kid from Poland, no alarm bells? Maybe the mother comes too (briefly). Registers the kid at school, gets paperwork. (The kids don't actually have to attend - only 1 in 100 is checked, because of staff shortages). Once ONE kid is on the system, others can be added without checks. So single dad gets five kids worth of tax credits while mum & the kids live it up at home. You couldn't make it up. Having said that the figures show that the largest immigration issue is still with immigrants from Africa and South Asia where there's a post-colonial culture of 'entitlement' to handouts. (When was the last time you heard of an unemployed Chinese person? You just don't!). Ridiculous. Time this government showed us what it is made of. No more tough talking, we want to see what you can do, get us out of the EU or tell the EU where to get off. This by even the slightest applicartion of common sense is plainly wrong. We are a island and there are only so many tax payers,We can't sustain more people taking out than putting into the pot.If Cameron does'nt do something very soon he will see the worst riots ever to befall this country,with I suspect the full blessing of our disgruntled police force Oh lovely - I can see where all this is leading and it isn't somewhere over the rainbow! David Cameron please give us a Referendum. The majority of the British want out of the EU! I am sick of reading about EU regulations and directives - WE CAN MANAGE OUR OWN AFFAIRS THANK YOU!!!!! - Karen, Stoke England, 03/3/2011 11:17 Karen I am in the same boat as you paid off due to lack of business last year,I signed on with an agency, I have worked only odd days, I have tried to claim benefits, but was told I didn't have enough stamps for per No, No, No So, hang on a bit. They can come in, prove they want stay here and get benefits? Yet I have paid into the system since 1968, took a five year break to go abroad, came back and was refused jobseekers allowance because I had not paid into the system for the previous two years. Where is the fairness in that??? Anyone else find it ironic that the very purpose of the EU (originally in concept) was to keep peace and prevent another world war - and now because of their insane and out-of-touch rulings - are driving more and more moderate people to favour the idealogies and vote for the far-right parties? With all this resentment building up - I hope history doesn't repeat itself... Let us all take to the streets and protest like they do in other countries . Why are we always afraid to say anything over here? Look the only thing is to have a GENERAL STRIKE. Then we can get out. They wont do anything otherwise. Its up to us We can make the change.Us the people Its nice to know that the money I am loosing by getting my pension 18 months later will go to such a good cause. This leaves Britain with only 2 options-exit the EU-lets vote! or reduce benefit entitlement and amounts to a point which is in keeping with other EU countries so that the UK is no longer attractive to scroungers of whatever nationality-Benefits should only be for the sick, elderly and disabled, and a time limited stopgap for those temporarily out of work-Why should taxpayers fork out for the idle and for those who want to hold their hands out to take but who have no intention of considering themselves first and foremose British citizens? Powerless to stop it ? Grow up and get us out of of the European Union. That will stop it. Come on Mr Cameron get us out of the EU now.... The government has been trying to cut benefits to certain groups of people (disability, child benefit, EMA etc etc) and now they will have to pay out to yet another group. Common sense says get us out of the EU. But no one in power actually HAS any common sense. We need to leave the EU now! Before it sucks us under..... Don't blame the ConDems (or Labour) - blame yourselves if you put your cross against one of those parties or failed to vote at all! Each and every one of you is a TRAITOR to this Country and its people! My conscience is clear - I voted UKIP! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was brought up well.... TO NEVER VOTE TORY!!! Why do we bother! we have a spineless weasle as a PM, and all of his predecessors also... this country is an absolute MESS! Great Britain?? Pull the other one!!!!! In the past when I've been between jobs I've haven't claimed with help towards my mortgage interest or council tax benefit because I couldn't afford to be unemployed for any length of time and took jobs with lower salary and prospects purely because I need to work to pay my bills. Reading this and knowing that other EU countries make people pay into the system before the can receive handouts from it disgusts me. I feel like signing the deeds of my home to the government, resigning from work to obtain income support, housing benefit, council tax benefit, etc, etc., to improve income and living standards to match the home grown and migrant ponses! If we can't beat them let's sink to thier level and join them! We have no choice but to get out of the EU. Will freebies galore they'll flood here. Typical Daily Mail rubbish and totally false. Not one of these (up to) 100,000 Eastern Europeans will get a penny of UK state benefits. The DWP has something called the Habitual Residency Test, which everyone has to comply with before they are paid anything. None of these people who are going to "swamp" the country would be entitled to any state handouts whatsoever. This garbage is a complete and utter non-story. But then, when did the Daily Mail and it's small minded readers let reality stand in the way of a good anti-johnny foreigner, anti EU, pro UKIP rant. Get a life you sad people. Who signed up to this then behind closed doors, Gordon Brown by any chance? Whoever it was should be ashamed of themselves and what they have done to this country. I'm suprised any of us can be bothered to work anymore, what other country is as stupid as this one? and my GP recently told me that if i am out of the UK for more than 6 months in a year, i become a 'temporary resident' when i AM in the UK,- despite still paying full tax and NI from 1985 til now-and that apparently means that i won't get anything but emergency medical teatment without paying for it. Thats good to know isn't it? How long will these lot need to've paid in for, to qualify for i won't get from now on as i am moving to Greece ? I asked my Greek partner what health freebies i can look forward to over here. He's only just stopped chuckling. although i must say it gets a bit better as and when we get married. Where is the 'quid pro quo' in all of this? i m not someone who'd come skulking back to the Uk just for medical treatment, but it sure does seem that priorities are skewed when a non-contributing foreigner gets treatment that i am now gonna have to pay for,after years of paying my way and visiting the doctor, as i recall , only 4 times? Its barmy. Because we give freebies to anyone, our debt will just get larger and our currency even weaker. And as a result inflation will go higher for UK citizens.. So we do not follow the EU rules on votes for prisoners or the police holding DNA forever but we follow this? I suppose it gives a different group to blame for the state of the country apart from the ill,disabled or unemployed but must never blame the bankers oh no they did nothing wrong or the Labour overspend. We need to get out of the EU NOW & revert back to making our own decisions. We can longer afford to be dictated by Europe. You get exactly what you voted for, sorry but the UK is the most stupid nation on earth and a magnet for the worlds workshy, BNP BNP BNP If thats the case then ,How come British Pensions living outside the eu,have not had there Pension increased, Many with a pension of only £20 per week even though they have paid there NI stamps in full before they left to live with there family abroad.Seem that we treat others better than our own The EU are a law unto themselves, they make me so ANGRY. They make up these rules with no consideration for the countries they affect. Our goverment has no back bone and we get lumbered with paying out for people we don't even want in our country. That may sound cruel but for me its true, we have enough in the country already and this scheme will just keep them coming. We are a country who gives everyone but the hardworking a free ride. It's time it stopped, it's time somebody said NO MORE! One piece missing from your report. How do we claim back the money from the foreigners original members states? The entitlement should only be equal to that which the individual would be alowed to claim in their own country. Well this government and the last are determined to eradicate any vestige of Britishness and culture i this country. Why the Hell am i at 73 Still paying income tax to fund these migrants and benefit scroungers. I haven't got enough money and I m also too old to emigrate or by God I would. I am sick of the politicians selling my country down the river Brett McBain, Crete and Norway (ex-pat), -- Brett, nor can they. The DM is only trying to pump you up (which is why this may never get into print...) Lybour signed up to all this, They didn't give a referendum on the issue! they signed away the rights of british people, there money, there laws, there freedom. Don't ever vote this sham of a party in again! total disaster and the party that ruined Britain! Should we not have a (taxpayers) referendum on whether or not we should support any immigrants on benefits ? I hope the Tories will soon repair this damage. They will get an overall majority at the next election if they do. I am one of so hated by Daily Mail crowd Eastern Europeans, living and working in the UK, and what suprises me most in this country is your unhealthy obsession with benefits. You think that the whole world comes to this country to live on benefits or use your NHS( the institution you are so proud of, ha ha). I came to this country 10 years ago and 2 days later I was already working full-time, and I"ve never been out of work ever since, mostly working 6 or 7 days a week. And not Eastern Europeans are to blame for your outdated , ineffective, unfair and too expensive benefits system , but your succesive governments are.Simples! Soft, soft, soft Britain! I am an immigrant, and I've been always amazed how easy to get British benefits! Who wouldn't want to live here? I hate to say this as immigrant, but British people need to take their country back! If there are very many thousands of potential illegals waiting in France to get to this country to live a life of luxury on benefits easily obtained here then how much easier will it be for these coming here "legally". Still if you keep on voting for Curly, Larry or Mo, then nothing will change. What was it Cameron said during the run up to the election? Something like "If I don't come up to scratch then you can vote me out"? Looks like he's going to get his wish doesn't it. If he doesn't start saying NO to Brussels then this country will fight back against all the proposed cuts and this country will no longer exist. I truly wonder what our brave men and women fought and died for so long ago. This country is a shambles all thanks to Labour and I doubt if we will ever regain our pride and democracy again. I know for sure that if I was 30 years younger I wouldn't hesitate to take myself to another country that respects it's citizens instead of the workshy and illegal immigrants that we have here now. Wake up Cameron before the riots start because believe you me, they will, people have just about had enough. OH, you mean people from other EU countries? why did you not say so...........doesn't sell so many trashy newspapers? Why is it that such people can enter the UK and get such enormous handouts and pensioners who have worked hard and contributed so much to the country - in one generation's case fighting and offering their lives for their country - get just a fraction as a pension? Where's the logic - why can this happen? What is the justification for it? Why doesn't anyone ever raise this issue? I give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whats the point in working hard in this country????? Which way to the dole queue? What is going on? W must be the laughing stock of all. ''Changes: Damian Green said Germany and Austria will open their labour markets to Eastern Europe'' And the band played believe it if you like! It is thought that many will now be attracted to Germany and Austria, which are geographically nearer. you can fly from Poland for less than £ what good geography when the benefits outweigh the cost literally More lunacy forced on us by the parasites in europe. "But the Department for Work and Pensions insisted that strict rules would remain in place to prevent abuse and stop "benefit tourism"." yeah I'll bet they will. Meanwhile us that have contributed for years continue to live on a punitive pension AND get taxed on our small private pensions with no hope of claiming any of the benefits mentioned in the article. Makes you want to emigrate perhaps to one of the old eastern bloc countries! We aren't powerless we just leave this corrupt union,after all the EU knows full well that all those scroungers will come here,because we are the only country in the EU that gives people something for nothing,I'm getting sick of Brussels pulling the strings,we'd be better off out. Will, London, 03/3/2011 11:03... Don't blame it all on the Labour party who is the biggest supporter of Turkey joining the EU our own Mr Cameron. I have had to give up work to care for a sick relative as I have been unable to get appropriate social care for him and I get no money at all. - Mary, London, 03/3/2011 10:56 And no doubt some do gooders will argue that you're better off than some of these economic migrants. And as for our gutless government sticking up for you instead of those migrants, well just forget it. They are just in thrall to the Hampstead socialists and as they are usually millionaires anyway, they just don't understand how you must be suffering. The UK is a great place to sponge off the state! This just cannot be allowed to happen. We are the ONLY country in Europe who act so generously to "incomeres". When I lived in Spain I worked for everything and there are NO HANDOUTS for anyone, especially immigrants or residents of the EU choosing to live there. This country is no longer a leader in good ideas! Pure Marxism, Communism, Leninism, Blair/Brownism. The worker you tax to death, to the layabout you give them everything they need or want. As my wife pointed out last night, you should not be able to claim child benefit if your child was born outside the UK. Also, you shouldn't get working tax credit or any other benefit from our Government until you have paid INTO the system for a certain amount of time. We may as well all go and sit at the Arrivals areas at the airports and just hand over our money....... We aren't powerless we just leave this corrupt union,after all the EU knows full well that all those scroungers will come here,because we are the only country in the EU that gives people something for nothing,I'm getting sick of Brussels pulling the strings,we'd be better off out. how can this be right when my daughter who has 2 jobs just to keep a rented roof over her head and as for buying her own property - well that will never be, she has never claimed a penny benefits in her life. Yet people who have never paid into the system 'take' money from the tax she pays (ie proceeds from my daughter's hard earned wages to pay beneifts!) - yes she is grateful to have work in this climate but she works hard and that is why her employers keep her on. The BNP are not a political party, they are a bunch of of thugs with neo-nazi ideals. The government just need to get a big set of balls. And also learn to say NO forget the BNP or the EDL have a look at the (The English Democrats party) they are looking very good at the moment so go to Russia and claim some benefits Can we all claim benefits if we go to their countries too ? Looks like wages are going to be even more depressed. Who gains ? Employers - wontgetfooledtilnxtime, tyneside uk, 3/3/2011 10:45.......................................Exactly, which is why the Tories of New Labour had no intention of doing anything about it, and why this ragbag coalition of Tories will let it continue despite Pinocchio's rhetoric. No matter which party of Tories is in power tax evasion by the rich will not only continue but be activly encouraged by tax laws ful of holes. Rich ruling for the rich. bombard your MP in anyway you see fit , WE WANT A REFERENDUM NOW ,GET US OUT OF THE EU. well the migrants will simply go where ever the biggest benefits can be had and we know where that is THE UK the easy option is to cut benefits NOW b4 they all arrive plus their will be a positive knock on effect that will reduce benefits for those already living it up at the taxpayers expense We aren't powerless we just leave this corrupt union,after all the EU knows full well that all those scroungers will come here,because we are the only country in the EU that gives people something for nothing,I'm getting sick of Brussels pulling the strings,we'd be better off out. When will this insanity end? What if half of Eastern Europe come here, which would be in the millions, would we have to give all of them more money than some British born people earn!? Where is this money coming from? Oh yes, of course, the defence budget has just been slashed. That should do it. why is anyone taking notice of that treaty...none of us got to vote for! that dictates to us what we must,nt and must do! even the EU dose,nt take any notice of it and does as it please,s and has broken that treaty time and time again. that in its self makes the so called treaty NULL AND VOID (No longer valid or enforceable) the same as any contact thats broken and our own law,s make it illegal for a goverment in power to had any power of our country to foreign power,s.......which was NEVER amended in law to make the signing of the treaty possible!! the EU allowed by the our goverment are slowly destroying our country and our way of life for there own gain,s other wise they would be telling the EU to shuv it !! Its time to get out off the EU, are corrupt thieving government , are giving are money away to foriegners, while we suffer. The army should return from afganistan,and arrest the government,on behalf off the british people. And put them on a charge of treason It makes me so angry, my Daughter a victim of domestic violence awaiting to go to court to testify against her no mark of an X, cannot get a council property to be near us her parents for her own safety and sanity, i have told her to change her name by deed poll, that would speed it up for her. The country will go bust and the Europhiles will say how did this happen? We are ruled by idiots and the electorate are idiots for allowing idiots to rule us so the mad house is now GB Ltd. I despise politicians of all political parties because they have a different genetic make up to normal people and are some kind of alien species sent to destroy us. I fully support right wing dictatorships at least you get what you see not what your promised. The only answer is to get out of the EU. I travelled all over Europe before any of this nonsense, received my stamp on arrival, which entitled me to a three- month stay. If you wanted to settle all you had to do was prove you could look after yourself by showing a bank statement or equivalent until you found a job. The government cannot keep reducing pensions, local services etc. and then be seen to give benefits to those who have never paid in. These migrants should claim from their own country and if they can find a job in the UK then fine but otherwise no money should be given from the UK tax payer. Worked and payed into this club from being 15 now retired living on a lot less then these people are going to be allowed wheres my human rights oh yeah i dont have any i just paid in silly me So when is the EU going to make the Government pay a decent European State Pension? £250 per week sounds a good place to start. In a time of savage cuts this move is just plain evil. The Government is in the process of imposing savage cuts which impinge on every family in the country, then it proposes to give the savings away to foreign nationals who have never contributed anything to our economy. This is lunatic economics, and Cameron and co should resist this European directive on a point of principle, even to the point of pulling out of the EU. However I don't think they have the guts to stand up to their European bosses, and Nick Clegg would rather see Britain go to the dogs than dare to question His Masters Voice from Brussels. Twenty two years of working with only a maximum of three weeks unemployment. Even then I signed on as unemployed but I didn't receive benefits as I signed on to a temping agency and declared all my earnings. I have an average take home pay of £260 (after tax) - of which I have to pay all my bills, full council tax and prescriptions. I'm currently thinking of applying for migrant status in my own country. Cameron is a gutless coward, spineless toad, I remember him saying that he would allow his people, the British people, the tax payers the right to vote on the EU. What a yellow belly Liar! The man is a fraud, total scum bag and as far as I am concerned I hope something very bad befalls him soon. We all know why they do not give us the vote, its because we the people would vote NO...So what does that tell you.Its tells me we so no to war, they go to war, we say no to the EU we are in the EU. these self important people think they know better. They don't! they are fools, paid fools! Spineless, cowards. So to all you British sick people about to be hammered by the ATOS Gestapo , look on the bright side , the money the govornment saves will be going to someone from the other side of Europe who fancies " Chanceing it " In Brittain ! i'm sick to bloody death of things like this the u.k. is fit to more foreigners sponging off the hard working I have come to the conclusion that Britain is drowning in its own idiocy. Its only a problem if you're skint. Where as me im paid very well along with partner! Happy days! How... in the name of all that is sacred... can it be that I cannot claim anything at all although I have a UK passort and was born here in 1965 but have been out of the country for a few years. I could not even claim JSA despite 18 years paying INTO they system. Stop griping and start voting UKIP, then you'll not have to. Is it so hard? Utter madness. We are always being shown "State TV" of Libya and Egypt to apparently have us believe that it is just showing what the state wants it to show re government policies, can someone please tell me how our TV Stations are any different. They are just the same. So in effect we are being treated the same as people in countries that Cameron wants to change, I think it's time he started working for his own people instead of bothering about everyone else. Plus if the rest of the EU doesn't have to comply with this stupid fraudulent use of their money, why do we. There has to be a reason why they all want to come here instead of staying in France or wherever they pitch up first. I'm begining to think that the Gaddafis have more sense than our own MPs. You would not dare print what I think of Cameron and his bunch of spivs go to ukip web site and sign petition Steve, Durham, 3/3/2011 9:56 - could not agree more mate. I worked for 32 years without break paid a small fortune in tax and NI and after losing my job get nothing. Not a sausage because my wife works. In my last job I paid more than £600 per week to government and get zilch in return. Can I go to another country and get some funds without working? Just one more of the many reasons why everyone in the UK should vote for the UK Independence Party (UKIP). Unless we have a moderate political party with the guts to take us out of the UK in Government, such as UKIP, then this country is doomed as it will be wrecked by the EU with the full consent of the pro-EU Lib Dem, Tory and Labour pacts. How about Cameron & Co. funding the REAL UK citizens to leave this shambolic country. £250 per week, our own pensioners don't get that much and they paid for it all their lives and some who's relatives with their lives. Does this mean that if we the English move to Lithuania they also must give us 250 a week? for godness sake pay them to stay at home please My average weekly food bill here is 42 pounds This includes fresh (still flapping) fish and seafood. My gas electric rubbish and security comes to about 20 pounds per month.. There are no parking fees or cameras or council tax... Gasoline is 40p per litre and the temperature holds at 85F throughout the year... Why does everyone want to be there...Ha ha ha Are we getting the full story here? This is just unbelievable ... the third or fourth story this week that has involved EU intervention over what the British people want. It's all a bit too late now, as politicians of both parties have been secretly signing over our rights to Europe for the past 20 years or so. I find it so interesting how the media is obsessed with Eastern Europeans whom legally come over and take advantage of 'our' system - I live in Mitcham, South London and I'd like to know why all these tens of thousands of Africans we have living in Mitcham are here - How many sub-Saharan Africa countries are in the EU? If we can't deal with these people from outside of the EU claiming our benefits, what chance have we with Europeans living in the EU?! My god what have we been doing lately, I scrimp and save go to work getting up at 5:45 every morning dirve 120 mile daily at a co2t to me of £500 a month, so that I can pay my taxes to support immigrants to live on more than I have left after travel expenses, and I have to pay full poll tax because I managed to save a little.......THIS IS TOTALLY NOT ON!!!! The EU wants kicking up the backside why is Britain continually penalised?????? Is this DISCRIMINATION on Britain, Germany and austria will open it,s doors to A8 countries maybe so but germany and austria don,t have a benefits system like the U.K.s nor does france,spain or greece to name just a few of EUSSR countries one has to pay in to there systems for at least 2yrs to recieve any sort of benefit.Unlike the U.K. were its money for nothing and digs come free. Mr green says the U.K. system will be protected well those words don,t inspire confidence they can,t stop migrants from outside the EUSSR claiming benefits so what chance has this coalition got of protecting the system from migrants from member states. One things for sure this government will bend over backwards to comply with EUSSR laws they have not got the backbone to stand up and tell them to take a running jump.anybody from anywere can claim benefits in this country except the people who are born in the U.K. they have to fight to get a penny out of the government. By the time..... the EU has finished with us.... we are all going to be on our knees in rags. This utter - total MADNESS - has to end. EU - REFERENDUM... before it's too late...... which it probably - already - is !! sick of going to work and getting taxed for the foreigners to end up getting my money, would we get money in their home country no, so why do they get it here Britain as no jobs it cost millions to keep our own, all i can say is get us out of the EU send everyone back to there home land then britain will rise again. During my stay in France Iam entitled to' ZILCH'. If you cannot speak the language you are unable to get a job, no job you cannot draw benifits, no benifits no foriegn scroungers. Its simple. If the French and other EU countries can enforce its Law why is Britain ALWAYS saddled with this CR-P? Or is it because bliar and his socialist dross signed away our independance? A Bigot. Fareham When I first arrived in France, as a fluent French speaker and highly qualified, I thought that it would be a relatively simple task to find a job, even a low paid one. But here you have to have a certificate to say that you can operate a till! If you hadn't worked here previously, and contributed to their system you were entitled to zilch. That's how it should be in the UK. If you've never contributed you should get absolutely nothing until you have. When I was made redundant in the UK, I received a massive £53 a week. How come they'd be entitled to £250? This is why they are knocking people of incapacity benefit to make way for this lot. "But the department insisted that protecting the benefit system from abuse was its 'number one priority'. A spokesman said: 'No-one can just come into the UK and start claiming our benefits" The only way you can't claim benefits in the UK is to have worked here and paid taxes all your life. The government don't care about the UK people, just about pleasing the foreign immigrants. Shamoron, you are a disgrace. STOP being the doyen of the U turns and do what you PROMISED. You PROMISED an EU referendum. Although,there's really no point now in having that. It would just be another waste of tax payers money. You KNOW how we all feel about the much loathed EU. 99.99% of British people want us OUT. The Tories took us into Europe so it's up to the Tories to get us out. Come on Dave, your tenure at #10 will be very short lived so try to do SOMETHING useful while you're there. GET US OUT!!! Failing that, Mr Useless, YOU GET OUT. We have no leadership in this country and we are just adrift. !! Politicians are destroying our country and acting against the interests of the people, isn't that treason? We need action, as in the Arab countries, to get rid of the treacherous dictators ruling us. More bloody scare stories from this paper:pack it in. You pool fools, you have lost it totally; Every one will now to go England,, free housing, free money and no need to work; The streets of England are truly paved with GOLD, except if you are one of those who are still foolish enough to be in work, then you will have to pay for this . There will be exceptions of course, all those in the Public sector will get pay rises to cover the cost, but those of you that earn the money for your nation, well what is the phrase " Up yours " ..time to leave for Aus. Canada,NZ or USA my fellow Brits. the only thing that can save this country now is a revolution! (resulting in all members of lib/lab/con under arrest facing very serious charges) - Arty, UK, 3/3/2011 10:36::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Sorry As An Aussie I hate to inform you it's just as bad over there. Food and Services are heaps more expensive in OZ. Power costs have just gone up 50% in Perth and groceries are at least 3 times more expensive. Take it from one who knows. I actually feel sick to the stomach. This is going to encourage thousands, if not hundreds of thousands or even millions, more to migrate here. Why should I pay my taxes to support these people? Who in their right mind thinks we need these people (oh, I forgot, the Labour party)? The question is:- "'They will have to prove they have a right to reside here and will then be asked to prove their attachment to the UK; they will have to show an intention to settle here and their reasons for coming to the UK." The answer is:- "We intend to settle here so that we can claim free housing and all the benefits that come with it so that we don't have to work anymore". Ever feel you're part of a game where you don't know what the real objective is? Pull the UK out of the EU??????????You would really be down the tubes very rapidly.All your farming would immediately go bankrupt with no subsidies or export markets,swiftly followed by the little remaining industry you haven't flogged off to us or India.Plus,what would DM have to whinge about then? I want out of this country. What is the matter with this stupid silly Country, how on earth are we supposed to afford to fund this and by WE I mean the dopey people like me and my family who are busting a gut to work and live. Our son is just about to finish 3 years at Uni and would like to go on to study for a Masters, but this has been priced out of our remit because of the hikes in Uni fees, why do English people have to pay out for prescription charges when Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland don't? Just a couple of points to think about. My advise would be, all the English people should leave England, leave whats left of it to the migrants and let them deal with it, you'd see the rats leaving the sinking ship when there's nothing left. The Department of Works and Pensions spokesman says are number one priority is to protect the benefits system from abuse, he should say to protect themselves from be accused of malpractice. After working 40 years I suffered an accident which left me disabled 18 months ago, the DWP sent me two illegal payments which I returned and I still waiting for payment for my sickness benefits which I am legally entitled to, even winning my appeal at the Independent Tribunal Service. I suppose they're too busy with all these foreign claimants to bother about the local population because they do not want to be called racist and be politically correct, with more European immigration into this country perhaps 18 months might not be a long time in the future for hard working tax paying British people as we will be put further back in the queue I am just disgusted with senior civil servants in this country If being a member of the EU, means we have no control over our finances, then the question has to be asked:- why are we in this organisation anyway. The hole, that this country has dug itself in, is getting deeper by the day, so let`s get ourselves out of it NOW. `Referendum` is a word that does not exist in the dictionary of present government ministers, but UKIP members have a wider vocabulary and would not be deterred from using it. -- Tom --freedom -- What is the matter with this stupid silly Country, how on earth are we supposed to afford to fund this and by WE I mean the dopey people like me and my family who are busting a gut to work and live. Our son is just about to finish 3 years at Uni and would like to go on to study for a Masters, but this has been priced out of our remit because of the hikes in Uni fees, why do English people have to pay out for prescription charges when Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland don't? Just a couple of points to think about. My advise would be, all the English people should leave England, leave whats left of it to the migrants and let them deal with it, you'd see the rats leaving the sinking ship when there's nothing left. I wonder if the European Union would agree that all pensioners should be paid the same as Soviet Bloc immigrants, we've paid our taxes, worked and lived here all our lives so surely we should not be considered financially inferior to immigrants, or are we inferior? I live on £130 a week basic pension, I've always paid what taxes are due, so surely I deserve to be treated as well as anyone who comes to live in this country! For heaven sake, get us out of the EU, we're British not European, although some in government want us to toe the EU line.....for some reason or other! All pensioners should write to their MP demanding equality with any immigrant! Damian Green, the Immigration Minister, said:" We’re in the process of delivering major reform to bring immigration down to tens of thousands with the introduction of a new limit on economic migrants from outside the EU.” Won't happen,he's lying! Why are their benefits not paid at the British rate by their country of birth and not funded by the British tax payer. If they want the life of luxury without a job, then their home country can pay for it. We truly are a soft touch and our weak, inefective Government will just roll over and do what the EU says. Are you listening Cameron? VOTE UKIP - The tories talked tough on immigration and have FAILED to da anything. - Labour created this mess and should NEVER be voted for again. - Lib Dems are a bunch of clowns and liars (more so than the other 2 main parties). The whole of Westminster NEEDS a radical shake up before it's too late. If you are a Brit working in a foreign country you are entitled to benefits from those country's. - Speedysnail, Poole, Dorset, 3/3/2011 10:19 A simplistic and naive view. The UK is probably the only country where you can be on benefits for life. In Spain you get 4 months doles ofr every year worked up to the maximum of 2 years. There is no housing benefit, limited child benefits (lower tax until child reaches 3). We are not playing on a level playing field. If all benefits were the same across Europe, you would not see this problem. Yet another totally rubbish article from the DM trying to get immigrants, benefits, and the EU into one story. I'm susrpised there's no mention of gypsies in it. If you read the last few paragraphs you might find that immigrants can't just walk into this country and claim benefits, and never have been able to. - rupert, yorks,uk, 3/3/2011 9:34.........Do you live in Britain? i agree take to the streets. makes sense and the time is right ... And where does the EU think the money is going to come from? Thin Air. Other countries in Europe don't give all these hand outs so why should we. Im sure a couple of days ago there was a story of someone claiming benefit for hundreds of people out of one address, cant we employ him to do it for the rest of the travelling wasters seeking easy cash to send to their mother country and out of the british economy? I think this is truly appalling, I was born in the UK, I have lived here all my life, and I don't make this much at work, I can't use my car any more fuel is so expensive, and public transport is just about beyond me, yet these lazy creeps come here and take money from the hard earned tax that people like me pay every month. Get out of the EU, and set the folks of GB free of misery, throw the lot of them out. Stop blaming the EC. They don't insist France, Spain etc dish out benefits to new arrivals. It's our own gutless, weak, ultra liberal rules of entitlement, administered by Weary Willies who couldn't run a whelk stall. " They must prove an attachment to the UK and an intention to find work." Of course the Romanian gypsies do! I have had to give up work to care for a sick relative as I have been unable to get appropriate social care for him and I get no money at all. There always ways to get around any system.These people will flood into the UK in the offchance that they can bypass the system. When they fail then Human Rights and the lawers paid by us will ensure they stay and recieve welfare. The south of England will not be a very nice place to live the way things are developing..Especially for poor people..Whom does the EU benifit ?We should get out NOW. Any one from Eastern Europe can come here and claim benefits whilst those like myself who've paid into the system for 40 years cannot claim a penny because I put a few pennies aside for a rainy day. Disgusting. We must get out of the EU a.s.a.p, if we don't we will become a third world country, and if our government won't listen to us, then maybe we should do as the people have done in Egypt and Lybia? Germany are so short of young people, that they will paying young Poles to move there to train as apprentices. And they will be entitled to full benefits, Perhaps the UK should start to worry about this competition. There's only one party now will get us out of this mess... If only our leaders stopped bleating on about there being no money for all the services, and PULLED US OUT OF THE EU, there would be plenty of money to spend on these things. The truth is, the top politicians are in it for themselves, wanting to expand the EU Empire so they can eventually have a world government ruled by an elite, with them being part of that elite of course. They certainly are not handing over all that money each year to the EU Dictatorship for the benefit of the people of the UK. Quite the reverse, the ordinary people get NOTHING at all out of it, though the rich land owning cronies of those in power get hundreds of thousands from it in subsidies. Meanwhile, we are paying all that tax for this to happen. The unelected gravy train elite who are running the EU have got to be some of the most self serving people ever born. Yet we allow them to get away with it because we keep voting the same three Parties into power, and they will do nothing about it. yet people like me who lost there job late last year are peanalised for the slightest thing, i missed one interview, immediately rebooked and attended, have applied for countless jobs but they stop a week of my money for missing one interview,now im really struggling. ive worked my entire adult life but now im facing hard times the government looking for ways to stop benefits for people including people who are seriously trying to get back into work. its almost like they want revolution here!!! they keep pushing the people to anger! that's why most Africans and Middle Eastern immigrants don't stop when they land in Greece or Italy , nor do they stop as they pass through Germany, Austria, France and the Netherlands, they come straight here!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh they do stop here but not in the thousands that are going to Britain. They come here and take the jobs and then get the choice of paying their tax here or back in Poland for example. The government is losing tax from these people plus having to pay unemployment money to the Dutch who were put out of work. Their drinking is another problem. Sorry to say that, but you read just about every day that some trucker has been caught over the limit while in charge of a truck. Still, if the Dutch companies want drunks and workers who don't understand or attempt to understand the language. So be it but it will come back on them in the future. Mr Cameron listen to your people,the people you represent ! GIVE US A REFERENDUM ON THE E.U. NOW ! Just what the UK needs! Come one come all, the more the merrier. We are full enough as it is, makes me sick it really does. I work so hard to support a family of four on one income and yet a foreigner comes in and claims the full allowance simply for being here....where do we all queue up to leave? The law changes will come into effect within weeks as the European Union scraps restrictions imposed when eight states joined the EU in 2004, and it leaves Britain powerless to counter the move. Britain is not powerless to counter the move, the leaders just don't want to lose the personal benefits they will have now or at a later date. The government also want millions off benefits, is this so they can pay the immigrants instead We need to say NO ! and refuse entry to them ! What will the EU do if we do this ? Impose fines ? Great - don't pay them ! Jail the whole British Nation - er no! Put us us against a wall and piut a bullet in our heads ? Not really Expell us from the EU ? GREAT - BRING it on JOB DONE ! There are no problems, only solutions ! What i want to know how many other EU.countrys pay benifits to them , we have and how much would they get there.We have become the dumping ground for all the other EU states. Read the article. No one can simply enter and claim benefits. Honestly, what is wrong with people who have been paying tax into the system claiming the benefits that that tax pays for if and when they need it? What does their nationality have to do with it? It's no more wrong for a Latvian in the UK to claim British unemployment benefit having lost their job than it would be for me, a Brit in Germany claiming German unemployment benefit if I lost my job. In both cases we are actually entitled, having paid into the system. Sometimes people forget all these European arrangements are reciprocal. And that the rest of Europe is also opening its labour market (in May). That combined with the collapse of the pound (from €1.50 to €1.15) is making the UK a far less attractive place to work for eastern Europeans. Remember at the next election, there is only one party that will put British people first and you know which party that is. - Jon, Cleveland --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which party is that, John? This country is being run by a LIBERAL FASCIST ELITE that has only one aim, the complete distruction of British people and our culture. Now it does'nt seem to matter what party they are or coalision of parties, the rest of the world comes first, the British people last. Words fail me. This is outrageous, our pensioners have to subsist on a fraction of this money and yet, the greater majority have contributed to the system all of their working lives. This government havn't the guts to tell the EU that we will not obey their dictat. Lets get a government with some 'bottle'. Why ? There will be a very easy way round this but it will be interesting to see if our government is interested enough to find it. In terms of arguing about prisoners and their right to vote, I think immigration is far more important. So we'll just have to wait and see whether our government thinks the same. the only way out..B.N.P and put a stop to this nonsense now.... The UK is bankrupt, over populated and in the midst of so called austerity! How can foreigners get benefits? Payment of National Insurance should be required for any benefits! This rotten country has the worst politicians and government in the world, they sem to be steeped in collective madness. We must abandon the equally mad EU. Please vote for the BNP or UKIP, we must give up on the con/lib/lab dunderheads. Time to forget your false self pride, Great Britain! And dare not call me an Eastern European, I come from the Czech Republic where life is so much better than here for us ordinary people! Your country is on the way to hell. Looks like wages are going to be even more depressed. Who gains ? Employers I cant wait only when the country is completely over run will they learn, becuase the immigrants wont be paying any tax to fund the madness. Roll On the destruction of England, Rule Britania needs to be changed as we are already slaves to the EU We need out of the EU now. Cameron says he is handing power back to the people,but although 85 percent want a vote on this issue,we Brithish are denied a vote as it is only for democratic countries. Give us the b----y referendum we were once promised...NOW. The EU is using us as a dumping ground time to get out I think. Meanwhile pensioners who have paid tax all their lives are sitting indoors with coats on and eating one meal a day. Disabled and dying people worrying whether they will now be deemed fit to work and their allowances stopped. Beacause this country is BROKE, Spineless gutless government get us out of the EU now! If we have to pay them benefits , which i believe is totally unacceptable, then they should only be paid the same amount they would recieve in there own country , that should apply to all immigrants ,untill they have contributed to the Pot ,its not science Spoeedysnail in Dorset - I lived in Spain for 10 years and as far as I know, if the rules haven´t changed, you had to live there for 2 years to claim anything. It would be nice if all OAP´s could have 250 GBP a week - then we could live it up. What with free prescriptions in Wales and Scotland and now 250GBP a week for immigrants, then the High Speed train to pay for, then the Olympics, which which leave us broke, we don´t have a very rosy future. Enough is Enough! It's bad enough we have allowed our own scroungers to live off the state for so many years without being forced to take in other countries! It's an outrage that someone who has never lived in this country or contributed a penny, can wlak through our boarder patrol and be entitled to be looked after for the rest of their miserable lives! Cameron and Clegg if you want another stint in the top jobs BLOCK THIS PATHETIC LOOP HOLE NOW! It is time that we learned a few lessons from the Egyptians and the Tunisians, and liberated ourselves from the kleptocracy. I can assure you this will not apply in France. It is rare to find foreign workers in France, Why? Maybe they could extend this courtesy to the Libyans who will arrive here shortly? so where will the money come from,with all the cuts being made plus the money we waste on other countries now we can ill afford this,i wish I could emmigrate and get the hell out of this country. Watch people pack in work by the thousands. Why am I working? I am taxed to extinction to pay for these freeloaders. Why should people claim benefits who have made absolutely no contribution to them. Bankrupt? You ain't seen nothing yet. Europe will succeed where ZanuLabour only took us to the brink. ..time to leave for Aus. Canada,NZ or USA my fellow Brits. the only thing that can save this country now is a revolution! (resulting in all members of lib/lab/con under arrest facing very serious charges) If they are unemployed anyway then they might as well be unemployed in the most generous nation for benefits and housing and unfortunately that is us! Why wouldn't they come here? It's a disgrace our political elite have allowed our country to become powerless against this. So, at last, will someone see that there is an urgent need to CUT UK benefits so they are no higher than those in other EU states. That should end all the problems and may reduce my tax liability. After all we're all in this together. And has long has the muppets(voters)keep voting in the current crop of politicians, there will be no stopping the communist EU,has they are all EU friendly,didn't they all promise a referendum in their manifestos, then reneged on that promise, yes folks they LIED too you ,this country will sink under the weight of all the scroungers making their way through Germany and France too get too the land of milk and honey,Trouble is soon enough we indigenous people will be eating bread and just plain water,while the scroungers have £££ thrown at them,its just a national disgrace, vote independent next time. party politics is ruining us all. The sky is full of flying pigs. I do not believe one word they utter. I have just tried to claim living allowance from the benefits agency due to a herniated disc in my back and nerve damage in my left leg and i have been told i am " not entitled " to any financial help at all, even though i had a dr's note at their request. Some days i can have an 'ok' day, and other days, i can't roll over in my bed or stand or walk, or sometimes get off the toilet without crying out because of the pain. I was born here, my entire family were born here, and yet genuine people like me who really ARE unable to work don't get any help. I feel SO let down, i could just cry after reading this. What a joke There's is a huge difference between 'can' and 'will', however if it was even 10% of the scare number quoted, it's crystal clear the country can't afford it. beggars belief. make you laugh dont it,give millions to other countries now millions to those that have never payed into the system being able to claim thousands The time to take to the streets has arrived. How many people will have to lose their jobs to fund this? The real cost will be significantly higher than this, becuase they will get free NHS etc. "It is thought that many will now be attracted to Germany and Austria, which are geographically nearer". This statement is complete nonsense. We are the furthest away, yet the greater number come here, bypassing Germany and Austria on the journey. I am in complete despair and wonder why I bother working and paying taxes anymore. The bankruptcy of Britain moves a step closer, probably sealed when Cameron gets his wish for Turkey to join. I fear the 2010 election was our last chance for real change, I can't see a way back now. When are we going to take our country back, from these morons. We need new leadership, the three main politicial parties are no longer fit for purpose. We also need to take to the streets. This is yet another reason we want out of the EU. We no longer rule ourselves. Unelected idiots from Europe who are paid a fortune are telling us what to do. We need some form of revolution to get us out. The current lot of politicians will not do it because they are are weak as dishwater and to a man are all YES men And so it continues... Daily Mail immigration scare story -yawn, yawn ,yawn. Will Cameron have a referendum on EU membership -NO. He hasn't got the bottle. Oh the DWP with make sure the system is not abused by the migrants, but they can't even stop the British people abusing the system. UK is a joke God help us. We are already bankrupt. And would British migrants to these EU and non EU countries be able to claim the same amount on a recipricol basis? I DONT THINK SO, its just the same old story of the EU mugging the British taxpayers and our spineless politicians afraid to stand up for our rights, not that we have many left. Up to 100,000 migrants from the Soviet Block will be eligible for the payout demanded by the fraudalent EU, and the British Government is powerless to stop it, So whats the point of having these useless politicians that are overpaid and actually have the Gall to call themselves the British Government when its plain to see its the Cretins in the EU that tell them what to do and how to rob us, the British Government in my view are just the middlemen taking their cut and handing the rest of our money to European Fraudsters. PS Cameron you are losing a lot would be Tory voters to UKIP and the BNP and who can blame them. We do need any foreigners here. Britain has no jobs, schools, housing and our NHS is at breaking point. the millionaire government is making more and more British people redundant. We must get out of EU, they make laws that are ripping off the British worker and taxpayer. Get us out of the EU it is costing this country millions that we cannot afford. "..............It is thought that many will now be attracted to Germany and Austria, which are geographically nearer."................But the big question is....Are the benefits as good and as easy to get there as they are here, (well for foreigners at least). Think my maths are right £250 each for 100,000 over twelve months is....£1250,000,000...1.25 billion pounds...not much when you say it fast. Remember at the next election, there is only one party that will put British people first and you know which party that is. It's about time we started reneging on our commitments - other countries do - no way should we sanction this latest edict from the European Union - come on UK Government - tell them to get stuffed 'We have strict rules in place to protect the system from any abuse. The reality-- this is what will actually happen. Flood of claims, not enough trained staff to deal with the claims in the strict time limits allowed ; nor will there be any desire to pursue difficult cases including obvious fraud. In order to comply with targets all smaller claims will be automatically allowed. This will become common knowledge in the migrant community and multiple claims just below the automatic threshold will swamp the system. I work in Greece. You have to have worked and paid your tax and their NI for two years before you can claim benefits and show proof that you have paid your taxes before you get any benefits. The same should apply in the UK This is totally wrong. They should have to pay into our system for at least 2 years if not longer before getting any benefits. No wonder this country is being overrun by immigrants. Get us out of this EU bureaucratic asylum NOW. We need some very urgent action STOP IT NOW. While we are at it, shouldn't we take in all the Arab refugees as well. Being a delveloped nation we need to set an example for the rest of the world to follow. There are some lovely mansions around that could do with having immigrants in them. And the powers that be wonder why over 50% of the english people are in support of a far right party to curb/stop immigration. It won't be long before that figure is 80% and then we'll have trouble, mark my words. And this is new news? There are enough people sponging off our handouts already, this isn't shocking news and doesn't come as a surprise. Joining the EU has been the most disastrous move ever made and allowing these types of benefits is a mockery to the taxpayer, the elderly and those who have devoted their lives to protecting and serving this country. Its disgusting. I have been made redundant recently, have been working continuously for 20 years and cannot claim any benefits at all. It makes me want to vomit. No words casn actually put into context how fed up, disgusting and disgraceful this is to British tax payers. Also, there will be many more coming here than the estimates suggest... there always is. A life on benefits in the UK is paradise for many people from these countries. And also there will be mentally ill British claimants and other genuine claiments receiving benefits today in the UK that will be taken off them in the next couple of years to save money and they will be replaced by non genuine claiments from soviet block countries. We must get out of the EU now or basically it is the end of the UK. Go to hell! Out of the EU now, and new govt ukip/bnp govt will do me fine thanks. This is a criminal act of theft from the tax payers! Something must be done about this to save the economy and the livelihoods of British citizens. Come to Britain ... free handouts, free handouts. Open out your hand so we can count out a pile of pound notes for you. Roll up .... roll up .... plenty of taxpayer's money going begging. You want more?! Of course you can have more .... just spout any old reason to justify it and you can have extra! What happens when you want to go home? Don't worry, we'll send you some there. Are you entitled? Of course you are: you've got an Insurance Number haven't you? Not interested in where or how you got it: main thing is you've got it so we can give you lots of money. What about the British taxpayer who've paid all their lives and having their benefits cut now? Nah, don't worry about them: they can pay for things themselves. Roll up .... roll up! such a joke what exactly does EU membership do for us? Hardworking people in the Uk are being penalised whilst people from other countrys seem to get everything handed to them on a plate Have we no 'medicine' for this type of sickness. ? Meanwhile we wait for our referendum , I'm convinced that our parliament has no authority whatsoever and is ruled by the unelected elites within the EU, There is a employment crisis and more cuts are about to bite yet we still entertain this madcap policy imposed on us by the EU on unfettered immigration from within the borders of Europe, when will these idiots who are supposedly in charge here get a grip on reality and get us out of the EU before its too late. What a shame we are "forced" to implement something that most of us don't want. Now we don't run our country anymore due to gutless politicians. I am sure I was promised a referendum once on Europe. Ah well, another lie. this is outragous, when will a government in this country have the balls to say enough is enough, along with many in this country is it time for us to think about the way we vote.We just cannot aford to go on like this, it is simply suiecidal for the country that i love. . If protecting the benefits system from abuse is their ' number one priority ', why do I know so many people openly abusing it ? Just within my own small community their are people working cash in hand , those claimimg to be living apart whilst still a couple, single mums deliberately getting pregnant once their youngest child turns 7 to avoid finding work, and those climimg DLA for ridiculously minor health problems that their children have. Even though these people have been reported , nothing ever gets done. Better start printing some more money then. Makes you wonder why the people of the UK go to work just to see 30% of their income go in total waste to the EU and it's stupid policies. How come having worked for fifty four years, having paid all my taxes, and then having to retire through ill health, I only get a little over one hundred pounds a week, and despite having very little money in the bank I don,t qualify for any benefits. It makes me sick. How much longer do we have to put up with the tyranny that is the EU? African and Middle Eastern countries are taking to the streets to overthrow dictators and the EU is no less than that. Human rights? What about the British tax-payers rights? Really is time to tell the EU to stuff it and withdraw from this petty dictatorship. This is so, so, wrong. We are being bled dry by countries who DON'T allow their own countrymen to CLAIM benefits. This country is a benefit free country for every scrounger from foreign countries. It has to stop, we HAVEN'T GOT ANY MONEY for them. I think that the EU needs to make sure that France comply with this ruling, this country is overfull while there is plenty of room for them in France. I do not think that any UK Government will evermanage to pay off the massive debt that is hanging ove out heads. The EU are not helping countries get over the reccession.They are just ploughing along doing things there on way. The whole EU system needs to be overhauled. or we shoiuld get out and then we can allow in this country whom we want and not be persistanly dictated to. OUR COUNTRY ...IS A ..................JOKE! AN INSULT TO US BRITISH Sooner, rather than later, this country is going to revolt over our continued membership of the EU and the ECHR. We want our sovereignty back and our RIGHT to self-determination! Sadly, the ECHR will never grant the latter, although it supposed to uphold human rights. Referendum now! 250 pounds a week !!!!! , Totally and utterly immoral, when you consider this is more than twice the amount our state pensioners get, and these European migrants have not paid a brass halfpenny into the pot. It gets worse and worse eh The sooner we get Nigel Farage and the UKIP in No ten the better,or come to that anybody , instead the main three, DON,T BOTTLE IT NEXT TIME FOLKS AT THE BALLOT BOX 11 otherwise it will go from bad to worse ,and worse and worse etc etc etc !!!!!!!!!!! It is crass stupidity to pay job seekers allowance, council tax benefit, housing benefit and all other subsidies to anyone who was not born and brought up in Great Britain. The sooner what was initially called the Common Market when I voted for it accepts this the better. This country has had the Great taken out of Great Britain by ill judgments of our own politicians in conjunction the greedy mind set in both Brussels and Strasbourg. Powerless to stop this? Not so, we can tell the EU to shove it and the sooner the better. It is ludicrous we should have to pay benefits to *anyone* who hasn't contributed to this country. A whole new level of idiocy when we have to pay for foreigners' children (still living in another country) child benefits as well. A lunatic asylum is postively sane by comparison. Would the last person to leave this dumping ground, please switch off the lights. So what is the point of Parliament then? We are ruled by the EU as Great Britain is dead. It is now time to have an English Assembly because all the other countries in the Kingdom have one. OR maybe quit the EU! A spokesman said: 'No-one can just come into the UK and start claiming our benefits. 'We have strict rules in place to protect the system from any abuse. Ha,ha,ha,ha. No we don't. This idiot should try reading about the daily fraud cases involving £millions of our taxes being given away because we do not have proper checks in place. well no point changing now just continue screwing the british people How I wish Mr. Cameron would stop trying to dance on the world stage and sort out the vast array of problems his own country has, most of them brought about by unfettered immigration. This is a SMALL island and has not benefitted from its membership of the EU; quite the opposite. How low have we to sink before the eyes of those in power are opened and they start tackling the blaze? The British have fought for their freedom down the centuries only to become their own executioners. How sad.......and how frightening. Out of EU now and CLOSE THE BORDERS. I guess the new benefit reforms announced,which would save the government over £5bn,is going to be paid out in benfits to Eastern European migrants.Or to make it sound easier. All UK citizens on benefits will be having their benefits cut so that migrants can claim benefits. Madness!!! I would like to be earning £250 a week. YOU STUPID, STUPID PEOPLE ! Anybody that works and pays tax in the UK now must be mentally certifiable. This can't be allowed to happen, this government must stand up to Europe and refuse to accept their decision to allow immigrants from Eastern Bloc countries to claim benefits, rebates or housing. As a matter of fact this government needs to return these people to their own countries and let them be kept there. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. CAMERON YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO THE BRITISH PEOPLE AND NOW IT WILL COST US DEARLY YOU STUPID MORON WHEN WILL YOU GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK HEAD THAT WE THE BRITISH PEOPLE WANT OUT OF THE EU. WE DEMAND A REFERENDUM NOW> THIS IS WHERE YOU NEED TO MAKE CUTS MR..CAMERON. NOT YOUR OWN PEOPLE. Disgusted. Cameron do something and get us out of the EU now. what's the point in limiting the non EU migration as they can't do anything about the EU migration. It just a political game the goverment play saying they would restrict the non EU migrant but to be honest it wont make much of the difference on net migration. More people are coming in the UK (mainly from non EU) than going out. the time to leave the EU is long past. great britain will disappear forever if we stay in. i am sick of being dictated to by a useless bunch of redundant EU beaurocrats, who have achieved absolutely nothing of any worth. If we are to follow these stupid EU rules, then we must stop paying the membership fees as well. Tell Brussels that to use their rules we MUST stop paying them any money. After all who would still pay into a company that has not published accredited accounts for thirteen years or so. They WONT get a penny if they come to Spain ,Spanish have to pay into the system before you get any back and i believe its some years before any payments ??.ONLY IN THE UK DO WE GIVE OUR MONEY AWAY. The best way to protect the system from any abuse is not to let them in in the first place! Cam-moron-gives us our promised EU referendum NOW! "In a move that could cost the British taxpayer tens of millions of pounds, migrants from the Soviet bloc will be allowed jobseeker's allowance, council tax benefit and housing benefit ". ----No wonder they are queuing up in Calais and other ports along the English Channel to get into the UK. And, that is just the illegals. We are the softest touch in the whole of the western world for immigrants and the funding of them be they legal or illegal. The immigrant now takes precedence above a UK born citizen it would seem. It appears the Coalition are as bad a Labour were in their Border Control efficiency. It is non existant. Are you freaking kidding or what ??? . There are pensioners out there who went through the second world war to defend this country get half, if not less than that, some cant even afford heating or a real meal, if this stupid,out of focus, clueless EU wants us to pay these imigrants £250 a week, they better foot the bills, I really cant help thinking why the BNP and UKIP may be an option next time round. -- We need to get out of the EU, seriously, if we dont, the real british people may one day start a revolution, theres a limit to how far one can push, and that limit is getting mighty close from what I can see. For God's sake, get us out of the EU now! We must refuse to comply. I fo one will be voting for either UKIP or BNP at the next electipons, as the only parties who will do something about this situation. Make's you proud to be British? as a pensioner working here for 50yrs,i dont get that much i just wish like all our other immigrates i had another country to go to ,,, for free hand out's. I have worked 43 years to get £100 a week state pension (taxed as I have an even smaller pension from my job). Funny old world. I suppose the tax I pay goes to these people. How can Eastern Europeans who have paid NO NI contributions or tax get benefits in the UK, when I who have paid in for over 35 years am denied any JSA because I have not paid any NI in the last 2 years ( the previous 35 years deemed irrelivent by the benefits agency) ??. It's disgusting---this is more than pensioners get (who have paid in all their lives) just one more reason to pull out of the EU. If we have got to pay them, it shouldn't be any more than they get in their own country. What is the point of the EU exactly? Is it just a big social experiment sanctioned by a very powerful faceless group of people? One wonders.... because when decisions are made against the grain of common sense, there must be a hidden agenda that is appeasing a small minority but destroying the majority. Another plus for Labour. Wait for the excuses. Or are we going to get another 'Sorry, we did not think' . All the time they are laughing behind their hands, they did the social engineering they wanted to do and have now left some one else to pick up the pieces. The great irony is, the new government will make themselves so unpopular trying to get us back on the right track, Labour may well get voted in the next time around. Remember last time, they took over a good economy, stuck with the policies for a while, then went all stupid and got us in our present mess. GET US OUT OF THE E.U NOW,WE CAN NOT AFFORD THIS Out! Now! Why? Why? and Why? It's time to stop this sort of madness. What will we do when earned income in the UK is surpased by the amount of benefits handed out? One day the people of this country will get a true democratic government that will allow us to decide the future of the UK. Yes, we have the vote but, once in power, our demands are ignored by the our MPs because so many of them have there fingers in the pies of companies who want cheap labour to keep themselves in splendour. They don't care one iota about us serfs who are struggling to cope. No wonder this country is a mess. Will the last british born person to leave, please turn off the lights and leave a note for the milkman... This is stupid, when we havent got enough money to run our own country and look after our own people. This must STOP now. We are full up and at bursting point. GET OUT, WE MUST GET OUT OF THE EU NOW. We will become the next third world country if we do not. We cannot afford to be in the EU and to preserve our own traditions, cultures and economics WE HAVE TO GET OUT of the EU ..................................TODAY We need to follow in the same vein as the uprising arab nations. And say NO, we want rid of this hideous dictator and want control of our own liveand borders. We constantly have the hideous dictator Brussels and his equally hideous 2nd in command, the human rights act, telling us what to do. It's time to revolt against them. Then maybe we can have a return to a multiracial society with a monoculture..British. In the last war we fought for values like freedom of speach, democracy and an english mans home is his castle. WELL EUROPE IS MAKING SURE WE HAVE NONE OF THOSE! So they will have to be living and to have worked here before they qualify for benefits based on thei tax & NI payments. What's the big deal? NO NO NO! This must be stopped. If the EU wants such people to get benefits they should fund it themselves. What a way to discourage people coming to Britain. What an absolute insult to every taxpayer in the country. Whilst every household in the country is being screwed by every government agency, from local government to state, yet there seems to be this bottomless pit of money for those who have not paid into the system and all under the banner of the European Union. What about families who are struggling, what about pensioners, what about the British soliders who risk life and limb with sub-standard equipment, what about the hospitals that are in desperate need of money and schools. It is an absolute outrage. This will only encourage more of them to take the hop, skip and jump over to Britain and the very generous benefits system. It is way overdue for Britain to pull out of the European Union and use that 1 million pounds per hour that gets sent across the Channel for British purposes. so who is going to pay for their pension and their kids upbringing and schooling etc. soon there will not be any money in the pot because no one will be contributing due to the fact the country will be top heavy with people receiving handouts. then the ghettos start and then the basic infrastructure roads sewerage etc will fail.take a look at the countries where they live and that is what the uk will look like in the not to distant future. We are witnessing the systematic rape and plundering of our country aided and abetted by our own unscrupulous politicians. By the time it dawns on Lib/Lab?con voters it will be too late. Yet another reason to leave the EU. More social engineering by Labour. Blair had the chance to put a cap on it but chose to let in unlimited people to claim benefits and put a strain on the NHS, housing and our schools. Labour have DESTROYED this country and the poorest will suffer the most. Blair and Brown should be ashamed. No one who has not contributed should receive benefits. can I please apply to become Eastern European at least that way I will be able to afford to live in this cess pit of a country, instead of working and loosing 20% of my wages to tax each week for this lot.,, another reason to vote B N P Another benefit of being in the eu. We pay in millions that disappear into the corrupt eu coffers now we have to hand out money to people who come to take our jobs and houses. These same people over load our public services. The argument is going to be they work harder then the Brits. Some of them do some of them come here purely because they get good hand outs and can squat in peoples homes without fear of being throw out. Other come and commit crimes and overload the criminal justice system and jails. Lets get out of the eu sooner than later, however I feel that later has already come and we are going to be stuck in the quagmire of eu corruption for ever. We need to help the citizens of our own country. Giving this much money to all the scroungers and layabouts of Europe will encourage mass migration into this country. Time our government stood up for its own citizens, and let other countries worry about theirs. Times are getting very hard here in the UK. Do those nice people at the EU not realise that it is getting very difficult to make ends meet and that we cannot really afford to give money to these poor people from abroad. I think I might have to write a letter to that nice Mr. Cameron in case he doesn't know how bad things are. I mean, if nobody tells him, how will he know. I suppose his friend, that other nice man, Mr. Osborne, he might have mentioned something to him. I think I will write to him just in case. Bye, bye. We need to get out of the EU. Why has no one done anything? it costs £60 BILLION a year just to be a member, they now control our laws and 'himan rights' and now will bankrupt us with this mess. Egypt didn't like their government, we don't like ours - how long before we repeat their actions. Someone needs to stand up and say enough is enough we can't afford this. We need to take to the streets and demand democracy from the European dictatorship. It worked in Egypt. Have British politicians become so gutless they won't stand up to the EU? Try claiming benefits in France, Germany or Holland without having a job or residency status. You can't. I know as I've worked there. No wonder 3.5 million immigrants have come to the UK. Free and easy welfare. The benefits bill will rise and public services squeezed again. Utter madness. Just goes to prove we do not need MP's, we are completely run by Brussels. Full benefits worth £250-a-week each for up to 100,000 Eastern European migrants Says it all really what have we become a country fit for what? No British Government, has ever been given Consent, either to join the EU, or to import Millions of Foreign Nationals. If The British People do not protest, and make a stand very soon, they will be a Minority in their own land. Yet another totally rubbish article from the DM trying to get immigrants, benefits, and the EU into one story. I'm susrpised there's no mention of gypsies in it. If you read the last few paragraphs you might find that immigrants can't just walk into this country and claim benefits, and never have been able to. Change the rules so you cnnot claim benefit unless you have paid UK income tax for a year and that you have to have a british address to be mailed to and have to come and collect your benefit in person from say a post office UK only account so the money cannot go abroad. Just say NO, we will not do it, what will they do expel us from the E.U........we are not that lucky! if they have no work in Britain why are they here!! send them home and make it compulsory, the French did it with the Roma gypsies and it did not do them any harm, few weeks of moaning and pretend outrage by other E.U members and now it's forgotten. WHY DONT WE JUST SEND OUR WAGES TO THE EU? Habitual Residence Test my ass, our friends in the EU will find a way round this that. How much longer will the British Public tolerate Brussels Farce. will the EU help fund these.... you can bet they won't! In the mean time the indigenous Brit will be frozen out from claiming the slightest of benefits due to the cuts. Time to close the doors and leave Europe. Immigration minister Damian Green pointed out that at the same time that the scheme ended in the UK, countries including Germany and Austria would open their labour markets to workers from their eastern neighbours. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How much longer must we wait until these fools get a grip on immigration? geographic location has nothing to do with it, it's all about benefits which our governments repeatedly bend over backwards to give to these people at our expense, that's why most Africans and Middle Eastern immigrants don't stop when they land in Greece or Italy , nor do they stop as they pass through Germany, Austria, France and the Netherlands, they come straight here!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are enough workshy British scroungers here as it is that we're forced to support, close the borders NOW! Come on England when are we going to wise up. If it's not the Scottish or the Welsh taking the mickey it's the Europeans. Pay in and you can take out, if it's charity you need, use the channels set up for that, but the constant drip drip of cash leaving the economy is ridiculous. Is this true, or just anothe DM fantasy story ? If you are a Brit working in a foreign country you are entitled to benefits from those country's. Foreign workers who come here to work and pay UK taxes to support OUR unemployed should also be able to get benefits. Its fair, its no different to the way our countries treat foreign workers and basically if you pay in . . . why shouldn't you be able to take out if you need to. I sure as hell wouldn't pay taxes into a system if it wasn't going to support me if I needed it! Yet we are having cuts imposed on us at all levels....the NHS needs more money,.our military has had vast swathes scythed through it, our care of the elderly is in crisis.... when will the idiots of all persuasions who govern us have the balls to say no more room in the UK and start to take care of our own back yard! do you know what i would pull out of europe now they are just a pain in the a** we should have never joined in the first place edward heath as a lot to answer for, i will never be a european as long as i live i am a Brit though and through this is an island race and we will always be should never have buildt the tunnel eirther, and i think you will find a lot of people think the same. This has got to be the end of liveable wages for the ordinary working Briton. this is not bloody fair we dont even get that with a state pension yet we have worked all our lives get out the EU and how dare the EU legislate against the English it isnt on. why do we have to beg for pensions to go up yet u r letting immigrants take our tax payers monies surely there is a loop hole some where 'and it leaves Britain powerless to counter the move.' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Load of rubbish, all they have to do is refuse. I can't see them refusing though, they love their lords and masters too much. They don't give a damn about the British people, but any Foreigner who comes here they'll move the earth for. WHEN ARE WE GOING TO GET A GOVENMENT WHO CARES ABOUT THE BRITISH PEOPLE? OUT OF THE PATHETIC EU NOW! Why? I truly despair.. I rejust don't understand? I have had my life turned upside down, been kicked, disregarded, and thrown in the rubbish bin by employers because I am now 51 - facing discrimination by employers who consider you too old & too expensive. I have worked since 17 for over 33 years' solidly. Paid all my taxes & NI. And do you know what I can receive in Jobseeker Benefits. Not one penny!! I have been unemployed on and off for 3 years now, my family is suffering, my marriage is all but over, and despite my protestations to DWP, PM, Iain Duncan-Smith and Sir George Young, I have been told continually. "Rule are Rules" & "Sorry". This is about the final insult left. Let all and any immigrants in near vicinity in and pay them a ridiculous amount of money to do nothing... they will quickly wangle the system and amazingly the country will be in more debt. Surely to goodness, you look after your citizens above all others. Europe has gone crazy and good UK families suffer! Good grief! Referendum on leaving EEC asap This is stupid - in France you have to have lived and worked and paid in for 5 years to have the same rights as a French citizen (that is benefits). I think if the UK gives benefits to EU workers who are freshly arrived it will be the only country that does! Yet another reason why we need to get out of the EU now, we have a choice with everything just no government with any backbone! i think i might sell my house,.spend the money and find a nice squat.,it will be much cheaper,.i have pen paper and a drawing pin to pin a notice ,when i find a suitable place., Im lost for words now i really am. Anymore liberal fools who still want to justify the economic benefits of EU migration may need to read this. Oh and also, i think people should take a look at the tax laws regarding migration which says if you work in the UK for less than 6 months you are entitled to a full tax rebate. Guess what most migrants do? MR CAMERON YOU ARE USELESS Just a thought ... what happens if these squatters accidentally burn the place down .. who would be liable ? Stick that in your European Human Rights pipe ... squatters are a nuisence .. Sign the government e-petition to make squatting illigal. our country is out of control, thease people no they can come here and get away it, i expect they will be given houses soon etc, all on the expence of our hard working tax payers. Cameron promised legislation to ban squatting. The Government has not done so. He also promised to ban wheel clamping. Ditto! He said immigration would be severely reduced. It has not been. We were going to ban no- win- no- fee parasitic law firms- we have not. We were going to rationalize the Human Righta Act so we could throw out illegals and foreign criminals- we have not done that, either. Come on Cameron- you can blame the world for the economy- you have to blame your goverment for the above failures! It's for the title holder of the property to start any eviction proceedings as the law requires - if they so choose - and assuming there are no specific related anti-social issues not the business of anyone else. Got to be the most insane country on the planet. It is time positive action was taken by both CAMERON and the legal system to remove these parasites from the properties in which they are squatting, these people have no regard for the buildings and turn them into slums and our country into the cesspit of the world thanks to BLAIR and STRAW and their multicultural society, again CAMERON another problem can be solved by leaving the EU, we can send all these squatters back to their own country. It is so blatantly obvious that the EU has created the majority of the problems that engulf our country. Kick them out of our homes. These people have no business being there And another nail in the police farce coffin. This scum can sue the owner but the owner is unable to get into their property? The law is not on the law abiding's side. This problem strikes right at the heart of what Cameron and his cronies have failed to realise with the European immigrants coming here and taking our jobs.Their statement said they couldn't afford the rents in London, well hello that's why millions commute every day, figures show many who come here want to live and work in London. Then they see just what working at a burger bar or cleaning cars will get them and it's not what they dreamed of at all. But to move into empty property should be illegal and they should be deported if caught. The crap around whether they broke in or not is not an issue, even if like the young burglar the other day, and said the window was open, They are still getting in there without consent and causing damage which is trespass. The police should go immediately they get a complaint and evict squatters that day. If they are vagrants or students without money send them home, If they have a criminal record send them home. We can't just allow this to go on. Lets all go to their countries and squat there. See how they like that! Squatting should be illegal. END OF. What the hell is wrong with you people? All in arms because a FIVE MILLION POUND PROPERTY was EMPTY for TWO YEARS then squatted. Note the words in capitals, for surely therein lies the problem. We live in a world where a house can cost so much, where it can lie empty for two years, when there are hell knows how many thousands of people on housing waiting lists with a snowball's chance in hell of even getting a semi-decent property. Instead you all slavishly follow the party line of demonising those who actually take a stand against this decadence and injustice. Sorry if it sounds a tad socialist, but surely a society worth its salt would do its upmost to ensure that we provide all of its members with the fundamental right of shelter? No, instead we idolise those who produce nothing for society and keep our mouths shut as the wealth divide turns into a chasm with no chance of it being crossed. Shame on you all for being so selifh and materialistic. No wonder we're..... At least they weren't from Dale Farm.. Better to see it lived in that to go to ruin. the reason the law cannot stop this is E nglsh Common law which goes back to feudal times - very hard to change as it has 100's of years of precedent why should they go back home when they are allowed to squat. They are breaking no LAWS. untill you change the law (and who is a stupid DM reader to change any law) then they are perfectly entitled to do what they are doing. THIS IS A NON STORY. SORRY. after being away for a week on business my daughter came back to UK to find her flat was occupied by squatters,she called the police but they didnt want to know even though the squatters had been carrying on criminal activity from the flat ,stolen phones etc..and had left behind what appeared to be bomb making equipment. I have put in an official complaint on the Met Police website which they have failed to respond to after 8 weeks. I GREW UP IN THE 50'S/60'S WITH BOTH RESPECT AND FEAR FOR THE POLICE, TODAY THEY COMMAND NEITHER Don't generally agree with squatting, but I agree less with rents so extortionate that much of London is exclusive only to the richest celebrities. - Anon, Here, Now. Yes only the wealthy and the economic inactive. Come on Mr Cameron make trespass a crminal offence to end once and for all squating and illegal camping. Just shows, these poor squatters don't get a chance to choose their neighbours. I think people should read Shelter's view on squatting, not paying rent, etc. I grew up in London and can't afford the rents, but that doesn't give me the right to squat in somebody else's house. The rents are much lower in the South of France, Spain, and other places in the sunny south, but try squatting down there and see what they do to you! long live the EU!!!!! this is what we get belonging to that cesspit but then the EU lover boy cameron does not mind as long as we pay for it and not him Where the hell is that law that was promised to make squatting illegal? Please read...This flattens any argument to suggest immigration and cheap labour is good for our economy. The fact is many immigrants live in shared housing, whether thats an annex, a single dwelling, someone's converted shed or in this case squatting. My point is this, they do not pay council tax or other living our own people face, therefore they do NOT represent the true cost of living and can afford to work for less, lowering wage levels and making them unrealistic to our own people that would have to pay their full taxes. Is it any real wonder why these jobs are so unappealing to many uk citizans when all they'd be doing is working to pay taxes to support even more immigrants that continue to flock here to take advantage of our week governments and their flippant attitude towards immigration and the effect on our society as a whole. Oh yeah, they're great for the economy! The law is an ass! Is there a judge in the country who has the sense to stop this from happening it is beyond a joke now! We have far too many free loaders in this country if our politicians were more interested in the good of the country not their bottomless pockets we would have stopped this years ago, if the money isn't taken out of politics in all respects then we won't have justice or a civilised society soon as everyone seems to be out for their own interests and allowing others who shouldn't be here to abuse the system! Let's not impose on their human rights. All part of the scheme to reduce us to a Third World hell-hole no doubt. If everyone started breaking into someone else's property because they couldn't afford to live where they wanted, we would have anachy. Time for this to be treated as a criminal offence and for the police to be able to act immediately. We won't be able to go to the shops soon without someone breaking in and taking up residence and it costs more than most people have to get them out again . Every is moaning about this and rightly so, But the majority commenting on here no doubt voted for the party's have allowed these situations to exist.......You get what you pay for, So to speak. Good luck to them.It's a disgrace this property has been empty for two years. I'm not sure I understand the connection between the fact that a property has squatters and their nationality. Nor indeed the fact that they - the "eastern Europeans" - reside within a certain proximity to a couple of public figures. Is there no 'news' you could be reporting on today? There you go again, DM, using the word 'exclusive' when you mean 'expensive'. I do wish you'd stop doing that! The ones I'd like to get my hands on are the ones who that disgusting modern box beside a fine Victorian house - and the Planners who permitted it! The reason we can't do anything is because of their human rights. Lawyers will be queuing up to take on the case. It doesn't matter how many law abiding citizens are hurt by these freeloading bums, they will not be protected. The sooner we scrap or change the bill the better. If they can't afford the rents, then GO BACK HOME. My friend is a single mum and she was waiting for a very long time to get a council flat........... If that sentence does not spell out to the populace just how these people see things I do not know what will? ......SO having NEVER paid into our system they think it justifiable that they can put their names down for housing in OUR country. No doubt we have already paid her maternity bills and have yet another (anchor) child to support. No one should be entitled to social housing here unless they have 3 generations of history here. That alone would go a long way in stopping incomers like these. As any help in housing costs should be assessed with the same criteria. These people are freeloaders and they should be removed from this country. ALL OF THEM EVERYWHERE should be forcibly if necessary removed. The sooner we get some backbone the sooner these problems will start to be resolved. Vote wisely if you hope for any future for our own in this country. I can't believe those ungrateful squaters have the law on their side?! Who ever thought this could USA it's called breaking and entering and those Slags would be jailed ..then they would have a place to stay..behind bars..just bec somthing is empty doesn't give anyone the right to go in and occupy it!!! It belongs to someone!!! This just isn't right! And the attitude of these people is disgusting...gimme, gimme, gimme!!! Who can afford rent. In my home we both work to PAY the high rent!! May e they should try working..but that's not the way of these forgein freeloaders! Vile, horrible, disrespectful, scumbags!! If these squatters have no permanent address are they working? If not they should be thrown out of the country if they are how are they registered for National Insurance Tax etc etc without a permanent address? Don't generally agree with squatting, but I agree less with rents so extortionate that much of London is exclusive only to the richest celebrities... I'd say this is the lesser of two evils... I have just finished a u-Gov survey. One of the questions: How do you rate Camerons leadership? Guess how I rated him? Why do we put up with these immigrants ? Her friend had been waiting for a council house for a long time. So what. Why is she considered for a council house in the first place. Because she has a child. More fool her. Bet she had it on the National Health and is drawing our benefits. I am struggling on a pension and I have lived here all my life paying taxes. These people should be sent back home. Damn what the EU says. Squatting should be made a criminal offence so that the police can remove them immediately. Bet there won't be much of the interior of this house left after they leave. But I thought squatting had recently been made illegal ? This squaters Law requires to be abolished ASAP I suppose that once they are evicted they get a council house??? Why do immigrants always think the only place to live is London? Try living somewhere cheaper or go back to your own country. If that dilapidated looking place is worth £5,000,000 then my rather modest home with Seaviews to the front and Mountain views to the rear must be worth at least £20,000,000. Notwithstanding that why don't they just get on with changing the laws and like Scotland make it a criminal offence? Ah yes too simple and no doubt the human rights brigade would enter the fray. I think we all should squat at those big guys law maker who thinks squatters has more rights than homeowner. Let them taste their own medicine ! I thought a law had been passed making it a criminal offence to squat in residential premises. Good for them. If our spineless politicians fear they may upset the looney Left by installing common sense into our society, we should not be surprised when people assume the right to become professional parasites. If they say they can't afford the rents in London, then GO BACK HOME. I hope they are not claiming benefits, because if the are, I and everyone else want some. Why are they here if they have no jobs and can't afford rents?? Oh yeah it's UK !! what about the law of 'breaking and entering'?i dont understand why they cant be evicted its not their home Why are we still abiding by these archaic rules? We are in the 21st century not 18th! The Law NEEDS to change!!!!!!! If these freeloaders can't afford rent, then move somewhere else, like a different country?!! I can't afford rents in the capital either, and I was brought up a mile from that property. But I have never gone squatting, I simply live where I can afford. 'It's ok as long as you don't hurt anyones feelings'.... my response to that is unprintable. They do it because they can, because the law allows them to.... its a bit like them coming here for nothing in the first place and getting everything for nothing.... you would have to be daft not to. Until the law changes we will always be the laugh of the world.... from benefit scroungers and the rest of the really nice people that turn up on our shores either because they can or hitch a ride on a truck from France or a ferry. Those allowed to come here should have a job waiting for them and accommodation paid for like the rest of us.... it beggars belief that you can have your home or property overrun today in modern Britain by leeches and for them to be protected. It doesn't happen in Scotland, its a criminal offence there. Blame the government.'s about time the mega wealthy had a taste of the effects of silly legislation, mass immigration and open borders. It is these people have made the most profit from more importing more consumers and cheap labour. When a few gated communities are taken over by sqatters, perhaps we might see the received wisdom of our lords, ladies and masters take a reality check. Worse is better. If they can't afford rents in London it's more than likely that they are probably not working. Why don't they go back to their places of origin? What can you do no ones fault but the law in this amazing democracy. Who actually voted for this? And if the majority of people don't want it what is it law?? If this was one of the countries that all you dm lot put down these squatters wouldn't last 30 seconds and them or any of their friends would never squat again! Anybody thought about cutting off their power or water or is that deemed cruel and unusual punishment in the UK these days? The squatters have probably done about just as much work in their lives as their neighbours who've undoubtedly inherited their millions! If you can't afford to live in London then please stay in your own country. I wonder how other countries would react if British subjects just simply moved into, their, empty properties. I am really tired of the pathetic, overly politically correct laws that allow people, in Britain, to abuse the system for their own gain. Perhaps we should all start squatting in our desired address then perhaps the government would address the problem more seriously. Why aren't squatters charged with break and enter, or trespassing? Your laws are goofy! Surely the house was locked up, so they must have broken in? That is called breaking & entering, which is against the law. Police, do your job. Get them out NOW I'll pack my bag then shall I ??? what a disgraceful situation -if you can't afford to live in the capital then move out of it or find rent in an affordable part of the city - not squatt in one of the most upmarket areas. These people are having a laugh at everyone's expense. I observed two very improtant things regarding the story: 1. Please, be more precisious defining the Eastern Europeans. Do you know how many East European nations do exists You generalized the squatters pointing out fingers in all Eastern Europeans ! 2. EU should have thought better about consequences after joining some of ex-communist countries in its block. The way of living in poor countries in combination with extremly liberal immigrants law in UK give a great space for manipulation to certain groups of immigrants that simply do not want to live according to civilized law given that they lived under non-civilized conditions.... How does this not differ from me breaking into someones house while they are at work and just squat there; these flats/houses belong to people who have paid alot of money for it. It should be a criminal offence and if the Government had any backbone they would have done something already about this. "A 24-year-old Polish occupant of the property claimed she had been forced to squat in the house after being unable to afford rents in the capital" - Might I suggest that she and her squatter friends return to Poland, where I am sure the rent will be much more affordable? Quite obviously the benefits are just not high enough, what has UK become the dumping ground for all the scum of Europe. Well done Blair/Brown, as for Dave get of your butt and save a once great country and to hell with Cleggs blackmail. The property owner is a disgrace if this is known and allowed. Many working people can't afford their rents but are paying into society. This is sponging in every sense - how do you think they are feeding and clothing themselves?? What this message is saying...Why bother buying when you can squat anywhere Was surprised to read in Wikipedia, that the UK has a centuries old tradition of "legalised squatting." Very sticky subject.......a restructuring or overturning of the law will prove to be difficult. cant see much problem with the approach they have made and the house has been empty a long time. not like the Romanian bunch who took over an occupied house. How on earth can such an ugly house be worth anything like £5 million ? No charm, no privacy. It used to be an old block of council flats and that's exactly what it looks like still. So go home then you bunch of vile freeloaders! The Law needs to change. It's unbelievable what people have to put up with in this country, it is time the law was on the side of ordinary people and not ridiculous minorities with their 'rights' such as squatters and travellers. 5 million for that?!Looks a right dump What a cesspit the country has become. I despair at our laws they always seem to protect criminal and anyone else who wants to take take take but have put nothing into this country. ............If a car was left unlocked with the keys in the ignition and I helped myself to it, I would be arrested for theft and the car would be returned to its rightful owner immediately. Yet if it a house was left 'unlocked' and I helped wouldnt be theft ?....And, as a squatter, the law would protect my rights...Crazy or what? away from the story a bit, but it always amazes me at what money can't buy in london. fine looking house from the outside, but 5 million lol. in the very nice area of west yorkshire i am from 5 million can buy you a huge mansion with large woodland grounds. london for suckers. saying that because whenever there somethign about the north some londoner insults us. If they camped in number 10 it would be a different matter, the law on common displaced residential occupiers would soon be changed.... The government don't care and think we all have thousands of pounds to throw at civil claims.... Pathetic country... Why the he'll don't these people just go back to their home countries if life is so hard here? Life is hard for everyone these days without these parasites taking the micheal!!! It absolutely boggles the mind. No money for rent so just take over someone's house. What's next? No money for a car so just take someone's car? As I have said before, if you were in Texas and you went in my house I could shoot you. No questions asked. It would seem breaking and entering laws would apply but then we have been over and over that and still the laws have not been changed. Can't afford the rents - go home Why do all squatters have to be so untidy? It's bad enough that they're there but they make so much MESS! What happened to the laws that were going to be introduced to make squatting illegal? Another Cameron U-turn? Squatting, i.e. occupying a property against the owners permission is wrong in every way and for squatters to suggest it is ok because they cant afford London rents is just making up the law to suit themselves. As the police seem impotent in these cases then the politicians need to act with legislation before some serious incidents take place. 1. If you can't afford to live over here, go home. 2. It's NOBODYS God given right to get a council property. Nice to know this 'single mum' who is no doubt Eastern European too, allows their child to live in squalor just so they can be prioritised. 3. Everyone else manages to afford to rent........TRY GETTING A JOB!!! This article shows everything that is wrong with this country. Abolish squatters rights, I can't believe they can commandeer someone elses house then threaten the owner with legal action. Stop letting these people in and giving them priority unless they can prove they can support themselves. Here's an idea, if it's too expensive, go back to Poland!!! Times must be hard if even eastern Europeans have to wait for a flat! Thought they were entitled to queue jump! No doubt they will claim, and be paid, housing benefit, plus whatever else the local council will throw at them. Outrageous. So you can't afford to live in the capital. How about living somewhere else? Or is that for Little People? A 24-year-old Polish occupant of the property claimed she had been forced to squat in the house after being unable to afford rents in the capital. Then don't come in to the UK to live if you can't afford it!! go back to your own country!! They weren't forced to squat - if they can't afford London rents then they should move elsewhere or return to their own country. It's ironic that this squat is taking place in Glenda Jackson's constituency, full of right-on Guardian-reading types. We should have more squatters in this area to rub the smarmy bien-pensants' noses in it ! 'My friend is a single mum and she was waiting for a very long time to get a council flat.' Classic. I wonder how long I'd have to wait for a council flat in Poland? Oh yeah, eternity. If you can't afford the rent don't come here. As an expat, seeing what has happened to Britain since I left, I have long since stopped reacting with anger to these stories but I keep reading the online papers due to a horrified fascination to the demise of the My decision to leave has worked out well, especially for my kids, and these types of stories remind me that the country I knew no longer exists. Life in Canada is great - most of the good of Britain is here, and very little of the cancer that killed Britain has taken hold as yet. I pray the Canadians can have more success in fighting this off than we did. Not only have they not been deported but they are living rough, weve got foreigners living rough in this country!; labour has let this country go to the wall, come election day I know who im NOT voting for, and anyway isnt killing swans a criminal offence? Why are these people not behind bars, or not sent back to their own countries??? I feel sorry for the people of natives Peterborough, watch this space though, there coming to a town near you, to rape and pilage that too while the authorities sit back and shuffle their papers feeling all self important reciving bloated wages while doing nothing.....1 way ticket to mars please.... A lot of these people who perpetrate this crime would love to go to jail - if they are sleeping rough, then a warm bed and 3 squares, is a good thing. Seriously though, killing Swans and fishing in illegal methods should carry a prison sentence - in their own country, we catch 'em, we send 'em back why should we put them in our jails -they have perfectly good ones there! Anybody, who even contemplates voting for ANY of the Main Parties, particularly Labour, needs sectioning. This Country is sleep walking into a Fascist State where the only ones with privileges will be the ruling classes and they will do what they want, irrespective of the damage they cause. A nightmare scenario!! I'm sick of these illegal and unskilled European workers who come here for a free ride. It's all well and good if the immigrant has a job lined up and comes here ready to step into a job which Britain benefits from and the person will readily accept our culture - I have no problem with that at all. I wouldn't be able to emigrate to the US or Australia without having a skill they needed and I would expect to be deported if I went there to beg and poach! Where I live (on a busy street in Glasgow city centre) there are 4-5 Big Issue sellers who are clearly Eastern European and appear to be all from the same family. I thought the Big Issue was there to support OUR native homeless, not refugees!! It's disgraceful. They barely even speak English! How dare they assume they can come here just to beg on the streets! How did they get here in the first place if they had no job lined up? It's time for Britain to toughen up with immigration instead of us being made a laughing stock. The more stories like this that we read, the more we yearn for sensible politicians like Peter Davies, The Mayor of Doncaster! This story is clearly the result of our wonderful Free Market Economy which ensures that we pay rock bottom prices for our vegetables and processed meat by employing people on exceptionally low wages, the workers of which are predominately migrants.This demographic presently make up what is being described as the New Underclass, as they have little or no access to social benefits.Hence, their poverty will reduce them to resort to whatever survival skills they have at their disposal in order to get by. What a SURPRISE!! The swans in and around North London particularly in Enfield have been slaughtered and eaten by the Eastern European immigrant population. But nohting has been done about it. The swans I believe belong to the Queen so are actually stealing from our Queen. But they don't care they do exactly as they please. These people should never have been allowed into the UK and should be deported immediately. - Kate, Key West, Florida, 23/3/2010 15:24 What a ridiculous statement! Yes people who break the law should receive an appropriate punishment but deportation is a little harsh! Many migrants work legally in our country and have helped many businesses to remain in business and have contributed to our society. I am sighing while I write this as I know it will be lost on many DM readers who are frothing at the mouth, enjoying the latest migrant bashing peice of 'journalism'. Cue red arrows. Here in Peterborough we have had migrants living by the river for some years. with all this food drifting by one cannot be surprised when they take advantage, we cant possibly talk of punishment because we must not.... So, it will go on until the council house and feed them, further ratcheting up house prices for young indigenous couples, how do we let this happen... Why are these vile people in our country flouting our laws and destroying our wildlife? I put humans before fish (and sport). - Lucien, Bristol, 23/3/2010 16:18 Do the red arrows next to this comment mean that 2000 mail readers but fish and sport before humans? People go on strike for this that and the other so why are we, the people, not on strike as a country to protect ourselves? If the 'man in the street' does not act soon no one else will because there are too many people making too much money 'at the top' to be bothered. I don't just mean politicians and big business but the traffickers at the top of their lucrative 'trade'. I am sure there must be someone out there with enough clout to start a legal 'strike' and am sure a lot of people wold follow. 'It is possible that (Polish) people don't know the law. Polish migrants should learn to speak English and the laws of the land should be upheld...the next thing will be bank robbery and theft on the increase, but then when it gets to Court it will be O.K. because they don't know the law! If the Council are that concerned then give them money and a house, let them jump the housing queue. Then they can fish and kill swans without leaving the evidence.......sorted! Hmmm. So five Polish men get caught fishing without a licence and this is used to prove that immigrants are systematically clubbing swans to death and destroying all the fish stocks in Peterborough? Any figures for the number of Brits caught poaching last week? They know what they are doing ! That is why they do it at night and in a covert way. They are just avoiding getting caught, putting up signs is like threarening them with a feather duster ! the people are hungry. what are they do do? they need to eat. easy to pass judgement on a full belly. This sort of thing has happened in Bedford for ages. All the anglers know so why are the Enviro Agency not doing anything on the issue? I knew someone who fished the private carp ponds in the area who said it was a massive problem. Prized, highly expensive carp suddenly started to disappear. Carp is a delicacy in Eastern Europe. If you bring in cheap labour to a high cost country what do you expect? Why does daily mail pick on us, Poles? I know there is a lot of us, but we are not a serious threat to your country, we're just here to work for your country so its economy would grow, and yes we pay taxes and DON'T take any benefits instead. This is what happens when you pay people below what the locals are paid. To live in the UK you need UK wages to pay less then you have trouble as these people have to live. Ignorance of the law is no excuse -- that is a principle laid down very firmly in this country. The courts must jail all those caught destroying our wildlife and then kick them out. As for illegal fishing there should be clear signs explaining what is legal and illegal and if someone doesn't comply then they should be fined. - Mrs S, London, 23/3/2010 16:01 How are people living rough going to pay these fines? Anyone who cannot support themselves financially, domestically and linguistically should not have the right to stay here sponging and stealing from a country they have never contributed to in the smallest way. Immigrants can and do make a success of life here but the ones who are incapable or unmotivated to do that have no place in our society. What's the problem? Is it better people starve or they get a dirty fish out of a mucky canal?! 'Some don't even know the laws of their own country'. So now OUR country is infested with hundreds of thousands of potential criminals who devastate our wildlife, invade our homes and flout every law in the book. Now what could be the solution, I wonder? Oh, yes, I know - more benefits, more tolerance, more understanding, more education, more healthcare, more everything. What a country! Thanks, Labour, and turn off the lights when you leave. They have just mocked this story on The Wright Stuff, but why? This isn't about racism against immigrants this is about British people wanting to protect and appreciate their already dwindling and under threat wildlife. This is also about animal welfare. I worry when certain people don't take stories like this seriously. LEAVE OUR WILDLIFE ALONE! Do me a favour and stop making excuses for people that break the law in our country. Ignorance is not an excuse, that applies to anyone not just immigrants. I'm so sick of people coming and stamping all over us in the UK. You stick by the laws of the country you're in otherwise face the consequencies. I'm living and working in a foreign country, I know the laws and would not break them, but maybe that's because they will be inforced. Get a grip Great Britain! This has been going on for years and ignored. The park keepers in Enfield were told not to approach anybody seen poaching. Heart breaking when whatching a duck being hit against a tree!!! When I shouted all I got back was abuse! Lets, let them take whatever they want who needs wildlife we obviously dont have enough food in this country! Can we really sit back and watch them distroy this country????/ I realy like sunday roast swan ;), i feel then like the king. hahaah Do you realy belive in such nonsense , nobody in Poland eat swans!!!!! Angling is a blood sport and should be banned along with hunting and shooting - BW657, London, 23/3/2010 15:43 BW657, Angling is not a blood sport. These migrants are the ones catching the fish inhumanely and its disgraceful what they are doing to the swans. Kick 'em OUT!!!! If we dont deal with it now it will only get worse, this country will be a disgusting mess, we will have no green land left because we have to house them all. All our wonderful wildlife will be eaten by these thiefs. mmm, cant wait. Thanks Labour. The immigrants in Peterborough are offered a free trip home, the taxpayer pays for it. Only a handful have taken up the offer. I don't think signs in many languages is going to halt any fishing. Meanwhile the wages in the area are now so low. Many are looking for work and companies often employ immigrants over anyone else as they will work for well below the minimum wage. Well done Socialist Labour. Its either law or not. Who cares if they are ignorant of the laws, break them, suffer the penalty. "carcasses of swans have been found on the bank" So they weren't catching them to eat then because if they were, why would they leave them on the bank? Stiring I think. This story is a similar one for rivers, ponds and streams in most areas where large numbers of migrants live. These beautiful water areas are also used as free dumps for unwanted meat by some types of restaurants; but it is also right to say that many birds and fish die from the debris left by a number of fishermen enjoying a day's relaxing sport. This has been flagged up to the EA for the past ten years and more. Their response is to employ Diversity Officers to explain how naughty it is for foreigners to behave like this. Mostly to five year old schoolkids. Their parents can do what the hell they like. The Equalities Commission sees to that. If they are unemployed and with nowhere to live kick them out as vagrants, as they can always go back to where they came from. Stop handing out benefits and "charitable" donations of every kind. These people have come to believe they can get a free ride in the UK How many are working in the fields and claiming benefits I wonder. Then after 12 months they will go back home and claim unemployment benefits which the Uk will of course pay using borrowed money on which we pay interest. Mad or what There is nothing wrong with fishing, and they must have been very hungry to eat a swan. Lets hope that the British won't start doing it, because the way the life is going.............. never say never. Would these be the very same folk, that we were assured by all and sundry, who would be adding value to our economy rather than being a drain on it? this sort of thing has been going on for a long time ,all over the country .ignorance of our rules and laws is no excuse ,if you choose to live in another country long term or short term its up to the individual to find out the rules .Problem is poaching is not a [ target crime ]so police wont enforce it and these people know that. Here, here !!! Christina, of Parkstone, Lots and lots of us feel the same way. Reconise our laws and culture or get out.!!! Just make sure your vote counts everyone. What a sad and sorry place the city I used to call home has become, in fact what a sad and sorry place Britain has become. Sorry ,regarding the fish stocks this is seeking scape goats for declining fish stocks .I lived and worked in Germany & Holland for over 15 years ,as a course fisherman i continued my boyhood methods of returning all fish at he end of the day .The continentals would ask for our catch to take home with theirs which of course we would not do .Here in Spain its the same . One thing i can say there was never ever a shortage of fish and the ones caught were in prime condition .,unlike the fish in UK caught over and over again on overfished waters. Look at , water quality, polution and a host of other problems caused by man. I am not condoning it but a hundred or so migrants fishing every day should have no effect on a river such as the Neane . The close season from a fish protection point is a nonesense as all anglers have caught fish outside the close season in spawn it depends on the weather ,however, its nice to give the river a rest. Swans there are laws enforce them . I read last week that 4million ex-pats want to come back to Britain.Question is "Will there be any good reason for them to do so --will they have somewhere to live,or will they have to get in the queue behind the immigrants,(when most have to sell their homes first to come back here?)I await in anticipation but I won`t hold my breath for any sensible answer off this ex government.They have messed up big time and they don`t even say SORRY. If we were'nt in the EU these pesants would'nt be here in the first place! When caught they should be heavily fined and then deported. If they can't pay the fine they should be put in jail on work duty until its worked off and then deported! Bit of a hard bash at the Polish. I live in East London, huge population of Polish, they seem to work hard, pay their way and have very high expectations of family life. Its the peasant types who seem to cause the trouble, they drain the canals at locks then pick the fish out the mud. If you move to Britain, be British otherwise stay where you came from. Am I allowed to say that without someone calling me names? I put humans before fish (and sport). A quick search brings up scores of almost identical articles from the past several years about "immigrants" killing fish or wildfowl at various locations in the UK. I strongly suspect this is an urban myth that keeps doing the rounds. One thing the stories all lack is credible evidence. There aren't comments from the police saying it's a problem or examples of actual arrests or convictions. They're based on various people saying they "believe" immigrants are to blame - nothing more. Perhaps people just desperately WANT to believe they are. Maybe the origins of the story go even further. In the 1930's in Germany, there were reports in the press that Jews were responsible for killing and eating ornamental ducks and fish. Although carp wasn't generally eaten by Germans, it was a popular dish amongst Jews. I have been finding slaughtered swans for the last 6-7 years around peterborough, and nobody is interested when you report it. Why aren't these people deported? I keep reading how immigrants are handed mansions and plasma TVs?? Why are these immigrants sleeping rough? Someone is not being truthful Blair and Brown have succeeded in turning Britain into cesspit. Of course the low levels in fish has nothing to do with increasing river pollution?? Not sure the reason for swan carcasses... foxes? We had this problem where I used to live in the UK. Sadly, British Law is inadequate for this type of offence. The people will not be fined or imprisoned. They will merely be given a slap on the wrist and set free to re-offend again and again. Have you noticed that none of the main parties have even mentioned immigration or the EU in their pre-election spiel ? So don`t expect anything to change when the Lib/Lab/Con men get in again. Even the conservative government were wary of annoying the fisherman of this country. They are a tough lot and great in number! Some of the imigrants that are sleeping rough and poaching could be used in a massive media campaign aimed at the countries they are coming from to drive the message home loud and clear that life is no better here and it is not a free for all societey that is eagerly awaiting them with food shelter and money! The people trafficers are convincing them it is great here so that they can take all their money in exchange for transporting them in the direction of the UK The same goes for the Russian suicide family last week. Try and deal with the problem at it's roots rather than trying to trim the leaves. Everything else has failed. Its happened in my neck of the woods too. Probably all over the country and the councils knew it was happening so WHY HAVNT THE COUNCILS DONE ANYTHING ABOUT IT. I bet i know the answer! lets face it, if we went to a middle eastern country and kissed in public then said we did not understand the law or their culture, do you think they would let ignorance be an excuse, so how come it is ok when they come here? Come, come. Migrants can do no wrong - only the cowered, silenced indigenous population. To criticise them in any way is clearly racist and will be immediately dealt with as such. The courts will rule that it is against their civil liberties and human rights to be even politely reprimanded. Britain triumphs over the entire world in its pride at having this official attitude. Angling is a blood sport and should be banned along with hunting and shooting Being in the Eu does not benifit ordinary people, only polticians and big busines, and for the right to have brussels tell us what we can and cannot do, costs this country dearly Time to shut the wlecome door and get out. We already have a law to deal with this unfortunately the police choose to ignore it because it causes them too much work and time, the vagrancy act of 1824 and it's subsequent ammendments of 1838,1935, 1966, as far as I'm aware is still in force and carries a sentence from one to three years, it covers the lot from living rough, poaching ETC, various organisations like shelter have been trying to get sections 3 and 4 of the act repealed in mid 2009, the residents of Peterborough want to tell/demand their police do their job and withold the part of their council tax that they recieve if they don't. Dirty horrible people. I listened to a radio report from bbc radio oxford a few months ago regarding a lake owner who had to put a sign up saying No Polish! He caught these people litterally taking the fish out and eating them on the side of the lake. They turn up in droves and just take the fish and eat them, regardless of size or species. His stocks had to be completely replenished. to the cost of thousands. Of course the Human Rights activists were immediately on his case for discriminatination, and were pettioning fror him to remove his sign. Another attack on Polish community. POLISH PEOPLE DO NOT EAT SWANS. Please get your facts right. It is a practice popular among Romanian gypsy population. As for illegal fishing there should be clear signs explaining what is legal and illegal and if someone doesn't comply then they should be fined. - Mrs S, London, 23/3/2010 16:01 The article doesn''t say they eat swans. The Poles were caught fishing. As for having signs, WHY? Anyone, anywhere, should check the laws and rules before carrying out any activity. I certainly wouldn't think of fishing in rivers in another country without firsy finding out if it was permissible. Ignorance is no defence. Labour's enforced multicultural policy at work, for which we can thank Blair and Brown. Aren't you pleased you voted Labour? - Parks, London, 23/3/2010 14:53 Parks, I'm from Peterborough and I agree this situation is unpleasant and many areas of my city have sadly become Eastern European ghettos. But, and you know this is true, even if we had had a Tory Government this situation would still have occured. Ask Dave about Europe. Mrs S London - it's you who should get your facts right. This is not an attack on the Polish community. The article states a correlation between swans being killed and the influx of Eastern Europeans. It does not say they are being eaten by Poles. It does say that Polish men have actually been caught fishing illegally; this is not an attack, this is fact. This government's immigration policy is an attack on the British way of life. People of many nationalities and religions come here for a better life. Sadly, this often means doing exactly what they want and trying to impose their views and culture on us while yelling 'racist' if we object and milking the system of all they are 'entitled' to. The way it should be is integrate, obey our laws and respect our culture and you're welcome. Otherwise, you have the right to leave. These people should never have been allowed into the UK and should be deported immediately. I thought killing swans in Britian was an act of violence against the crown, as the queen owns all the swan in Britain?? "Welcome to Britain," take whatever you want, fish stocks, swans, other people's houses, benefits, jobs, take your pick. It's all there for the taking if you are an immigrant. We were in Western Australia a few years ago and they had exactly the same problem there. East Europeans taking fish that were undersized. Leave the EU and their anti-British laws, (they aren't actually anti-British, it's just that we are the only ones stupid enough to obey them) The signs will make it easier to prosecute people as they will not be able to say that they did not know what they were doing is illegal. We should be able to fine the persons country in some circumstances for many illegal acts and this would be a good start and would encourage the country to educate their citizens as to what they can and cannot do in the UK. Isn't it tragic though, that these people came here on the promise of a better life. You can't blame them, the blame lies with the government in allowing them to come here in the first place. If they arrive with no job, no home and no money to live on, it's inevitable that they will have to live rough and survive in the best way they can. Once again, this government has a lot to answer for. Another attack on Polish community. POLISH PEOPLE DO NOT EAT SWANS. Please get your facts right. It is a practice popular among Romanian gypsy population. As for illegal fishing there should be clear signs explaining what is legal and illegal and if someone doesn't comply then they should be fined. This is not just happening in Peterhead, I fish at Aboyne, Kinnord, and a few other places and I have noticed the difference over the last few years in fish numbers. Many times I have caught eastern europeans taking fish that they are not supposed to and when confronted they pretend they don't know what you're saying, yet as soon as you mention "police" they soon get the message. If you move to a different country you have to read up about the laws, just in case you could be doing something considered a no-no. Learning some of the language is a good idea also, so at least you can ask if its ok to do something. Ignorance is no excuse! They have tongues in their heads, why can't they bloody ask! These people should be shipped back to where they came from if they can't abide by our laws, it happens in other countries! Erm!, hard one here, do bears defecate in the woods? is the Pope Catholic? the police and the balifs are the ones that turn a blind eye.polish are destroying our scottish lochs killing every pike they catch, my bf is a keen angler and respects the fish and his surrounding but the polish butcher the fish and leave a mess so people like him get the blame. many a time he has had a run in with them as they are killing the sport and giving it a bad name but the police are not interested and would rather harass him than tackle a foreigner. the balifs are worse they dont even ask for permits off these people. its a disgrace. and when they are approached its a case of they dont understand but as soon as the police/ balif is way their english is perfect. I think UKIP stands a good chance of getting its first MP for Peterborough. Let's show the political elite that we're fed up with the EU. Labour's enforced multicultural policy at work, for which we can thank Blair and Brown. Aren't you pleased you voted Labour? Why in the name of all that is right and good are people like this allowed to commit such acts in Britain? Why aren't they arrested and thrown out? Oh wait... it's all part of the insane "freedom of movement" assured by the EU. POACHING is illegal.................even when committed by EUROPEANS. Signs to deter the poachers. Right. Theses people know they are untouchable. Whats the point. Thats it come into the UK and do just what you want before asking, no wonder we are all up in arms the only thing these people know is take take take . Gormless Gordon and his cronies have a lot to answer for including Bliar roll on the election . They are to be made to understand that a carp can cost as much as a TAg heur watch and that they are eating stuff that is bred purely for fishing as a sport. The theft of these fish should bed treated as seriously as if they were walking intop a jeweklry shop and stealing them. a 35lb carp could cost as much as 40pounds per pound in weight. That is over 1200 for a single fish. The penalty must be severe but more importantly they must be caught each and every time they do this. I suggest that every means at our disposal should be used to make sure that these people understand that the consequences of their actions will be severe swift and painful We all know about it, but authorities are too scared to do anything about it, because it will be labelled racist....innit? Why are these Eastern Europeans here? They should be made to prove they have somewhere to stay and employment before being allowed to clutter up this already overcrowded little island. Welcome to Britain, immigration capital of europe thanks to the govt's total disregard to the numbers of illegals crossing our borders not to mention the legal one's and it's only going to get worse! Multi cultural they call it, more like invasion actually. Gos this makes my blood actually boil, how dare they!! and how dare the government and police sit back and do nothing!! I bet a million pounds if a white British male was caught killing and eating a the story would be completely different not just Multilingual' signs going up. Next they will be drying the lake up to stop them, much like chopping down all those tree to sop dogging!!!!! Oh dear -- this is a whole new low. Killing a Swan is akin to killing a Unicorn! It's just not cricket. How about an eye-for-an-eye... We'll chase the immigrants around with nets and put eight pound hooks through their necks! When will us british people realise we have no country, we have no voice if no one has noticed, we have no say in any matter, we seem to have no human rights either judging by the courts. As said welcome to multi culturism, well the end to england, this is not a racist comment but a fact and a proven one, we just don't have any politicians with a set of balls!! What a load of garbage this article is! Wye salmon have been in terminal decline since the 1980's, long before Eastern Europeans started arriving. There are salmon anglers with more than 40 years experience unable to locate a single salmon on sections of the middle Wye, yet we are to believe these newly arrived migrants are finding and catching them with ease? There are many problems for the ever dwindling stock of salmon that still run the Wye, such as abstraction, pollution from intensive agriculture, the spread of illegally introduced alien species like barbel and the constant disturbance of the spawning beds by canoeists and rafters. Eastern European poachers are a non-existent threat to salmon, they would be far more likely to be targeting the WUF's favourite cash cow the barbel. Ahh the benefits of multiculturalism, still look on the bright side, while they're eating the salmon its giving the swans a break Pity that they haven't tried pigeon as most towns and cities have a plenty supply of these pests. Have heard they have a swan now 'n again for a change, no dear, not the same swan, a different one. Immigration is good for us. Tony Blair said so. You only reap the harvest you sow in life, if you let '' anybody'' in like ALL governments have done over the last 14 years or so, you are bound to get the criminal element ,--- like bees to a honey pot, and they say it,s their human rights ( my backside ) Here in Bulgaria , '' a former Eastern block country '' you have to have a license to fish !!!! and if you are caught fishing illegally , woe betide you with the police here, but as ever the main attraction is ''BENEFITS '' not the fish !! soft touch Britain as ever, and they know they can as always get away with it,when they scream out for their HUMAN RIGHTS Yes they are mainly POLISH ! And it is their HUMAN RIGHT to Feed themselves from an English River ! GET OVER IT . Your really going to print this aren't you ? - Dave Evans, Sofia, 4/8/2011 6:26 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.. Yeah.....maybe they'll start hunting sparrows and songbirds with shotguns......just like they do at home. This wanton decimation of our wildlife must stop. So where are the Water Bailiffs? this is not just a problem with rivers but allso a problem with sea .these people turn up on piers across the north east and take every single fish home .nothing is to small this is a crying shame when u see responsible anglers mesure and release most fish Keep repeating "Multiculturalism is GOOD for the UK". Yes they are mainly POLISH ! And it is their HUMAN RIGHT to Feed themselves from an English River ! GET OVER IT . Your really going to print this aren't you ? Theres hundreds and hundreds of people working on farms in the area What are they doing on these farms ------------- I ask because I have been trying to find work in the UK for 33 years - If the work pays the national average i want a job -----------I am a UK Citizen - born to UK Parents who had UK born Grand Parents who are now sadly dead - I have worked 33 years overseas as an expat - not continuous I had 60 days a year leave when in work and when contracts were finished I spent time in UK wih my family searching for work - Jobseeker Office Staff have been telling me since 1983 that there was nothing in the UK better I go back overseas - I went through a divorce in 2004 after 30 years of marrage - our children had finished further education then my wife decided to leave me 5 days before I came home for Christmas -- I am now living in Far East where I have been working - contract now finished - so I am looking for work - I will do anything so long as receive national average pay Its bad enough taking all the jobs, if the Eastern Europeans want fish they should go to the fish and chip shop like the British do. As an officer of the Angling Trust, Mark Lloyd should know more of the angling habits of the Poles than their taste for the carp. Contacting the Polish Angling Association with a view to cooperation would be a good starting point. Angling just to kiss the fish, take a photo and release it back to the river is incomprehensible to a Pole not because he is culturally different. He is not. It is incomprehensible because of different legal solutions. At home, the Poles angle legally for a snack and pay for the privilege, with 90% of the proceeds funding the hatcheries. Illegal angling is an offence attracting a fine but angling in protected waters is a crime and the perpetrator risks two years in prison, which is very seldom imposed in the UK on a driver who wipes out a family. It is not the Poles who are culturally different, it is you, the British. The carp just loves to be eaten poached (no pun intended) in a light broth, as a gefillte fish or fried on a pan rather than die of old age. This is nothing new. They`ve been depleting our fish stocks in many rivers since they were granted access to the UK. It`s their culture and they`re more than happy to continue with it in someone elses country. Stay in the EU and you can expect more of the same. Yet another reason to stop immigrants walking into britain from europe most polish and others dont fish for sport they fish to eat etc...Yet another reason to get rid of europe.All we seem to get out of this EU club are problems. immigrants on the run (criminals) beggers and fraudsters who steal from our benefit system etc..we have got very little out of this EU club. OMG am I sick of all the forgeiners in OUR country.We didn`t invite you! we don`t need you! and WE can`t afford you! Go Home. Don`t you Love belonging to the corrupt EU.? protest the eu, organise a day to swamp the streets. Does this new ruling mean that Brits who have been living abroad can now return to the UK and claim benefits and medical help immediately. At present they cannot have medical or any other help for 6 months. There are many pensioners who would like to return to the UK in their later years because of poor health, but unable to do so because of the 6 month rule. Has this now been waived or are we still second class citizens? Do these that claim thebenifits have the contributions transferred from their home country?. No I thought not, same as the ten children they claim to have to claim the child benifit . Am I ANGRY you bet I am our Polititions are to busy feathering their own nests to even think about what is happening in our own Country and we stand for it!!! If you're happy with this colonisation keep voting for the big 3............ You heard it first from the British National Party. Just vote B.N.P. who have been telling you for years whats wrong. Oh wake up - cant you all smell the coffee - this is a all a cynical ploy by the pro europe politicians which was started by Blair and Brown and is being carried on by Cameron to flood the country with europeans. when they have resided here for a short time they are entitled to vote - hence when the time is right and we are finally allowed a vote on europe these people will ensure that the result is a resounding YES. Vote for UKIP as they would sort this stupidity out and get us out of the EU where we are strung along by rings in our noses like cattle to the slaughter . If you were born in the UK and have worked all your life then you get nothing. Arrive at our shores , do not work, bring in 10 dependents and you get everything free. A house, benefits, child allowance etc etc It stinks. Isn't it strange how they find the money to pay this high benefit to them, yet can't find the money to pay pensioners a decent pension, after all the pensioners have paid into the system for years, what have the migrants contributed? does this seem fair, but then it seems common sense doesn't exist among MPs these days. It is time our benefit rules were brought in line with some other EU countries. In some you get nothing until you have paid into the system, and then only for the period equal to that you have paid in. I believe it is still true that EU citizens without means of support can be sent back to their home countries. Get tough, with our own lot as wells as others. WRONG! They've always been allowed to claim in 1st 12 months - just had to have a document to show they are working under the registration scheme. They don’t need this document anymore. They're now treated same as other EU nationals (France, Germany etc). They can only claim benefits if working or self-employed or for 6 months if already been working and looking for work - ie paid taxes + NI. If haven’t worked or sick etc then have to have enough money to live on to be self-sufficient without relying on benefits AND have health insurance (too expensive so they can't claim). They also can’t get it if not worked here + looking for work – no Europeans can - only Brits, Irish etc can). So stop getting your knickers in a twist xenophobes. You don’t get it do you – if we attract foreign workers + they pay taxes here + send money home – those countries at home will be able to get better economically so will be more independent + will be able to buy British goods. Think globally Just one question .What other country in the EU offers the scale of benefits to non-citizens that the UK does? If such paradise exists perhaps all the prospective parasites can be redirected to there and prevent the overloaded UK sinking without trace into the North Sea Cheap workers that is what this is all about. They will work for below the minimum wage and get a top up via the UK taxpayers via benefits. Welcome to rip off Britain, well ripped off if you happen to be British born. Simple solution, the EU should standardize benefits taking into account cost of living in each state. That way there would be no financial incentive for benefit scroungers to move around. UKIP will get my vote, There the only ones that talk sense on Europe and the rights of the British people. Laybour said, we have to join Europe so we have a voice, Sad thing is we have no voice in Europe, we have a laybour communist speaking for the British people and she is doing a terrible job with a massive pay packet and pension. Its Shocking. Word to Europe, were skint and we 3million people out of work, we don't want more benifit scroungers. Great ! and decent British people like my husband who is self employed and has paid into the system for years, got absolutely nothing when he was seriously ill and couldn't work for several weeks. The answer is so simple OUT OF THE EU NOW. Total & utter B*****y madness! We have been so badly dropped in it by our not fit for purpose politicos. EU the most undemocratic scam ever foisted on a longsuffering public. Oh great, lets just give every vagrant who pitches up here every penny we've got! We wouldn't get it if we went to their countries, not if we went to any of the other EU member states, so why the hell should we give our hard earned money away? Will this government PLEASE understand that they are NOT theLABOUR government and therefore are should not be in the business of throwing our money away. We need our money here, in our country to help our own have-nots, we do not want to hand it out to anyone else. Is anyone out there in Westminster listening to a word we say? Why does everyone think the East Europeans claim benefits? All the ones I see in the UK are working, and working hard! Maybe the DM should actually do an investigation and report the truth - whatever that may be. - Okpulk, Ex UK, now Serbia, 25/4/2011 14:21 I'd like someone to investigate how you can see all that from Serbia? Why do we have such weak and feeble leaders in this country ? We are drowning in debt, and they STILL allow immigrants here and change the rules to suit , Pensioners get £120 per week, out of this they have to pay all their bills, buy food, replace clothing etc ... Foreigners come here, and what do they get ? They get accommodation,£250 plus extras on top, we have demobbed soldiers living in squalor , sleeping in abandoned yards etc ... begging for food and many ending up in prison! I do wish that politicians would stand up and play the strong man and say, " Enough is Enough !!! " FOR God's we cannot feed our own , so how the hell can we be expected to feed all the rest of the money grabbers ...? GET US OUT OF EUROPE , GET US OUT OF THE UN ... and GET OUR TROOPS OUT OF WAR ZONES THEY SHOULDN'T BE IN !! I am willing to bet that you won't allow this post because the media doesn't like such truths being stated, and would prefer to lie by omission, the Enemy we face is within this country. Perhaps we ought to pay European citizens the same level of benefit they would be entitled in their own respective country. As an EU citizen living in a "3rd"world county feeling the economic crunch, with no social benefits whatsoever, would I be eligible for the same benefits as those mentioned above? Please someone, let me know. So much for the sayings of Cameron and co. The benefit system is being revised to exclude immigrants from eastern Europe. i wonder what has happened to the two years NI stamps you must have paid before you are allowed any benefits every time i sign on they keep saving ive missed some stamps so i'm not eligable for job seekers allowance although i've got 30+ years NI stamps Great .... in they'll flock.... and people who need extra help like my pensioner mother do not get it! If I had the money I would leave the UK tomorrow and take my family with me, and never look back. - Louise, Bedfordshire, 25/4/2011 1:57 No point Louise, I can tell you from experience, that you'll find that if you can't put your hand in pocket to fund EVERYTHING and IF you find work/a job and pay into their system, you'll not be entitled to a bean and then you'll have to get to the back of the queue (as a foreigner) and await your fate. Most other Europeans are better educated than us anyway and speak 3 to 4 languages on average............... sorry but the insidious 'dumbing down' of the English has been going on for a long time. I am lost for words! Every day I despair of this country and what it's becoming. The sooner the BNP or UKIP come into power and run the country the better! How could it be that some bunch of complete nutters signed us up to this one-way traffic? How can it be that these Eastern Europeans can come to our shores and pick up money like its gone out of fashion with the ridiculous premis that we can go over to their countries and do the same!!!!!!!! Yea, right of course we will, I can see the ports clogged with Brits trying to get over there! The next plonker that tells me the EU is good for Britain is going to get a very serious talking to believe me. Please sir can I pack up work now? My husband would like to as well cos he has to work a 40 hour week to clear this amount after tax. As long as many Brits are too lazy to work, others will do it. This is nothing short of treason by the main parties in this country. Stealing from the good tax payers of the UK and handing it to foreigners who have done nothing to contribute to our society. We the people need to remove this parcel of EU stooges and marxist infiltrators from OUR parliament NOW. We need to turn the vote on AV into the vote we were PROMISED on EU membership. In the US it is called a "write in" so come on write on the ballot paper "NO EU" we can do it,all of us together. We need to take our country back. wouldn't it be easier for everyone if they just had the money posted to them? What other countries in the EU are doing this? Its time for cameron to say sorry chaps but your not entering this country as we have enough unemployed of our own and at the same time start sending all the ones that are here home . This is why the government is working so hard on it,s witch hunt to get British people off benefits .It,s so they can make room for all the Eastern Europeans who will be getting ready to take their places as we speak ! Why does everyone think the East Europeans claim benefits? All the ones I see in the UK are working, and working hard! Maybe the DM should actually do an investigation and report the truth - whatever that may be. Don't understand why the gov't doesn't just block all benefits. I live in Spain and to try and obtain any benefits here is nigh impossible. Why should the UK continue to support these claimants? this is the reason i left the uk 5 years ago, it seems that things have gotton a lot worse. - michelle , australia, 25/4/2011 13:04 Me too. I worked for 15 years, then quit work to get a second degree at university. I paid my own tuition fees and living expenses out of my own savings. The recession hit once I completed the degree, and I couldn't get a job. I also didn't qualify for any benefits, because (I was told) I didn't have two years' full NI contributions. And that's when I realised the State wasn't interested in me unless I was financially supporting their voters. Does this mean anyone from the UK can go to any other EU country and get a similar payment and housing or is it just us the stupid British? There might be queues of Brits going somewhere a bit warmer near a beach & collecting their dole money & a nice little apartment somewhere. Or maybe in the real world they won't get either, whose the mugs? I really never thought I would say this, but after years of trusting Labour and now the Tories to treat our own people fairly this bombshell, whilst they cut benefits for our own disadvantaged citizens, they are prepared to dish out large sums to yet more migrants ,many who hate us and our way off life , as I say I never thought Id say this but the only option seems to be the BNP, I am facing the stark reality that I may just have to vote for them "In Germany, they say that East Europeans will continue to have no right to unemployment or social benefits even after 1 May. Why is it different in the UK? - Peter, Nuremberg, Germany, 25/4/2011 12:29" Smple!! In Germany you have your own government working in the interests of German people. In England we do not have a government of our own, we have the British government working to destroy England and her people. It's time all of you people commenting (including myself) marched on Downing Street. Surrounded Parliament, and don't let them leave until they've got us out of the EU, and made legislation to kick out all foreign benefits spongers. Enough is enough. Just in time for Turkey who will join soon! Oh why does this country put all countries in the same pile? I mean, I'm an American living in Estonia, my husband is Estonian. I can say there is nothing Eastern European about the small Nordic land. They love saunas and cross-country skiing, more incredible technology that your country could ever dream of and also they DO NOT speak a Slavic or even a Baltic language (oh yes, imagine that, there is a difference). They speak an ancient Finno-Ugric language called - Estonian, RELATED to FINNISH!!! There's also Hungary and the Czech Republic - Central European countries with their own wonderful culture. I have noticed the lack in YOUR education system and your knowledge of geography, but seriously, just because they are east of you guys and you still think everything looks like Belorus in the 1960s, doesn't mean that you have to go on and on about some forgotten Cold War division of Europe. It's like you only know the last 100 years of European history. Bit unrelated post, I know. BNP I say, I mean this will then stop what the other crap parties have started, well not necesarilly stop as it has gone way to far now, and we probarbly can't get out of this, but it can stop what is to come! Which is the downfall of our country, soon we will literally be that crippled in debt that those of us who do work, are going to be on the other end of the scale penniless paying for these spongers that are happy to come and take what we have so long earned for! How do they get that? I worked for this country for 43 years and get about £100 pension. Perhaps if I went to Eastern Europe and then came back here, I could get £250? No I did not think so either? this government makes me puke, what the hell is going on, i have paid NI stamps for 48 years never claimed jobseekers allowance and i get less,,,, Can you imagine the uproar if we still had a Labour government. Cameron would have been tearing out what hair he has left! Simple every single one of them should serve a minimum of five years military service, this will prove they are willing to work hard for their rights. Or better still reinforce the fact we are an free nation and not tied to the rules of brussels. And I've just been told I have to sign on EVERY DAY (Mon-Fri) for my Jobseekers Allowance. They are trying to "encourage" me to end my claim even though I can't find a job; no doubt to be replaced by one of these people who have never lived or worked here! It makes me sick! We have Tony Blair to thank for this, whose legacy will be the betrayal of our nation The sick and disabled who actually live in Britain get cuts and threats, while a bunch of foreigners come over and receive benefits. Cameron's proving to be worse than Brown. The government has absolutely no right to squander our inflated taxes on incomers who have contributed zilch but a drain to our economy. It does not have our permission to do so and certainly would not get our permission if we were asked. No wonder my blood pressure is increasing - government is bad for my health. Dont moan on here get off your backsides and give your MPs your feelings . Its a typical English thing sit on here and do naff all about it Well if you all realised whats coming you would .. You are fast running into a living standard of a third world country . The MPS will still get their Salary plus exspencies and sit back as this country goes into meltdown Do something noe UK for the future of the kids I went and told my MP what i thought of him when i left the UK and believe me i was rude yet i was water off a ducks back , AND HE WAS LABOUR Carl Brisbane The elitists are'nt listening. Vote BNP for real change for the better Roger Worthing Come on Daily Mail, you are always printing articles like this ,and immigrant scrounger articles. Do you REALLY want something awful to happen in this country.It seems to me , reading the comments on here that people are getting extremely annoyed, why dont you (if you have the wellbeing of this nation atheart, and are not just cynicly trying to wind people up )Start a petition on our exit from the EU fiasco, I am sure most readers would sign up to it. So instead of just printing stories about stuff like this ,DO SOMETHING POSITIVE Gormless Britain is going to hell in a handcart, but most of the electorate are too apathetic to notice or care. can anyone explain to me how someone who has worked all their lives then loses their job can only claim£64 a week and yet foriengers can claim all this money and have not contributed a penny i truley believe the gorvernment is trying to hard to please anyone except the people they are supposed to represent how much more are we going to put up with i will definitley be voting bnp next time what have we to lose i just dont believe a thing these 3 parties say This is British Governmental theft . We have no say in how much they take from us and no say in what they do with it. This is social engineering designed to wreck England. When are people going to realise that our biggest enemy is in Westminster? Politicians should try managing on State Pension to which one has contributed a life's work and which is not being increased to the over 70s, and then see the difference to what these economic European immigrants are getting for doing nothing. Now you know why the name's being changed to a universal benefit.It's the biggest threat to national identity since the second world war. Think it's time I packed my bags and left this godforsaken country. We keep hearing from our illustrious Prime minister that we are facing hard times, so how is it that someone from another country can come over here and take that sort of money and NOT even pay into the system when there are GENUINE people with disabilities and pensioners facing cutbacks. Why should someone who is severly disabled struggle to work or why should we face working into our 80's...that will come next believe me.....only for us to watch a person from abroad take it all. The AV vote is coming you think I will be bothering with that......not for a lily-livered government like we have now. Well,, you ALL know who you should be voting for.. Dont forget to take a PEN to X your vote, so it cannot be rubbed out. Come on people, youve all had enough now so lets do something about it, yes??? Come on.. vote BNP / UKIP .. you know it makes sense. This is just further proof that our leaders are hell bent on destroying this country. The elitists are'nt listening. Vote BNP for real change for the better Roger Worthing this is the reason i left the uk 5 years ago, it seems that things have gotton a lot worse. The situation this nation is in is bad enough now, it's difficult to imagine what it will be like in 12 months time with this bombshell. What makes me so damned angry is that the local elections are next week in England and Wales and too many people are still prepared to vote for the Cons, Lab or Liberals! It is these parties that have placed this country in the position it is now, the dumping ground of Europe. We have immigrants from every corner of the globe all arriving here for benefits and housing, most of which we don't even give to our own bloody people! You people need to grow yourselves some and vote for a party that WILL stop this abuse of our country once and for all, the BNP! Ukip only want us out of the EU, they have no other policy other than that. Ther BNP will stop unfettered migration from the EU and from third world countries immediately. They will also go about renationalising the utility companies, they will also END the illegal wars this country is engaged in! BNP! To claim Jobseekers allowance, you have to be actively seeking work and sign an agreement committing to look through papers, search the internet, make speculative approaches to employers etc. Every two weeks , when jobseekers 'sign on', they have to provide evidence of what they have done to look for work. Failure to comply with the agreement can lead to benefit being suspended. However, many of these migrant workers cannot speak , read or write English and, therefore, have problems actively seeking work as they cannot read job adverts, ring employers, attend interviews etc. Many of them just turn up every fortnight to sign on- unable to provide evidence of what they have done to look for work and are not having their benefit suspended . Many UK jobseekers have witnessed this and have queried why they are being grilled yet non english speakers are just signed on and 'waved through'. I know as I work in a jobcentre and can confirm there is a two tier system. Problems ahead. Hang on a minute, the disability benefits for the disabled are be cut because the government cannot afford the benefits bill but they can afford to give Eastern European immigrants £250 a week. Right people it is time to sort this all out once and for all and the only way to do it is to vote BNP. Okpulk 11:30. --- I think you'll find that many British people go on holiday to those countries. It might surprise you to learn that British people even life in those countries. ....and take money with them, and contribute to the economy of the host country, and don't expect to be given free housing and money in the bank, that's the not so subtle difference. Great! Whilst our own poverty stricken people are having their benefits/allowances cut to the point where they are unable to meet their basic financial requirements, our gutless politicians are allowing this to happen. More and more I am being won over to the UKIP argument. It may be a one policy party, but it's the policy that seems to rankle most with a vast number of the electorate. This sort of largesse is unsustainable and there must come a breaking point. The sooner the better, if only the gormless who keep voting for the usual suspects wake up to what is happening. They seem to be blissfully ignorant of, or quite happy to being constantly screwed by those who care nothing for the indiginous population ONE ANSWER, Vote U.K.I.P at the local and the next General Election, the only party that will withdraw from the E.U.! nobody is telling which country will pay for benefits????? its not uk !!!! thid people will have transfered their benefits from country which they are come from................. its all about EU rules. This way people to The Dustbin of The World !!free housing, great benefits and a government who will bend over backwards for you all!! A slap in the face for decent hardworking British Public!and poor pensioners who faught for this once good Country! this is why i voted BNP and if the rest of you do then this type of thing would be assigned to history. the end Mr Cameron has got to bring in a Bill of Rights. He should in this bill state that all foreigners, regardless of where they come from, have to pay into our NI and tax for at least two years before qualifying for benefits. We cannot afford to have people coming in here and not working. We have got to do something now. Also you should not be able to live in huge mansions if you are on benefits. Build grotty hostels and make them live there. Also give other benefits in kind ie food vouchers, bare minimum, and then see how many people on benefits would decide that going out to work is worth it. This abuse of our system has to be stopped now. All we have heard from this government is cuts cuts and more cuts, well start by cutting our links with the EU. Clegg the big Europhile thinks its important that we vote for AV, well had he supported giving us that referendum on the EU membership I might have considered it. It will be NO for many reasons, but mainly because you want it so badly Clegg. Can I make an online plea here. Will the good people of Austrailia and Canada and whoever else would like to help, come to the aid of the "rebels" in Britain. We have a dictatorship of 3 parties suppressing the rights of it's own people, this news needs to go out to the rest of the world. We need help to free us now !!!!!! Things have gone severely wrong here and we need help from other countries, sound familiar ??? well I happen to think that we in Britain are getting a worse deal that a lot of other countries which have had such help recently !!!! If theres a reason to get out of the EU this is it .time to get out of europe with all its problems it would be better for all of us and then we should take action against all the politicians who have kept us in the EU. for gods sake and our sake get out of the e.u Just give them the same level of benefits they would receive in their own Country. If that is nothing, then so be it. That way the UK can't be accused of discriminating against foreign claimants and would stop 'benefit tourism' immediately. Like most people who post on here I have always`done the right thing`. I`ve always worked hard. I`ve always paid my taxes. Taken care of my family. Made sure my car is road legal etc. When I see what else I`m actually working for i.e, supporting people who have never put a penny into this country along with many who have no intention of putting anything in I know my best option is to take early retirement and abandon the country that was my home. I`ll have a lot less money but I`m sure I`ll be a whole lot happier. Our incompetent, dysfunctional, greedy, selfish politicians have a lot to answer for. Yada yada yada .. another thousand bubbles of hot air at the bottom of a DM benefits story. “This is madness!” “Sort it out Cameron!” “I predict a riot!” Well, I don’t. For the last twenty years the British public, of which the DM is a fair representation, have faithfully voted for parties that have systematically and openly been giving the country away to foreigners. I no longer know who I despise more, the self-serving traitor-politicians who have orchestrated this takeover of our jobs and homes, or the mass of ill-educated, whining cowards known as the British electorate. If you really care about the death of our society, the plunder of our jobs and the loss of our ethnic heritage and identity—and this is truly what it is about—DON’T XXXXING WELL VOTE FOR IT. Show some GUTS. Try a non-mainstream party. You know who. SHOW THEM THAT YOU CARE. In Germany, they say that East Europeans will continue to have no right to unemployment or social benefits even after 1 May. Why is it different in the UK? They should only get what they would in their own country, that way its fairer for all! Hungary is missing from the list of A8 countries in the article. Given that a Hungarian is allegedly interviewed it's a bit of a glaring omission. The 'up to' £250 presumably includes housing benefit which UK pensioners are also able to claim if they qualify. Of course they won't qualify if they're UK migrants sunning themselves on one of the Costas. Somebody please tell me, as a UK taxpayer can I move to any European country and claim any benefits whatsoever? Also, will my efforts to make a claim be translated into English to ensure I am getting my full entitlement?? ........Didn't think so!! - Mark, St. John's, Antigua, 25/4/2011 1:58 Yes you can,you can claim the same amount as you would get here for 6 months in most countries.The difference is that their wages are so low that our benefits are better than their wages.there will be people claiming then going home and gangs claiming their money using fake people.We are seen as the mugs of europe to them,easy pickings. Nex thing will be. They just have to point out the Uk on a map to get benefits, or just give them a phone number (from outside the UK) to ring. Country's a Joke, the rest of the world are laughing at us. Vote for anyone bar the big three on May the 5th......As for the AV referendum, it means nothing to me until I have my promised referendum on the EU. Migrants to get £250 a week whilst OAP’s live on a pittance of a so-called Pension after working hard all their lives and paying their Taxes what a HELL of a reward. If you migrate anywhere you should not be allowed to claim benefits for 5 years. You should have papers to prove you can afford to live in England. You should have a full criminal check before entering. You should have a house/flat ready to move into upon arrival. You should have a job or enough money to live 100% free from benefits. This isnt racist, it would encourage non-racist behavior as more people would respect migrants as they will know that they are not spounging. We CAN afford it because we are saving millions by chucking the old age scroungers out of their retirement homes. It's much more desirable to have contented foreigners than happy old people! ---------------- UKIP or BNP next time. Is it a fact that East Europeans can also claim Jobseekers Allowance even when they return home ? this is more than pensioners get. we need something done here, marching on parliament doesnt work. we need a government with back bone we need a government which was brought up not to tell lies. we need a governemtn which looks out for its own we need a government FULL STOP ALL WE HAVE IN POWER ARE SCHOOL BOYS PLAYING AT HOUSE. My wife and I, who worked for 40 and 45 years respectively in this country, have state pensions that do not, JOINTLY, total £250 a week. We are both English with generations of forebears who were also English. You will understand my deep 'love' for the E.U. and all it stands for! From 2015 / 2016 new pensioners will be paid the higher rate of pension, anybody receiving their pension before then will not, they will be kept on the lower rate pension, how can that be fair particularly when the government seems more than willing to pay large amounts to incomers from all over the world, why do they continue Labour's policy of making our own pensioners second class citizen?. If they blame the rules for this anomaly, change the rules, if it's EU rules, get out of the EU, they're nothing but a drain on our finances. All our communities are losing out with the severe cutbacks and many are vital services for the elderly and children and this is being allowed to happen right under our noses.I cannot wait for a straight talking non pc government to be voted in that will say NO MORE. Shut the Tunnel and get out of EEU. Please stop this madness.Britain cannot afford this and governments must listen to its people.Where else in the world a country gives you anything for nothing? This will be a licence to sub let houses which are being paid for by Housing Benefit, there will be a few millionaires created in Eastern Europe as a result of this. The benefit system is not designed to cope with these changes, we still rely on people acting in an honest way. Its a total joke from start to finish. last week cameron was mouthing off about cutting down the numbers of asylum seekers coming in , dont hold your breath about him stopping these free loaders coming in from the eu. not only does the eu wants another £600 million off us it also wants us to give free board and lodgings to half of europe, let cameron give us the vote on europe ,before we have nothing left to fight for well well if you cant beat em joinr em!!!. lets all go on the dole!!!! and let the immigrants pay for it!!! Okpulk _ not many British people live in other Countries on benefits which include free housing NO Council tax and free health care free schooling in English etc etc oh and job seekers allowance - name one other Country in the WORLD which keeps foreigners in the lap of luxury as we do! What happened to them being tough on benefit payments or is that just for the British people who have actually paid in for them. the people of this nation are now waking up to the reality that england will be the dumping ground of all the eu,s problems,in effect the dustbin,of course this has been agreed behind closed doors and been kept secret from the nation,watch out sheeple the gvt and other eu police/security will crack our heads to make us accept these policies,it is becoming obvious they the political eu heads are just waiting for unrest to club us down to submission,what will become of this nation i just do not know,the british bulldog spirit is still there at the moment,but it can be crushed,this can only be the reason the british public are treated with such contempt,i am glad my life is nearly over and can say what a wonderful country THIS ONCE WAS BEFORE WE WERE SOLD OUT BY OUR OWN GVT People coming here from Eastern European countries should be entitled to exactly the same benefits we would be if we went to their country . No more. No less. - DG, Here in the UK-unfortunately, and if we moved there would they give us translators? offer us all sorts of benefits that only exist here think you are bonkers...just wait till you try to move to a new flat...there isnt room now... This sort of criminal act was given too us by the most hated men in the UK - Blair and co, it is totally outrageous that our own young people have NO jobs and we are letting in all and sundry to claim benefits - how can this be - did we truly deserve this utter betrayal of our nation - I say NO we did not, and what exactly will happen when in the non too distant future there will be no money left in the pot to pay for these people to come here, will our young men and women just sit back or stand and fight - immigration into our Country is a disgrace all you young people have been born to be slaves. Our MP's are unfit for purpose. Get rid of them. What a joke - squeeze us till our pips squeak and treat law abiding people with contempt only to smarm everyone else from anywhere else with shedloads of money and large homes. How come they are going to get £250 a week straight away. I only get pension of less than £100. UNFIT FOR PURPOSE, BLIND AND DEAF TO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR US. Fill your boots MP,s GRAVY TRAIN GOES ON AND ON FOR YOU. Start caring about your own people. That's considerably more than a UK pension something that you've worked for all your life. Don't politicians love doling out our money to finance their pet schemes, the EU being the greatest scam of all time. Time to vote for UKIP or somebody who is NOT part of the 2 / 3 party system that we have had for years. The Cons / Liebour / Libs are all the same thing. They make us think we have democracy but we dont! They are all bought and paid for by the BANKS and large business. They have no interest in what the UK population wants. We need a peoples government. Is it any wonder that the Immigrants cross several Countries to arrive in the Land of Milk and Honey.Our Governments takes millions in Taxes of its own citizens only to give it away to the latest arrival. We have hundreds of young Families on the housing list then we see a Foreigner arrive with his Wife and 6 kids and get a house straight away. They cant blame it all on the EU other Countries are in the Union but they take care of the own first. How I wish we had Leaders like Australia and Canada they put their Citizens FIRST. They are cutting back on even the most Basic Services telling us its down to Labours Bad Government . But then Cameron goes to Pakistan and gives them 650 million ,at the same time tell us we are borrowing million a day .ITS NOT HIS MONEY TO GIVE AWAY PUT IT TO A REFERENDOM FIRST. well well if you cant beat em joinr em!!!. lets all go on the dole!!!! and let the immigrants pay for it!!! If WE go to their country can WE claim £250 a week? . . . . . The answer is NO we will get NOTHING. . . . . . If it is not a reciprocal arrangement it should be ignored. . . . . Non of our money should be given. . . The EU should pay them and us for having them. It really is time to vote BNP I wasn't even shocked reading this. The immigrants are soaking up the jobs available for British workers. It's totally wrong. All the time we have this bunch of wishy washy liberals ruling this country dont expect anything to change. Just more of the same for us suckers who pay the bills. Freedom of movement.. yeh great... except every Latvian, Romaninan and Pole wants to come here and none of us want to go there. - Had Enough, Cardiff, 25/4/2011 11:19 --------------- I think you'll find that many British people go on holiday to those countries. It might surprise you to learn that British people even life in those countries, can you imagine!? Goodness me. They're not complete wastelands you know. Try going one day, you might be surprised. All the main political parties are not concerned let them all come. Cameron’s mission is to allow 70 million Turks into the E.U. They are all squabbling like half wits on this A.V. voting system. Most people have no interest in the outcome. Where are the good leaders gone? All the main political parties are selling or already sold us out. Please have the Referendum that the people are calling out for. It may be already too late. “Where is the People Leader”? Just shows they don't give a damn about the ordinary working people of this country. They just want a slave culture of cheap labour from eastern europe for the well off landed gentry. Time to vote UKIP i think, the tories and their lib/dem cronies have lost my vote completely now. All Europeans should be treated equally in each European country. The sooner we fully integrate into Europe the better, with a stronger European Parliament R.I.P What was once Great Britain. I currently work a 30 hour week for a take home pay of about £170. When I read articles like the one above it makes me wonder why on earth I should bother. Oh yes......I forgot, self respect, and being able to look myself squarely in the face when I look in the mirror! Taxpayers Alliance Rally, Saturday, 14th May, London. When we go to the polls next, just remember this article when you put your cross on the paper. I predict a riot !!!! Are they having a laugh!! Me and my faily moved to spain and we didnt get no help at all. We had to ge translaters who we had too pay for ourselves. We had to find our own home too live. And now foreigners come in too our country and get more money than English, that is just sick. no wonder this bloody country is the way it is!! I'm on job seekers and i have been for 6 months and every time i go in there they moan at me because i havent got a job yet! but the people fromother countries dont even bother loooking for a job. i can hardly live on £200 a month. and yet they get £1000 a month!! that is hardly fair!! This country is a JOKE!!! - Hayley, warwickshire., 25/4/2011 10:58 Well obviously you don't like Spain, (you're back) England (moaning), where do you like? We've just dished out MILLIONS to Pakistan. Try there. Women's lives are certainly not boring, there. Different, but not boring. You'll not need to tax your literacy there either. I have no problem with migrants claiming benefits in the UK but it must be reclaimed from their country of origin and only paid at the rates paid in that country of origin.It has got to be wrong that a polish worker for example can almost triple their take home wage simply by coming to the UK and claiming benefits. I have seen houses where 20 or 30 supposed migrants live who all sign on and all work in the black economy .Not only does the taxpayer provide housing but they give them money and allow them top work with little or no chance of them being caught or of them paying any taxes due. All we can hope for at the moment is for, although the EU isn't the prime issue on May 5, that the anti EU's have a more than good showing in the elections. So get out and tell this creep Cameron to take the cotton wool out of his ears and listen. Damn Europe!!!!!! I was born, brought up, lived and worked in England until I retired, I then moved to Ireland to enjoy a quieter life where I receive no help or handouts and live solely off my pension. I despair at what future I see for my Grandchildren who all live in the Essex area of greater London, how can we deal with the situation they face? I suggest getting out of the EU now to start with, then any immigrant wanting to come to England must have a job waiting for them. Any immigrant already in England who has not worked must have their benefits stopped after one year and then sent back to their birth country including their dependants. The NHS has to stop employing agency staff that do not have the skills to work in our hospitals, I know for a fact that many nurses employed that way either do not speak or understand English and some actually when on the wards can be found hiding in toilets waiting for the end of the shift. Overworked regular staff do not have the time to chase up these wasters. This just isn't right. Will this spineless government get us out of the EU it is crippling the country. People coming here from Eastern European countries should be entitled to exactly the same benefits we would be if we went to their country . No more. No less. I think I will start a coach company offering free trips from Eastern Europe to the UK with payment being 10% commission of their £250/week benefits. Think, if I could bring in over million people, thats £25 million a week profit. Easy money isnt it? Its about time benefits were limited to how much you put into the state system. ie, you can only draw benefit for the amount of NI you have paid in. How come these foreigners can claim £250 a week (£1,000 a month) when as a pensioner having lived and paid all taxes as required of me all through my working life not having claimed a penny off the state along the way, I only get £320 a month State Pension which I am expected to live on? Life is certainly not fair for the over 60's in this country although we are still expected to pay our bills and respect those in authority. Someone is having a laugh - at every pensioner's expense. Anyone who mistakenly thinks that you can get more benefits in the UK than in other European countries should go look at the OECD benefits and wages database which is available online. Please, please get us out of Europe before we all descend into madness. It's just not good for our morale. All you DM readers, you voted Tory , perhaps some of you even voted for cameron as leader of the tories - did you seriously expect them to do anything about this. Cameron is a labour/lib-dem polictian and a europhile, he couldn't give a damn about standing up for and protecting British interests - it may affect his future job prospects in europe. The only thing cameron will really stand up for is cameron. If this annoys you, you know what to do at the coming elections. If you vote yes to AV, it may upset the tories so much they'll dump the shyster. Stop panicing. I think you'll find that most East Europeans actually come to the UK to WORK, not simply claim benefits. Stop using the foreigners as an escape goat. It's quite sickening. Of course, there'll be some that play the system, just like a hell of a lot of native Brits abuse the system. I some times really despair at the kind of comments left by the readers of this paper. Educate yourselves and stop looking to blame "the others". To be fair, this isn't Cameron's doing - it's due to a treachorous stitch-up by the last Labour government and which is now rearing its ugly head. Question is, will Cameron do anything about it? With a Cabinet composed of wet Tories, hard-left Lib Dems and Europhiles it's highly unlikely. We need the tough stance of a right-wing government for there to be any hope of issues like immigration and the EU being properly sorted out. That's ridiculous, the title makes it think like we only come over here to receive benefits. I've lived in UK short of 5 years, never claimed a penny, never was on any sort of benefits. No, I can't afford a flat screen TV, holidays abroad nor even my own flat (I'm single and renting a room from a lovely British couple), simply because I'd rather save what's left from my salary for a rainy day, not splurge everything on paying off credits cards and whatnot. And I do not earn much. Perhaps what you should tackle first is work-shy people who have been off for years because of their addictions or 'a cough'. I find paying for alcoholics and drug addicts ridiculous. I pay my taxes here as well, regardless of my nationality, and I find this abusive. If you're stupid enough to get yourself in drugs or booze drinking that is your problem. As well I came here to work, I do now know how some people can just sit on their bottoms all day claiming benefits. Seriously, what kind of sad life is that? When I was unemployed, I didn't get £250 a week. Why do we treat foreigners who have done nothing for this country but scrounge given more money than those that have paid taxes for years. If this is the 'benefits' of the EU, I want out. They will be treated the same as Britons??? I don't think so. Many years ago when my then partner was laid off from his job, we weren't entitled to anything, excpet job seekers allowance (I even wrote to Alistair Darling to get an explaination), but these foreigners can get Job seekers, housing benefit and council tax how is that the same? Easy solution put the application form in English. no help allowed. It would even stop some of our home grown low life from claiming. Make the form complex enough and problem solved. That's how the French deal with it. it makes you proud to be apart of the EU con , not ! Can someone please explain to me WHY my son who lost his job after 6 years of working since leaving school, struggled so hard to get benefits? He was unemployed for 4 months until he found another job. It was made very difficult for him to claim job seekers allowance. In the end, he gave up and I gave him money to live on. Why is it so easy for foreigners to get benefits when my son, who is an honest and good hearted young man, could not? Just wish he would leave the UK and come to Oz!!! Unbelievable That's ridiculous, the title makes it think like we only come over here to receive benefits. I've lived in UK short of 5 years, never claimed a penny, never was on any sort of benefits. No, I can't afford a flat screen TV, holidays abroad nor even my own flat (I'm single and renting a room from a lovely British couple), simply because I'd rather save what's left from my salary for a rainy day, not splurge everything on paying off credits cards and whatnot. And I do not earn much. Perhaps what you should tackle first is work-shy people who have been off for years because of their addictions or 'a cough'. I find paying for alcoholics and drug addicts ridiculous. I pay my taxes here as well, regardless of my nationality, and I find this abusive. If you're stupid enough to get yourself in drugs or booze drinking that is your problem. As well I came here to work, I do now know how some people can just sit on their bottoms all day claiming benefits. Seriously, what kind of sad life is that? They are cutting education,cutting the forces extending retirement, for what? Yes that is right, to give to foreigners so that they can have a better life style than people who have put money into this country. In addition, despite the depressing state of the country's finances and huge cut backs, we are 'giving' £450 million to subsidise education projects in Pakistan. Are our so called leaders listening? The people of this country are suffering, wake up. Or are we going to be an ongoing JOKE? Whoever is making these stupid decisions need to be admitted to a mental health establishment ASAP, and the European migrants deported! You can have that sensible information from me for free Freedom of movement.. yeh great... except every Latvian, Romaninan and Pole wants to come here and none of us want to go there. And to Cameron and Clegg... this is supposed to be a democracy... let the people of Britain have our say on the EU because after the Labour years you are continuing to ruin our country 'big style'! Chaos (EU) rules, the end of Britain is at hand or is it? We have a weak government that’s made weaker by its bedfellows the third party pretender Liberals. Until people of Britain realise that the BNP isn’t the enemy but a patriotic force that will put Britain first the injustices of Brussels will continue! i am angry !! i am a pensioner and i do not get any benefit as i have a small extra pension that my late husband paid into. if we had spent every penny we had we would get all benefits going but it instead going to others that have never but a penny in the kitty. Roll up-- Roll up! Free money que here! Sorry old chap you dont qualify--- its for immigrants only! The benefits should not be made available until they have worked and contributed a reasonable amount of UK taxes etc. For example Kiwi's on entering Australia from NZ cannot claim any benefits for 6 months. Fair enough. It should be the same across the board in the EU. Yet another kick in the teeth for us Brits, bring back the raving lunatic party so I can vote for them, they made more sense than this gov. has done, So let me get this straight, we've got free money to give to everyone who actually comes here from Eastern Europe to Eritrea, give vast sums to wealthy, corrupt countries for them to spend on anything they want without monitoring, give even vaster sums to the European Union to do the same without question, vast amounts to the banks, MPs, MEPs, unwinnable wars etc. WOW.......I'd be running to this land of milk and honey too and be pinching myself that it's all true. There is absolutely no need to speak english either. It beggars belief that beaurocrats can do this, whilst ignoring the indiginous population who are trying to scream out loud but have no say whatsoever, except at election time. I am so angry. >>>>> Don't you just these Tories. Talk hard before they gain power but turn into little mouses when in power. At least with Labour you knew what you would get .-Neil, Brentford, 25/4/2011 10:59 <<<< Re the Tories - I agree. Re Labour - you,Sir, are a dope. Only Nick Griffin has pledged himself to sort out this mess. Roll-on the election. I was born and bred in England. Five weeks ago I lost my job - I am 56. All I can claim is £67 per week. This is to pay my mortgage, council tax, utilities, food, in effect, everything. My £67 per week does not even pay my mortgage. I have been told I can claim nothing else. I am at my wits end. I don't know what to do. I know I will lose my house while these people from abroad can come in and claim everything and more. Where is that fair? While Cameron and Clegg are fighting over AV, they would do well to get a grip on this situation - NOW! Just to remind everyone here it is again below. "The Department for Work and Pensions insisted that the rule changes will not mean people will be able simply to come to the UK and start claiming benefits – because there will be strict tests. " Lets come back to that in a year, shall we? Beware Cameron & Clegg, it's rot like this that will turn our nation to BNP God forbid - but it will happen unless you WAKE UP!!! Where are our guys who talk tough on benefits now, i.e. Ian Duncan Smith and David Cameron? Not even a whimper?? At a time when many genuine British benefit claimants are being labelled scum and being put through 'unfit for purpose' tests in a drive to cut our benefit bill we open up the system to the whole of Eastern Europe. Kick a million of our people off benefits and replace them with 3 million Eastern Europeans... where's the sense in that? RIP Great Britain... this really will be your final curtain call. Regardless of politics it looks like UKIP and BNP are our only (and last!) hopes. Well, we voted for our current shower of MPs - so IT IS OUR FAULT . You probably don't like this answer but it is the truth. Next time vote UKIP or BNP. Terrific. My pension has just been 'raised' to £96 a week. I have just got to get out of this twisted politically correct dump just as soon as I can. Cameron is just as useless and impotent as the previous bunch of idiots. Why on earth would they want to claim social security here when it is shockingly the lowest in Europe. "The unemployment benefit in England is higher than a salary here and I have been told I can go on the dole as soon as I get there,’ she said. WHY do we have to pay these people more benefits than they would gert in their country of origin?? Surely the solution is to offer them the same rate of benefit they would get from their country of origin which would deter these scroungers from exploiting us as they would get no more! This country is a joke, taxpayers are being taking for mugs by the government who are not looking after their wage payers and bosses, an absolute disgrace!!!!! Cameron, you have to stop this nonsense dead in it's tracks, and soon, or you will find a mob, similar to Egypt, in Parliament Square. We, the People have Had Do Another insult piled onto us by useless politicians. How long before ordinary decent hard working BRITISH people take to the streets - French style? Untill the people wake up and see whats happening and the disastrous effects it will have on their children etc they will carry on like sheep being interested in what they have and watching soaps on TV, FGS wake up sheeple before we lose our country and OUR rights completely Then there's talk of cutting cold weather payments and free bus passes to pensioners, has this Government lost the plot already ,who are they looking after us or immigrants,it makes you wonder are they interested in the taxpayers or just themselves having an easy ride on good pay, get a grip before its to late . After Blair & Brown it's no change under Cameron. Probably the most left wing PM the Tories have ever had. Truth hurts but if we kick out the immigrants who is going to work as cleaner, pot washer and fruit picker, our home grown darlings that leave school with no qualifications and playing video games all day long and wake up around 1pm? Plus, don't be so concerned about immigrants saying that benefits over here are higher than their home country salaries. £450 back there covers the rent and living costs, over here it would not even cover the rent. I am utterly bewilderd!!!!!Some one please tell me I am dreaming. We take in immigrants,legally or illegally,makes no difference as once they are in they are here for good. We pay uk people Not to work??....We give aid to countries far better financially than uk, we promote minority interests at the expense of the majority. We are financially in debt as a nation. COME ON!!!!1 there must be some one to organise things for the benefit of the uk!!! I despair. Countries like Finland, Sweden, Germany, France and Spain I believe their citizens deserve to come to UK as there are alot of us Britts there enjoying good lives. For example I moved to Finland and have all same rights as Finns. BUT the Eastern European countries are not giving back as much as they are taking and this is why the EU freedom rule is not fair. If an EU citizen enters UK and goes on benefits then they need to be MADE to attend English classes and maybe some other unpaid work so that they get work experience and also give something back. When Finns come to UK, they recieve Finnish benefits until they get a job. It should be the same with every country. Don't you just these Tories. Talk hard before they gain power but turn into little mouses when in power. At least with Labour you knew what you would get. This shower lied to gain power and have done nothing to stop immigration. Groups such as the EDL are the way forward. Direct action. Explain to me again why the young unemployed cant get a job? Explain to me again why we give more generous benefits than the rest of the EU? Explain to me again why we need the EU? Explain to me again why we should trust our MP's with looking after our country? Im petrified because im working and can't afford to pay my council tax and i earn the same amount as them (£250) a week , if i packed in work ,i could probably get the same amount on disability benefit(previous car accident) and unemployement then i would have no worries ,the wages barely cover my bills and i go without food to pay council tax ,yet the benefit claiments never have my worries ,i have found out that council tax bailiffs are calling on more people that are working on low income than unemployed on benefit this country is so confusing ,no wonder its easier not to work . when will this country work for us im fed up with being told go to your benefits office etc etc then being told your on high wages (how can it be high when im on the same amount as a benefit claiment) so you dont qualify for any help . where do i go from here maybe i will pack in work and eat regular meals again and never have bailiffs knocking . Are they having a laugh!! Me and my faily moved to spain and we didnt get no help at all. We had to ge translaters who we had too pay for ourselves. We had to find our own home too live. And now foreigners come in too our country and get more money than English, that is just sick. no wonder this bloody country is the way it is!! I'm on job seekers and i have been for 6 months and every time i go in there they moan at me because i havent got a job yet! but the people fromother countries dont even bother loooking for a job. i can hardly live on £200 a month. and yet they get £1000 a month!! that is hardly fair!! This country is a JOKE!!! WHY? WHY? WHY? the decision makers here should be jailed! the country is in a dreadful state with thousands unemployed and losing their homes, and what does the government do? It hands out the tax payers money to immigrants. Truly appalled. Cameron, get some balls and get out of the EU. Labour got us into this mess and I can't see that you're about to get us out. Pathetic! What idiots allowed this to happen in the first place. Dave, Tamworth Probably New Labour idiots. However Lib/Con have similar idiots. Absolute disgrace. The government tries to stop people voting for extremist parties then agrees to this which will drive people to the BNP. The government is totally out of touch with public opinion and is only interested in what Europe says. The benefits culture and immigration are totally out of control in this country, why arent benefit claimants having their unearned handouts frozen for 2 years and cut by 10% like I have had to in my job. It makes no sense to work anymore as those on minimum wage get less than those on benefits. This country is not interested in its hardworking taxpayers, they only want to look after immigrants/assylum seekers and benefit scroungers who are nothing but a burden to the state. I cant put in words how angry this makes me without resorting to expletives! UK should get out of EU. In no time UK would be poor having to pay the benfits to this influx of immigrants! I have been told that the government and councils are making a list of larger houses with vacant spare rooms ( 4 beds +) and owners will be forced to accommodate immigrants and the homeless in these rooms. Not surprising when the country is running out properties and of money for welfare benefits! this country just gets worse and worse. I don't think there is any other country in the world which gives preferential treatment to immigrants whilst indigenous people are treated as second class citizens with less and less rights. It is this sort of action that will unfortunately give groups such as BNP more power and influence. Maybe that is what this country needs, let the BNP in and have a mass departure of all these foreigners who just want a free meal ticket. "A poll has found that most of the public want an end to the ‘something for nothing’ benefits system." For goodness sake, the "poll" was not representative of "the public" but relates to less than .004% of the population. Yes, 33% of 2,407 polled said this but it is not necessarily representative - please stop this irrational statistics game. 99% of the population want to see the heads of MPs on pikes around Parliament and that's a far more realistic statistic than those quoted from the duplicitous DWP who conveniently released the results of the poll in order to distract the media - it seems to be working. Can we have some real investigative reporting rather than spouting figures that satisfy our particular colour of politics while ignoring those that don't - accurate reporting allows people to make informed decisions. The £10billion we now have to pay to the EU could solve our own problems at home by creating jobs so that people can get off benefits themselves. We are the mad hatters of Europe - thanks to our cretinous politicians.WE WANT OUT , CAMERON. DO YOU HEAR!!! This can't be a one way street, there must be a common level of benefits through out the EU. i am working in the post office and pensioners come every monday to collect their pension. it's around £120-160 a week and you pay those Europeans £250? i myself think that the immigrant problem comes inside EU not anywhere else. they could come here and look for job without the need for a work permit. so all the unemployed from bankrupt countries like Greece, Spain just fly here and steal our job or just live off our benefits! Enough is enough!!! It's becoming perfectly clear that the EU - with Cameron's complete compliance - has designated the UK as the Continent's offshore benefits camp. All those who the EU federal state can't use or doesn't want are to be shipped to the UK where they can't cause trouble or be a financial drain on the super state. In the next few years UK industry and power generating capacity will not be capable of supporting a modern independent industrial nation - we already import 60% of our food and a reliable power supply isn't necessary if most of the population is unemployed or economically inactive. This is the nightmare they've planned for us. So even though we have no money and are cutting benefits for British people, even though we have an 8 YEAR housing wait, and there are not enough jobs for British people, we will now just let everyone in to take what they want. Imagine what schools, hospitals, police, courts etc. will be dealing with when another 50 million immigrants come knocking. That's more than a lot of people earn, the BNP are starting to look attractive, we've been sold out, literally. - Worker, UK, 25/4/2011 8:51 That's if you even have the option to vote for the BNP. At the council elections here in Leeds, a large multicultural, multiracial city, next month the BNP can only manage to field just 2 candidates across the 33 available seats. It seems that they either cannot get people to represent them or they can't afford them. ANOTHER PROMISE BROKEN..................WAY TO GO 'CALL ME DAVE'!!!! UKIP UKIP UKIP UKIP ( No more clues 'sheeple'!!!!!!) What do you mean "get out of the EU"?, It's the pathetic british governments' fault. It doesn't happen here in Spain. Migrants to Spain, whether from the EU or not, do not qualify for any money at all until they have paid into the System for a Minimum of TWO years. Wake up the UK before you go bust and sink into the north sea. As regards the Pope's Easter Message, perhaps the Vatican City should take its fair quota of fleeing North African refugees. After all, there would be plenty of money to help support them. Now lets see, how many thousands of refugees would that be? How dan they claim so much??? Many of us in Wales DON`T EVEN EARN THAT MUCH A WEEK. Surely the answer is, deduct the cost to the british taxpayer for this travesty of a policy, from the amount we have to pay to the EU for the dubious benefit of being a member. Then, spread the cost of that deduction across the countries whose citizens are benefitting from our largesse. That would concentrate the minds of the brainless politicians who are responsible for such ridiculous policies. Why are you allowing this to happen.You really need to get rid of the PM and goverment you have in power. and a basic pension for the UK is .....! a lot of people have to live on that. God up goes my blood pressure again, WHY are we giving money to immigrants when young people born and bred in this country are paid a pittance why the try to look for non -existant jobs and it left to their families to help them out ,come into thiscountry and we almost wait at the airports, docks to give money to others, this Country is a immigrants paradise, go to their Countries and try to get money, no chance !!!!!!!!!!!! It must be at every airport and docks a large sign saying WAIT HERE FOR TRANSPORT TO THE COUNTRY THAT WILL GIVE YOU EVERYTHING AND EXPECT NOTHING BACK WAS CALLED GREAT BRITAIN BUT IS NOW CALLED FREEBYLAND. They are going to flock here and it is already unbearable with a third of all pupils at our local school from Eastern Europe. Why dont our givernment deal with the problem like other European countries have and opt out. I have even heard that Poles are taking their working tax credit whilst working in Poland!! And will the EU or their Country of origin pay for them NO it will be us as per ususal. Time to get out of the yoke of the EU. It has turned into a club for people who had pretentions of power, and now they have it. I want £250.00 a week, Heavens that would be a luxury for me, but I have No rights I was born here and have to put up with this. Maybe I should go and leech off of some other Country- bet they would not allow me entry, let alone any benefits! Rubbish DM. The UK is Doomed !!!!!! Ah, so thats why you have stolen my pension! Having worked all my life I now find out that I will not qualify for the pension rise in 2015 and will have to tighten my belt even further but at least I can rest easy in the knowledge that thousands who never have and never will benefit this country are living better than me. This country is a bl**dy joke!! They will all come here is the answer. Young people always want to travel & the promise of free money & good housing & healthcare is going to be a huge incentive. The EU will destroy itself when the 1st world economies drown under the weight of wealth redistribution as we already see is happening And millions of us pensioners won't even get the £140 a week these idiots are promising - existing pensioners restricted to current level of £102 (or the princely sum of £163 for a couple, if you're married). The foreigners get twice what we get and have contributed nothing. Out of the EU - right now! The truth is, you cannot stay in the UK unless you have a job; they cannot just come and claim benefits, A life long Conservative I will NEVER vote again for Dave if this goes through...UKIP for me This is rediculas!! why should they get £250!! they were not born in this county there for there not British. Our government should be taking care of the BRITSH people. I personally think non British citizens should not be able to claim any type of benefits even after any amount of time spent in this country. SORT ENGLAND OUT FIRST then everyone else What is wrong with this country giving taxpayers money away , when will this government stand up for the taxpayers and speak out, instead of just bleating on regarding how much debt we are in I WONDER WHY COULD IT BE ANYTHING RELATED TO OUR GIVE AWAY BENEFIT SYSTEM. Glad 2B Gone, Philippines, Yeah, the BNP will sort out, says Glad 2B Gone all the way from the Philippines! HYPOCRITE!!! I'm a British Citizen now, but I have dual nationality because I was not born in Britain. I'm all for people from other nations to better themselves here, but this is way too much and extremely unfair to the nationals. Cameron, you are making a big, BIG mistake here! "so the only way out of this mess is to vote UKIP michael french, crawley w sussex, " ---- same scum different name briton the land of milk and honey, every one welcome, you dont need to have paid into the system, we are awash with money we dont know what to do with it, hurry it will be only standing room soon yet more lazy drunken Europeans walking down our street laughing at the likes of me while i am on my way to work for them.. This is simply outrageous, we already have workshy and feckless parasites in the mega millions claiming benefits - can someone please tell me why we need to encourage more of them to come here and claim a free living? It becomes more obvious by the day why both NuLieba and the ConDemnation parties REFUSE to give the British people a referendum over Europe, or are they both going to wait until there are so many immigrants here that their vote will be a yes? And you wonder why extremist parties are on the rise? MADDNESS! While all the UK has to suffer because of BliarNBrown's handling of the economy, there triplet Camercon, allows what little is left, to flow into the hands of people who've contributed nothing to Britain!!! Does this mean that I can claim £250 per week if I come back? No I don't think so either , I'm just one of the pillocks that paid in all my working life ,and my wife who took time off to raise the kids gets £260 a MONTH in pension , Thanks Dave I wonder when you are going to grow a pair and start looking after us Brits Don't this just make you so angry, every day I read about this type of thing, and it is in every walk of life, from NHS wallies getting car allowances to judges claiming god knows what,to immigrants walking into this country and being set up for life, and the real Handicapped people of this country being hammered with cuts, I'm not talking about the "Walking Stick" wounded scroungers, or the "blue Badge" fiddlers, but the genuine handicapped, (example) my brother who is mentally and physically handicapped who is 67yrs old has the mental age of someone about 6years old was called to a tribunal to see if he was fit for work yet ther are people who have scrounged for years will never be assesed, A VERY ANGRY PERSON> What is it going to take to get us out of the EU,we are being taken for pure mugsin this country. In the original referendum I voted to stay out of the EU as it was obvious then it would'nt work,there was always going to someone who would lose out to the less well off. Well we did and big time. But the majority will STILL vote for the Lib/Lab/Con! Europe will be the ruin of us all. Wake up brits before its too late & the jackboot takes over for gods sake how soon can we have a ukip or bnp government to bring some sense back into the country. Keep voting LibLabCon ( the EU puppets ) and this will only get worse . do you get it people ? vote any thing but LiblabCon on May 5 but DDOOOOO vote . This is your chance to kick them in the ballot box . Put the frighteners on them or watch Britain become the dumping ground of EUrope . I have worked and paid taxes from the time I was 16 to when I retired age 67. I get a pension of £448.88 a MONTH! The goverment tells me this is the minimum I need to live on. Surely this cannot be allowed to continue,.Is it any wonder the country is in debt! They manage to find the fare to get here.I fear this country is heading for civil war. Lets hope UKIP get in and sort this out as soon as possible. Non of this will be reported by the BBC either. Those paid monkeys never have a bad word to say about the EU. That propaganda machine for the Government knows which side their bread is buttered. I doubt East Europeans would be able to come here (Spain) and claim benefits immediately. It's a British issue. Don't blame the EU. Put your own house in order ! This is crazy !! people who have worked here and paid there taxes for most of their lives will get, as pensioners, a lot less than the immigrants that will come here. Where's the money coming from ?/ YES you got it ...the people who are now working in UK. and when the money runs out...what happens then ?? I'm gonna vote BNP or UKIP next time...these idiots who are in now don't care about what will happen in the future cos they will not be around then. Just out of interest, if I moved my wife and two kids to any of these East European countries what would I be able to claim?? Would make a good story DM From what I have personally witnessed the foreign migrants do make an effort to work, it is the home grown indigenous dead beat benefit claimants whom bleed us all dry. That said our benefits system should not be any more advantageous than the worst of any EU member country has to offer. Suffer our own..typical. This is simply crackers. Labour has done us in real good, we spend ages constructing a fair working system and tightening our doors to secure us from the worlds relentless advantage takers and then back came The Labour Party like bitter maniacs quietly loosening the screws and dismantling everything that's built in the name of keeping us safe, They evidently truly hate their own country and should just leave and live in one of their beloved communist comrade ones whos nest they are more interested in feathering cos we are sick to death of dealing with the blind damage they all constantly do under the evil banner of PCism over here NO, NO, NO, NO, NO AND NO AGAIN. We are being taken for a ride yet again. Are other EU countries paying foreign incomers this kind of benefits ? I think not. so sick of this country most of us work damned hard and for what? for this crap government to take a major percentage f our pay off us and give it to foreigners skivers and themselves!! there are genuine claimants out there but for god sake stop taking our money for the rest! who do we vote for who can we trust ?? i dont know do you? I moved to Finland 13 years ago from UK & was welcomed with open arms. I got benefits straight away while I was looking for a job BUT I didn't abuse the system & have been in work here even though I struggled with the language. Also When the Finns go to UK they get benefits from Finland until they find a job in UK! You will find there are not many Finns on benefits there & nearly all work. It helps that Finns speak good English already but this is the difference between west EU countries & East ones. If people coming from EU countries are on benefits then make it a rule that they HAVE to attend English classes! Then language is not an exuse to getting a job. & we can't attack western EU people from coming to UK as there are many of us Britts in France, Spain, Germany & Sweden. Ah, so that's why the government have hastily put millions of people on so called 'training schemes' giving millions of tax payers money to private companies, where unemployed people are swiftly given their P45s and are totally off the unemployment figures. They're sat there, in detention centres which are mandatory for 13 weeks, staring at four walls in overcrowded rooms bored witless then are meted out to do 'placements' for nothing and not even a chance of a job after it. If you don't attend you're off the figures for 6 months and more with no money whatsoever. Then this Euro influx will come over, get everything they want, whilst the people of the UK will be homeless and begging on the streets. Nice one... NOT! Suffer our own..typical. deplorable no wonder the world laughs at us,all sitting in poverty deprivation the country is bankrupt, just like most of the citizens i wonder where the £250 a week is coming from no wonder people in this country will have to work longer to get their pension when we have to pay for immigrants who never pay anything into this country we need a revolution to get out of this corrupt europe Another disaster inherited from Labour. God help us. Have we not got enough foreigners infesting us ? We just cannot afford all the wretched EU regulations relating to EU immigrants. A vibrant economy, not meager benefits will attract migrants who, in turn, will be good for that economy. The removal of these restrictions means that the German and Austrian labour markets are open to them for the first time. Where will they go I wonder. It's the bankers, not migrants who ruined the UK job market. Why do these rules only apply with countries that reciprocate with the same rates and benefits as us lets have thing fair, if we go anywhere in the EU we have to have insurance and pay to see doctors and pay for medication this EU is a very one sided affair Benefits should be stopped persay as half of people on them are taking us for a ride. Only the sick and vulnerable should be allowed them. They should also stop giving benefits for more than 3 children - anymore and they should not be included in any benefit system. Perhaps that would have the desired effect of making everyone go back. Think how much money we would save to put towards NHS and pensions. We need a strong minded person leading us who will not be influenced by any of the whining do-gooders as our huge welfare state is killing this country. more crime and benefit scroungers why should they get money that i as a taxpayer and a pensioner and cant even get apenny pension credit because i have a few pounds to much to quolify for it im not a second class citizen i am a third class1 jean london Can somebody please tell me, is it just the UK that is so generous towards foreigners, or do France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Austrla, Sweden offer the same benefits ? You got what you voted for people. Many of us said the only way to get out of this madness was to vote BNP, and we were right. Oh, and Pope, I hear there are many rooms in your Vatican palaces. You will be taking in African refugees in then I expect? I've nothing against letting in limited numbers of workers from overseas when we need them but this new ruling will attract the very people this country doesn't want. We have enough lazy dossers in this country who do not intend to work, we don't want the rest of Europe's trash aswell. What idiots allowed this to happen in the first place. Stop immigration and all its benefits now and see if they want to stay then. Get out of europe as they are bleeding us dry with nothing in return. We can only afford one government, one that we control and elect. My parents worked so hard for 50 years, plus l did for for years before suffering a stroke and sadly had to leave my job. l do not receive £250.00 per week , nor anything like that amount , WHY do my and my parents NI and TAXES, go to newcomers, and not to those who have paid into the system all their lives ? I feel 'sick'............ The countries simply going from very bad to very very bad !!! Lets get this country out of the EU and out of this disastrous mess contrived by the Brussels sprouts of the EU bureaucratic Human Rights simpletons.We are steadily being invaded and stripped of our sovereignty by the products of famine, deprivation, and wars, and by jumped up lawyers from other countries of the EU readily dictating who we let in, and who we can or cannot send out after committing serious crimes within the country, what we can, and cant do in our own country is a matter for OUR parliament to decide and NOT the EU, we have all the worlds worst criminals from out of Europe being fed and clothed by the courtesy of silly public of jelly back UK tax payers, and equally soft and inept politicians who are falling out with their own shadows whilst trying to fix the voting system to suit their own egos. I like the UKiP idealism of an independence from this EU dictatorship and an end to multiculturalism I was bor here and have worked and paid taxes for over 50yrs and I do not get anything like that much as a pension why is it a foriener can get what I do not. "Critics are concerned about the risk of ‘benefits tourism’ by immigrants from the eight former Communist countries affected." ------------ there is no 'risk', it has already been happening for YEARS. Do our MP's live with their head buried in the sand? So, the eastern European can start claiming benefits as soon as they get here? Yet other migrants who cant claim benefit but come here to study are facing tougher migration rules. Which is more profitable to UK, those that can come and claim benefit or those that come to spend their money on education and pay taxes without expecting benefits? Just a tought We should get out of the EU. Great way to solve an immigration problem, tempt people in with free money! Who could say no? Actually I know from personal experience that any British Subject who wishes to move to any country in the EU can claim whatever benefits their host offers and that they're entitled to as EU Citizens. - Alan, London UK, 25/4/2011 8:12 Do all European countries offer the same benefits as the UK? can you move there and get your rent paid and money to live on for as long as you like? NO! It is not comparing like with like. If you want to come to Spain, you have to work one year before you get dole and then you only get 4 months. You can transfer years worked in another EU country to give you teh maximum of 2 years dole. After 2 years, that is it. There is no housing benefit, practically no social housing. It is time the EU did decide the only common policy that would be popular. The one on common benefits. This would stop the benefits tourism or at least reduce it. Any incoming immigrants should only get the same benefits that their country would give them, not the mad benefits that seem to pour out of our pockets into theirs.---There is nothing to stop two or three times this many coming in to Britain, which seems unbelievable madness, some thing has to be done at Government level to restrict levels of immigration, and if the cannot, then we must leave European Union.---We the British people must dictate to them, and if the Government doesn’t listen to us, then we must make them listen, the ONLY way this can happen is to VOTE UKIP. Agree with Eileen, Lancashire and Kathleen West Yorks. The three main parties need a kick up the and Cameron is more spin than substance. This country is not spoilt for choice when it comes to political parties, at the next election many Labour supporters will vote BNP. Many lifelong Tory supporters I know will vote UKIP. At a fund raising pre election function I said to my local MP David Cameron never mentions the I word. The response was "Well you know", I said "well he cannot keep ignoring it for ever". Come on David you kip at the nation and your own peril. Cameron is hoping this latest EU absurdity will get buried by the Royal Weding and the waste of time and tax payers money the AV referendum. we cant go on like this, the Uk should NOT be in the EU because its not a level playing field, all we do is give give give, they take our jobs our homes our benefits and even our rights to freedom of speech and what do we get in return, unemployment benefit we have to beg and plead for, privet rented houses because its almost impossible for people to get social housing and our freedom of speech is now classed as racism! they are destroying us and our beautiful country and there is no other country in the EU can we go to and get the same treatment! If the UK stays in the EU then the EU or their own countries should be made to foot the bill to cover the costs for these people, it seems the whole world is leeching of us right now and bleeding us dry and none of the main parties give a dam about their own people. Problem is we only got rid of a few of the idiots that were running Parliament, the remainder are still in there and we've not even touched the surface of those running the system and the country! They're an absolute disgrace!!!!!!!!!! We cannot afford to pay pensioners who have paid into the scheme for years £140 per week under the new proposals but we can give £250 a week to foreigners who have paid nothing into the country? I think we desperately need to change our MPs. 200 MPs and 200 peers should be enough to govern our tiny island. My family is already £60 worse off each month. It might not sound much but when you have children to feed and the cost of living has risen, it all adds up. We don't have holidays or days out simply because we can't afford the luxury. It sickens me to know my Husband pays taxes to support people who don't do a thing to support our society. We're a joke of a country, we're an easy target for these people. As a country this is our fault, we allow this to happen, then we sit back winge an mona, probarbly half of us do not vote, so people are put in charge of this country who just feel to run us into the ground. When you have worked everyday since for many years and would not claim a penny in benefits, and people are happy to come here to take what they can for free, just be happy knowing that you have higher morals and self respect than those that sponge off us. If you come to this country and work hard for a better life, then why not, I have many eastern european friends that do that, but the rest are no better than the benefit waste of space scum that we have born and raised in the uk, this has and always will be an issue, that basically we can do nothing about, so save your breath chin up and smile knowing your not a scrounging scum bag. Its UKIP for me on 5 May. Just run this country into the ground just a little bit've done a swell job so far! This just gets worse. England is FULL. We need to stop paying benefits to foreigners, (and a lot of idle English as well). When is the government going to take some action? MPs have about 12 weeks summer holiday when they could sort this out once and for all. Leave the EU while they are at it. They could have included this vote with the AV one; the turnout would then have been a lot higher. OH WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD (GRAVY TRAIN) Honestly people I dont agree with the bnp or ukip in many aspects but lets face it the current goverments have destroyed our country there the only chance at stopping things like this. Get out of EU we are being ripped off by everyone. The only people suffering from this is the British taxpayer. Our governments are a joke. We must get out of the EU now, and the only way we are going to do this is to vote for UKIP on 5th of May! If you want to know how to deal with this, simply make sure UKIP get your vote, their manifesto reads 'Ensure UK benefits are only available to those who have lived here for at least five years'. That's as well as their promise to regain control of our borders with immigrants from both outside and inside Europe as they would introduce time-limited work permits for people wishing to come and work in the UK. How can the LibLabCon say they put the interests of British citizens first when they are making sure our taxpayer's money is constantly given away into foreign hands? The only chance for you all is BNP ! get out now!!!!! or we will lose our country forever what will be left for our children!! a waste land Well then thats the crime rate going to quadruple now!! When it comes down to it, it is we Englishmen who should be blamed for all this confirmation of our spineless cowardice over the past decades, allowing those in control of our land, make countless measures which successfully neutered us as an entity and left us effectively disenfranchised in our own country. And as for regaining the valour, spirit and national pride that saw off Napoleon, the Kaiser and Hitler with this modern (brainwashed) generation? - forget it. Never in history has the character and moral fibre of a nation changed so radically within such a short period. I’m afraid it is all too late now, we English are consigned to the dustbin of history. Can anyone tell me what derivable benefit do we get from this whole EU expensive nonsense? This is your watch CAMERON what can you do about it?. I like many go out to work and yet £1000 per month can be given to those who don't and never have paid into our TAX SYSTEM...........It STINKS. If our people went into any other EU countries would they be given FREE CASH?. I don't think so. If the UK doesn't get of of the EU it's is impotent at this stage,unable to pass laws to stop its decline,only the UKIP or BNP will do anything about this decline. No jobs for BRITS ,plus we are told your benefit claiming days are numbered and now this lot are allowed in and have paid nothing into the system,but they can claim everything .DONT WORRY THE GOVERNMENT WILL SORT IT OUT ,ha ha ha ha Blair did climb into bed with all the EU crowd in Brussels, but it was Heath who started the rot, by dragging us into the EE back in the seventies. No referendum, no consultation then; just took us in blindly and got away with it. Yes, UKIP might be our only hope, but just try convincing the guilable public who tend to believe one manifesto after the other. Tom. - always hopeful - And there is nothing we can do about it....Them and us...This country is doomed. we can not pay the EU and the immigrants so which one is it to be remember the country is almost broke I've payed my taxes all my life. I bet if i went to claim for anything I'd be sent packing empty handed. Thanks to Tony Blair who signed us into EU for everything that does'nt benefit us but benefits is wife.If we don't get a grip we'll be brought down to a third world country . - martin l, skem, 25/4/2011 09:09 I WAS sent packing Martin! 50 years old & worked every day that I could. & told to move to a one bed house, from a two, so I could get help with my rent, having been forced to rent by our ludicrously slanted divorce laws, which Tony Bliar helped to slant even more in favour of women! Not voting for the main three ever again ! ! ! ! ! We have to get out of the Euro Joke shop Now! it is the only way to stop this disgrace of paying people money who have never paid a single peeny into the UK. The Blair clone has done nothing to stop our taxes being used by foreigners. I have paid taxes for 47 years and my pension is less than this!!!!!! Who will save us from the Political Liars? PLUS there`s the cost of translators for them, together with a mountain of paperwork that will need translating & the DSS staff to deal with them - Tucker, Barrow-in-Furness, 25/4/2011 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The UK taxpayers shouldn't have to fund this because Visa's from the US, Canada, Australia, and other English Speaking countries have a surcharge to pay for translators. OK, so exactly how many Britons have claimed housing and unemployment benefit in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia or Slovenia? My bet is it is none - or very few! The EU has become a nonsense. Our Prime Minister is just a career MP and says what he thinks we want to hear at any one time. Empty promises. Empty vessel. Vote FOR the AV. Vote FOR UKIP or BNP and we may get something done about this ghastly United States of Europe, before they bleed us dry. Our ancestors must be turning in their graves at the assault we have allowed on our shores. please please please please vote for UKIPif your own party refuses to give us a referendum on the EU.The lib dems are gutless labour lied through thier teeth cameron and his tory millionaires have conned the public so the only way out of this mess is to vote UKIP I think its disgusting that hard working BRITS are having our monies cut such as the 80% normally paid for child care for working couples now dropping to 70%. So if we work we get less support and there fore have to cut our hours. Conservatives are by far, the biggest let down far more than labour because we all knew they had a tendency to over spend and hand out more, where as the conservatives have not cut spending where they should have. The scum that have ruled us have destroyed us. British benefits have been supporting families back in Eastern Europe for years now, ironic how most of us with small families now lose child benefit whilst fathers from large families send it back abroad where it goes much further as neither do they have our expensive costs of living. Housing benefit and Income support cannot be paid if people own a property abroad but we do not bother to check these details do we? People cannot live in Cities where the jobs are due to lack of affordable housing or they have been taken over by those on benefits or students, neither can we afford the cost of travelling to work from miles outside these Cities. Social unrest is just around the corner..... I'm sick of it vote UKIP kick the lot out and stuff Europe too. Why go to all the trouble of paperwork? Just give them a bucket of cash and their house keys as they arrive! No country can afford a totally limitless, open system. This is overt manipulation coupled with predictive programming. The Tavistock institute is pushing the British public into responding the way they want us to. The best response is to get our country back and throw these abusive officials into the clink for a spell. Good news for me! As a buy to let landlord with over 80 properties with most of my clients for east Europe, I welcome the influx!! I take DSS and get my money sent to me by the DSS office. I used to be like others moaning about our money wasted and then I decided to do something about it. And now I am living the life of luxury with tens of thousands made every week. ! Thank you liebour and EU! Why? I work part time for social services and this summer I will be loosing 28% of my salary, I work with children with challenging behaviour, front line staff so no cushy office job, (btw this cut doesn't apply to managers over 40 grand per year, so this is affecting the 'workers' who are the lowest paid) so these benefits are more than I earn eaach week but we can afford to give to those who have paid sweet FA into our system but cut the the low wages of those who do pay into the system and are the one's helping to support these immigrants with the taxes we pay. Why do those who run the country and allow these stupid laws to go ahead hate the average working tax & NI paying British man/woman? I don't even earn £250.00 per week! I despair. I voted UKIP. The vast majority of you who bothered to vote at all continued to vote for the LibLabConmen. You thought "Who will get Labour out? - I'll vote Conservative". You should have thought "Which party most closely reflects my desires for the country". Now you see what we are saddled with. You are Soooooooooooo intelligent. I wonder if I decide I hate my job due to stress/pressure off bullying Managers in the NHS, that I can claim £250 a week? I am British born and bred and have worked all my life. I have certainly paid into the system. I just cannot grasp why foreigners can come here and live for free!!!! hi i am thinking about putting my name up for the political race,whats the arrows indicators for me to join the fight to put our nationals first party,i am not kidding,whose for it,please no jokes ! DaveCook wrote: "Would it not be better to scrap all benefits and reduce taxes on employers who take people on to do work.".. As the current welfare system will soon prove totally unsustainable, blatant abuse of the system will fail those it originally set out to help, genuine jobseekers who need a helping hand to relocate and make ends meet until they start earning again. We will soon have a choice of benefits for nobody or benefits for all comers. Another crazy decision . This is totally out of control . Its not the fault of the DHSS they are stuck . There will be blood on the street mark my words Mr C . There really is unfortunately only one move we can make "OUT OF EEC" I will vote UKIP . Europe needs us for sellings there MB and BMW's it's costing Billions for the Super MEP in their Glass palaces in Brussels . Time out. We need to leave this corrupt EU,we did not vote for it,we are being asked to take cuts,the EU demands more and more money,it has to stop!!!! It is unjust for British people to have to fund benefits for the last EU members,we are being treated unfairly,and Clegg and Cameron are fully committed EU supporters!!!!!! This is so wrong, this and the previous administration have had plenty of time to change to system to make the burden less for the UK! "Watch this space" it says-what rubbish! They will watch, but through rose tinted glasses and in 3yrs time, the Government will say "Oops!" we took our eye off the ball and now the Taxpayer is going to pay twice to cover the Government's mistakes, "Er, Sorry about that" My son, who had worked here for five years and paid taxes went to the USA to study for a year to try and improve his job prospects. He came back and was not allowed benefits for 12 weeks, during which time we had to keep him, and even then he only got the minimum JSA. How come someone who has never lived here before and never paid into the system, can just walk in and claim everything. This country just Stinks now and Cameron has turned out to be as bad, if not worse, than the other jokers when it comes to being pro europe. Vote Ukip and get rid of the main parties. Another kick in the teeth for the beleaguered British taxpayer, then they wonder why people vote for the BNP. Judging by these comments something needs to be done to raise standard of grammar and spelling in this country before we invite anyone else to feed off the ridiculous benefit culture the dwindling number of workers pay for. Its too late to close the gate so will the last to leave, Please put the light out. If cameron does not take us out of the E.U he should be tried for treason I thought that we were tightening up on immigation stupid me. Remember Cameron is in a coalition which is currently dominated by the LIBDEM's they are the true supporters of membership of the EU they are prepared to sell their souls and ours to ensure we stay in. Clegg, Ashdown Cable and co do not give a stuff for the UK. They are only interested in the power we gave them based on three televised debates where they said anything to make themselves look good. The EU is and has always been their Holy Grail. Together with Labour, in whatever guise they try to reform to, will sell the once Great Britain into oblivion, a minor state within the EU paying an excessive share to its upkeep. A vote for AV is just the beginning, the first LABLIBDEM coalition will immediately convert that into Proportional Representation under the pressure of the minority LIBDEMs ensuring Socialist LIBDEM coalitions for evermore. Soon after that a name change will take place unifying them permanently as a left wing socialist coalition. The EU is taking the micky and because Blair signed the Human rights act and Brown signed away the rest of our rights, we have no only two options. 1) we attempt to influence things but the FrancoGerman anti English engine at the core of teh EU wont let that happen because they are hell bent on destroying the UK. 2) we get the helll out and I'm for the this option. Hang on, all may not be totally lost, yet! Suggestion: we should all write to our Euro MP (if we can find out who it is) and demand equal-rights, which Strasbourg and Buxelles put much emphasis on. If for instance a Latvian arrives here and is able to receive £250 per week, we should all be able to travel to other EU counties and demand the same, hence our holiday costs to any EU country could be offset by a considerable amount......five hundred quid per person for a fortnight in France or the Czech Republic would be quite acceptable to me, now go to it.....and enjoy your EU financed holiday! This makes me very sad. £250 a week is more than my daughter earns, yet she has to pay all her own rent and bills and she's absolutely skint by the middle of the month. Something morally wrong here....... So the OAP who has paid into the system all their working life only gets half of what an immigrant can claim. Fantastic! Where is the fairness in that? Most posters voted for EU supporting parties, so why gripe ? This must be what you wanted, & when 80 million Turks join the EU, you'll wonder what hit you & your children That will happen, unless you vote UKIP. @Alan, the point is if we moved to Poland we would get pennies per week if we claimed there, that's if we got anything at all. Whereas the amount we give them is huge compared to what they get at home. so it is very much a ONE WAY STREET. Why do you think In spite of the billions of pounds we hand out to the EU and the immigrants who have flooded our country, as well as fighting foreign wars with seriously under equipped armed forces, millions of voters in this country's will continue to vote for the three main political parties. It is beyond my comprehension. Why do the government choose to do this, it's as if they like to anger us and frankly it scares me, these people are so unfriendly and a lot of them are criminals, I would love to leave the UK and live somewhere else that does not do these things to hard working people, listen to us Mr Cameron we WILL get rid of you as soon as possible, maybe then we will get a party who will help us because at this moment we need help. Actually I know from personal experience that any British Subject who wishes to move to any country in the EU can claim whatever benefits their host offers and that they're entitled to as EU Citizens. - Alan, London UK, 25/4/2011 8:12***************UTTER TOSH! I have lived in Spain for 17 years now and I can tell you, Alan, that I am entitled to absolutely NOTHING from the Spanish State. If you pay into the System you can join in the Spanish Pension Scheme etc that is all. But if you simply get off a plane and come here with your hand out you will get a big fat ZERO and quite rightly too. A Friend of mine came here from Uruguay. She and her man have to support themselves for three years before they can even apply for their papers to allow them to work. After two years she gave up and went back home. THESE ARE RUOLES NOT LAW! THEY ARE NOT EVEN EU RULES just fluffy UK ones! Benifits are and should be for those who have EARNED them. EU citizens ARE entitled to those benifits as given BY THEIR OWN country and should be authorised and reclaimed from that country! EU citizens are NOT immigrants, other foreigners ARE NOT immigrants. They may or may not have a right to reside! Stupidity and madness,to remain in the EU club,which is a huge burden on British taxpayers! The benefits which are better in this country for the EU member states citizen's are a slap in the face for the British taxpayers! We have cuts so we can fund others in this corrupt EU club,we need to vote for UKIP at all elections it is the only way ordinary people can act,we will never see any fairness from the pro EU Con/Lib/Labs!!!! A vote for Labour, Conservative or Liberal Democrat returns the same result - ONE party. Vote for any party but these three if you want your freedom. Can someone please explain how an immigrant couple who have made no contribution at all to this country can get a lot more than an indigenous OAP couple who have worked and paid their taxes and maybe even fought for this country? It CANNOT be right!!! Vote for any party that will take steps to get us out of the EU! When my husband who was self employed for the majority of his 48 years working life and never had time off sick suffered a heart attack, he had to wait 3months before we could get a penny in benefits.We would join a queue of immigrants who were getting housing benefits, child benefits etc etc. and my husband who had paid all his dues and demands so that these people get a share of our benefit system couldn't get anything. It was due to family and friends that we survived that period of our lives as they paid our bills when our small amount of savings ran out. I'm sure people will understand how we feel about these scroungers coming here, and quite frankly we have had enough. Look after our own Cameron,let the scroungers look after themselves. Sam, London, 25/4/2011 08:50 You asked who is with you. Well I think the answer is most of us, but I don't know how a protest could be organised and coordinated. I don't know what the focus of the protest should be either. Is it about immigration, benefits or the EU? The media try and label everyone racist who stands up for this country. We need something like the London Peace march and we need somebody or an organisation with the influence to make it happen. Maybe somebody like the Daily Mail? I do wonder whether enough people would be bothered enough to come. If you are with Sam please green arrow. And Cameron's response to do something about reducing immigration is only an "ambition," he said. I voted for change at the last election, not the garbage that is being thrown at us now by the Conservatives. We need to get out of the EU. Lets just have the free trade agreement back. Why are we the only country in the EU that gives out these handouts ?...I could not go to Turkey, Spain, France, or anywhere in the EU and get hundreds of euro's per week to live. This has to stop!!! Part of Camerons manifesto was to stop the immigration, it has not happened...This cannot continue, it's time to get out of the EU once and for all... 25/4/2011 we are bringing this on ourselve's, we must agree with it by voting for the same pro E.U partie's,Clegg/Miliband/ Cameron are all pro E.U, they have let you know this by there actions, [cameron's latest,to cut back immigrants just watch] There is only one party who wants out of the E.U thats U.K.I.P,and the answer. OGGA1. Why? This is because Labour and the Tories want us to stay in the EU. get out of the EU, and we can stop paying these benefits. Where are these so called easy benefits? I'm unable to claim bugger all after being self employed for 10 years. I have now been out of work for over 12 months and I still can't claim a penny. How are these people getting any benefits? Seriously, just how??!?!?! And whats our great Leader Cameron going to do about it . I'll tell you ,nothing because he 's a yes man and sides with Europe .We have a government with no guts and not just on the immigration front but on everything . We are over run with every thing that the rest of the original countries of europe dont want . Send them to England . and let them swell the populas till it bursts . And Who cares . Not our lot . The hard working British people have had their benefits chopped, diced and sliced, but for any foreigner coming in they get half of what most people earn in a week and for just coming here, even when we are all ready over crowded. Government, I thought you promised us change from Labour, your actually doing it worse now, in this situation at least. So these people can claim £250 a week whilst pensioners are denied a reasonable income for which they will have paid into all their working lives, many existing on about £110 a week. No justice. I have no problem with the East Europeans who have come here to work, they are hard working, and certainly 'got on their bikes' to look for work. However, I am sure just like we have a considerable number of wasters here, there are considerable numbers of wasters back in their East European countries. Even an idiot can see that allowing imediate access to benefits, and very generous ones at that, is going to attract the lazy ones to come here as well, the sort who will make no contribution what so ever. Still I suppose it will keep property prices up and we can send them to live in the towns where there is no work to help keep the schools open! This government is turning out to be as absurd as the last one. Don't forget Cameron wants Turkey in the EU as well, if that happens we will really see huge problems! Is this arrangement about benefits reciprocal? Could I go to Sweden for instance, pay for a flat for a few months out of my own pocket, look for work unsuccesfully then claim benefits? If so, I'm off to Sweden! WE ARE FULL Enough is enough. NOW is the time to vote BNP. The lunatics are running the asylum. who voted these idiots into government. For all our sakes think next time. of course the EU will agree to lift the bar. IT ISNT THEIR COUNTRY THESE LOWLIFE ARE HEADING FOR. And will they return the subsidies payments to help meet this increase sum of money? Bl***ywell NO! Please can we have a governent, which will stand up for BRITAIN, and not cowtow to the faceless gits who are determined to sink us? The EU appears to be practising communism lite, but does the fact that people are migrating from ex-communist countries for work not give some clue that this outdated political system is prone to failure. I can't take this anymore, are there any excellent Lawyers out there willing to take this on?????? What a cheek I get £110 a week to live on a pensioner and paid into the systum all my life 70yrs now and still paying how do people do it and get more i have tried and been turned down. Now they are going to give them £250 a week never even SPENT A PENNY in this country wish some one would tell me how to do it. Lets have our country back The clock is ticking Camagoon. If you don't hold a referendum on leaving the EU, start looking for another job as you will be out of this one sooner than you think! PLUS there`s the cost of translators for them, together with a mountain of paperwork that will need translating & the DSS staff to deal with them - Tucker, Barrow-in-Furness, 25/4/2011 9:00......... PLUS Child benefit,payable regardless if the children are living here or not.Education,Healthcare,Housing,etc,etc. If you don't like what is happening to our country - and who does ? then go out and vote UKIP or some other minority party on the 5 May. Don't leave it up to someone else, but give the three main parties a good kick where it is needed. Of course there will be a huge influx, they are very streetwise and know more about what they can get than native Brits. why is this allowed to happen? i have worked abroad in holland and i am currently in finland and i am entitled to nothing until i have paid into the system for 12 months. is it one rule for britain and another for the rest of europe? france and germany wouldn't allow this but are happy to impose it on britain. glad i escaped from camerons britain. i have a friend who has been living abroad for 5 years, he has applied for benefits until he is able to start work which would have been in two weeks. 8 weeks later he is still waiting for benefits, he had no money until he started work so how can they claim so much money in so short a time when a british citizen cannot claim anything even though they have been paying into the system for 30 years this is disgusting !1 They have paid nothing in so they get nothing out. . Period. I've payed my taxes all my life. I bet if i went to claim for anything I'd be sent packing empty handed. Thanks to Tony Blair who signed us into EU for everything that does'nt benefit us but benefits is wife.If we don't get a grip we'll be brought down to a third world country . Something drastic needs to be done right now to stop this disgratful immagration benifit situation, waken up Cameron your speeches are nothing but lies, enough is enough, even the asylum situation is not worth believing, Now we start to see why tens of thousands of sick people are being thrown onto Work Support Allowance ( Or whatever its called this week ) ! Got to raise lots of cash for our visitors from far off lands ! If what we read is true then just who is it that makes this decision. I as a taxpayer was not asked and quite frankly when there are so many british people struggling any money should be there to help us. Mr Cameron ask the British people what they really want, the referendum you promised GET US OUT OF THE EU ASAP. Let all us britains stand shoulder to shoulder. I weep for my country and for us ordinary people, young and old, who have been abandoned by government. Both my grandfathers fought at the Somme, and my dad fought in WW2. What for, I now ask myself? Our country and everything that was good and fair about it for has been given away on a plate. don't get this at all....when i was in Portugal i couldn't claim portuguese benefits or get help learning the language or get help getting a job...ditto spain and bulgaria....seems to be one way traffic and really how big is this country its like ' how many people can you squeeze into a mini/the UK' i would love to get all the help folk get here, wouldn't see me for dust! Why do we always elect a spineless goverment? No European immigrant should be given any benefit other than a return ticket home. They should never ever be provided with housing nor be allowd to take any jobe without, say, pre payment of a deposit into the NI system of at least £1000. We need desperately to get out of the EC , close our borders to all immigrants from anywhere in the world, recheck all those granted permission to stay to see if circumstances have changed and ban completely the useof "the right to a family life" as a factor in huiman rights cases This is a small crowded island with per people per square mile than other Euriopean countries and we should not take any more Perhaps we should give them the same value of benefits that they would receive in their own country had thay stayed there. I suspect UK would be nowhere near as attractive. David Cameron says it is his "mission" in politics to make the Big Society succeed - WE NOW ALL UNDERSTAND NOW EUROPEAN MIGRANTS Its time we all did something drastic to give these modern day Robin Hoods a wake up call,The monies paid by taxpayers are meant to be used for services to the people to help the country run smoothly NOT given away to every freeloading parasitic economic migrant that fancies the easy life 250 per week ????? I'm being ripped off with only 500 per month, give me my money now. Well Mr Cameron made a pledge that the British people could sack him if he wasn't doing the job properly so what are we the British people doing about it Nothing that's what and once again we have been let down by politician's lies nothing has changed since we got rid of Blair and nothing will in some countries you have to have lived there for a certain time you also have to be able to speak the language Britain has become a dumping ground and its time to stop Given that the pension that I worked and paid for for 50 years is £102 per week, will I be allowed to leave the country, then move back and claim £250.=================This country gets more anti English every day.=============Then I am asked how I feel about the Royal Wedding.===========I will give you 3 guesses as to my answer. PLUS there`s the cost of translators for them, together with a mountain of paperwork that will need translating & the DSS staff to deal with them The problem is less to do with the immigrants and more to do with the overly generous benefits system that has created a generation of home-grown bone idlers and turned this country into a magnet for the bone idlers of Europe. "Help African war refugees, pleads pope" No! You help them. Vatican City is big enough and rich enough, Brits have had enough of immigrants and charity. So Old age pensioners who have paid into our taxation system all their lives don't even get half the amount to live on that a migrant gets? Isn't it time we citizens took some direct action over this blatant discrimination? Do I live in England or Imigrantland,when will our Publicly Elected Leaders,wake up to the thoughts and feelings of the people,why must we support financialy the majority of Europe when we dont support our own people.I get so worked up and irate when I read things like this about handouts to imigrants who have payed nothing at all into our financial coffers.Is Cameron and his Whitehall cronies not interested in what the people have to say on these matters,do they not have the backbone to follow the likes of France and Germany,and say enough is enough,who will we as a nation upset if we decline to give Imigrants handouts without question,when our own have to fill in endless forms,undergo countless interviews to get benefits they are entitled to,it is time for a National Referendum on remaining a member of the EU. The truth is all 3 political parties with any chance of governing are not opposed to this situation! Is there not some way in which the voting public could show their disgust and refuse to endorse the policies of these 3 parties? If we had the AV voting system perhaps? Don’t forget without the endorsement of 51% of voters an MP could not win their seat, forcing them to support the same policies the majority of their constituents want! Just a thought. The label "Only in Britain" applies here. As other posters are pointing out, this doesn't happen in other EU countries. Add to this that we pay billions more into the EU than what we get out of our membership. Plus, Tony Blair gave away our rebate for zilch in return, which Margaret Thatcher had fought tooth and nail to obtain. Plus, the self-serving EU gravy train has grown to mammoth size. It's gone way beyond an outrage, a referendum on EU membership is imperative. You know, you all only have yourselves to blame for this. You voted socialist LIEbour in serveral times, who put the roots down for all this, and DC is not interested either. I moved here 22 yrs ago and I can see the way this country has pressed the self desruct button. You will all wake up when it's all too late and your country and any identity it had is all gone to foreginers. I've only got three years left and I'm going back to my original country. Where are these cuts that are meant to be happening? I think the best place to start is here! Yeah, a lot more than my weekly pension after PAYING IN for more than 40 years. Cheated again. Close the borders now, we've had enough of this. It's OUR taxes people, our money that they get. It's time to force the politicians to listen to those who pay their wages. Who will save us from the awful situation! Sick to death of the EU, EEC, Common Market (?) et al. What do they think this island is? a cruise ship! It doesn't matter how much you complain,shout from the rooftops,etc.nothing will change untill those in power,the influence,and money start to feel the pinch.And as we know that will never happen.I will be contacting my conservative MP to complain but expect the same response as when I asked her to provide details of the number of people in the UK who speak the 50 plus languages on the back of the census form....nothing. Cameron DO SOMETHING ! whose bloody idea is this the EU and what is the Government going todo about it....this is not on. come on UK and the DAily Mail start protests up. something has got to stop frightening come they will end up getting more than pensioners who have worked all their lives something wrong some where. why the hell should we accommodate all the rubbish from the eu This is just the EU's way of getting more contributions from us. Wealth redistribution is their objective. Protests regarding the EU will get us nothing, and we are denied a vote on the issue of membership. I hope that soon, Englishmen will rise up a and take to the streets, while we are able, and it will take the need for arms to gan our freedom. This country is well down the road to its end, ably supported by traitors actually voted into power by us, the victims. If we don't take up arms, we accept domination by a foreign power. Louise of Bedfordshire:Great .... in they'll flock.... and people who need extra help like my pensioner mother do not get it! If I had the money I would leave the UK tomorrow and take my family with me, and never look back. This is why it is happening - our citizens are flocking to other countries instead of protesting about what is going on. In another country you would have mass protests about this sort of thing but what does the good old Brit do - run!! How many Ex-pats come on these sites and run the country down. They are happy to live elsewhere so they are really no different. Britain has lost its backbone because the people no longer stand up and get counted. That's more than a lot of people earn, the BNP are starting to look attractive, we've been sold out, literally. Why can we not give them the same amount they would get in their own country and then calm that money back from their benefits system ? This is abominable we are suffering cutbacks and they are giving taxpayers money to people who have paid nothing into the system,and its not the EU rules either other countries do not pay immigrants benefits.I'm absolutely disgusted with the government for allowing this.Voting BNP is the only way out of this farcical situation why do I feel that I'm being robbed I wonder? Instead of moaning on here why don't we all do stand up and protest or something. Instead of doing the typical British thing of I'm all right jack sod everyone else. This is out of control and will never get better unless something is done and the only ones who can start that are the British Public. It works in France and other countries. Lets put the Great back in Britain for once, whos with me!!??? Jesus, is it never going to end? It seems these days the only people who can't claim anything are British. Can anyone tell me what are the benefits of us being in the EU because as far as I can see all it's done is screw us from every angle. We need to be told how the benefits systems work in other EU countries. If there is supposed to be equality within the EU why is Britain's benefits system seen to be so generous to outsiders? This country has gone loopy we have to get out of europe now WE are broke yet and are having to work until we drop to survive yet we continue on this road to nowhere. Where is the backbone of this country...we need a revolution...I am first in line for it! - sick of MP's and MEP's, UK, 25/4/2011 07:48 Couldn't agree more - I believe it all starts on Facebook? A message top Cameron, Do what the Italians do, don't obey the EU, and domn't pay this wave of partasites a penny. I have been to several of these European countries and the current comments here are RIGHT. You cannot goto these countries and just claim Benifits. You must work and if you buck the rules or the Law they do send you back. The British Government (Labour and now Cons/LibDems) are the guilty parties here and are giving away our wealth while making our own people suffer extensive cuts(especially our elderly). There needs to be a stop on this. I do believe the three main political parties are working to the same agenda in trying to bankrupt this country by giving away resources that are meant for the people that paid them in. We need a public investigation into this to enable it to be stopped. This cannot in any way be right. We cannot go abroad and claim the same in any country - in fact there is always a huge delay in getting any payment (I believe that you can look for work abroad but there is such a delay in getting any benefits that most people come back before this ever occurs). The red tape everywhere else is huge and so it should be here for anyone from another country. If this is still going on then it only proves that it is not Labour who caused the problem but that all parties are under the thumb of EU rule. Take note Cameron, a lot of these people were Tory are squeezing us until the pips squeak but there is no tightening up for immigrants, or the Irish, or Pakistan, or Portugal......... everyone has human rights, apart from me......... THIS IS A DISGRACE we must get out of the E.U. before this Country is destroyed completely. UKIP for me from now on, never again will I vote for a main party as it is our only hope of getting out of the E.U. Something must be done to stop our crazy benefits system. How can this be just and fair - we are inviting the world to come for hand-outs, while our pensioners, the NHS etc., etc., and our tax paying hard-working citizens suffer the consequences. It would be unthinkable for the new immigrants to have to live below the level of pensioners simply because the latter have worked and contributed to the national pot. British benevolence is on display yet again. No problem at all. The government simply hands the bill to the immigrants respective governments for them to pay. If they refuse then don't pay the benefits. When we have emergency medical treatment in a member state that state bills our government. Anything over basic treatment we have to pay out of our own medical insurance. I have a lot of time for the Eastern Europeans I know personally, they are hard working, polite and integrate well but it is ridiculousy naive to suggest that ALL migrants come here to work, handing out money to everyone is open to abuse, we have enough scroungers of our own without encouraging even more, most people would agree that having a manageable number who are contributing to society is far more sensible than opening the floodgates even further. We are currently running ourselves ragged, trying to sort out care for my elderly mother in law, she cannot live with us as we all work and it is not safe to leave her in the house during the day alone, so we are having to go down the care home route. She has a little bit of savings, but she also owns the family home. We are trying to rent this out on her behalf to raise income so we can cover all her care costs ourselves. It makes me sick to see the greedy councils come round and eye up the property (we told them to sod off!) she worked until well after she should have retired, only ever went on holiday abroad once in 1982. Does not smoke or drink and occasionally (and I mean occasionally) went to bingo. This kind of thing makes me ashamed to be British - we will look after every tom-dick and harry from the EU, but our elderly, if they have any assets will have it all taken off them if the gov can get their greedy claws on it - sickening, it really is! I feel David Cameron will be asked to step down as leader soon, Great Britain does not have the money? Or do we have the money Mr Cameron seems to be giving a lot away this year and last year. New Government, same old kiss a-- policies when it comes to the EU. The EU says 'you pay, and Cameron, like Blair and Brown before him, says no prob, I will rip the money off the people who have contributed all their lives, especially pensioners. I have contributed for 46 years. Never had a penny in benefits. When the new pension scheme comes in, I like my wife, will be excluded. With millions unemployed and no jobs, why do we need any immigrants coming to the UK? Time we had a referendum about changing our status in the EU to a trading partner. That is what Heath said we were joining for. Instead we seem to be sustaining the economies of the 8 countries listed by paying benefits that these people can only dream of. where do they get £250 a week from >>> I lost my job at christmas, get 60 jSA and 80 Housing benefit a week have to live on less than £5 a week after all my bill are paid, I don't smoke or drink, or drugs come to that. Can't afford to socialise (what ever that is) I am 60 and caught in the new pension rules so don't get mine till next year .. no jobs because I am too old. Catch 22 come to mind. WISH I GOT 250 A WEEK .......... Did nobody write into the rules that only British citizens were allowed to claim beneifits? Conversely then why aren't all benefits harmonized across the EU?? There are actually jobs for these people in their home countries and even though everything is dearer here what actually makes it attractive for them is free money doled out by the State..particularly free money for having babies and bringing them up for the next 16 years, free healthcare and subsidised living standards. They know that they will always be provided for and will never fall on hard times. They will spoil it for everybody eventually. Well maybe such immigrants, moving to Britan should be able to claim benefits: BUT, those benefits should be claimed from , and paid by, their own countries, even if the perople concerned are living here. We must not enhance the attractiveness of the Uk by such generous benefit systems. Stop it now!. This is a very major mistake, to allow such payments to be made by the Uk to nationals of other countries. Cameron stop this madness now. We can't afford it. Where is our referendum now is the time to get out of the EU. France are apparently going to reintroduce border controls for the refugees from italy, so I suggest that we do the same. NO more immigrants Cameron you should be ashamed of yourself and your Government !!!!!!. Before the election you gave all these promises on what you would do if you were elected. Now you are in Government - nothing you have just lied, no referendum and done more U turns than Margaret Thatcher did in her whole terms in office. Just a change of hats every 5 years if you keep the old voting system . Bring on the yes vote and get in some new voices who will speak for the hardworking taxpayer. (UKIP.) To think they the government are spending millions of pounds on a referendum over voting rights which very few people of this country is interested in, Why didn't they have it on the membership of the EU which is a thorny subject at the best of times. At least then which ever way the vote went it would put a stop to the arguing over subsidies and I am sure the public at large would listen to all points of view before making their decision. Are the politicians just to scared of this option or is it because all leaders of all the parties want jobs for the boys once their term in government is over in the EU money train. I'm surprised we are not holding street parties for the influx of immigrants too. We seem to be giving them everything else, home, health care, and money. This is absolutely disgraceful close the borders Britain is already full of these free loaders! This is unbelievably disgusting when. The country is in recession, many UK residents out of work and now the Government want to give foreigners our money. All foreigners not born in the UK but arriving for free financing should be sent home. Maybe a vote for the country on this would be far more beneficial than the AV referendum. What has happened to what was once a lovely place to live? No person should be allowed to claim jobseeker’s allowance or housing and council tax benefits in the UK until they had worked here for 12 months continuously. Not even our own citizens. I lived in Slovenia for 3 years (Incidentally, Slovenia is not in Eastern Europe, it borders Italy and Austria and they're not in Eastern Europe) and while I was there I didn't claim any kind of financial support, in fact I created employment there. However, I saw how hard it was for anyone from another country (including the UK) to obtain benefits, whereas it appears that any Slovene coming to the UK will have (my hard-earned tax) money thrown at them? It shouldnt be so one-sided, after all we're all meant to be EU partners together aren't we? We are such an easy touch in this country and (despite saying they will make it harder for others to abuse our system) each successive government does nothing about it. I give up! another flow of dole dossers on its way. they will be treated better than brits. what a bunch of spineless mp`s we have . it time they stood up to the eurocrats & said enough is enough. referendum where is it?. This is yet another reason why we need to exit the EU double quick. Cameron is failing to listen or act to the vast majority who want that referendum now and get us out. His absurd stance that we are better off inside to influence the EU has simply not worked - and it never will. If he gave us that referendum, he could guaranteefor himself a landslide at the next election and he could dump the Libdems to the outer wilderness where the country believes they belong. There are no if''s or but's this County need'sto get out of the E.U. A.S.A.P. Successive governments are to blame for this, Blair started it and Cameron & Clegg are continuing the rip off of the British taxpayer. All Cameron's huffing and puffing about the EU, was just hot air, he has done nothing and he will continue to do nothing. The coalition will continue to put out the welcome mat to Eastern Europeans, whilst punishing the population they purport to represent. So this is 'belt tightening' is it? Cash for wars, foreigners and scroungers but not for the old and disabled some of whom fought a war so we could be free. Shameful. Immigrants should lodge a bond when they arrive so they can get home if they haven't found a job in 6 months. Perhaps we need more choice if we ever get to vote on the EU Stay in EU and human rights act. Stay in EU but opt out of human rights act. Move out of EU completely. There is a vast difference between being entitled to claim benefits and actually getting them. (Something which journalists seem to be unable to grasp.) Come on my fellow Brits! Lets stop moaning about the cost of providing benefits for foreign workers: we will just have to work a bit harder for a bit longer to pay for Dave's generosity. You know it makes sense! Surely it is notbeyond the wity of our reguatory authorities to make it 12 months residency This is absolute madness. The benefits system was set up as a safety net for British citizens who had fallen on hard times, not to keep half the world's population in luxury. Cameron was voted into power to put and end to this, yet does nothing. It's time to scrap the benefits system altogether and replace it with a community work scheme. So soft, many of the young Turkish men I meet here ask if it is true the British govt will give you money for not working. They cannot believe it, especially as in this country you are very lucky to work one week in six and get no money for not working. There is no wonder all the world wants to go to UK. Change the system now, or get swamped by economic migrants. Has anyone realised yet that the EUSSR is out to bankrupt this country? reduce us to a client state,dependent on EUSSR handouts...All this is happening with the enthusiastic backing of the Quislings and EUSSR puppets in Westminster..Call me Dave and the rest of the chancers and losers are all owned by the Empire...communists to a man....If you all want to live on your knees then keep voting for this Lib/Lab/Con rubbish..... Well anyone who is upset only have themselves to blame, should have voted BNP OR UKIP. The benefits of being in the EU have tipped the other way......time to get out. Those who the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad. A vote for AV would just shorten the madness bit enabling us to reach destruction even more quickly. What do people expect, you have a political elete who want to look good on the world stage by giving money to countrys that do not need it and money to east europeans who have not contributed anything here. You have socialist councils who activly encourage families to come here to live in large victorian house on £1450 a week benefits, work why should they, just lie back in front of the 50" TV and enjoy life in benefit rich UK. Did anyone ask you about paying out this money from your hard earned? Will these imports take your job at lower wages? WHO authorises these payments. A nameless civil servant. Write to you local MP and kick up stink before you lose the pittance you now earn and are forced to beg on the streets. Tell her or him his own job is under threat from you. The UK is being torn apart, with politicians being too weak and uncaring to do anything. If nothing is done by the people, that`s it -kaput! We need to get out on the streets and protest against this madness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My mistake was working all my life paying into pension scheme ,,,,,,, ! So lets get this straight. We are delaying the pension age for millions, reducing the amount that they actually get. Increase the pension contribution for current workers. But we are attracting thousands if not hundreds of thousands with the promise of £250 per week, £12k per year.... WHY TREAT US LIKE THIS. This is what you get for being in "Europe". When i worked in Poland 3 years agao, the job agencies where advertising job's in the UK and how to claim various benefits. To the guy's i was working with out there, our country was a laughing stock, they could not believe we where stupid enough to give away money like that, they said all the local lazy people and criminal's where moving to the UK in drove's, they thanked us for clearing out their unwanted trouble causer's. Look's like this is just about to become an even bigger issue. European legislation allows for the free movement of labour however, it specifically says that thesuch persons should not impact on the social security bill of the country that they move to. You are only entitled to social security benefits once you have been paying into the social security fund, and paying tax on work that you are doing. The UK does not have to house or pay benefits to people who come from the EU looking for work. I know not everyone will agree with me, but I firmly believe that any new migrants coming into the country should only be allowed to do so if they have full-time work, can support themselves fully, are not entitled to any benefits, do not take up any social housing, & do not qualify for free health service and so have to get medical insurance. France, Australia and New Zealand have much stricter rules and it's about time we tightened up our own policies. We cannot keep putting citizens of other countries before our own. People come here because they see our system as a joke and they know thay can get something for nothing. I understand that there are genuine asylum seekers, and people willing to work, but there are far more people who come here simply because they know they are entiltled to benefits and they want an easy life. They are taking liberties, and our Government is not only letting them, but giving them a green light. We need to put a stop to it. It's not benefit "tourism"......Tourists eventually go back where they came from. How is it right that my dad who was born,lives,worked, paid his dues and is retired gets no help with his fees for his care home when people who have no connection with the country recieve any benefit. It is utter madness. MAD MAD MAD . @ Jack Jones. Yes it is the fault of the EU. France and Germany may not pay out benefits so swiftly, but their actions breach EU laws which is laughable given that those are the countries which are the EU's biggest cheerleaders. Behaving like France and i David Malaga, Spain. I could not agree more. I have lived here for seven years and if you don't pay in, you do not get anything. Even the dole is limited for a set period depending upon contributions. This being the case, how is it that the UK is the dumping ground for all and sundry. I wish that the UK would stop blaming the EU, it is the UK politicians and Civil Servant who are at fault. Its time to vote for a party that will get us out of the hell hole called EU and be able to rebuild our country so that we look after our own people. We need decent pensions so we look after our old folk and stop giving our money away to any tom dick or harry. Is this the reason we have all been cut to the bone with cuts and benefits and everything going, so we all on hands and knees trying to survive with massive cuts but yet Cameron is giving more in forgein aid and payign for half the in reality he has cut us Britis to pay for everyone else...enjoy your first and last term in power Cameron, you will all be out in next general election, i for one will never ever vote for Tories again, yes im a mug and voted them this time but ive been bitten now and wont hapen again. UKIP is only way to get out of this mess as Tories, Labour and Lib dems all the same, they care not one dot for any of us away with them all, lying sneaky rats!!!!!!!! So it is not only MP.s with their snouts in the trough. Yet again another two fingers to the British public. Time to shut the doors and get us out of Europe. Never thought I would say this but it is BNP next time my friends The British people's concerns about immigration have been ignored since the 1970s, governments have instead believed big business that unfettered immigration is necessary for the economy. The inevitable has happened- we are swamped with immigrants and the economy is hopeless. Its time for government to realise that the people of this country have been right all along. Saying that these benefits were "time-limited" just isn't good enough. This government can extend that period indefinately as they already proved by moving the pension qualifying age. It seems that Cameron and his motly crew are no better than the last Labour administration when it comes to looking after immigrants ahead of our own people. when is the next election? I'd lilke to know how the comment 'treated like Britons' came from - they are not treated like us at all, they are treated much better by far with benefits simply handed to them willy nilly courtesy of all the do-gooders employed simply to inform 'benefit tourists' of all they can claim......! Remember ,we're all part of the happy EU family .....................OH! and 'we're' ALL in this .........TOGETHER ?? I pay income tax still. Why. to pay for the benefits of these people. -- I think it;s more to pay for the bonus's of the bankers than the £67 a week these poor souls will have to survive on. This will happen. No ifs or buts, people from Eastern European countries WILL come to the UK and take advantage of the system. As usual the UK government will not listen to the British public. The government will do nothing to help protect the country and vast areas of England will start to look like Eastern Europe. Sadly, the majority of British people will continue to complain about it, but likewise will do NOTHING. Fast forward to the year 2015 and I guarantee that you will be reading about how it happened here on DM. (Or perhaps the DM will be in the Polish language by then)- GB, Offshore, 25/4/2011 7:39 Yes, do nothing or do the wrong thing. In order to put an end to this and other madness, you need UKIP in government. At the last election UKIP received 919,546 votes, without a single seat in parliament. Whereas the Democratic Unionists received 168,216 votes with 8 seats. All thanks to FPTP. AV will allow UKIP into Westminster. The 'no' vote keeps them out. THINK before you vote! Since the EU expanded in 2004, Britain has experienced its largest wave of migration, despite official predictions that only 13,000 workers would want to move here.......So much for official predictions!,... Result...13,000 for every Town and City My God, not even our own gets this amount. Just staggering. Camerjokeron you have to deal, but alas you won't. Come on Dave, we need that referendum on the EU NOW so that we can escape the madness of trying to support everybody from those other EU countries. Either that or find a quiet island somewhere for the indigenous Brits who only want the style of life we used to have before the population of the world descended upon us.. May I change my status from being a UK pensioner to being an East European non-working immigrant, please ? This is so so wrong. My son who is doing his best to find work after being made redundant 18 months or more ago has just had his benefits suspended, that means he has NOTHING to live on until they decide to reinstate it!!! Yet we can get these bloody foreigners over here and within weeks will be give £250!!!! Talk about looking after your own eh? I'm wondering if the Government will reimburse me my expenses for keeping him? £10 here and £10 there soon eats into our small pension so he may starve, is that right Mr. Cameron? Why should our own be pushed to one side because of migrants? So, let me get this straight. We Brits have to work until we drop to get a paltry pension at the end of it all whilst leeches from European countries can just swan in and claim every benefit going which my taxes and others who've worked hard in this country have paid into? Great, well done Mr Cameron. Mr Cameron ... when you have finished baby-sitting and paddling with your children in Cornwall .... can you please explain to this nation and to me ........ exactly why, being you are giving a substantial amount of money to India and other nations, you will NOW probably to cow-tow to Europe's demand that we shell out benefits to anyone from Latvia and other 'districts' of the continent - without so much as a wimper! ..... I want to know why you are prepared to take tax out of my private pension of £39.49 A YEAR ... and give it to people who think they just deserve a better standard of living and we are going to supply it. ......... I'm tired of waiting for you and your cronies to do something that SUPPORTS the people of this country. ....Never mind side-tracking us with the wedding, the Libyan problem, AV or anything else ....I WANT AN ANSWER - NOW .... no more waffle - get off your backside and DO SOMETHING. It is so gratifying to know that the years I spent in forces in the forties serving this Country. & then quite a few years of austerity afterwards, paying my taxes, we can be so helpful to other poor souls from our new EU friends. who will get more money PW than my wife & I get. Who was it said charity begins at home. Something our Government does not comprehend. When I worked in a tiny community town of Arad (Romania), the taxi driver there who was contracted to the company I worked for said he wanted to live in England. The obvious question from me was Why? He told me then (2002) that you get paid for not working. From that day on, I resent the Eastern Block invitation to join the EU. It doesn't get any more clear than that now does it??? Is there a deliberate plot to keep the UK taxpayers poor by giving all their money to foreigners. We give billions to the EU Dictatorship for which the man in the street gets nothing in return, billions in foreign aid which most of it never goes to the poor anyway, and billions to fund wars which are nothing to do with us, Besides which we are paying billions in benefits for the limitless numbers of immigrants and their dependants who have been foisted on us by the EU, and those from the rest of the world who are here, who then bring over the rest of their families, all a drain on our hospitals, schools, prisons, etc. Then the tax payers are told there is nothing left for them and they must tighten their belts and be taxed yet more. It is beyond a joke. Someone, somewhere, has COMPLETELY lost their marbles WHO has authorised this lunacy ? LIB DEMS ? YOU BET !!! WHY is the much needed revolution on hold ???? Unfortunately, the only people denied benefits by Britain under the Freedom of Movement Act are its own disabled expats - which is stunning hypocrisy given that we still pay UK taxes. The incomers will only have to wait 3 months - our struggle is still ongoing after 8 years. Nice to know my taxes are going to a worthy cause, though, how awful if it was just being wasted on disabled British pensioners. I know - instead of one on AV, let's have a referendum on staying in Europe. That would solve all this nonsense in a stroke! Or would that be democratic and therefore just a silly idea? This means they will also claim child benefit on top of everything else,regardless of if the children are actually living in Britain.The burden on the British taxpayer is already immense.Madness. This shows how being a member of the EU is a one way street. We pay billions for membership, we pay billions in benefits to people who realise we are a soft touch with open borders. What do we get in return? Er, jobs for our failed politicians, that's what. Off they go to nice secure well paid golden pensioned non-jobs paid for out of OUR money. Nice work if you can get it. So it's in our politicians interests to keep us in the EU so that they can get their snouts in the trough when they are kicked out of office here. The politicians of this country are the Uriah Heeps of the world. They slavishly adhere to European dictat and the greed of big business. Our politicians should not have the privilage of being called MP's as they seem to have no allegiance to the British People, or the country. They should be called Councillors of Europe. I also think they would like to wipe the name of Great Britain from the annuals of History. Any idea's what our new name for the country should be? No problem in principle, but the concept of the EU was meant to be freedom of workers not scroungers. If also the latter, the host country should be allowed send a bill to the country the people migrated from. Feel sick and betrayed. This is more than my monthly state pension. as I keep saying OUT OUT OUT of the EU how can you go on the dole as soon as you arrive from Eastern Europe??????????????? We'll every unemployed or employed person from over there. NO cuts there My wife who is British was first lumbered by the Dutch authorities with a temporary residence permit 3month as a sailer? she then progressed to becoming a asylum seeker awaiting trail for deportation.All this trouble becouse she refused to give up her British passport.This went on for 16 years until 2005.She now has a residents permit under the condition that she cannot claim benefits and is self supporting. So twelve months in and nothing has changed, they really are driving us reluctantly into the arms of the BNP. It seems to me like only mass demonstrations on large scale and constant may make the gvnt pause and think about Europe. Our politicians are from elite cliques who are divorced from the realities of this word. In this new Market I would urge everyone to ensure that their children concentrate in school and get skills which the economy needs. These eastern Europeans are going to be taking the low paid jobs and edging unskilled Brits out of the Market. It's also sad to say but in the future I forsee a time when Brits will be forced to become economic migrants and move to commonwealth countries like, Australia, Canada, and even Africa. You will be surprised by how many Brits are starting businesses and trade in Africa. I was born here and have worked since I left school and always paid full tax and NI. I've been out of work since last July due to local government cutting staff, and was only entitled to 6 months contribution based JSA as my husband worked. We now struggle to live on one wage as we have no entitlement to any benefits or help, and this month have the choice of paying our utility bill or buying food. I live in private accommodation as I can't get on the housing list, and I'm really worried what lies ahead of us when we retire in just a few years time. Our Government should be looking after its own - you can see why all and sundry are coming here, its easy street - arrive, get a house, get benefits, sit back and laugh! I am really sad that our Government, at a time when it should be supporting its people, is relaxing rules which will only add financial strain to our economy. This precious island of ours is sinking....... This has to be the last straw. Vote BNP or UKIP. ~~Get us out of the Madness that is the EU, before it destroys us completely. I've said this before and it was never published by the DM but, if the immigrants coming here want to claim benefits (as they most likely will do) then those benefits should be paid by their home country and not the receiving nation. It works both ways of course but how many Brits will go to Romania to work, or Poland, or Estonia? LATEST:U.K. economy picks up, £250 handouts now available.......get yours now in time for Royal Wedding weekend!. Such a shame... that the average voter is a dip-stick. These people keep voting for the three EU parties ( Tory -Labour - Liberal )... and that's exactly what they get.... the EU ! Then- having voted for the EU... they complain about the EU. There is only one party that will dynamite the whole stinking EU mess ...... UKIP. What a great idea - we force our elderly and disabled British citizens out to work so we can line the pockets of unemployed migrants. Why? Because it's easier than standing up to EU bureaucrats who treat us like a cash cow for impoverished Eastern European countries!! Our government really can be spineless at times. Bah!! NO NO NO NO NO WAY. ENOUGH. If I leave the UK and then come back as an immigrant would I be able to claim double the amount I get now? No I dont think so. I worked a paper round at 10, in a shop from 14, office work from 16 to 60 and in a shop again from 60 to 66 then I retired. I saved, went without and bought my own home. I have never claimed a penny. For years I worked in a pub as well as an office and what do I get at the end of it - half the amount an immigrant who has never paid in a penny, to make ends meet and to pay for a new roof I have had to let my home and move into a small bedroom at my daughter's home. Fair?? We should have a referendum on the EU now and pull out whilst we have a bit of money. Do all the politicians since Macmillan who got us into this mess realise the pressure they are putting on the British people, Their well-being and their health is being effected by their refusal to see sense and organise a referendum on, do we stay or withdraw from the EU. The Brits are not fools, they know when they are being exploited. They are getting desperate, they don't know what to do, how to get their wish, and not the wishes of the political elite and the EU commission. Not so "caused in the main by Britain's continued membership of the EU" France and Germany are EU members, But there are no benefits payable to immigrants, and they have to be self supporting, work and pay taxes for 5 years, Then if suitable, they may be allowed to stay. Appear in court twice and you are given the boot to anywhere out of their lands and in only what you stand up in. It is not the fault of the EU but the wet British government+s+s stop this wholesale sell out of this nation by our corrupt politicians now without delay,we are paying our oaps half this 250 and expect them to live in poverty,our young saddled with 9000 a year fees they will take to their graves,vote bnp they will stop this treachery by our political leaders who keep denying the nation a right to leave this eu marxist corrupt group in brussels who now rule us in this country without our consent,whys the queen silent on this matter,just another one of that lot who wishto see the nation subdued and supressed against the nations wishes,but expect us all to be jumping up and down with joy about this royal marriage,i think not me old friut,we want our freedoms back!!! There are no benefits for Brits who are living in Spain and we are in the eu along with Spain, and as for free movement of labour, there is none here, if you are British, you either work in the black economy or you rely on your pensions from the UK, there are no freebies from the state of Spain, no wonder they are all queuing to go to the UK again. treated the same way as britains,we dont get anything ,i was on the dole for 6 months and only got money for 6 months ,then i got nothing after that,luckely i have a job but i have to slog my guts out now to pay for others to just come and take what they can get free ,we must be the stupidest people in the world,we give money to counterys to build schools while ours crumble,we fight wars we can not afford,we let polititions rip us off ,we pay higher prices for everything,our streets look like third world counterys while we give aid to countrys that can afford nuclear weapons and to send people to space,we are trated like mugs,now anyone can claime anything ,oh well off to slog my guts out again to earn money to give to who ever wants it .i think i will work some over time to pay to get to work as fuel has gone up 3 times since it was cut by a penny. Time Shameron got to grips with this. We give billions out in foreign aid, handouts to those who have paid nothing into the system yet we are on our knees...lousy pensions for pensioners who have paid into the system for 40 years or more...nothing for NHS, disabled or students...time we had a Sarkozy in power who seems to stick a finger up at EU......very difficult to get anything in France! WE are broke yet and are having to work until we drop to survive yet we continue on this road to nowhere. Where is the backbone of this country...we need a revolution...I am first in line for it! This makes me feel so good.Glad to see all my hard work is helping someone.(Had hoped it would have been me) I am 63 female never claimed benefit of any description, and am still paying tax. Like millions of others I am whacked every way I turn, the Country is hard up its all we hear and yet here are another bunch of free loaders ready to come in. I thought the idea was to get tough on immigration.I dont blame the people for coming, show me a Country where I can get such benefits and I would be away. The word, "CHUMP" comes to mind!!! Pay the same benefit that they would receive in their home country if that is lower than the benefit here. That would soon cut benefit tourism! I dont see it matters that much. If you are jealous you can start to drink too much or take up heroin and become addicted. Then you can start to get some serious benefits. Works for me. I read statements from politicians (sadly tory ones as well) all the time that the country needs all this skilled labour from abroad. So why the need for the ability to claim any sort of welfare benefit? I know, I know, it's the EU rules of course. Aren't I the stupid one? No job? No entry! Come in come in, bring all your friends and, have this free money, free house, free schooling, free medical care, free everything...don't worry about the cost. The muggins British taxpayer will pay for it all. When is this EVER going to end? Cameron, the u turn specialist, PROMISED us an EU referendum but that will NEVER happen. He's too much PRO- Europe himself. Shame on you Cammy, another lie eh? I love these words "risk" and "fears" . . . as if there is only a chance and it is not certain. We all know it is certain that professional parasites will be heading here, and never leaving. Why are we sitting back moaning and expecting the politicians to do anything about this ? Again, another certainty is that they will not. We are being explioted as a people, and what is worse, openly laughed at. don't forget this £250 per week is also tax free. Labour. The legacy thay just keeps giving. I had issues with that speech Cameron made on immigration because I knew he was lying. The UK is bursting at the seems because EU east Europeans are permitted to flood the country. A whole village in Poland could turn up and walk through the airport and customs can't ask them any questions. Cameroon is decitful because he's always talking about capping non EU immigrants to make it seem as if he has a grip on the immigration problem but in reality he's doing nothing. Non EU immigrants from countrys like USA, Canada, Australia, India and Africa cannot claim benefits, only asylum seekers are entitled to benefits. The issue is Eastern Europeans, many who which cannot speak the language, have no ties to the commonwealth coming here to take low paid jobs or sit on benefits when they haven't paid a penny into the system. So Is this why the Tories want to cut, so the money can be given to Eastern Europeans instead. It's sheer and utter madness. This is appalling, why, why, why is this being allowed?? We don't look after our pensioners but migrants, come on in and take as much as you wish - the GREAT has definitely disappeared from Britain. Something drastic needs to be done right now to stop this..... The home office doesn't know how many migrants will be attracted to the UK... Whats the remaining population of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia?! Hope you got enough mansions in London to house them in, otherwise they'll be suing the state for breaching there human rights... When will the British people rise up & say enough is enough... This is sheer madness. I retired three years ago after working for 50 years. I paid my taxesand dues during those years. On retirement I receive a pittance of a pension and am struggling to live. I pay income tax still. Why. to pay for the benefits of these people. East European countries should not have been allowed into the EU. We must be the only country giving away money to these people. It must stop. We can't afford it. We must have a low cap on migration from EU countries and elsewhere to stop the flood. Even our asylum situation is a farce. When I was out of work last year I was allowed to claim job seekers allowance for 6 months only after that I was left to fend for myself. So nothing has changed you pay something in for years and you get nothing. You pay nothing in and you get what you want. Anyone coming into the UK should be able to support themselves, no handouts full stop. The gutless government will not oblige thou. great and my 70 year old husband,suffered an aneurysm in the brain, Dec 2010,has to wait to claim attendance allowance untill June, as they tell me he has to be sick for 6moths before he can claim!!! evan though he has severe problems,I have to do every thing myself, and he worked and paid full tax till the day it happened, why are we penalized,and they wonder why we complain this world does'nt owe you a living son, my dads words to me on leaving school in 65. What on earth? Thats above the minimum weekly wage. We should have a mass strike. Why are we slugging our guts out to see our hard earned going on foreign wasters? Get on to the Department for Work and Pensions and leave a stern message. The more they get, the more likely they will start to listen. I've already done it. Also - write to your local MP. There's no point moaning unless you do this, and a quick email won't take more than 10 minutes to tap in and send. They NEED to hear this. There will be room for the migrants as our over 80s, who are having their fuel allowance slashed and their interest income decimated will die of hypothermia. It seems that the EU has created a mechanism of financial osmosis. The successful countries lower wealth & living conditions so the others eventually catch up. IF we are to stay in Europe, the deal needs to be renegotiated. This confirms we have become a complete lunatic assylum. They will be flocking by the million. From next Sunday they will be treated exactly the same as Britons. No, they will be treated better than us. Some people who have lived and worked here all their lives are denied some benefits because they haven't 'paid enough in'. It's a disgrace. I should imagine the tickets to the UK are sold out allready and we wont even be able to keep count of them because theyre EU citizens . my husband works damn hard for what we have to live on which is not much more than what these migrants will get,and he is working to pay for these handouts,there is no justice, britain is too easy on others but when those of us that are 'british' need help like OAP'S where is the help for them,charity starts at home. Sign the People's pledge and protest for a EU referendum -it is the only way to stop the madness which is already costing us £9billion a year. We have no need of the EU at all. What is Cameron doing about it? Things like this will change the way people vote. We have been let down by government in the worst imaginable ways - & I've no doubt that there is more to come. Why are these people getting more per week to live on the OAP's who have paid their dues all their lives and lived through the world war 11 years? How dare the government give away our money to strangers and outsiders when they cannot look after the elderly in the country. If there is money to spare make sure the child benefit is a sensible amount and available to all UK born parents, make sure that care homes for the elderly meet far igher standards than they do now and are subject to regular and frequent checks by health authority people. And also stop whinging on about how many UK born adults are registered for unemplyment benefit. Give these people a decent amount to live on...stop importing goods and start recreating an industrial base here in the UK. Start mining for coal again and stop all these millionaire MP's faffing about on jollies pretending to be doing good for the country. Most of all get our lads home and stop interferring in other countries affairs. Over here you have to pay in before you can get anything out. East Europeans, such as Poles and Romanians are not entitled to anything, even healthcare, because they've not done any work to get the benefits. And even then, your benefits are dependent on what you did. You can't get the dole if you only work a few weeks. Maybe we need that in the UK, not just to stop foreigners, but workshy scroungers who haven't worked a day in their lives. Sick and disabled sqeezed, elderly driven to poverty,the unemployed have trouble finding work and the young facing a grim future. What does the UK do from the 1st May, open its doors for all and sundry in the A8 to claim unrestricted benefits. Shame on all the governments of the have broken our people.! Absolutely disgusted!. it estimates they will cost £30million a year, do people actually think it will cost £30 million per year, the last government said only 13,000 will come and look for work, but the real figure was 170,000 per year and remember if they can also claim other benefits, we already let every Tom, Dick and Harry into this country who has not contributed to the system, but get free money, housing and access to services, but you still get people the EU is good for the UK UTTER MYTH! Make ANY benefit subject to 12 months payment of tax and National Insurance. Somebody please tell me, as a UK taxpayer can I move to any European country and claim any benefits whatsoever? Also, will my efforts to make a claim be translated into English to ensure I am getting my full entitlement?? ........Didn't think so!! - Mark, St. John's, Antigua, 25/4/2011 01:58 Mark i have lived in Spain now for 8 years and i came here to retire with pensions sufficient to meet my needs so i have no axe to grind . The thousands of Brits who have left over the last 4 years are testament to the fact that there is nothing available if you fall on hard times.So did Spain sign a different agreement ? or do they interpret the rules to suit themselves .Always i read these stories in the DM and cannot find the same rules being applied here. The civil servants ensure that you never get to the end of the paperwork jungle,and even if you are 100% entitled to something it will take months to sort it out . This in a country that is supposedly skint. These generous alterations to the rules apply only in this country of course. Meanwhile, in the real world of 21st Century Britain , working couples struggle to survive on not much more than the £250 per week which will be handed to immigrants who have never done a day,s work in this country;And in many cases never will. Would it not be better to scrap all benefits and reduce taxes on employers who take people on to do work. That way, those who want to work can do so without being labelled the same as the benefits scroungers, whilst deterring people who turn up here with no intention of working hard. My son has a degree in Chemisty, has tried everywhere for a job, lab assistant, shops anywhere and everywhere he gets jobseekers allowance and luckily lives at home. How do these people get £250.00 per week? If you voted Lib Dem, Labour or Tory, don't claim. Vote UKIP AND GET US OUT OF THIS MESS. Huh..Refuse a disabled British person benefits, but give it to undeserving migrants.....sums up this country....perfectly I am obviously doing it all wrong working for a living!! The rules have to be lifted because they conflict with the EU’s freedom of movement laws The UK does not allow free movement in and out of the EU anyway, So why should this one rule change? Try leaving Dover to go to France without your passport..... Your be in a cell faster than a pole coming here to claim JSA. Does the EU have unemployment exchange programs? If so, I want to be unemployed and receiving benefits in the south of France please. Actually I know from personal experience that any British Subject who wishes to move to any country in the EU can claim whatever benefits their host offers and that they're entitled to as EU Citizens. It is NOT a one way street. I would much rather spend £30 million on them, than give India £40 million in aid, when they very obviously can afford to spend billions on weapons of mass distruction and Space. Then there's all the other World Immigrants who get in here somehow and receive monies and housing that we can only dream of. Finally, there's the small matter of the £750 million a day spent on fighting a War we cannot win, in Afghanistan. Just imagine what that money could do here for our economic situation. Would there be any need for any cuts at all? Madness! What is the ultimate purpose of the EU destroying Britain? Who is jockeying the system to take over, and what will be done with, or to, those who are natural born citizens? This cannot be accidental- it is purposeful, but to what sinister purpose? Are these Eastern European Pensioners entitled to claim UK State Pensions ? Perhaps it would now pay us - those in work - to also start to apply for handouts from the government. Give up our jobs but put our hands out and "claim" what we as Brit born are entitled to. No wonder the pot of money is going down when we are paying all and sundry when these people have never contributed a penny to our system. I can see the time when youngsters will never receive a penny they are penny for in their working lives simply because all the money has been given away by our caring governement. come on british people stand up for yourselves before its to late , these politicians are out of control they need reminded it is we who pay for these acts of generousity not them . their kids still get a place in private education while i can't get my son into the local school due to lack of places Absolute rubbish...and insane! Why is there a referendum on AV....the most important should we stay in the EU! But, we complain and nothing will come of it! We need a leader and government with a backbone! Outrageous predictions from the past become terrifying reality in the present! There really are no words remaining which adequately describe what Blair, Brown and all the rest of those Socialist criminals have achieved in ending our culture! And you simply cannot exclude Milliband and Ball’s from this sickening and unstoppable end of what we were familiar with! What they have done to the very people who believed in the Socialist fable of improved social mobility and standards must rank as the sickest trick in political history! How stupid and fearful they must feel now as they witness the raw, terrible results of the treachery enacted whilst blinking in bewilderment at their own involvement through the ballot box! Brown's signature in Lisbon consigned those working class believers and the rest of us to a life that will be akin to the social terror of mid twenty’s poverty, that irrefutably and traditionally results from a Labour term of office. If I could get excactly the same benefits if I decided to go to an Eastern European country then I would have no grievance with this but that is not the case. Do this government think all the immigrants really want to come here to work hard. If they do they are not worth being in a position where every time they blow their noses it costs us British tax payer a fortune. These immigrants see a way of improving their lives without having to lift a finger and now they don't have to wait for 12 months there WILL be thousandsmore of them. How can this happen when I (and most of us British tax payers) have to have worked and paid contributions for 2 years before we can get even a few quid on JobSeekers. Vote UKIP (or BNP) and get this stopped NOW A fit person should get no unemployment benefit. Instead they should work. We have plenty of cleaning work locally. A fat person, drug addict or alcoholic should not get incapacity benefit. An immigrant committing a crime that has a custodial sentance should be sent home and barred from returning, even if they are from an EU state. To do this latter we would have to repeal the Human Rights Act and also leave the EU. This is no big deal. We would have to turn round our bloated welfare system and this would be painful for a generation of benefits scroungers, but the bullet would have to be bitten one day and the longer we delay the greater will be the pain. and to think i worked hard all my life only to subsidise people who have never worked a day of their life in this country. we have pension and child poverty yet this government are continuing to follow the lead of the last government in giving our money away to strangers whilst the countries debt continues to spiral out of control. when will these idiots who sit around a table in number 10 start putting the interests of their own citezens first. we cannot afford to heal ourselves,police ourselves,educate ourselves, house ourselves and now we are going to have another influx of immigrants, when are politions going to learn that this will just creat friction in an already overcrowded country....there is only so many a life boat can hold before it capsizes?????? No to Europe yes to Britain, stop feeding the world Britain and look after and put your own house in order. £30 million - a new prison maybe, or maybe more police officers or nurses with secure jobs and safer streets The flood gates are open.... come on Cammy, you PROMISED you'd stop this. You won't though will you, you're wayyyyy too weak and gutless. Indigenous British people FIRST Cammy. IF, and I stress IF, there should be any cash left over, then, and only then, we may be able to help others. As things stand at the moment, we must NOT give out more freebies to outsiders when our own people are so neglected, ill, poor, hungry, homeless etc. Shame on you Cammy, you are a VERY weak PM. You promised so much and delivered NOTHING except more grief to this country and it's people. here we go brace yourslves, let the madness begin This is sheer lunacy. I live in Bulgaria and in order to allowed to reside I had to sign to say that I could support myself and that I would'nt attempt to try and claim benefits off the state. If any of the ex pats here haven't got an income then they starve simple as that. So why oh why are we being so stuipd at giving benefits to all and sundry who will just come and milk the system. I still pay taxes in Britain and I resent my money going on daft things like this. I see, and a pensioner, who contributed for 40 years to the system, will get in future 140 pounds a week. Shameful There will also be the costs to our schools & NHS as no doubt they will turn up with their families in tow, Would their pensioners be entitled to claim the state pension ? & then the demand for rented homes will drive up rents, which will hit those on low wages ! Also as benefits are paid into bank accounts, how are these people getting bank accounts as there is no way a credit check can be carried out or does it mean that a British citizen who is refused a bank account as a result of credit checks that an Eastern European does not go through ! Would this not be discrimination against the British citizen YET AGAIN ? The End Is Nigh , this is The Last Straw . And how much is the state pension??? Someone should tell the Benefits Agency exactly what unemployment benefits entitlement criteria and rates are across the EU. They will be able to claim the three benefits immediately, as long as they can prove they meet their own countries’ requirements for unemployment benefit, are seeking to work, and are ‘habitually resident’ here. I think they will find that there is a minimum contribution criteria and that benefits are time limited. That is if the criteria is as the article states Economically suicidal, an unsustainable policy which only lunatics would come up with. I do think its time to stop this immigration now Mr Cameron, before there really is an uprising in this country, the people can only be pushed so far before they start fighting back and i think that the limit has been reached and probably surpassed. I for one have certainly had enough of all this. oh wonderful - they can have £250 a week and yet thousands of sick and disabled people are being pushed on to £65 a week what jobs?? seekers allowance - in the name of cutting the deficit - people whom may i add HAVE paid taxes - HAVE contributed to the system - many during a lifetime of work - BUT have had the misfortune to become ill or disabled ( not ALL are career benefit scroungers despite what you are told by the press ) YET these people can stroll in here and claim when your own countrymen are being denied basic decency ?? subjected to unfair and in some cases corrupt medical assessment by firms who are being paid millions to victimize the sick and disabled at the governments behest - all to save money - for what ?? - to support any tom dick and harry from the EU that fancies a better life at OUR PEOPLES expense ?? high time we stopped supporting chancers from the rest of the world and put the money saved where it could do some good - like creating jobs This will happen. No ifs or buts, people from Eastern European countries WILL come to the UK and take advantage of the system. As usual the UK government will not listen to the British public. The government will do nothing to help protect the country and vast areas of England will start to look like Eastern Europe. Sadly, the majority of British people will continue to complain about it, but likewise will do NOTHING. Fast forward to the year 2015 and I guarantee that you will be reading about how it happened here on DM. (Or perhaps the DM will be in the Polish language by then) I damned well give up what am I paying taxes for , giving immigrants hundreds of pounds when this goverment is telling me and thousand of other workers that this country can't afford pay rises , seeing their wages frozen or being made redundant , drastic cuts to services with the excuse of having to cut our spending . foriegn countries and those coming into this country being treated better than our own citizens .Why are these immigrants being given this money ? who says that they are considered to be entitled to our money . I really despair. I have said it many times vote UKIP and get out of this mess AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH So they think the cost of benefits will soar, what about the overload on the schools and NHS which are already overburdened and in serious trouble, where will they find social housing for these people? I guess we already know the answer to that one, UK people on the ladder will go to the back of the quue as usual. At the right old age of 43 i was told i wasnt eligible to claim benefits even though i was born here and worked and paid tax all my life my only crime was working outside my beloved country for a few years.This is certainly a case of the lunatics have taken over the asylum. how much more are we to give away is this why womens pensions are delayed are the english to keep the whole world the people here in POLAND think we ENGLISH are a big JOKE The pound is down to only 4:36 pln it used to be 6:5 the Joke is on the ENGISH tax payers How much longer are politicians going to ignore the citizens of this country's call for a referendum on membership of the EU? WHY...... Crazy UK. I am an OAP getting 124 per week for which I worked over 40 years. I feel guilty taking it as the UK is in such a mess yet I paid over 220 per month for my health and pension. Now I cannot have free health unless it is an emergency and my pension is frozen for life as I retired in Thailand. Again crazy UK. Here I have to have 16000 pounds in a Thai bank account to apply for my yearly retirement visa and report to immigration police every 90 days. I cannot buy land (that means even a house) in my name. I think Thailand is right and the UK very wrong. It is such a mess - God help Dave to sort out the mess that Brown left but this latest news looks like he can't or won't. In which other Country would any immigrant just be able to turn up and start living off state handouts? I don't think there is one, The UK must be the laughing stock of the World. what the hell is wrong with our political leaders ! the public want this unmitigated disarster of everyone busting through our borders grabbing the last few bob we have to the detriment and reducing the british standard of living without the nation having a say.the gvt must listen to its people and get the hell out of the eu,just tell them we are out! before theres big trouble,we are just about paying a poverty level of pension to our oaps and charging rip off tution fees of £9000 a year,which will be a mill stone around our youngs necks which will follow them into their graves,stop this treachery at once and consider our people and not your backpockets ! you hypocrites of the nations leaders , you must listen now and stop fiddling whilst rome burns This is a joke, I could weep at this disgrace. Britain does not need this, who gave this the green light. Living in Bulgaria I find this rather disturbing that the rules that applied to me whilst I lived in the UK are rather different for people who have replaced me. Out of work in the UK I was able to claim unemployment benefit after being made redundant of £56 per week. As my wife was working and I had a mortgage I was ineligible for housing benefit or any other hand out to help me survive whilst trying to find work. In Bulgaria it is rather different. It is impossible for an English man to get unemployment benefit. I know many British people who have moved here, bought a house and tried to find work. They have been unsuccessful and with benefits not available for Brits here, returned back to the UK, poorer and wiser. If you are Bulgarian or one of the few ethnics such as the Roma (gypsies) then a little cash is available, depending upon how many kids you have. You are also issued vouchers to help buy food. You also have to work one week in four for your Mayor, helping the community. We are constantly being told that this country has no money. We are taxed to the hilt to supposedly pay our debts. (To whom by the way?) Money is no object though when it comes to illegal wars, overseas aid, MP's salaries & expenses. Now this! When are these multi-millionaire clowns ru(i)nning this country going to get their heads out of the clouds and realise that the UK is full & broke. Has any one of these idiots responsible for this, thought about where these people are going to live? The added strain on schools, hospitals, councils? How is this going to be funded? Thought not! Enough is enough! Time to get rid of the whole lib/lab/con & start again. PS: Looks like a good time to buy shares in the ferry companies. This is a dreadful situation. They will be coming over here in their hundreds of thousands. Do you seriously think that other EU countries will be as bountiful ? NO of course not. Is Spain, Italy, Belgium etc etc going to pay this level of benefits. ? Not a chance - that is why they will be coming here. Come one, come all... The UK is open for everyone, roll up, roll up, just sign on and enjoy the weather, the people and the free handouts... We're all loaded (apparently) so don't be shy, sign on now before we run out of money... We are on a downwards spiral towards the total breakdown of civilized society in this country caused in the main by Britain's continued membership of the EU. More lies from this government who promised an end to immigration. now they are making it easier for the dregs of Europe to sponge off the honest tax payer There are billions being stolen by the banksters in our country and then there is corporation tax that multi-nationals barely pay. The benefits system is a drop in the ocean. However, as much as I don't support the EU, what can we do when we have a prime minister who openly lobbies for Turkey's membership into the EU? We can vote another party in - not Labour as they are in on it too. But the problem with the current system is these E.Euro countries don't have a welfare system in place like ours. So it is not uniform across the EU. This means the system is completely flawed. The only way it can work is if all EU countries have the same systems running in tandem where everything is the same. But that idea is totally against what I support. Our benefit system has attracted the dregs of the world to our country and no government has done anything about it. I look around and see a multi cultural nightmare in a bancrupt country. Sure we have loads of foreign food outlets and hand car wash's but I don't see any real benefit from mass immigration. Here comes yet another deluge of EU spongers expecting the hard working UK tax payer to give them a leg up. Listen to this. I PAY MY TAX's TO SUPPORT UK NATIONALS and some of those don't deserve a penny. Time this government called a halt to this stupidity, we don't owe anyone but ourselves. "Britain faces a new influx of migrants who could claim benefits of up to £250 a week within weeks of arriving. From next Sunday, rules that ban Eastern Europeans from claiming unemployment, housing and council tax benefits until they have worked in the UK for 12 months are being lifted." We MUST get out of the EU now! When I lost my job in the UK I went for five weeks looking for another one and never managed to get a penny in any state aid, even though it was my first time in over 30 years without a job....what was I doing wrong? We help everyone except our own. Read this and weep to all those who believed Cameron would sort out immigration.There is only one party that everyone knows will stop this immigration madness and it starts with a B and ends in a P.The liblabcon will never stop immigration.They have never had any such intention. Well, I suppose this is one way of scrapping the benefits system full stop! If the Government allow this to continue they know full well that the British people will call for it to stop. If it is to stop for EU immigrants then, in order for that to be legal, it must stop for all. If it stops for all, HUGE savings for the Government (what, you think they'd allow that to read huge savings for the tax payer???) There was a time the UK attracted the best of the world, now its the lost drift wood, the scroungers, the professional criminals and the international terrorist. Of course this is painted over with a heavy vibrant coat of multiculturalism on top of an over priced undercoat of EU legislation that Gordy and his predecessors hurriedly signed away. If you have ever been away from the UK for any great length of time and returned then you will have notice the change in the social fabric of the country and it is startling and not in a good way. Nice one UK the tax paying citizens have loads of money to give away,ha ha, the place is a joke and all are laughing except actual British people. When will someone have the balls to say "That's Enough" IT STOPS NOW. as a pensioner, having worked for more than 43 years, you get around 100 per week, but as an immigrant from E Europe, you can claim up to 250 per week. makes a whole lot of sense, doesn't it !! Isnt it time that the european goverments took their heads out of the sand and did something constructive? the normal longworking citizen is often being told to tighten thier belts when the goverment need to make cuts in the budgets and increase taxes yet more and more are the goverments paying large sums to help those less fortunate that land on our shores.I dont see these benefits being given so freely to our pensioners that fought to give the present generation a chance in life that many of them never had. or to the handicapped .The goverments have no problems,they earn enough for their needs and can afford to pay for private care should it be needed at the taxpayers expense.what will happen when no one wants to work anymore because they haqve had enough of seeing their money being squandered? Lets go back to the old ways A days pay for a days honest work then maybe the country can be again proud. As a pensioner I wish I could get £250 a week. I have worked since I was 16 until I was 70 and paid taxes all my life and still do. What a crazy country this has become!!! Roll on the big one, get me out of here!!! DEAF EARS ............. DEAF EARS ................ DEAF EARS ................................... That's what all politicians seem to suffer from ... Enoch Powell's prediction of the 'Rivers Of Blood' is not that far away - and it's not the fault of the immigrants .... It's the politicians .... Hmmmm treated the same way as British people....well they are wrong there.... We asked for things we get nothing.... Nice to know that all these immigrants can walk in and claim all this stuff.....can i claim anything to get the hell out of this country....NO Nothing Great about this country now. £250 a week... that's more than someone working 40 hours a week on minimum wage... and that's before tax and NI kicks in... it pays to scrounge in United Kingdom. You get 40 hours of your life back too! So our bills go up so immigrants can live off us. The Government needs to get a grip. Right now the BNP is looking very attractive to those of us who have never considered them in the past. Disgusting - we would never be given the same comforts and benefits abroad so why do we have to tolerate this. It is totally deplorable People would be wise not to lose sight of the fact that, despite some foreigner's claiming without having paid in to the system, the majority of Britain's welfare support bill is claimed by work-shy, feckless Brits. The idea behind the benefits system was to provide a helping hand, not to provide an alternative to work. If you want to smoke, drink alcohol, buy a new flat screen T.V, go on holiday, et cetera, get a job! I say it's high time we bought back food stamps who is making these stupid decisions.just where do they think the money is coming from .only two options here .1 ,refuse to pay them this money or 2, GET OUT OF THE EU MADHOUSE. I haved lived out of the country for 45 years can I come back and get my 250 pounds per week. By the way I still have my Geordie accent so maybe I should get 350. I just can't understand why Europe wants to burry itself ... Eva Katona, 22, is considering moving to Britain from the Hungarian capital, Budapest, to work as a nanny or carer. ‘The unemployment benefit in England is higher than a salary here and I have been told I can go on the dole as soon as I get there,’ she said. 'Dole' is the magic word. Get ready for thousands more to follow her. You, the taxpayers, get to support them and their broods. And people are complaining about the cost of the royal wedding? At least it's a one time thing, this will be the gift that just keeps taking and taking, with nothing to show for it but more and more scroungers, overtaxed schools and hospitals, and more crime as they bring their savage habits with them I think I shall emigrate to Poland. If £450 is a month's salary, no wonder the blighters want to come here to get something for nothing. Mind you, those that do work, work hard and decently in the most cases I know of. But the British economy is failing fast due to economic migrants coming to this country and sending money back home. So when are we going to end this fiasco of a very uneven playing field which sees us supporting that system? What about a cap on the money that can be sent out of this country by a foreign individual? The British taxpayer must be the world`s biggest mug. Ah what good news! Where will the new wave of immigrants live then, I thought we were full? More problems for the uk,and what is Cameron doing about this , probably nothing. Don't all you Tory voters feel you've been taken for prize mugs by Cameron & co? It's all turned out to be no different to when Labour were in. Tories take over from Labour takes over from Tories, etc. etc.. Proof that there is absolutely no difference between any of them, including the lying Liberals. They are all just as corrupt, all just as self-seeking as each other. Now, are you going to stop being a blockhead and at last vote for the REAL alternatives before it's too late? I paid into the benefits system all my working life, yet because I now choose to live in Thailand I can't claim one and even my state pension is frozen but the country seems a free for all to just about anybody in the world. Something must be wrong somewhare! The way our politicians have betrayed us makes me very angry. This is going too far. They have sold off all our utilities that wasn't theirs to sell in the first place, pocketing all the backhanders they could get. We are the most heavily taxed of all Western countries, and we have to pay more than any other country for fuel, gas and council tax. So now any assylum seeker can walk in and take whatever they wan't. These politicians have lied to us and tied us up in this disgusting EU Human Rights Law thats left us with no rights and no law and order. I am in old age and have fought for my country, but I will always support the British people in their fight against these corrupt politicians who have sold us to the devil. As usual, the people who will complain the loudest will the people who are currently the biggest parasites on the treasury. People who are fat with council houses, dole, tax-credits, bad-back-and-depression benefits, council-tax benefits, and all the other scrounger handouts. They are the LAST people who should open their mouths and complain about benefits. A doleful expat I heard cry, Britain, I hardly knew ye. 250 pounds a week !!!!!!!, Absolutely obscene, and disgusting when you consider our own pensioners who have suffer hardships especially during the winter months, after a life time of contributions. Where are the priorities, of this government , obviously not with the British people. I hope everyone remembers this article come the May elections, my own personal choice UKIP, '' HAD ENOUGH, GET US OUT OF THIS NEST OF VIPERS, CALLED THE EU !!!!!!!!!!!! All welcome in UK the only stupid country in Europe to give away money to all who ask for it. The queues around the block at benefit offices this summer, especially at the offices around our coast lines will be longer than those that queue to see pop concerts. Another reason to leave the EU NOW! So, a BRITISH old age pensioner who has lived and worked in the UK all their life gets a pension of about £125 per week and an IMMIGRANT from eastern europe can claim £250 per week benefits. What is our useless government doing and why did we ever join the EU???? So much for the welfare clampdown. Some poor pensioner will probably have his/her benefits cut to pay for it. Thanks god i'm out of that place. Unwanted and unwelcome, the sooner we get a party that represents the will of the people rather than the rest of the world the better. At least they'll be registered and out in the open, unlike the illegals in the USA. Sorry if you're a taxpayer. Just tighten the belt and stiffen that upper lip. A few years down the line we will read ' An extra 2 million migrants flood into Britain because of the Governments inability to control migrants from Eastern Europe' and hospitals, education and all the other sevices are stretched to breaking point. Well done LIB/LAB/CON you all have put the final nail in the coffin of this country. Everyone has a chance in May to send a clear message to our so called leaders that we no longer trust them vote for any party or independent in the local elections but not the main stream parties, after all the three main parties have had 66 years from the 2nd WW to make this country great again but have failed, and will continue to fail, so vote against them!!!! This has to stop. We cannot afford it. Plus why would they get such a large amount?? Cameron needs to stop this before it starts. These people are going to bleed us dry. Ha ha if they were benefit tourists this is the last place they would come to. They come here to take the jobs of the British and put them on benefits. That's good isn't it, while pensioners struggle on the pittance they get after paying in for many years, migrants could claim benefits of up to £250 a week. This ruling has NOTHING to do with the laws of the UK. It has EVERYTHING to do with yet more crazy EU laws. It beggars belief WHY Great Britain continues to have 650 bloated parasites loitering with intent in the House of Conmen, costing umpteen millions of pounds every year, when, in reality, all MPs are doing is rubber-stamping laws handed down by Brussels. Absolutely scandalous. Time to get out of the EU before we go bankrupt. They should never be allowed in until they can show they have enough money to live off; Stop state pay outs to none British until they have payed UK tax for 5 years or more; Our country is supposed to be broke; Why do our politicians allow this to go on????? All the talking by the politicians is blah blah blah. Close the borders and save what little we do have and that most of us pay for through our tax ! Stop this madness now unilaterally suspend the agreement based on the simple and true fact we can,t afford it and more importantly do not support the entry of economic migrants who already have a job with pay or benefits however small in their own countries. If this Government want to prevent anarchy now then stop this total nonsense. I really do not think 250 per week in this day and age is sufficient for these people to be able to have a reasonable standard of living, it should be increased to 400. This figure will attract more and more people to come to Britain and if enough come the Country will go broke quite quickly and when the money runs out they will return to their native Countries then maybe the Country will come to its senses, but by then it will be too late if it is not already. Here we go again. Why don't we just give everyone benefits and not go to work at all. That would be a good idea. What is this government doing this for. We are the laughing stock of the world now and this is the cause of it. People just come here to get benefits and free housing. One of the reasons we left the UK was because we resented being mugged of our income to hand to the scum of the earth. There are no benefits here or translation services, but we keep most of what we earn. It is ours to enjoy. We run business and work hard with very little government interference. Small business is being destroyed with all the idiotic regulations in force in England. I believe it is becoming impossible to do honest business without going broke back there. Stick a fork in the UK - it's done. I am British. I am also currently unemployed and semi-disabled. And I can't claim a penny. Something wrong here! " Britain faces a new influx of migrants who could claim benefits of up to £250 a week within weeks of arriving. From next Sunday, rules that ban Eastern Europeans from claiming unemployment, housing and council tax benefits until they have worked in the UK for 12 months are being lifted. " This is wrong. Those people aren't here to claim benefits - they are here to take jobs from UK citizens and pay into the system - and that's all. Now every Country in the EU will pay their scum to come to the UK. The Bus Co's will have a field day. Time to leave the EU and put the fences up.... We have 2 mill of our own scum on the dole, we don't need any more he Home Office said it did not know how many migrants would be attracted to Britain by the benefits rules changes.----- That's pure bs. If a shop shouts out "free stuff inside everything must go" you can sure as hell bet that everybody within ear shot will rush like crazy in order to get something for nothing. It's the same as what the government has done. They have announced to the entire of Europe "Come to the UK, you can now claim benefits easier, faster, and more simpler than before" What do you expect would happen? People ignore this no of course not people are going to come here and abuse the system more than it already is in order to get what is literally free money for nothing. I really do wish the UKIP or even the BNP would win the election they'd put the Country back to the way it was before the sellouts Blair, Brown, Cameron, and Clegg gained power. What a joke. If you ever wanted more evidence that the collapse of the system is intentional. HERE IT IS. Somebody please tell me, as a UK taxpayer can I move to any European country and claim any benefits whatsoever? Also, will my efforts to make a claim be translated into English to ensure I am getting my full entitlement?? ........Didn't think so!! Great .... in they'll flock.... and people who need extra help like my pensioner mother do not get it! If I had the money I would leave the UK tomorrow and take my family with me, and never look back. Sheer madness! Get out of the EU as fast as you can and start cleaning up the financial mess being foisted on British citizens. Now every Country in the EU will pay their scum to come to the UK. The Bus Co's will have a field day. Time to leave the EU and put the fences up.... We have 2 mill of our own on the dole, we don't need any more The only "freedom of movement" in Europe that I say is everyone moving to the UK to freeload. What about all the other EU countries benefits having parity with the UK and why is this travisty continuing to be allowed?! I feel sorry for every UK taxpayer that has to fund this stupidity. David Cameron pre Election - "The people will get a referendum on whether they want to stay in the European Union". David Cameron post Election - "I actually think we're better off in the EU". The conservative party may be better off but what this and previous governments have done to the sovereignty of this country and it's people is sacrilege. God Save the Queen? While the infighting over AV continues the peoples referendum on the EU is nowhere to be seen, as far as i'm concerned, a plague on both the tories and lib dem houses until we get our rightful regerendum. Could we have some happy news for a change instead of learning, yet again, that the hard earned heavily taxed money the Treasury takes off us will be going to half of Eastern Europe when they come flooding in. As if we aren't stretched enough with the rest of the world residing in UK Unlimited we will have even more people exhausing our already overstretched NHS, transport, schools etc. The majority won't speak English and any children they have will drain further resources in already cash strapped schools. The Eastern Europeans will be able to send money home (not spending it in the UK economy) and provide a very nice nest egg when they eventually feel they have fleeced us enough. Don't look for your MP to stand up in the House of Commons as nothing will be done by the ineffectual, weak willed, cowardly excuse for a Government we have at present. (PS Labour were even worse!!!!) Ha strict test DWP? You mean like the current ones where the system is being milked and it's out of control. Nice one you had me going for a secon there! How many will it be this time around - another 800,000 East Europeans perhaps? If you don't like this idea. should have voted UKIP. Remember the old saying - a fool and his money are soon parted. My blood is seriously boiling and this can no longer be tolerated by the British people, this is just too much. I am voting for the BNP and will support them all the way because I'd rather have them then have tax payer's money constantly being wasted because this is never going to stop without radical change to undo everything LIEbour did to ruin this country. David Cameron pre Election - "The people will get a referendum on whether they want to stay in the European Union". David Cameron post Election - "I actually think we're better off in the EU". The conservative party may be better off but what this and previous governments have done to the sovereignty of this country and it's people is sacrilege. God Save the Queen? This is an insult to the tax paying people of this country. It shows what this spineless coalition Government ,and previous Governments thinks of it's population. I just wish for once they would put the people of this country first.They keep telling us we have to pay more and more,pensioners have to work longer before they can draw their pensions.Pensioners can't afford to heat their homes in winter,let alone eat.I bet they'd love to be given £250. a week.These immigrants have never paid a penny into the system, yet they are better off living here, than many of the indigenous population that have paid in all their working lives. Why has the ban been lifted? There's not enough work as it is,why do we need these people here,living off us like parasites. Get your act together Cameron, and grow a pair.Stop all immigration now. Whens it going to end ? Well come on Camoron........What are you going to to about this then? The floodgates for the leeches are still open. When are you going to close them? When all the bloods dried up? Civil War is looming, and the thick Politicians don't see it. Things can not carry on like this. I why not, as long as they stay in London who cares. Labour failed Lib Dems are away with the fairies. And now Tories are learning to kow tow to Euroland whims too. Effectively all three have destroyed Britain and urinated on England. So I suspect we will have to start learning Polish or another slavic language from now on. I really am at a loss for words, unbelievable. Why? Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why? Somebody please shoot me! This country is finished! The unemployment benefit in England is higher than a salary here and I have been told I can go on the dole as soon as I get there,’ she said.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Who,s crazy idea is this, Mr Camaron you'ld better do something about this or the Tories will be gone the next election. How stupid. Firstly the first law of having to work for 12 months was stupid how can you pay in enough in taxes to then warrant taking potentially thousands in pay outs. AND now were going to allow someone to turn up no job in place and give them money for doing nothing it's not even like a lot of these Eastern European countries have a lot of poverty and we pay enough into the EU who then hand it over to these Eastern European governments. More madness courtesy of the EU. I wonder what's going to happen...erm....More riff-raff, more of my taxes going squandered, more ill-will and unrest. Sometimes, I hope the Maya have got it right about next year, because living in Britain has become so depressing. There's absolutely no sense that the people in charge know what they're doing or that they have our interests at heart. You couldn't make it up. We pensioners who have paid into our tax system for 40 to 60 years want who ever sanctioned this to be fired immediately. We get £100.00 per week yet my country is giving someone who should not even be in our country £250 a week. Roll on the next election when 12-13 million voters on State pension vote for UKIP. This lot are as bad as the last lot. We want them all out NOW. What.....?!!!!!! Surely, they cannot be serious...!!! What the is going on in this country? This handout only attracts drunks and criminals. Looks like the morons who drove Liebors brainless policies are alive and well. I'm a 68 year old pensioner, born and bred here. Do you think I could have that, too? When will this madness end? Why should UK taxpayers have to fund this rubbish when our people are suffering and struggling from cuts and job losses? There's always enough money to fund immigrants and all the services they require though. Expect a deluge of claimants with multiple children. Only requirement is to form an orderly queue. My sister has worked all her life in the UK and paid into the system and as a pensioner she gets a lot less than these economic mirgants. England is a gravy train for those who have not paid into the system. How much longer must the true English person suffer these insults. Nobody from any country should get any benefits until they have paid into the system continuously for at least three to five years. It is an insult to those who have worked hard all of their lives in the UK. Simple answer being,if you cannot afford to move,stay at home,even a person on a tourist visa has to show his/her financial situation We Realy need to get out of the EU. We can't afford to look after our own,let alone belonging to this all consuming club that only benefits the MEP's.and foreigners. Audit the books and show us what the EU does for us,where the money goes, and why we should stay,then perhaps the British people may feel differently about it. We need to free ourselves of these shackles that bleed us dry and restrict our freedom. Imagine, if Cameron had his way and Turkey got in the EU! We need out of that spendthrift cartel of corruption and sponging and stand on our own feet. Can I come home to live near my family ? I have worked as an expat for 33 years - I reside overseas because I couldnt find work in the UK - I was only receiving 42 gb pounds per week as unemployment money - My rent was 150 gb pounds per week - what could I do? Had to go back overseas or live on the streets - I had no savings - We had joint accounts - I worked in the deserts of Libya and one never knew what might happen - My ex emptied the bank accounts before I came home and took the car that I bought but was in her name. I got none of the money that had been in the Bank nor any of the insurance money for the car which my wife took and was apparantley stolen.S much for the UK legal system. I survived when I returned home because my son lent me money and the company I worked for paid me 3 months salary whilst they waited for my return- I didnt receive the summons to appear in court until February - I came home in December for Christmas -- I am 63 yrs can I come home & get this money This really is the final straw, watch as unemployment soars past 3 million and the BBC make out its all due to George Osbourne when infact its all due to the hated EU. I'm Polish and I will tell you that reading articles like that makes me embarrassed to call myself a Pole. Pack them up and ship them home - their rightful home. The fact that they can come to a strange country, not work and claim your money is beyond belief for me. D: I,m just speechless, This is just another exampled of us, the taxpayers being sold down the river by the anti British/political elite ! Im British Im 57 cant work coz of Arthritus and all I get is £65 a week . How come these immigrants can get so much when Britons get a pittance ? When are we as a nation going to stand up and shout in a VERY loud voice that we have had ENOUGH of this farce we call the EU and it's stupid rules that cost US the British taxpayer a fortune ? What the hell is wrong with you Cameron. Get a grip for christ sake man. That's my money you're giving away, whilst you're telling the likes of me who have paid into everything for years we will now have to wait another 10 years before we can retire and get any of what we've paid in back while this lot pay NOTHING and take it all. YOU KEEP TELLING US WE HAVE NO MONEY. This is a flaming joke. I think it's quite clear how angry I am. Idiots, the lot of them. What I don't understand is in this EUROPEAN UNION, why is this the only country that gives out these benefits to the foreigners arriving,isnt the point of the union that all countries have the same laws ? Labour did nothing about it,in fact encouraged mass immigration, this rubbish coalition is doing nothing, how can the law have been made that 7 years after joining EU these immigrants can claim full benefits here but not in other EU countries? anyone got an answer. you have got to be joking!!! I wish someone would tell me what the actual benefits to being in the EU are and why we are not coming out of it. We might just as well let the whole world live here as they can do so for free! And our benefits are obviously going to be more than some countries working wage, no wonder they are here and now even more are going to come. It's great, come and use our Welfare system, our NHS system and pay nothing, we've paid all our life and we still get nothing. And as for the DWP stating their will be strict tests in order for migrants to claim benefit, yeah right! And what are these strict tests ? what a load of rubbish, we are being taken for fools, paying the rest of the wold to come here, free of charge, pensioners get the strict tests, and the current ones will not get the rise when it comes in, this country stinks, I really can't wait to get out, this unfairness is too stressful. Didn't one of the terminals some 30 years ago have a benefit office for any immigrants from Pakistan and India? This has to be the best yet, these migrants have been benefit tourists since the 70's and anyone noticed they are MEN.................. stupid, stupid Governments and Government departments, led by fools, idiots and imbociles. The public have known this is for years, but we were called racists. Stop this madness 2.6 millions foreign workers is not a lot when you compare it to the 10.5 million British who work in the rest of the world. Send the foreign workers back to their countries and you will have to find a way to feed more than 10 millions British who will be sent back to Britain as a retaliation. all these people claiming incapacity benefits that can work, heres their answer to no jobs, send the imigrants home, 2.5 million jobs available The readership of this publication is very quick to put down foreign workers. If it's not foreign workers, it's lazy Brits who cannot be bothered to get off the couch and go to work. Quite a contradiction really. Those on benefits, or foreign workers? Who is at fault today righteous ones? To me this article makes it sound like all of those lazy people you were having a dig at previously can now be bothered to start looking for a job. Also, a lot of you mention leaving the UK and moving abroad, “because the UK is overrun with foreigners”! That really is hilarious. The irony is that the citizens of other countries are more open-minded, less bigoted and contradictory than the UK population. Foreign countries are also very welcoming to people who are migrating and paying their taxes and income to their country. If you don't like foreigners, I’d advise you not to move abroad, it may scare you - there are lots of foreign people there! If all the so called unemployed where not given so much money for doing nothing and made to work there would be no jobs for overseas workers, and anyone paying cash inhand are fined heaverly. if they were working on the books it would create thousands of jobs, and save the country millions. Nick, Leiden, Holland. I live near Gatwick and that empty green verdant countryside you talk of is FARMLAND! Would you have us pave over that too and import all our food and make our native wildlife extinct?! The reason the south-east is full,is because that's where Labour wanted the immigrants, not in their own back yards. Oh what a surprise that the comments on this article are moderated! it's such i shame that we can't get to read peoples true feelings on this touchy subject. - Silent Stuart, Leeds,Britain, 19/10/2010 11:16 Polish people are returning to Britain because they get free child benefits,housing and jobs so remember that when this Government takes yours away. We are still being made by the EU to hand out money and housing to immigrants so remember that when you are on the council house waiting list. They are taking our jobs because they will take a much lower wage and this is what the boss who sacks you wants! If you are self employed Immigrants will undercut you to get the job so remember that when you are forced to sign on! The Labour policy of having a multicultural Britain is still in force even though the last and this Government knows it will never work as it only serves to divide a Country. The key word here is 'workers', we can't blame people coming here to work when we allow our own indigenous layabouts do nothing for the equivalent wage of a chartered accountant. - Dan H, Woking, 19/10/2010 8:55 Blimey Dan £65 a week surprised you can find one. Typical of tarring all unemployed individuals with the layabout brush. The bottom line is Dan even a minimum wage job is hard to find and despite numerous applications (I'm 48 and ex BT Manager and a skilled IT worker) I struggle to even get a reply. I want to work, I am willing to take a min wage job all I ask for is a chance someone PLEASE EMPLOY ME. Ministers are demanding a cap on migration. The british govt are bound by EU laws and are powerless to curb this migration. To give an impression that they are trying to reduce the numbers they are demanding a cap on Non-Eu workers a large portion of whom are highly skilled workforce unlike most of the EU migrants. These highly skilled people in most cases fill vacancies which are vacant because Britain does not have suffecient highly skilled people to fill these vacancies. The truth is EU workers are taking majority of the british jobs and the govt is barking up the wrong tree. These people travel halfway around the globe to work their backsides off, and all modern Britain can do is moan about them from the collective national sofa. Still, I suppose it beats drinking beer and watching x-factor... I haven't noticed them going away or leaving at all. I have instead noticed the marked increase in young families coming here from eastern europe. This I find more concerning than young single workers coming here as having dependants put strain on our services & infrastructure i.e schools, nhs & benefits system. I would rather we had one immigration system for all, so that we can have those with the skills we need, rather than having ulimited unskilled workers coming from the EU. The only way we can get the long term UK unemployed back to work is by having the jobs available. By keep allowing migrants to come here, is stopping us from achieving this. Also as younger generation migrants leave school/colleges they can also come here to compete for jobs alongside our own unemployed graduates/school leavers. This is unsustainable in the long term. Why are we importing immigrants to undercut British wages. Britain is an expensive country to live in unless you are living 20 to a house. Immigrants are working cheap while the big anti-British businesses are making money at the British workers expense. We must get out of the EU. Economics, I can get a hard working, motivated and skilled polish builder to do a better job and for half the price. Your average Brit builder cannot be bothered to turn up for quotes etc and if they do they want a load of cash to do basic work. - Luke, London, Why don't you go back to you little office job instead of coming out with utter rubbish about an industry you clearly know nothing about. - As Is, England, 19/10/2010 9:22 ------------ My husband has contacted loads of builders in the area (all from the UK) to do some work at home; most of them have not turned up or have cancelled many times, others could not be bothered to send a quote or took weeks to do it, and those who did tried to charge over £10K to do the work. Or builders around here have too much work or they just can't be bothered at all.... I read in the DM a short while ago that a Polish worker earns the same in one month here as he does in six months back home...... Welcome to the New World Order you haven't seen nothing yet David Cameron and his fake Tory party will carry on the same immigration policy as his heir Tony Blair that is a Open Door one to anyone from anywhere. There will be just as many immigrants as there has been 100,000s from outside the so called EU will still come, this is how you destroy a country by within flood it with immigrants. There is now no one left to vote for all politicians from all parties are Traitors/Quislings/Fifth Columnists and will never put the British people first or this country, people have yet to awaken to this fact or will refuse to believe it "thats it everybody Goodbye Britian Goodbye England" over 90% of all immigrants land and stay in England its a English problem and no one will do anything about it. Look what the LibDems have just done tore up every policy they made what liars they all turned out to be and the Tories wake up everybody your vote isn't worth the paper you put your cross on. "How is it that these people can find jobs as "unskilled" workers when millions of "unskilled" layabouts in UK are unemployed & allowed to be!" Well I will explain ,most of the British workers are bing paid off so they can employ foreign workers at a cheaper rate .These people have not paid anything into this country and are claiming money for their children and housing . Looking at a lot of the comments on here is looks like a lot of retired people comment on a job market they know nothing about We could solve all our problems in one go by getting out of the EU now and not giving one more penny never mind the billions we give at the moment. Here in Brighton, vast numbers of these jobless, often very young, EU foreigners spend their time hanging around the streets smoking, lounging around in coffee bars and even worse, sitting around the seafront getting drunk on cheapo supermarket booze - roger, brighton, 19/10/2010 09:40 I wouldn't agree ..Here in Brighton ,the majority of people walking around the shops in a middle of the day are overweight ,laud,foul mouthed,gold wearing mothers of 5 ( by 5 fathers) never worked never wish to ,not bothered ...shouting to a (probably Eastern European) girl cleaning floor in MacDonald - Oi! you make me shoes wet ,them were 80 pound! we are dealing with years of wrong very bad benefits culture .And foreigners to blame ? Don't give the jobs to the foreigners.simples "Why do you think someone who doesn't speak the native language very well was an advantage over someone who does? it's hard-working immigrants that are keeping this country anywhere near competitive. - mark, gateshead, 19/10/2010 11:00" Wrong - hard working immigrants put hard working Brits on the dole so increasing taxation to pay the benefits bill so making us non-competitive. Why? because there are a limited and reducing number of jobs available in this country as companies export jobs because the cost of employment in the UK is too high. But note immigrants work for the same wages as Brits would do in those jobs that are properly advertised. Immigrants are "preferred" because that was NuLiebour's policy (continuing under ConDemn) as part of selling out to the EU. Don't be so quick to blame Eastern European workers for taking British jobs. British kids are often simply too lazy. Decent, hard working Poles, Lithuanians and so on are flogging their guts out in our service industries while British kids are on their backsides at home watching East Enders omnibus or living out their fantasies on mind-rotting computer games - I profoundly wish it were not the case, but this is exactly what's happening... "Only 7 years ago, in the summer of 2003, before the admission of 8 Eastern European countries to the EU, there were 1.39million foreign nationals in jobs..." Please check your facts. With the best will in the world, I can't see how you arrived at a figure of "eight Eastern European countries". The Czech Republic, for example, is proudly Central European. And this is far from being just a question of semantics: clearly, correctly labelling EU member states would detract from the blunt, Cold War-style message that somehow, those from the West are welcome, whereas those to the geographic 'East' of the former Communist border are a curse. What of the thousands of Brits who live and work in Central/Eastern Europe, taking advantage of the low living costs and high wages afforded to English speakers? We are guilty of the same opportunism. Yet I like to think that my British colleagues and I are performing a useful service in our host countries. I'm sure many "Easterners" feel the same. I worked at a warehouse in Glasgow (relatively high unemployment at parts). I worked with many Poles in that job at night/morning and they were great, friendly enough and hard working. We could not get local workers, full stop. The money was above average and more on days but easier not to bother. Who wants to be a cleaner when they wanted something easy? The problems we had were students blitzed on Sunday mornings and late as well as well as it being too difficult to get to at night (no buses door to door) meaning you'd do what the Poles did- walk, cycle or share a car. I have no problems with immigrants coming here to work- only those who sit and scrounge. Dare I say it some Poles spoke better English than some of the locals! If you gave me the choice I'd deport our scroungers and replace them with Poles. Interesting, no mention of the million plus Brits that work in mainland Europe. And equating the 'foreigners' with the unemployed number is just silly - the 'foreginers' will do a full days work for whatever money, hence why they have a job. Whoa whoa Mr Cameron with the defence cuts, just take a look at the headlines in the daily mail. you can save billions by sending all the foreign workers and immigrants home. there will be plenty jobs, and money saved to make our country safe. Paul - Lincolnshire is 'empty' because it has fields and fields of vegetables and sugarbeat. It is not actually empty at all. On another aspect: what on earth is the point of foreigners taking all the jobs in Lincolnshire etc. while Brits sit on their bottoms being kept, and not paying taxes. The foreigners won't be paying taxes either as their rates of pay are so abysmal, and will be sending home what little they earn. The whole system is ridiculous. The statement that the British workers wont take some of these jobs because of the low pay is quite true, but to keep a house, family and a car going on £3.50 per hour is not possible, so it is not the fault of the British workers, it is the fault of this government not to make sure that wage's are high enough to live by? Went out this morning............came back with very wet feet.........think the country is finally sinking with this great mass descending on the UK. Looks like a great fuel for the BNPs fire. All immigrants do is keep wages low and rents high!All those leftys on here who bleat "we need these foreign workers here to keep food prices low and to do the jobs that British people wont do!" You condone the exploitation of non unionised workers who are ignorant of their rights ,such as training,holidays ,safety & union rights .Great socialist thinking!.What rubbish! It`s pure greed !Greed by factory owners and farmers .You`ve been conned.Socialists are so gullible! Its merely to make vast profits not to keep food prices low! If this is the case why do food prices keep going up and food is the most expensive its ever been?If British people did the job for higher wages there would be absolutely no difference.The higher prices would be affordable. Yet now we have to pay the dole money and benefits of 2.4million British workers who cant find work because of foreign workers!Great forward thinking!No wonder were in a double dip recession! Pure greed thats what it is! All the eastern Europeans I have met are polite, hard-working and I've not problem with them.... - sk, bath, 19/10/2010 11:20 Those giving you all reds should go and see a head doctor. How can you "not like" a comment, that says someone is polite ? You are losing it people.... Listen!!!!! Dont you worry about us Polish People,We ll leave one day and you gonna stay here with your "real" friends from...pakistan,bangladesh,india and half of africa! hahahahaha I am sure they are going to work for you not claiming benefits for their...6 kids! Good Luck hahahahah As an employer I ask:- do I employ a hard working, educated, polite foreigner or a lazy, rude local who thinks he knows everything and expects more money than he's worth? The EU free movement directive at work. The only way out is to leave the EU, and then only if we scrap the Human Rights act that stops us returning immigrants if they may be less well treated than here, which is most of the world. Well, it looks like there ARE jobs after all. Come on you feckless benefit scroungers.... there are no excuses not to find work !!! Despite all that is said about immigrants, thank goodness the Poles are back. Any chance of exchanging them with our benefit -scroungers. We can put them in the back of trucks. Nobody would check going the other way! Foreigners hire foreigners - I have seen hundreds of examples of this. Also, many employment agencies are now staffed by foreign workers who get jobs for the overseas workers and do not give Brits a chance. The idea that all British people will not take jobs is just a joke - many great high paying white collar jobs are also going to non-British workers (like many posts in the City) and no, that's not because the foreign workers are better and people wouldn't kill to work there. They include 'soft skilled' jobs - someone should do a proper review. - Eds, Cambridge, 19/10/2010 10:16 As per my post earlier, I have got 50% of Brits never turning up for interviews, and dropping out of work after finding out they will not be bank managers being barely able to read and write in their own language, numeracy on a level of an average 8 year old Eastern European, not to mention punctuality, going extra mile and being committed( things you might have heard about in American films). If this government really are serious about getting people off benefits and changing the whole benfefit culture that has made this country so unfair against the average working family they must get a grip on all forms of immigration immediately. All work should be filled by UK citizens wherever possible. Also any benefits recipient should be made to repay the taxpayers by doing some type of community work. This is the only way forward from here but until these immigration measures are put into place nothing will change. "How is it that these people can find jobs as "unskilled" workers when millions of "unskilled" layabouts in UK are unemployed & allowed to be!? - David Learmonth" Because these jobs are filled through agencies who advertise overseas for them. And no-one in the UK will take responsibility for training and using our own potential workforce because this would mean standing up to the EU. Another day another "layabout, lazy, benefit scrounger" response to those unfortunate enough to be temporarily out of work like myself. I want to work I will pick spuds, wipe bum's anything all I ask is for a chance and min wage. But I can't as all jobs here in Thanet be it on farms, care homes, factories or our the countries biggest greenhouse Thanet Earth are taken by East Europeans. These jobs are never even advertised. Employment in this country is a joke and worse if your unemployed and want to work. SAD ,but it's TRUE -Great Britain it's not any more that Great. Oh what a surprise that the comments on this article are moderated! it's such i shame that we can't get to read peoples true feelings on this touchy subject. - Silent Stuart, Leeds,Britain, 19/10/2010 11:16 So you are saying the true feeling is not the racist bile that is spouted on here? "You should see the Poles in Stratford Upon Avon every day, hanging around in gangs. I thought they were supposed to be working? We are being lied to and suppressed. Those of you unbelievers need to see a optician." - Yampi, Warwick, 19/10/2010 11 ...and it's not like you never see gangs of English people hanging around and causing trouble, is it!! Val D. Telford, Oh! how I agree with your comments, almost as mine are in a previous posting. Every available piece of land in this area is gobbled up by developers, a small pub was knocked down and it was breathtaking how much building went on in this place, mostly apartments, some of these are proving to be a waste of time, they are so horrible to look at, most resemble public toilets and nobody wants to move into them, but we have been swampeed by relentless building work and, like you, are seeing the demise of any kind of green belt remaining. "All the eastern Europeans I have met are polite, hard-working and I've not problem with them.... - sk, bath, 19/10/2010 11:20" Lucky you. Many come here who cannot speak English, are rude (maybe as a result of the former) and are criminals. sad but it's true-Great Britain it's not any more that Great This again shows why the EU is bad for this country, allowing workers who contribute nothing to this economy undercut british workers causing us to pay for their upkeep and forceing wages to lower levels so the bosses of the big companies can pay themselves massive bonuses that they don't pay tax on as they claim they live abroad. If we were out of the EU we would be out of this financial mess, simply by decreasing benefit payments, eliminating EU payments and increasing tax revenue from British workers doing British jobs, no more cuts to the defence budget, lowered NHS and Schooling bills and more houses available to british people. Cris, London I totally agree with you, Eastern Europeans are very polite and hard working, the Eastern European women have pride, self respect and style, you do not see them behaving like English girls on a Friday and Saturday night, drunk and very un ladylike. Many of the comments on here are racist, do English people not work abroad, do English people not buy houses abroad hiking up the property prices for the native people. Many English people would be a lot nicer if they just live and let live. Dont forget we fought hitler in the second world war because he was racist. As much as Liebour were the main reason this has happened do not forget that David Cameron is now the Prime Minister. He is repeatedly blaming Labour but how about doing something about it now you're in power? Absolutely Bloody Disgusting! The Govt and Businesses of Britain should be hanging their heads in shame this is a national outrage! The simple fact is that too many Brits won't take the hard jobs because they think the world owes them a living - which in many benefit cases (not all) it's been made a better and more profitable option. I have struggled to meet any Eastern Europeans who aren't hard working, but to meet a lazy Brit isn't quite so hard. Sadly, too often an old fashioned work ethic has gone. I'm still struggling to understand how this can be good in anyway. We are paying more unemployment to British workers and borrowing money that goes to foreigners who then take it and send it back to their own countries? Like global warming the EU is nothing more than a means of redistributing OUR wealth to others who do not have the work ethic to build their own. How about a system where we pay the same benefits to any immigrants that they would get if they were in their own country, and vice versa to any UK citizens that go abroad. That way its either work or get next to nothing! Also, finger print or iris scan all immigrants, which gets checked every time they go to sign on, so they can not claim benefits if they are not entitled to it, all too often they work as Joe Bloggs and claim benefits as Billy Bloggs, enabling them to work for less while claiming benefits, and i have seen this with my own eyes. They live in nicely furnished council houses with all the mod cons cause they are cheating the system and getting away with it. And when you report them nothing gets done and the reporter gets classed as racist! What a load of nonsense!! It's about time the urban myth of " foreigners only take jobs the British don't want" was put to rest. I run a small business where ever week we have numerous callers from Africa and Eastern Europe looking for work and without fail we hear the same thing " I'll work for less than your workers!" To many greedy business owners they'll happily take them on (and I know of several cases where business people have got rid of their own workers and brought in the cheaper workers. Disgraceful!! I won't! I have a business that cares for the elderly and I want them to be in a happy environment where they understand those around them and can see to their needs. This country needs a good kick up it's backside. Mass immigration isn't positive; it's damaging all areas of our lifes!! I wonder if they ever closed the tax loophole where if a foreign worker isn't 'permanently residing' in the UK they do not pay tax here, but supposedly in their country of residence. Working here, pocketing the lot and 'holiday' back home several times a year to maintain their status. 2.4million... would someone like to spill the beans properly about this? East European workers -- for the most part enthusiastic, hard-working and without a chip on their shoulder -- can get jobs because British-born workers, including British-born minorities such as Muslims -- are too lazy, or lack the basic social skills, or have chips on their shoulders about what work is good enough for their status, or receive little if any support, or get too much tax-payer-funded support. Solution? Ban ALL handouts and create a bank of paid community and other jobs for those unable to find work themselves. At least our unemployed (those claiming benefits) would have to work for their tax-funded benefits and would get into a routine of regular employment. Excellent news. Eastern Europeans are by far the friendliest, most professional and most reasonably-priced traders on our island. Bring more of them here and send all the rogue trading white van driving poorly mannered Brits away somewhere else. Sound a bit crazy? Right, well then we need to work together, not against one another. All the eastern Europeans I have met are polite, hard-working and I've not problem with them.... - sk, bath, 19/10/2010 11:20 That isn't the point. I see a lot of Poles etc in the City (pubs, coffee bars, whatever). Are they nice people? Yes. Do they work hard? Yes. Do I like them as individuals? Yes. Do they contribute more than many other immigrants? Yes. Do I want so many of them here? No. It's not about individuals, it's not about racism, it's about the impact of the badly thought out and unpopular policy of MASS immigration. We have nothing to worry, now our government is tough....or to be more exact our government talks tough and does nothing. New World Order (again) What did you turkeys expect when you voted for the pro-EU ConDems? To all those who say "Good, bring them in, our lazy, yobbish lot won't do the jobe" etc, should think how they would like to work a 12 hour shift for the minimum wage. By the time people have paid their transport to work, they're often worse off than on benefit. There's no chance of any career progression, job satasfaction or recognition from bosses either. Who's up for that? The solution is, I believe to make work pay for our own people. Even if it means paying their transport and letting them keep more of their benefit. There's enoucragemnt to go and do the work then and the money would at least stay in our country. The immigrants would also not be draining the NHS and schools etc. Anyone who doesn't want to work after all that, can be left to their own devices, I think that's fair enough Did anyone see the recent Southpark with most of the USA becoming New Jersey as people moved west? Do you see a pattern emerging? Don't know why you are all knocking it. They are reliable and hardworking and if employers prefer them to the Brits who are not known for being dependable, why shouldn't immigrants have the jobs. Oh great, it looks like I'll be on the dole for a while longer then. Just who is employing these people?.....Why the very same bosses who give their backing to the Tories, that's who !......So don't expect too much change ! Isn't 2.4 million 300,000 below the official unemployment figure? Go figure. My husband is a skilled carpenter/joiner. He undersells himself at the best of times, but with the influx of these pretend builders from Eastern Europe (and they are - we have witnessed plenty of shoddy workmanship) he has had to drop his prices still further. The cost of materials however is going up week on week. It's about time the immigrants were all sent home and the jobs they vacate should be given to the jobless Brits. MAKE THE BRITISH UNEMPLOYED DO THESE JOBS - TRAIN OUR YOUNGSTERS - BRING BACK CITY AND GUILDS. Whilst I agree with some posters that most immigrants I come across are polite and hard working, our country is in such a mess that we need to look after our own first. the reason young British kidscan't get jobs is because agencies are biased towards E European workers. An agency here in Colchester wouldn't even let my daughter register for work as they were only taking Polish applications for summer jobs on farms - even though my daughter is fit and willing (she attends Agricultural College - so not afraid of physical work) And they were paying above Nat Minimum Wage what chance have the youngsters got - none. - country girl, Essex, 19/10/2010 8:25 I also live In Colchester & I know this to be true. I have a few eastern European friends & the reason why they are employed over English people Is because they are willing to work longer & for less money. I was a labourer working on Colchester's new football stadium on £100 per day. I lost my job when my employer got In a Polish guy to work for £50 per day ! I have a family & financial commitments. How can I compete with that ? The problem is the british workers, they don't want to work in the factories, I work in a factory and paid alot more for packing boxes than I would get for driving a lorry, working in an office in a Somerset office, how do I know this because I been looking at these jobs and were surprised that by how little they pay. Where I work is full of people from Eastern Europe because no Brits want to work there because it is factory work and english people I know have taken thousands in paycuts to work in offices and shops. Stop slagging off the East Europeans when the brits will not do these jobs ( I am english) People should not be judgmental about the unemployed British who don't take these jobs. These young, single, fit & healthy migrants come over for the season, live in their dirt cheap pigsty accommodation and then take their low UK wages to their home country where they can fund their dream, getting married, setting up a business or higher education. UK residents cannot do that, you would just find yourself homeless with no money at the end of the season. At the root of this is principle. The foreigners from the EU are here on the back of an illegitimate treaty that was not mandated by the British people (the Tories and Labour lied about it to get voted in). It is nothing personal against the Eastern Europeans. But if we do not have the chance to run our own country, then all is lost. The foreign invasion is indicative of how much we have lost control. Our politicians don't suffer, and they have organised it. They are traitors, and instead of voting for them, you need to think about the possibility of their being tried and punished appropriately. I'm all for people who actually get off their backsides and do some work. Oh, and Eastern European women are so much better looking than the fat, ugg-booted trolls in my street. - Chris, London, 19/10/2010 11:08 Superb comment, This is why I have a wonderful Polish wife. I think what you was trying to say was MOST woman from the UK think their Lads, gob off too much, drink too much? you get my point though. RED Arrows here >>>>>> British citizens will work for a living wage. They are not prepared to live like animals in dirty overcrowded conditions, for a pittance that ends up in the landlords pocket. Immigrants will do this because it's not forever and what little that is left over will be worth more in their own country! many are claiming CB which is worth a fortune once converted into their own currency and some will claim for non-existent children, for many CB is the carrot. Once they have enough NI contributions some will go on JSA and apply for council housing which they will get because they are immigrants! - liz, southend, 19/10/2010 10:26 I would like to invite you to Longsight, Salford and Moss Side, alternatively Crumpsall in Manchester. Maybe you will wake up from your fairy tale dream and start walking on the ground again. Hello ? Hello ? Anybody there ??? British jobs for British workers. Now what do you say Mr Brown? - Major Bill, Chesterfield, 19/10/2010 11:05 Brown appeared to do absolutley nothing to pur the situation right, but don't forget he isn't in power now. If David Cameron had any go he would have rectified this within weeks of gaining power, but he seem just as useless as his predecessor in this case. Though for defending Briain he seems considerably worse. Maybe (but very unlikely), one day we'll get a Prime Minister and Government who will stand up for Britain, keep things British and not give parts away or sell them off. guto nythbrann, mobile, uk. yes, agreed, we did all those things - and now you are doing them to us, which knocks you off the moral high ground, i'm afraid. you can only complain about our treatment of you, if you are not doing the same. with our behaviour as an example, people who genuinely believed it to be wrong, would resist doing exactly the same. also, our former colonies demanded, and rightly got, independence from us - but how are they independent, when you have to come over here and live off us? live in your own countries, sort out your problems, so that you don't have to come begging off us, and then you will be really independent, and can sneer at our past behaviour all you like. afraid you can't do that now. the reason young British kids can't get jobs is because agencies are biased towards E European workers. An agency here wouldn't even let my daughter register for work as they were only taking Polish applications for summer jobs on farms - even though my daughter is fit and willing (she attends Agricultural College - so not afraid of physical work) And they were paying above Nat Mimium Wage what chance have the youngsters got - none. - country girl, Essex, 19/10/2010 8:25 Get your daughter to go in again and take a tape recorder with her for evidence. Following my previous comment, let's get to the real causes of unemployment for UK citizens. Employment regulations in the UK make it very costly for employers to take on permanent workers with the high costs of NI contributions, sickness pay, maternity leave (which is getting crazy) running PAYE and pensions contributions if they have pension schemes and finally the very high costs of making people redundant if times get slack. Osborne needs to address this and help UK business. As for agencies they should be banned they are profiting off the backs of the unemployed and are maximising profits by hiring foreign workers that they know will give them no hassle or complaints, as they would just sack them. Do these agencies pay NI for workers? NO Do they deduct PAYE taxes for them? NO How much in taxes is the country losing because of this? The reason foreigners flock here is that English is the universal language along with the benefits. The tipping point was reached when the voted for Common Market reinvented itself as the NOT voted for European Community (Federation by any other name). Nothing can be changed without their consent, so in fact most MP's are a pointless waste of money. As an old git I still see it as being conquered by the back door. and that clown cameron says hes going to force people back to work by stopping theyre benefits . WHEREARE THEY GOING TO FIND THE WORK WHEN THE COUNTRY IS IN THIS MESS I have been homeless for 2 years. I have been told I cannot get Housing Benefit without being on Jobseekers Allowance, that I cannot get put up in a night shelter or homeless hostel without being on Jobseekers Allowance. How am I supposed to go for a job living on the streets? I cannot go on benefits without a postcode (when you call the benefits helpline, you have to give a postcode to the automated voice, otherwise you cannot get through). The CAB tell me that you can get Housing Benefit without being on Jobseekers Allowance! I called the CLJ (government offices), I called the Housing Minister, I have written to Iain Duncan Smith (e-mail got returned!!! - obviously not on that e-mail anymore) but what I did find out from the Govt - go on benefits, go to your Council, call shelter> I have even had a social worker trying to sort all this out for me. Brent Council were not interested. 2.4 million foreigners working in a county with a population of ~60 million?? Australia has a population of ~22 million with ~1.1million Brits alone working here without other foreigners, I really don't see what your problem is. Maybe if the dole didn't pay more than the minimum wage you might get some of those benefit dependant Brits a reason to get off the couch, we had the same problem here ~20 years ago where the dole paid better than a minimum wage job so no reason at all for someone to go to the effort to get off the dole back then, now it's a different story. So thats another 2.4m Brits who cannot get work. Better increase the budget for unemployment benefits. Most EU immigrants never left in the first place and have decided to sit it out on our benefits system as this is where they are financially better off. For those that have left, well they're coming back to do the same! Also most of the jobs that pay 'off the cards' have been taken by immigrants because they will work longer hours for less. 'The country is full to the brim'. No it isn't. I went on a road trip with few friends last week, we passed through Dorset and marvelled at all the EMPTY SPACE. The only people who cry 'England is full!' are Little Englanders who blame everyone else in the world for their rubbish lives, when the truth is perhaps a little harder to face. - Andrew, Wood Green, So you won't be happy until the whole country is covered ion buildings? When I was a student in the '60s we all worked in factories of all kinds to earn money during our summer vacations. Whole factories used to run during the summer months on British student temp labour; the system worked and they liked us as we were smart enough to get the hang of the job straight away, whatever it was, and boy did we work hard for not very much money, but we were desperate and glad to do it. Whatever happened to all that? Does it still happen? This sort of thread really brings the xenopobics out of the woodwork. - long gone ex-pat, Outside the U.K., 19/10/2010 10:02 Do we not need to know the truth? The comments on here from people fortunate enough to live in areas where there is employment really hack me off. Speaking as someone that did get on their bike for economic reasons many years ago I do think I have a right to speak on this. Being a highly qualified engineer and also having family to help me in the area that I moved to made it slightly easier for me although it did break up my family as my wife then did not want to move. Also I moved as soon as I was made redundant and never claimed ANY benefits, so had enough funds to keep me going until I got going again. Can these people that sneer down their noses at the unemployed explain to me how unemployed in areas of zero employment, claiming benefits can do this? Not everyone's circumstances allow this. I know if I had not been highly qualified and had some funds it would not have been possible. Another comment to follow on the real reasons for foreigners are taking the work. I don't mind Poles coming to Liverpool as long as they learn to speak Scouse. We have a big Chinese community and they all speak Scouse. Jan Molby was well respected for his "dey don't do dat doh do dey" (they don't do that though do they). Being a natural comedian would also help. We don't have many jobs in Liverpool though. Maggie saw to that. I'd much rather have a country that people want to travel to to work than have to move abroad to find work where they speak a different language. Count ourselves lucky in this respect. Most of these immigrants earn the minimum wage. How do you imagine someone who was earning around £24,000 a year will cope with competing and dropping their wages to £12,000 a year. They will no longer be able to pay the mortgage, the bills, petrol, feed the family, put money aside for any problems that may arise, let alone saving up for any treats or luxuries. The only people that benefit from low wages are the companies that employ them. Most people aren't lazy but they cannot afford to compete with immigrants. As for people saying the country isn't full because they can see fields. Are you stupid? Do you think we should concrete over the countryside and every bit of green land there is? Lets cut down the forests and build skyscrapers on them. I've never heard such ridiculous arguments. Does this mean over 2million more jobless Britons. How can the government sort out our own long term jobless if we keep importing workers. What we need is a strong government, the labour party deliberately bought voters by giving them benefits. Until we reduce the level of benefits paid to men we will need immigrants to fill these jobs. 1) If they are Europeans they are not foreigners 2) How many British live and work in Europe ? They send most of their money home so thats in the region of £36 billion going out of the economy plus the cost of British workers pushed onto the dole. Absolute madness This sort of thread really brings the xenopobics out of the woodwork. - long gone ex-pat, Outside the U.K., No long gone ex pat, what it does is show the real, the very real problems in this land that you have left, it is not xenphobic to be concerned over, jobs, housing, space or indeed the culture of this country. What a surprise, the Foreign Workers, being roughly equal in number to our unemployed. Entirely without the consent of The British People, just like EU membership and Immigration in general at last admitted by the Germans to have been a complete failure ! All the eastern Europeans I have met are polite, hard-working and I've not problem with them.... This whole foreign worker issue is easily resolved. 1. Only companies that export their goods or services overseas should be allowed to hirer foreign workers; Public Service and UK centric jobs generate no wealth for this country and any foreigner spends or sends a large proportion of his salary to his country of origin thus further impoverishing this nation. 2. Foreign works are employed as single status with all health and accommodation costs the responsibility of the employer 3. No right to any form of allowances or benefits until they have contributed for at least 5 years. 4. No right of residence until they have completed 10 years continuously. If the employer no longer requires their service, cancellation of visa with return to country of origin. 5. No transfer of employment without return to country of origin. Bosses say these workers are vital for the success of their companies. The old excuse that Brits wont take the jobs wont wash any more. The reason the Brits wont work for these bosses is mainly the abysmal rates of pay they offer. Why should a business that cant survive without the workers, who do work for them having to claim tax and social security benefits be allowed to trade. Its the same with the so called falling mail volumes in Royal Mail. What the bosses and government fail to admit is the firms who use Royal Mail to deliver their so called independent service are heavily subsidised by the British tax payers. A subsidy started out as someone's tax contribution. Oh what a surprise that the comments on this article are moderated! it's such i shame that we can't get to read peoples true feelings on this touchy subject. I think what you mean is the South East is full, Lincolnshire and Northumberland is empty compared to there. Maybe that's because we have had all the investment in the South while the North has been bypassed. Victims of your own succes really. You should see the Poles in Stratford Upon Avon every day, hanging around in gangs. I thought they were supposed to be working? We are being lied to and suppressed. Those of you unbelievers need to see a optician. No one ever seems to mention the economic downside to our economy, resulting from migrants sending money home. This may be actually damaging to the UK. I've read the (ONS) figure £6b mentioned, but this may just be to countries outside the EU. We've all heard of the crippling effect on local services, but we may also be losing billions on top of that? The House of Lords Select Committee on Immigration Report (2007) after a 2-year cross-party study concluded that 'there was little, if any net economic benefit to immigration'. So there...! MPs must be aware of the report, yet they have done nothing to about it. Presumably, MPs must think that either his Lordships were lying, or else were incompetent old fools? Whatever, there has been no public debate on this report (and anyone can download a free copy - and it's a most interesting read). Pull us out of the EU. NOW Thank goodness for that. The more the better. I'm all for people who actually get off their backsides and do some work. Oh, and Eastern European women are so much better looking than the fat, ugg-booted trolls in my street. cheap labour is what the bosses wanted and blair and brown opened our doors to give them it. keeping thousands of brits on welfare we cannot afford,if we had let these two have another ten years our country would have been demolished "Eastern Europeans may be taking jobs that workers here are reluctant to do, possibly because unemployed Britons regard the jobs as either too low paid or too demanding." Not quite getting it are we? Just as the building trade and our own businesses pick up, we will not see our unemployment figures reduce but we will see our benefits bills rise. These Eastern Europeans will work for considerably less than our own people because their cost of living is less and is being subsidised by our benefits system which continues to pay out even when they return home. I know we no longer understand treason in the UK ( a very loose term for three traitorous parasitic nations and one that supports all) but what the businesses who employ Eastern Europeans are doing is nothing short of treason. They are traitors who should be named and shamed. They have betrayed our own people and will kill our economy. I recently went for an intervierw for a job, and was informed that most of the people I would be working with were Polish. I couldn't work out why they even mentioned that. I was very qualified for the job and experienced in the line of work. I didn't get it. I am fairly certain it went to another Polish worker. So it's not about British workers not wanting the jobs, I think there are businesses out there employing foreign workers because they feel that British workers are probably more aware of their rights and have a support system. Andrew Wood Green 10.01am So you "drove through Dorset and marvelled at the empty space". Has it never occured to you that to feed 60+million we need farms,and unpopulated areas just so that people can occasional get out of our towns and cities and enjoy a walk in the country.I've seen our population increase dramatically since the war,and it is because of this increase,we think enough is enough that we are saying stop all immigration now. Or would you rather wait until the whole land is covered in roads and housing estates and we have no rivers or lakes to obtain water or farms to help feed us ? The day the Government stop paying Benefits to people entering the country also child benefits unless they have paid something into the system,they walk out of the country still claiming benefits,no wonder the country is in a mess,stop giving taxpayers money away. British jobs for British workers. Now what do you say Mr Brown? sorry folks. You are all wasting your time complaining. We are in the total grip of socialists who do not recognise any of your complaints The socialist mindset is one of total state control so any talk of 'saving' money by reducing benefits to our unemployed and therefore getting them back to work is useless. The socialist government (posing as a con/lib coillition) is now hellbent on destroying our defence capability and 'sharing' out aircraft carriers with our 'allys'in the EUSSR .Making cuts in our defence instead of making them where it will really make a difference ie. getting rid of wastefull government departments and quango's Roger Worthing sally,canbs and roger,brighton have it correct. the figures show that the eu immigrants figures are 86,000 to the rest of NON eu at only 39,000 combined ! its not as much those workers taking jobs and benefits as it is the eu people ! Roger england...stopping ALL immigration cant and wont work, many of the skilled workers come from places like the USA and those numbers are well down, and fyi, being NON EU we pay a fortune in visa's to come here! Even being married to a brit Ive paid almost 4,000 already and citizenship will add another almost 1,000 ! AND we also sign forms saying we will NOT be able to axcess ANY matter our circumstances, so if my hubby looses his job, because of MY status, we are screwed as far as benefits. Stats show it is primarily the EU people coming in for free, taking jobs, and also claiming benefits ! Read the facts ! I adopt this country at a price, and its worth it, but its the EU that we need a referandum on ! I havebeen made redundant twice in the last three years and i can not get a job!! Why am i to lazy to look for one? Believe me i have tried like hell and am still trying. The reason i can not get a job is because companies in my area only take on foreign agency workers. They pay them minimum wage and make them sign a contract stating that they must live on company owned accomodation. They then take half of that minimum wage back in rent for living in company accomodation. What the hell chance do i have to get a job until something is done about it? Andy - 09:41 Andy - politicians ARE the representatives of the people - we elected them! The problem in this country is that we don't like foreigners coming here but we're quite happy to live off the profits accrued when (when Britain was great) we went to their countries, stole all their resources, killed them because they were a different colour and used them as slaves. the reason young British kidscan't get jobs is because agencies are biased towards E European workers. An agency here in Colchester wouldn't even let my daughter register for work as they were only taking Polish applications for summer jobs on farms - even though my daughter is fit and willing (she attends Agricultural College - so not afraid of physical work) And they were paying above Nat Mimium Wage what chance have the youngsters got - none. - country girl, Essex, 19/10/2010 8:25 Hang on isn't that racist? Imagine if you told a Pole or an Asian they couldn't register because they were only taking on Brits, there would be hell to play ! This is a foreign invasion! This country has been invaded. It is as unwelcome as a full on military invasion. The Uk is over run with foreign peoples and alien cultures, all unwanted and without the consent of the people. why do you think someone who doesn't speak the native language very well has an advantage over someone who does? it's hard-working immigrants that are keeping this country anywhere near competitive. How is it that these people can find jobs as "unskilled" workers when millions of "unskilled" layabouts in UK are unemployed & allowed to be!? - David Learmonth, CEI, Thailand, 19/10/2010 5:14 Because the majority of them are not actually allowed to claim any benefits for the first year or so, they are only allowed over here to work! And even then they will try it on with forged ID or whatever. The same as all the other people fraudsters over here. They actually work hard at avoiding work! What is absent from these reports is that many agencies no longer offer jobs here but directly to the other countries. They are given contracts by firms then they offer low wages to fill it making good profit from both company and employee. It keeps wages low for all. Abolish private employment agencies they are a blight on the economy. Job centres could carry out this role and see that the employees are fairly paid and that British citizens are offered the jobs. Mr Toad ...... Toad Hall ..lf your son was willing to work a 12 hour shift for the minimum wage - no doubt in rotton conditions.....then he should think of the sacrifices our parents and Grandparents have made to improve our working day and make work a more bearable occupation. You are encouraging the old days of the Masters rule. The is fast returning with the Eastern Europeans living 12 - 15 to a house and sharing bills and rent and managing easily on the minimum wage and sending benefits and child allowance back home.. We do not do that, we have worked toward and now earned a decent wage for a decent days work. Don't allow these rights to be eroded. What happens when these workers from all these foreign countries cannot find work, who fall sick, and who have their families with them for child care, education, and at the same time we are nearly bankrupt and have been told to tighten our belts. It means, possible two job families to make ends meet, our benefit bill goes up, as well as out NHS cost, then child benefit, and spaces in our schools not available because of the influx. What will happen when Turkey joins the EU, I can guarantee they wont be in the UK for a holiday, paid for by themselves. I cannot understand why we are the givers in the EU and every other EU member takes. Are we really the EU idiots? Perhaps, instead of knocking the British workers, we can ask ourselves the real low cost benefactors of the UK are the employers, paying cheap wages, for cheap work, our country needs to sort itself out, once and for all, preferably using its common sense. PLEASE STOP ALL IMMIGRATION NOW !!! yet another Labour legasy..... I recall when France controlled a new power station they brought in French workers with our own workforce Picketing the site to get jobs So how does that make UK native workers lazy The immigrants in our area spend their time in the library using SKYPE on the computers talking totheir relations in Poland. There would be 4 in a line waiting to have their turn. Not for an odd day but every weekday. So how many of 2.401million non-UK nationals work "Some of them were Poles and other Eastern Europeans" Can't quite put my finger on what doesn't sound right about that sentence. Of course some of them are Poles and other eastern Europeans, you say it like it's a bad thing. At least they work. If feckless Brits were made to get off their backsides, it wouldn't be a issue. I think it's nice that they want to work and get money for their families, but what about the native workers? I'm a fairly recent graduate (2:1) and I've been job-hunting since June and I'm STILL unemployed. I've applied for over 120 jobs in all areas of the market, all over the UK - from office work, to translation (I am fluent in French), to hospitality, to B2B, to retail even, and countless interviews later I am still out of work, despite each time being told that I am in the last 3 or so. I've even tried all the local shops and bars (having experience in both these areas already), there is nothing going. It makes me feel really ashamed when people ask what I do and I keep having to say "I'm job-hunting" and watch their eyes shift as they judge me. There are so many people who are quick to judge students/graduates - well I'm trying, believe me! Here in Brighton, vast numbers of these jobless, often very young, EU foreigners spend their time hanging around the streets smoking, lounging around in coffee bars and even worse, sitting around the seafront getting drunk on cheapo supermarket booze - roger, brighton, 19/10/2010 09:40 You mean British teenagers? Eventually there'll be some kind of protest. Marching in London or something. Wrong. Any significant protest would have to be in Brussels. Preferably in conjunction with protestors from other countries having the same problems. Let's see if we can get something going with the Germans. I reckon it'd be a real grin to make an multi-national protest against EU policy right on their doorstep. Go all muslim on them and burn the modern hammer-and-sickle flag that is 12 stars on a blue background. That would cause panic. Whilst cheap casual labour arrives from Eastern Europe, our young skilled professionals, like Surgeons, are leaving this country to work elsewhere, and pay less tax, leaving a void behind them. Did you klnow that huge numbers of these migrant works can and do reclaim all the income tax they pay in the UK when they leave providing it meets certain criteria, So not only do they take our jobs, but they do NOT contribute to the national wealth. Economics, I can get a hard working, motivated and skilled polish builder to do a better job and for half the price. Your average Brit builder cannot be bothered to turn up for quotes etc and if they do they want a load of cash to do basic work. - Luke, London, Why don't you go back to you little office job instead of coming out with utter rubbish about an industry you clearly know nothing about. - As Is, England, 19/10/2010 9:22 ------------ As is. Funny,I've had exactly the same experiences as Luke. Perhaps you should wake up to reality instead of belittling people. What many "British" don't understand, is that however bad they may think it is in the UK economically, it is infinitely worse in Eastern Europe, thanks largely to the IMF. In fact, the much despised minimum wage, may very soon be something to aspire to for us all. Why? Because we have a corrupt political system hand in glove with corrupt Corporations and Banks They are intent on driving down living standards for us all. It's called Free Trade. More money for them. It started with Thatcher's Big Bang, Now we have the Big Debt. The bankers friends, the politicians, have tried and failed to prop up the failed banks and financial institutions. They are quite prepared to sacrifice the living standards of us all to preserve the status quo. Tomorrow's cuts will be just the start, there is much, much more and much worse to come. The French workers and students are showing the way in opposing their corrupt politicians. It will start here soon. British private sector business is the problem. Many companies are now using agency workers, many of whom are foreign immigrants. Companies, at first sight, would appear to pay a premium to use agency workers. However vast savings are made as it introduces a large degree of flexibility in the contract terms of a substantial part of the workforce. Couple this with the welfare concessions that the last government made to the resident population and the resultant surge in immigrant workforce numbers is easy to understand. Labour's ultimate admission of deliberate social engineering on immigration is going to be with us for many years to come. Only when this government finally lays the spectre of life on welfare to rest, will we finally have reduced immigration. The claim by businesses that overseas workers are better qualified and better educated is a myth touted by leftist dogmatism. Cure the UK of welfare dependency and the cure for reducing immigrant workers will be found too. this country is crying out for a new leader with a voice for the people. - tony, common sense, uk, 19/10/2010 I thought you had done that in the last election? Oh no, we ended up with a leader that is going to decimate our work force, destroy our armed services, & take our benefits (that believe it or not some people deserve to have!) the nhs & police force to beyond collapsing point. Hello, I am from Czech Republic. People from my country work Britain and they are considered to be eastern workers (although CR is in central europe!). I have got information for you...we´ve got the same problem (and almost the same discussion) in here but about ukrajine and vietnam workers... Isn´t it funny? Petra `luke from london` mate you havent really got a clue mate, why do polish builders beat english builders on price!!! easy they pay no tax, or vat, give no guarantees or warranties and are not members of registration schemes. they do building work without building regs and work to no health and safety law and have no public or employers insurance, their vans are registered in poland so they pay no road tax or insurance,if i could get away with this then i could charge £10 per hour.they also pay their labourers below minimum working wage in cash. The only people to gain from low paid immigrants are employers paying slave wages and slum landlords. Immigrants don't even spend their wages here it all goes back home which is where they buy tobacco, they often sell it onto their workmates for a profit. CB is also worth a fortune to them and that alone can make it worth their while. these foriegn workers are coming here to work for half the going wage and there is a minium wage here so why are firms allowed to exploit these workers and they should be made join a union to see that they are not being exploited I am a recruiter (hospitality, mainly chefs). I am Polish, lived here over 6 years and love it here. Now, I have got about £200.000 in chef jobs, my only requirement is fairly stable career (last 12 months) in an established company and turning for work. Last week I had arranged 4 interviews, all 4 did not show up, all British. Does any of the "wise men" on this discussion board have a cure for this horrible disease which makes my candidates disappear into thin air ? Thank you very much. So the coalition is going to get thousands of not very well British people back into work , while allowing millions of young fit poles etc to work here ! Not going to happen is it ? What employer would consider a poor track record middle aged Brit when he can have a twenty something super fit Pole who can work like a horse all day every day ! British citizens will work for a living wage. They are not prepared to live like animals in dirty overcrowded conditions, for a pittance that ends up in the landlords pocket. Immigrants will do this because it's not forever and what little that is left over will be worth more in their own country! many are claiming CB which is worth a fortune once converted into their own currency and some will claim for non-existent children, for many CB is the carrot. Once they have enough NI contributions some will go on JSA and apply for council housing which they will get because they are immigrants! Not every english person is a worthless layabout - okay some are but that doesn't mean the majority are like that and if the immigrants are over here to work hard then why on a recent trip to my sons in Bognor Regis was the town filled with groups of young men sat around smoking in groups speaking in a foreign language and obviously 'not working'.........? Brits should be more like the french and start protesting for what they believe in.. the country is not full, fly into Gatwick in the busy, over populated south east and look down, all you see is green verdant countryside. ****************** So you want to look through the window and see nothing but acres and acres of houses for the whole of Europe to live in? (on benefits and credits probably) I live in a country area and my son was trying to explain where a certain road was. My hubby said "Oh its by the pub on the corner" my son relied "No, that's been knocked down... the garage over the road has gone... the big parking area isn't there anymore... THERE IS AN ESTATE OF HOUSES! You would hardly recognise it!" Creeping like a cancer this build houses for all newcomers.... enjoy the fields while you can... they may not be there for long. Being full doesn't mean houses front to back... it means we have enough PEOPLE for the size of our pocket. Why is it that employers say they rely on unskilled foreign workers? Surely these jobs could be filled by people currently claiming benefits???? It's about time benefits claimants were made to work for their money instead of sitting at home watching Jeremy Kyle!!! They are polite and efficient, but surely there are locals willing to work in a petrol station or behind a supermarket till? - Chris, Cheltenham, Very unlikely. Also consider that many of the people currently in receipt of disability allowance could do either of those jobs. But they don't. Immigration should be stopped now including from all European countries. Only skilled people we require should be given work permits and the rest thrown out. No use the government making loud noises about people on benefits being forced to have jobs if there are few available. Not every British person is a layabout. It is much easier for a foreign worker to come to this country and take a lower paid job. they are probably mainly young single with no wife or family to look after, easily mobile, in that they can quite easily move from one part of the country living in rented rather than having a mortgage and from my experience in my town where i live, several individuals in one house. - Lloyd, Bridgwater, UK, 19/10/2010 09:22 Lloyd. several individuals in one house you say?, where i live in east london the norm is 6-8-10. people in one 3 bed house and i have this next door so please take this as the truth and not some figment of my imagination. If you left the UK to go back to Poland, Romania, Albania etc etc, and had to live on benefits how long would it take the ''penny'' to drop to discover where you are better off.Have a guess. My daughter in law is Polish and has lived here 14 years.She is appalled at the number of her countryfolk who are here living on benefits alone and know more about the system after 12 months than she does . They can't believe their luck and have openly said what mugs they think the British are.Come on you politicians ''get a grip''. I work abroad and commute weekly, the planes are full of east europeans who are prepared to get on their bikes ( Planes). As I have done, unable to find suitable work in the UK. Its hard , I miss my family, but dont want to be another sponger. The simple truth is that the welfare state pays people in redundant industrial towns to stay where they are. Many of these towns should simply no longer exist and the populations should have moved, as they would have done pre welfare state, to find work. Tough but inescapable, we would not have an immegration or unemployment problem if the state enforced internal mobility of labour through the benefits system. In East Europe if you don't work you don't eat. In the UK if you dont work you moan about the size of flat screen TV you have and think of foriegn holiday is some sort of basic right. Norman T was correct, get on your bikes. Just imagine what a lovely peaceful country this would have been if all these foreigners were not here , a couple of million people would have jobs , the infrastructure would be better able to cope with our population and there wouldn't be so many people homeless . SOUNDS LIKE THE COUNTRY I LIVED IN 40 YEARS AGO Looking after dementia patients in an expensive privately run care-home, I have encountered too many immigrants that lack basic skills, yet their CV's tell a different story, many don't speak fluent english and patients have been put in danger ie lowering a fragile old lady into a bath of boiling water! Many are willing to turn up for work but I have encountered laziness, and lack of skills. sorry folks. You are all wasting your time complaining. We are in the total grip of socialists who do not recognise any of your complaints The socialist mindset is one of total state control so any talk of 'saving' money by reducing benefits to our unemployed and therefore getting them back to work is useless. The socialist government (posing as a con/lib coillition) is now hellbent on destroying our defence capability and 'sharing' out aircraft carriers with our 'allys'in the EUSSR .Making cuts in our defence instead of making them where it will really make a difference ie. getting rid of wastefull government departments and quango's Roger Worthing Eastern Europeans can work for a lot less than British labour because many of them share their accomodation, employers take advantage of them by being more relaxed with health and safety issues, most Eastern Europeans work for agencies, so they have to work where they are sent to, and most of them live a very meagre lifestyle while here,sending as much of their wages home as possible where it is worth a lot more, what the likes of Mr Vince Cable means when he says they are good for the economy is untrue, they are good for the directors and shareholders profits only,as the money they send home, makes their Country wealthy and ours poorer. If these workers are living 7+ to a flat perhaps you should be checking with your Local Authority that their landlord has an HMO (House of Multiple Occupancy) licence as they are breaking the law if there isn't one in place. HMO licences are in place for the benefit of both landlords and tenants and ensure minimum standards and H&S requirements are met. Cramming this many people into a flat has a detrimental affect on the living standards of those living there, the immediate neighbours and the neighbourhood alike. "Phil, Sussex, 0915." Yes "Oh Dear," it certainly is, Nothing to do do with race hate, just plain and simple COMMON SENSE. Foreigners hire foreigners - I have seen hundreds of examples of this. Also, many employment agencies are now staffed by foreign workers who get jobs for the overseas workers and do not give Brits a chance. The idea that all British people will not take jobs is just a joke - many great high paying white collar jobs are also going to non-British workers (like many posts in the City) and no, that's not because the foreign workers are better and people wouldn't kill to work there. They include 'soft skilled' jobs - someone should do a proper review. How's that immigrant cap working you, Mr Cameron? Forgotten another one of your pledges? Or maybe you never intended to do what you promised from the beginning? Nick, Leiden, Holland If you believe that Britian is not full, come to Stoke-on-Trent and see for yourself, it certainly is bursting at the seams in this ''neck of the woods' with the attendent misery for all of us 'The country is not full, fly into Gatwick in the busy, over populated south east and look down, all you see is green verdant countryside. Being full is a not a fact. I live in Holland also full, yet there are acres and acres of open space' Really? Many of the fields, woods and open spaces that I played in a child are now housing estates, industrial units and roads and motorways. I cannot get away from the noise of traffic now. Those fields produced food and allowed rainwater to percolate down to the water table to facilitate irrigation and the drawing of water during dry spells. Now the water runs off the concrete and causes floods. One really long hot summer and the lack of water in our overpopulated south east will be disaterous in a way that it could not be if the population was sustainable. We now rely on imported food, one month long blockade of the the Channel ports or when Spain has a food problem of its own and stops exporting and we will have riots. This sort of thread really brings the xenopobics out of the woodwork. 'The country is full to the brim'. No it isn't. I went on a road trip with few friends last week, we passed through Dorset and marvelled at all the EMPTY SPACE. The only people who cry 'England is full!' are Little Englanders who blame everyone else in the world for their rubbish lives, when the truth is perhaps a little harder to face. Dont be fooled. We havent just had a million Eastern Europeans go home and then suddenly decide to come back, they never left in the first place. Just take a look at your local schools, hospitals and the ghettos being built up in towns and cities across the country and you will soon realise we have been lied to by this and the previous government. I never used to pay much attention to the EU immigration until my son needed a place at a local school. It turns out that kids of Eastern Europeans have as much right to the school places as my son (and I've been paying taxes in the UK all my life). We are even now told that EU kids will get priority as their families are poorer than the British!? We can afford a referendum on the alternative vote but we cant afford a referendum on our membership of the EU. The politicians should hang their heads in shame. I have joined UKIP in the last few months and will vote for a fair disucssion on the merits of the EU and then a referendum. What I don't understand is, they have cut back on so many services, stopped building schools, stopped building houses, cut back on health what is going to happen to all these people entering & living in Britain? How are we going to sustain this? Nulabourites should stop throwing the term "race hate" around so freely. There'll always be people who don't much like another culture, or some other cultures. They may, or may not, "hate" people from those cultures. For example, I find French culture very attractive and in general the French charming and courteous. I don't find the German culture very attractive. I find US culture very mixed, with different extremes. I like Thai culture. Italian culture has lots to recommend it. None of that means I'm a race hater and "hate" Germans! That's just false NuLabour reasoning and a false accusation. Ironically a lot of "anti-racists" these days seem to spend their time trying to stir up racial tension. Here it goes again...British layabouts will have their they have so much time on their hands. EasternEuropeans are mainly at work. Get a job and stop whining. Let me tell you there are MANY unemployed people who WANT to work, but just cannot survive on the paltry wages some of the jobs on offer, many by some of the biggest names in the UK. Also as a previous employer, one had to have a very good reason not to take on an incomer, the employment laws are skewed against the Brits. - Paul, Barnstaple, 19/10/2010 8:53 And yet the immigrants can survive on the paltry wages - it's the attitude problem with the British and it's not the immigrants fault. Employers do not have to offer you a living, they offer you a job and they can pay what they like (as long as it's no lower than the minimum wage). If you don't want to work for what they offer then you can't blame someone else for doing it instead. I agree that the British are not lazy but I also think that we are greedy and want everything, people have to compromise. If the immigrants can find low paid jobs then so can the British, but I doubt you really want them as you want more money. You know, a lot of problems in Britain would be mostly solved if Cameron would just keep his election promises. So he knows the solutions but instead he has become another part of the problems. Which makes him just as much a traitor to Britain as Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were. North European countries - generally - have high cost, high wage economies, which of course is a magnet to everyone else in the world. The only way that a high cost, high wage economy can survive is by making very well designed goods to a very high standard - which is what the Germans and the Dutch do. The problem is that there are now countries which have a low cost, low wage economy who are making things every bit as good as we can make them and at much lower cost! The only way West European economies can survive is to reduce their costs by driving down wages. A British worker can survive, sort of, on £8 per hour but his opposite number in East Europe only gets £3.50 an hour for the same work. If that East European worker can then come to Britain and earn £6 per hour, he's very happy - and so is his boss who's saved £2 per hour. A high cost economy which has [a] unrestricted access for foreign workers and [b] generous benefits for those who don't work is going down the plughole Stop ALL these people coming into OUR country and make these work shy people get some sort of job. CUT ALL THESE BENEFITS NOW not in two years time. Yeah but how do you block people from coming in? If they are Europeans and we are part of Europe. The poles just want a better life for themselves like everyone else. If we don't want them and other Eastern Europeans we shouldn't be part of Euorope. So it's ok for us Brits to change the landscape of South Spain but not for the poles to live here?So shall we call back home all the Brits that live abroad cos they are a lot of them living in Europe. Also How can we say who should be in the European Union and who shouldn't.? Let's not forget that us Brits have colonised half the world and used to the ground other countries resources what goes around comes around. Why is it neccessary to ghettoise the figures from Eastern Europe from the total EU figure? Why not break it down even further and see how many came from France, Germany, Scandanavia and so on? Or is it because it's acceptable to stigmatise people from that part of the EU? - Joe Scaramanga, London, UK, 19/10/2010 You are right Joe - it IS acceptable to stigmatise people from certain parts of EU. I am one of these eastern europeans and have been living in the UK for 12 years now. This kind of attitude and generalisation is insulting. I work hard, I've never claimed benefits and have always paid taxes unlike the EU immigrants who, as someone pointed out, come here and claim benefits. And before the rest of the xenophobs get their knickers in the twist - I was a student for four years and my family paid for my education - not you. Every meat factory in Scotland (I am not sure about other locations in the UK) has been over run by foreign workers, my friend got a job at a local one and he told me there were gangs of foreign speaking people, and they far outnumbered the English people, he said at some lunch times it felt like he was one of the only British lads in there. It has been noticeable in recent months that when local letting agents advertise one bed flats for rent they have started adding "couple or single person only" to the ads. This is because immigrant workers are renting them out and then moving friends in with them to share the cost. I have just finished renovating a one bed flat recently and am about to employ a decorator to finish it for me. I was going to put a sofabed in the livingroom (I was thinking about whether a tenant might have someone staying overnight on the odd weekend). My builder advised me not to - if you don't want to let to benefit claimants the market here is driven by E Europeans. He is a landlord and said a sofabed would encourage them to sublet the livingroom out. I bought the flat as my retirement pension btw, my private pension has been worth very little since the last government robbed it. Imagine a United Kingdom where the only non-uk individuals here were either students on study visas for a specified list of Universities, people with specified and subsequently approved qualifications/skills and also any people married to British Citizens BORN here........... Illegal immigrants aside for the moment, that would certainly redress the balance wouldn't it? Why won't anyone dare to speak the TRUTH and say it how it is; I mean ask yourself - WHY do these people all insist on coming here???????? No, seriously - WHY??????? So - get the answer to this fundamental question - then deal with the issue accordingly - AND DEAL WITH IT IN FAVOUR OF THE MAJORITY WILL OF BRITISH CITIZENS BORN HERE - those that NATURALLY deserve the greatest say. (btw - Naturalised is NOT the same as Natural) they are cheap labour,it's as simple as that. they cost the country billions and if all the foreigners were sent home the economic problems would be solved a ta stroke. but shameron won't do a thing(despite his promises) because he and his rich friends benefit while the rest of us suffer. The country is not full, fly into Gatwick in the busy, over populated south east and look down, all you see is green verdant countryside. - nick, Leiden Holland, 19/1 Has it not occurred to you that the land may just be needed to grow FOOD! Something that will become even more necessary in the not too distant future! Absolutely Right Mick. 6 years ago, I worked on a major construction job in the UK, all the jobs except for a few, were allocated to a polish workers employment agency, the conditions these people lived in were like army barracks style from WW2 double and triple bunks in rooms and caravan sites, very poor living accomodation and no facilities other than a small telivision for hundreds of them. Polish Employment Agencies are making a fortune out of jobs that are denied to UK citizens. I don't care who they are as long as they get the job done. How many times a week is it we read in the Mail about benefit fraud? Well, if more of so called 'English' workers got off their backsides maybe it wouldn't be so easy for these agencies to stick their people into jobs? And why is it the DM never writes about immigrants from Africa, Afghanistan, China? Is it the skin colour or do they do a better job than the European immigrants? We have had it too easy and immigrants are prepared to work harder and cheaper than us, also do jobs we don't want to. Thats why they are doing so well, we may not like it but thats how it is. The UK has a very high minimum wage and an extremely good benefit structure, particularly for dependants. Until these are on a par with the rest of Europe then of course the poor of the EU will flock to take advantage. The minimum wage needs to be frozen or reduced and benefits reduced so that it pays to take these low paid jobs. Poland has no immigration problem. The time is long overdue to leave the EU and put a stop to all this unrestricted and unchecked immigration.It is time that we said British jobs for British workers,these jobs that the Poles and others are doing should be being done by our own people which begs another question,if the Poles and others can find work and jobs are ten a penny for them,then why is it difficult for our own citizens to find these jobs and it quite frankly makes me wonder if a lot of these jobs that they are doing are being done legally or barely legally. Absolutely awful all these foreigners coming here doing jobs we don't want to do or aren't qualified for what do they think this country is some sort of meritocracy get on your bike the world doesn't owe you a living sort of country I think they should all leave and we should give civil service and teaching jobs to good ole blighty people who didn't pass any exams and can't be bothered to work who would notice but don't expect all the blighties who left to come back and just waltz into jobs it's disgusting kick the buggers out that's what I say Really, the xenophobes and little Englanders have obviously got too much time on their hands today It is now well past time to STOP ALL immigration NOW. And if that means withdrawing from the EU SSR - well even more reason to STOP ALL immigration NOW. I am doing the same thing only I work in Germany but am from Kent .. but it's ok that way round isn't it you Numpties. If we wont get off our lazy behinds and do the work that these migrants will do .. who can blame the employers? They also work for less. whose fault is that? Why can't we have representatives of the people, running the country instead of politicians? We need to curb immigration from within the E.U. I live near Wisbech were recently it was reported that 9,000 eastern europeans have taken up residence. We have many gangmasters here which have a monopoly on labour which serves factories & farms with many only employing cheap labour from eastern europe & 'discouraging' locals to keep the cheap labour coming in. Many such e/e's have gangmaster subsidised accommodation or live in multi-occupancy dwellings of up to 10+ in larger rented properties. Those who live temporarily in such properties can afford to live off of the low wages proffered by farms & factories simply because bills are split e.g 10 ways which means there is disposable cash to send home (abroad) or spend. Single local people or those with families could not survive on such wages so do not take up such jobs, but out of necessity not choice. One last point. One gangmaster stated many of his e/e's left to get houses and benfits asap after working the minimum time. This is just one of the big problems membership of the EU causes us, leaving aside the huge waste of money belonging to this useless club Anyone from any EU country who decides they want to come here to benefit from our welfare society can come and live here any time they like And there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop these parasites Here in Brighton, vast numbers of these jobless, often very young, EU foreigners spend their time hanging around the streets smoking, lounging around in coffee bars and even worse, sitting around the seafront getting drunk on cheapo supermarket booze the instances of British employers specifying that they are looking for Romanian /Polish speaking workers is on the rise. Unless job seekers are prepared to learn either of these languages how are they expected to compete? They're taking the jobs us lazy brits don't want. We're lucky we have immigrants to cover our @rses. I was taken on by an agency last Christmas in a warehouse, I could not communicate, or share a joke with any of my co workers, as we didn't share a language, I felt like the outsider. So even if you're lucky enough to get a job with an agency, its unlikely to last long as the hell of not being able to communicate is too much. This is why we English can't get work and believe me it isn't for the want of trying and yet we are still marked as lazy dole bums, when every time you try to apply for a job you have all of the EU to compete against and the rest of the world, it becomes a impossible task, even if they create jobs they will be for the immigrants so what chance have we ever got in getting back to work, I'm sick of this country and what these Governments are doing to us. I worked in the UK 6 years ago in South Wales on a Major Construction Project, local and travelling Construction people could not get a job there or in limited numbers to appease the local week unions. Overseas employment agencies had the contracts to supply Polish workers. This is very common, the general impression is given that individuals come over and seek work, usually it is done through an agent who will only employ cheap labour as the Clients pay less than the minimum wage to the immigrant workers agent. They can show you the GROSS amount paid to the worker, the NET amount is a lot less by the time flights and accomodation is deducted among other expenses. Another triumph for the EU as we get all the rubbish coming to our country, why can we not have a referendum on the EU , we would probably come out, kick out all the undesirables, stop paying out all our wealth to foreigners trying to come in and see our unemployment drop. Be able to look after the old and sick who are genuine and laugh as we watch the EU go down the pan. One only has to look around and listen to the myriad of Eastern Nationals in our streets between nine to five so maybe it is their day off? Maybe not working at all? To add to this one can not miss the number of young children accompanying them. Benefit? Housing? National Health ? all cost money and who is paying for it. ? Vehicles with Polish number plates in the car park not displaying a UK tax disc are the norm Why do they come here? No not for the climate but because we are a soft touch. From day one it is the gravy train that is a major attraction for many. A cap on immigration from outside the E.U is not what we require it is a cap on the millions heading our way from within a corrupt organisation called the European Union. Do not tell me before they all came here in droves that every job they fill was vacant in previous years. Such excuses from Politicians are rubbish! How I would love for the hypocrites posting here sympathetic to all these eastern Europeans to suddenly find a rented housefull of say eight of them living next door to them..........yes I thought so If there is one thing the British excell at it is nimby hypocracy.....they are world leaders in that if little else. If we had our referendum on EU membership we would have left this corrupt & expensive 'club' and able to close our borders. Without the influx of EU and immigrant workers our workshy would have no excuse for avoiding a job......... - Peter, Sutton, 19/10/2010 9:56 You will never ever get a referendum on the EU from the Conservatives under Cameron. Because they know the result would have to be EU withdrawal. The UK will need a right-leaning Conservative government with a new leader, in coalition with UKIP before this happens. The next general election is going to be very interesting indeed..... Thank God for these extra people. Its becoming almost impossible to fill any job vacancies now. Of course the feckless benifits claimmants wont look for work they get more on benifits , where as these Foreign workers , demand less wages ,,,,,, escape paying tax ,,, national insurance .... I know somebody who had to take a pay-cut from £40k to £26k because his boss said there were plenty of East Europeans who would do his job for £26k. Two solutions: either raise minimum wage to a level that attracts British workers to pick fruit or work in a coffee shop, or lower benefits to below that of the current minimum wage. If someone turns down the offer of work they should only receive the most basic accommodation (ie a hostel for single people) and their benefits should be paid in vouchers that cannot be used for fags or booze. Perhaps that is too left wing for many DM readers but even scroungers should be treated as humans. Just not treated like they deserve a better lifestyle than, say, a bus driver, bin man or Tesco checkout girl. "But some ministers, led by Business Secretary Vince Cable, are anxious to stave off the Coalition’s promised cap on immigration from outside the EU to maintain the flow of skilled and cheap, unskilled foreign workers that employers say they need" ", unskilled foreign workers..." says it all really. Before Thatcher we had an industrial base with skilled workers, now it's financial services or the sandwich factories. What hope is there for this country to get out of the hole that it is in through the disastrous policies of the previous government, when this invasion of foreigners is allowed to continue unchecked? Britain is set for oblivion unless something drastic is done immediately. It is not only jobs at risk but the serious over-crowding which is is spoiling peoples' lives in their own country! - maxine, Lincoln, 19/10/2010 8:31 Of course, you wouldn't work or live on the pathetic wage you are offering though would you? 'The number of foreigners working in Britain has hit an all-time high....This summer, the total topped 2.4million for the first time' The current level of UK unemployment is....a little more than half of that total? The usual argument is that foreign workers happily accept lower wages, poor working conditions etc Not noticed that at all with, for example, Polish plumbers or builders. Equally, the opposition of some politicians and employers to the proposed immigration cap arises from a concern about cheap, unskilled migrant labour but that well qualified and skilled workers will not be able to enter and work in the UK. Annoyingly, a lot of foreign workers in Britain particularly are taking high value work because, after thirteen years of Labour and its education policies, there are too few suitably qualified British workers to fill vacancies. Whenever the media (servants of the Government) are focusing on the foreigners and the evil associated with them, you can bet that they are trying to divert the attention of the gullible public from something much bigger. DM readers fall for it regularly - very amusing. We have the same in Germany, don't worry. Just as naive and narrow-minded. We give aid to other countries when we cannot afford to because it is "ring fenced." We give benefits to immigrants when we cannot afford to. We keep people alive when they want to die with dignity yet we stop money to people who need help to live a productive life. If we give our jobs to foreigners as well we will never be able to afford anything again. Yet again the native Briton will suffer whilst another government cowers from EU bureaucracy surrounding immigration policies. If we are "all in this together" then lets look at issues not only surrounding cutting public spending but also getting the country back on it's feet through gainful employment for the indigenous population - not continuing to allow floods of foreign nationals in to swamp the labour market. Those that choose to flaunt incapacity benefit and suddenly find themselves available for work after the benefit review will then have jobs to turn to. I cannot understand this, how come we have millions of people LOOKING for work that cannot find a job but these foreigners come here and have no problem finding work. Are our own unemployed just a bunch of lazy layabouts or are they just so stupid they cannot be employed to do even the most menial tasks? If you have to be ACTIVELY SEEKING WORK to claim taxpayers money, how is it possible they cannot find work when clearly there are job vacancies that need filling? We need a workfair scheme where if you claim money for being out of work, you give something back to the community be it cleaning graffiti of walls or picking up litter from the streets. This would benefit the unemployed as it would give them some esteem having a purpose in life and would also instill a work ethic in them. Who knows it may even encourage them to find a real job if they have to get out of bed and od something. Single mums could clean in schools when their children are in class, EVERYBODY should do something!!! We can not stop immigration unless we leave the EU Empire. Sign the petition happening now for a referendum on in or out of EU and never vote LibLabCon again . Economics, I can get a hard working, motivated and skilled polish builder to do a better job and for half the price. Your average Brit builder cannot be bothered to turn up for quotes etc and if they do they want a load of cash to do basic work. - Luke, London, 19/10/2010 07:54 I work in the building industry (roofer of 18 years) and yes 'some' of the polish work hard but skilled they are not, Health and Safety is a joke to them and they don't like talking in English to the rest of us which makes large building sites rather dangerous. I wouldn't trust a polish builder as far as I could throw one having seen their 'workmanship' first hand. So Luke, care to explain how you decided English builders are lazy and con artists? It was a sweeping statement from you that adds to the myth. Why don't you go back to you little office job instead of coming out with utter rubbish about an industry you clearly know nothing about. this country is crying out for a new leader with a voice for the people. Not every British person is a layabout. It is much easier for a foreign worker to come to this country and take a lower paid job. they are probably mainly young single with no wife or family to look after, easily mobile, in that they can quite easily move from one part of the country living in rented rather than having a mortgage and from my experience in my town where i live, several individuals in one house. There isn't a set number of jobs in this country, more people will generate more jobs. Brits should stop whining and go out there and get a job. Or maybe organise a strike or something for the minimum wage to go up so the foreigners can't get a lower wage than what is "acceptable" for Brits. Can't believe that so many Brits refuse to work for minimum wage (which I am assuming is the problem here) and rather sit on there behinds and do nothing. You have to start somewhere to get anywhere. Surely most people received the minimum wage in there very ffirst job. i have already started boycotting certain products as it has emerged eastern european workers are favoured over british ones: look at the economics of that! Bang on the nail Lenny,!!,thats what its all about and the fools in this country cant see it,!other countrys are doing ok with out the eu stazi state, Foreign works are so good how come i have to rip out the pipe-work they had done because of leaks ,but they do,nt get the sack because the manager is on a kick back to employ them.I earn my £30 per hour putting their mess right. remember foreign workers get up to FIVE times the amount in their own wage that english workers do - wouldn`t you clean toilets for hours on end for 25-30 pounds an hour? please stop this bashing of english workers - it is the excuse of greedy bosses selling us all out and you are attacking your fellow countrymen. what is wrong with you? I look forward to the day when they get bored and find somewhere else to roost and the workers you are leaving behing won`t want to work for you. and the benefits issue is a non-starter: you still have to pay for food, clothing, laundrette, electricity, water rates, tv licence out of 65 pounds per week. how is that living in luxury? h by the way if bosses are saying they can get foreign workers cheaper etc and it makes financial sense then we must also accept that benefit people who are better off not working are also acceptable and britain is broken. i don`t want that. stop these people from taking our homes, benifits, housing....send them home.....give jobs to the english, those firms that employ just poles over here instead of taking their host c ountry residents. is not on. one such shop where our monies are spent 99 pence shop polish only no english it is an utter afront on us the english Hurry for O'leary and Ryan Air! Polish women are very beautiful, they mate with the English, good looking children prevail. People in Bollington where I work have interbred for years with scary results. All this is simply foreigner hate propaganda! So 1.39 million now minus 966,000 in 1997, 13 years ago means an average increase of a mere 56,000 a year. This is perfectly acceptable and there is no doubt that a far greater proportion of their number than us brit have contributed in taxation to the British economy as well as doing some of those jobs us brits won't do! The problem of overcrowding does not exist and the problem of the economy certainly does not lay with them! We already know who ruined this country! we are constantly told by our politicians and business people that immigration is necessary for our continued economic growth and prosperity. while large inflows of immigrants may indeed be of great benefit to business, but i am not convinced this is also true for society as a whole. what about the social cost of immigration, an issue rarely addressed by our political and business elites? human happiness is not merely a sum of economic factors. lasting human bonds, a sense of continuity and belonging are equally, if not more, important for a society's well-being. with a constantly changing social landscape, these are becoming harder to achieve. whilst there can be no progress without change, too much change too quickly does not necessarily lead to a better quality of life and greater happiness. i admit this is only my personal experience, but for me everyday existence has become less joyful in an increasingly overcrowded city with an ever changing population. The country is not full, fly into Gatwick in the busy, over populated south east and look down, all you see is green verdant countryside. Being full is a not a fact. I live in Holland also full, yet there are acres and acres of open space. The concern is too many people compared with what we think is right. We are in the EU and by pulling together we can make it work, Poles, Bulgarians etc want to work, can work and do work. If our post war socialist education system has failed to educate too many people that is not the fault of the Poles etc. There is also the attitude that the world owes people a living, no you earn a living. Immigration from countries outside the EU is another matter. Again skilled work people with work permits are welcome and contribute to our common good. We have a problem with others who do not share our, in effect secular christian based society. For them living on the state is an aspiration, not a safety net. The Germans are right. Oh dear. I see the race hate trolls are out in force with this little "story" Reading the comments, it is obvious that the people calling our unemployed layabouts do not know what they are talking about. First these EU immigrants are employed by agencies. The employers will only take on agency workers. As they can lay them of at a moments notice. The agencies will only take on EU immigrants who live three to a room in squallier some accommodation provided by agencies. My son was recently made redundant he had a job in two weeks but he works 16 hours a day delivering cars around the country he only gets paid for the time he is driving. So if he travels 300 miles he does not get paid for the return by train. So all of you out there so quick to condemn our unemployed get your facts right before you open your mouths. Fact is English people are being overlooked by employers who prefer foreign workers. Our own people will never work but will be reduced to working for benefits while the immigrants get the best jobs & pick of housing. The goverment needs to wake up to this problem especially when they are going to cut tens of thousands of jobs in the public sector. If they are not careful the British public will lose faith in them and turn to extreme parties lik the BNP and could also bring the country to a standstill as the French are doing. If you look at other countries such as Germany, France and Spain they are experiencing the same problems - immigrant labour doing the jobs they don't want to do. France and Germany didn't originally even want us in the EU - in fact we paid the most to get in! The poorer countries, like Spain originally (who have done so well with EU money) and now Eastern Europe gained the most. When a club has too many members, it's time to get out. If you look at other countries such as Germany, France and Spain they are experiencing the same problems - immigrant labour doing the jobs they don't want to do. France and Germany didn't originally even want us in the EU - in fact we paid the most to get in! The poorer countries, like Spain originally (who have done so well with EU money) and now Eastern Europe gained the most. When a club has too many members, it's time to get out. Either these foreign workers jobs aren't advertised or I'm blind! Are these jobs reserved for them? Migration cap - OUTSIDE THE EU - so it is pointless! The migration cap should be in the EU!!! And before Politicians start bleeting on about , we need the highly trained immigrants - by now they should of trained their own voters, to be the highly trained workers they needed, 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 years ago! All those correspondents having a go at the "idle British" should read the entry from 'Mo,London' @ 15.13.It's not as simple a matter as idleness. I support a lot of the comments re the number of unskilled shirkers who would, and should be applying for work which is being done by the polish and eastern europeans. However I must point out that it would take a change of attitude from the employers too, they actually prefer to take on the foreign workers who have good work ethics. Easy, only pay benefit to the fit and able when it has been worked for, no choice of job, what is wrong with these politiians???? Thank you Laboutr Party! You never asked us, but simply pursued a policy of making us strangers in our own Country to improve your electoral prospects. En-route you bankrupted Britain for the third time in the single lifetime of an individual. You are unfit to govern, your ex Leadership are criminals and one day justice will be done. Will somebody please ask those dipsticks that are members of HM Government how the unskilled unemployed citizens of this country that are willing to work are expected to find employment with the emigration floodgates wide open? For the attention of those self-appointed "employment experts" that post here and tell us all there are jobs for unskilled people but they are too lazy to find them: Please be so good as to tell us where, as I know somebody, with a mortgage and in danger of losing his house, who is absolutely desperate to work but can not get so much as an application form for a job -let alone an interview -despite CONSTANT efforts. Well? Will somebody please ask those dipsticks that are members of HM Government how the unskilled unemployed citizens of this country that are willing to work are expected to find employment with the emigration floodgates wide open? For the attention of those self-appointed "employment experts" that post here and tell us all there are jobs for unskilled people but they are too lazy to find them: Please be so good as to tell us where, as I know somebody, with a mortgage and in danger of losing his house, who is absolutely desperate to work but can not get so much as an application form for a job -let alone an interview -despite CONSTANT efforts. Well? It's these workers that ensure that many employers can and will pay the absolute minimum wage. I too could live on the wage if I shared a house with 7 other adults and sent the majority of my wage (plus family allowance) back to Eastern Europe. The employment agencies are the people who should be investigated they are the ones pushing for these people to come here and not helping British workers. They can rip these people off much easier than british workers. - jan, somerset, 19/10/2010 7:23 Absolutely, and don't forget that foreign workers rent small houses and live four to every room, enabling them to take such cheap wages. Two related problems which are the direct result of Labour's years of denial which will have long term damaging results. It also begs the question, if the East Europeans are coming here to work, what are the millions of non-EU economic migrants doing? Do you honestly blame them? wouldn't you come to this country? It makes me sick but it is not their fault! It is our Governments fault for letting it happen! If we had our referendum on EU membership we would have left this corrupt & expensive 'club' and able to close our borders. Without the influx of EU and immigrant workers our workshy would have no excuse for avoiding a job. Common sense, (which few politicians appear to have), would suggest a 'workfare' scheme where benefit recipients have to work for their income, even if it is only sweeping streets! It is far too easy to lose the habit of going to work, far too hard to restore it !! The key word here is 'workers', we can't blame people coming here to work when we allow our own indigenous layabouts do nothing for the equivalent wage of a chartered accountant. People who come here from low cost countries believe that they are being paid well. At some time they can return and enjoy wealth they couldn't make in their own country and live well. If you are from the the UK a high cost country, made high by red tape, high taxes, numerous laws, highly priced housing and rip off prices these jobs don't meet the burdens placed on you. If these jobs paid enough for a UK person to get the same perceived benefit as the migrants they would take the jobs. The current system creates a trap because the state then has to pay for people who can't or won't work - raising taxes and making us more uncompetitive. There is no pressure on the employers to raise wages. The bottom line is that British people will not take these jobs when they can sit around on the dole and maybe do a bit of work on the side and be better off Mr Toad, Toad Hall, 19/10/2010 5:56 I get a little fed up with this argument, the 'incomers' have pushed down the market rate for any vacancy in the UK. Its the capitalists way, we Brits do not rent a house with nine other people, we have not been conditioned to do so, our domestic overheads are higher, we just are creating a third world state in this country. Let me tell you there are MANY unemployed people who WANT to work, but just cannot survive on the paltry wages some of the jobs on offer, many by some of the biggest names in the UK. Also as a previous employer, one had to have a very good reason not to take on an incomer, the employment laws are skewed against the Brits. our own kids cannot get training, my boy wants to train for a trade to help him have an active and productive working life not to just push paper around like local goverment do... give our own kids a chance to train for the skills this country needs Is it not strange that we are supposed to have 2.4 million people unemployed and there are 2.4 million foreigners working here, and dont give me this rubbish about they do the job we wont do either its a lie. All the government has to do is get rid of the 2.4 million who should not be working here and give the unemployed their 2.4 million jobs, if they do not take them the government stops there payments. As for that cretin Vince Cable who wants to import more foreigners so that the business men can give lower wages and have everyone living on the bread line again, let him get a job in Poland or wherever. And finally not all unemployed people as scroungers who will take any sort of job, they will if there are jobs there because after six months they stop your dole if your wife is working, you get no benefits at all. If it were just the workers here it would be bad enough but what about the relatives of the workers who are here using the NHS, education and other services, putting a strain on the housing situation and not contributing themselves. An eastern european may be working hard but is usually living in overcrowded conditions so the amount of council tax paid on a property does not reflect the number of people using local services. They pay little tax and insurance because they earn the minimum wage so they get back far more than they pay into our system. This country is not only sick but I have came to believe it is quite stupid and can scarcely be called a country at all. We refused to raise our voices when it could have made a difference, now this pathetic and weak country is getting what is coming to it and what we deserve, the best we can hope for is that the downfall of this so called 'nation' wont be too protracted. And therein lies the root of the problem This is the immigration that most Britons are concerned about and don't want, but are too afraid to speak out against it as it is not PC. The immigration from outside of Europe is minimal in comparison and is only from skilled workers. Why is it that our country pays European workers such things as child benefit even when their children remain in their own home country? We cannot and should not put up with this for any longer. It really is time to for us to leave the EU so a refendum on it must be a priority. If only UKIP was a much stronger party and people were prepared to vote for them rather than feel it was a wasted vote in a General Election. I do not think CON/LIB/LAB politics can change to match what our country needs in this century. The reason british workers don't take so called lower paid work has many reasons, but the amin ones are: Why work when you can get paid for doing nothing Years of sub standard education where they are allowed to get away without having to work and being made out of some sort of victim because they are for a so called "disadvantaged" home. They are unable to take orders - a majority when asked to do something they don't want will automaticall kick off. hold on...... before moaning about every unemployed brit being bone idle. if you have a house paying 500 pound a month rent 5 eastern europeans sharing getting child benefit for there kids back home working on minmum wage life is good they are here to send money back home. now a brit with is wife and kids paying the same 500 pound rent council tax utilities on minimum wage cannot live. Ah good news, this may mean I can fill my vacancies now. Pity the Poles can't pay their way, my partner has a small terraced house which she rents out as a pension. The Polish residents have just left owing £2500 rent, £700 worth of damage and not a chance in hell of getting any money back. She must now pay up to have the house refurbished so that it can be sold (fat chance). Whilst I have nothing against the Eastern Europeans, I feel sorry for the working class of Britain. Influx of these people must surely drive down the wages. Maybe the British working class should consider emigrating to Australia, where working class jobs are still relatively plentiful. The Brits will always be welcome in OZ. In France, most of the jobs doing seasonal work such as fruit picking are done by local nationals; very few immigrant workers seem in evidence here, apart from English ex-pats who are having a hard time because of the exchange rate. In Britain the unemployed should be offered this work or refused benefits. Good job these foreigners came in and are working, otherwise UK plc would be bankrupt. How else can UK pay for all the benefits and allowances but from the tax taken off these foreigners. - Toby, UK, 19/10/2010 05:57 If that wasonly the case the majority to not pay any tax This is hilarious. Before lection " I will give you a referendum on the E.U.", "We will sort out immigration and asylum", " I will tackle the workshy" , " We will have a bonfire of the quangos". Call me dave really pulled the wool over your eyes didn't he? The word politician should be abolished and replaced with LIAR. There is another side of this argument - the employers. Until they work with government to employ British first and foreigners if needed then this will go on. There is no doubt as jobs are created then people from abroad will take them if offered. If you go to France they will only employ you if no French person is available to do the job. this just shows that with a little encouragement if we stopped these workers coming in, maybe with an immigration hut in Skye, that most of our unemployed could be found work to do. It would take very little money or organising, and as long as they are paid at least the minimum wage, it would be right. But there is the problem, most of these workers from eastern europe do not earn anything like the minimum wage, the collective housing is below par and the are treated like mules! Maybe we could stop this problem too, but the increase in food prices may be hard to swallow!! Why is it neccessary to ghettoise the figures from Eastern Europe from the total EU figure? Why not break it down even further and see how many came from France, Germany, Scandanavia and so on? Or is it because it's acceptable to stigmatise people from that part of the EU? My husband tried employing local workers. Those who were prepared to get off their backsides and come to work were nowhere near as good as the foreign workers we were forced to employ to avoid going bankrupt. Local workers seem to tnink they have a right to £15 an hour, a tea break every hour, a break for a smoke every hour in between tea breaks and a toilet break as and when. To be honest local people were basically rubbish. They had no idea of punctuality, relability or any other of the virtues that Eastern Europeans take for granted. The sooner our education system starts to show our children that it's a hard competitive world the better. The stupid ideas they've had that there are no winners allowed as this might upset the losers has to go. Workers have to accept the reality that we are in a competitive world and that if we are to remain viable in business lower wages are more likely than pay rises as we will have to compete with foreign competition where low pay is the norm. the problem is you have skilled english workers and foriegn unskilled workers you can get two unskilled for the price of one skilled which option do you think the employer is going to take to save money this is part of the problem I know plenty of skilled workers who were made redundant from a local factory but now it has reopened they are no longer needed and the factory is now full of poles who are unskilled the ones who were made redundant are more than willing to take a minimum wage job as they just want to get back into work after being out for 18 months now all you that jump on the get of your backside side and find a job band wagon should be ashamed of yourselves yes there are plenty of people who dont want to work but dont tar everyone on the dole with the same brush until redundancy happens to you and there are no jobs left in the area to go into because the employer wants cheap and poles and east europeans come very cheaply reccomended Listen to the people and get us OUT OF THE EU! If you dont you will find your time in office to be the shortest in history!! the only skills shortage in the UK is competent politicians. The British have become LAZY. Not just in recent years but for many years . CUT the benifits and make it more important to work . A once Great country should be ashamed. The operative word being 'workers'. Well done them. Despite many people decrying immigrants it takes a lot to leave your own country/environment/language to work abroad, even if it's for just a few years. People won't move from Rochdale (or wherever) where there are 'no jobs' to work elsewhere, yet Poles will move from Poland to work in the UK. - yes WORK not be on benifits. This makes me very angry! People on here saying that English people wont take these jobs because we are lazy! NO! We cannot take these jobs because we have mortgages, rent, council tax, electricity etc.... to pay for our families. These people have about 10 people living in a 2 bedroom flat working all times of the day. This is why they can afford to work for rubbish wages. But I dont blame them, I blame the UK companies employing them in the first place. Anything for cheep labour! the reason young British kidscan't get jobs is because agencies are biased towards E European workers. An agency here in Colchester wouldn't even let my daughter register for work as they were only taking Polish applications for summer jobs on farms - even though my daughter is fit and willing (she attends Agricultural College - so not afraid of physical work) And they were paying above Nat Mimium Wage what chance have the youngsters got - none. Get the workshy off their backsides by reducing their benefits. Say a reduction of 10% after 6 months followed by reduction of 20% every 6 months thereafter. And if they return to benefits they go back to the point they left. There's a current saying in Poland going around which roughly follows as "Better to live in crisis ravaged Britain than in a booming Poland". That's why they're all coming back. @Kimi, London, 19/10/2010 4:40 You don't consider minimum wage as cheap labour? Let me tell you something sunshine, it's bad enough that security jobs have fallen from £7.50 an hour to £5.90 but they alo want you to work 12 hour shifts for that, I was w My son is a skilled worker and has been in and out of Agency Work for well over three years now. The work he was trained to do is always given to a "foreign Worker" because they will work for less money. This is also the case in any unskilled job. He is not on any benefits as not applicable if living with relatives. Whereas the the foreign workers get all the benefits to top up their low pay.They get it both ways. The wealthy and ruling class just want a low paid slave class. They therefore proove thay are traitors and therefore any theft or action against them legitimate for the British poor. "CHEAP" foreign Workers What happened to MINNIMUM WAGE ? not such a good idea after all . Vince Cable and the liberals/Labour party live in a dream world in constituencies that are unnaffected by the worst aspects of unchecked immigration. He thnks he knows better than the general public. Merkle has woken up & smelt the coffee. It seems Hell willl freeze over before the Liberal politicians do the same. So why doesn't the government propose a cap on foreign workers form the EU? Because it can't, that's why. We are in Europe and run by Europe. Mr Cameron is also in favour of Turkey becoming a member of the EU, so presumably the Turks would be allowed to come and work in the UK too. Personally, I don't care one way or the other whether Turkey joins the European entity , , , so long as the UK leaves it. For the last few years I've bought petrol from a particular Shell garage in Cheltenham, and have been puzzled why the people serving behind the counter are ALWAYS young foreigners (Polish I think). The same applies to my local Lidl store. They are polite and efficient, but surely there are locals willing to work in a petrol station or behind a supermarket till? There will be serious revolt soon if immigration is left unchecked. Foreign workers are driving down pay and conditions in the work place. Is it little wonder employers and the Government of the day like this. The landscape of England is changing quickly, soon English folk will be ethnically cleansed by the EU, something Adolf Hitler failed to do. The UK has a spineless Government past and present and now we are paying for it dearly. The US controls our foreign policy 100% and has clearly been instrumental into Turkey's membership of the EU (so it can build missile sites there). There is nothing we can do or say, this is all a prelude to the next phase of European reorganisation. Civil unrest will not happen as the vast majority of British civilians have been brain washed into drones. I know few people who are working in UK and all of them are calling our locals to work there. Their company bosses are saying that if you get more Eastern Europeans to work there you get bonus. One workplace is a fish factory where they all the time have staff shortage because work is in minus decrees and Britons don't work there. Other place is jam factory where they have 12-14 hour shifts and again locals don't want to work there. I understand that E-Europeans are taking Britons work but in the same time I think that there will be many companies closed without foreign workers. If locals don't want to work in company because the pay is to small - it can be changed. But if Britons don't want to work because working conditions are hard - it can't be changed as fish will rot in warm room! Surely the stay at home are doing their bit for oversees aid. If the brits took up all these dead end jobs where would these poor east europeans get their jobs. We should be thanking our youngsters that are helping those that are less well off than themselves. It enables those that have worked here to get onto the benefits ladder by virtue of EU laws that insist our country must treat these citizens be treated as our own once they are here. So please stop vilifying our wonderful charitable youngsters and those that choose to see others less well off than themselves get on in life. It is interesting that Britain peaked when these workers came to assist us and crashed when they left. Hopefully their return will help stimulate a recovery despite the best efforts of the current government to destroy it. It's not the East Europeans we should be worried about. They come and go with little impact on our culture. We should be more concerned about Africans and Asians, those who have no right to be here, have no wish to go back home and no intention of integrating. Clearly the locals are too lazy to do some jobs and prefer to be on the dole, as far as I am concerned these Eastern Europeans are welcome! I took on somebody for work last week from Romania - she had another job as well! One day she was going to be working 14 hours (Not for me!!). No wonder people employ these workers if they're willing to work such long hours - probably for little pay! I expect most of those workers are being taken advantage of by unscrupulous British employers! whether there are jobs for these people or not is hardly the argument its were they end up living and where that money ends up. the big companies dont pay tax then their work force is sending the money home how is that good for the economy Employers are laughing all the way to the bank, because an immigrant tradesman will do his job for minimum wage, and work overtime for the same rate, they arent in a union so are free to be abused and misused (unaware of their rights and UK employment law). A friend of mine was employing Polish workers, and paying them 30% of what he was giving his UK workers for the same job. This is why all of these jobs are being filled by foreigners, so bosses and directors can get rich more quickly. I have no problem with other EU citizens coming here on a personal level. They are generally very decent hard working people, who have similar cultural backgrounds to ourselves. Employers using them as cheap labour, abandoning our own natives who need unskilled work is a massive problem though. Immigrants from outside the EU are far less likely to be culturally similar and fit into our society. Remind me. How many people are unemployed in this country. Stop benifits. Stop immingration and pull out of the EU. Benifits not required and no bill for being a member of a corrupt EU. We would be able to save many billions a year. Put some of this into industry so we again produce top quality goods and lead the world in technology. Try to look at it from an economic standpoint, Firstly they come in and work for low pay ,which now puts more money in the company owners account, which of course is an offshore one so they dont contribute tax to this country, add the fact that a lot of foreign workers send money home so that does not add to this country's wealth, they then claim benefit for their kids living in their country (they have never even been here) and no proper checks are made as to how many if any they have, there are thousands of them work for a week or two and then claim benefit,plus housing,plus healthcare plus schooling if they have kids. Some of you need to grow up and realise they are only helping the rich not the country as a whole.Stop the influx and stop benefits for those that dont want to work,give tokens for kids and food and clothing etc,once they cant drink buy plasmas,computers, drive cars,smoke etc they'll soon want a job. To all of you who keep banging on about British shirkers and layabouts just remember these foreign workers are paid a pittance and live in hostels! Are you saying that native born Brits should accept the same? It's all very easy coming on here sounding off when you have a well paid, "safe" job and already have money in the bank and a decent home! I want MY Country back! George, Toronto, ON, Canada, 19/10/2010 3:35 I doubt you'll find many of our lot living off benefits in other countries. The reason we have all in sundry coming to live her is our ridiculous benefit system. Economics, I can get a hard working, motivated and skilled polish builder to do a better job and for half the price. Your average Brit builder cannot be bothered to turn up for quotes etc and if they do they want a load of cash to do basic work. Alot of the demand for foreign workers is generated by the attitude of some sectors (expect to much cash) or those that just cannot be bothered to do the jobs as they make more on benefits. All part of the grand EUSSR master plan to rid the world of that pesky British bunch with their stiff upper lips and all that. Yes,if it wasn't for those dasterly Brits allowing those American chappies to use Britain as an invasion base in 1944, our comrades from Moscow would have have been dipping their toes in the Atlantic long ago. But for those Brits we wouldn't have had to bother with all this pseudo-democratic melarky from Brussels to attain our ultimate goal of a world communist order. But now we in Brussels have control comrades, our grand plan that has enabled mass migration into the UK is unstoppable. Yes comrades, soon we will rid Europe of the British scum by simply breeding them out. Soon comrades we will be one, Brusselsgrad and Moscow ztanding together, side by side. Our Comrade Cameron is doing zuch great wurk there in UK that when the day cumz we shood be conzidering Tzarship for him! Question are the foreign workers coming in paid the minimum wage for what they do? Are these jobs skilled jobs that they are coming in to fill? Cos I thought it was skilled workers that the UK had a shortage of not unskilled. Go to any job centre in the country and you will see long lines of unskilled workers signing on to collect their benefits - am I wrong? So how do we stop this flood of migrants? We do a points system like other countries do and we stop giving benefits and which will force people into looking for work. Should hard working tax payers be forced to pay for them to stay at home? The government needs to stand up and and take responsibility by taking employers to task and fine them if they do not employ UK residents/work permit holders only. What choice would the unemployed have if they had no benefits to fall back on? Like the rest of us they would have to take a job! Not rocket science is it????????? Then the wages earned taxesd paid would benefit all! Ermm, they're working for peanuts. Would you? You don't need immagrants to do the work.All you need are the one's that are on the dole to work for their dole money.lf they don not take on the work,then stop their benefits. This will also get them used to what work is all about and also will give them a sense of respect to pay their way,instead of relying on others to pay for them It's not just the numbers of Eastern Europeans working here that is the issue - they take minimum-wage jobs and get an NI number, then they are eligible to claim Working Tax Credits, Child Tax Credits, Child Benefit, Council Tax Benefit etc. They also access free healthcare and schooling. They actually TAKE MORE OUT OF THE SYSTEM than they put in. Added to that, they have a high birthrate, thus swelling the UK population beyond belief, creating even more social problems. Our children will be paying for all of this for many generations to come. British Jobs. British people. Every unemployed person in britain needs a kick in the arse and told to find a job otherwise this country will fall in to more debt if we keep letting these lowlifes to sponge of everyone else and be better of. Let me understand this; a foreign worker comes here and works for minimum wage so pays very little tax, a British scrounger who doesn't want work, sits around breeding, gets hundreds of pounds a week benefits. That is not the way to balance the books and we wonder why the country is in a mess. Why have ministers let this happen, if a company director ran a company as badly as this he would be in court. Oh yes, and I am expected to work past 65 to fund this waste. There is only one way to fight it,britons-go and take those low-paid,long hours jobs! Under Labour the Benefit payments spiralled so there is no wonder the feckless of this Country will not work. When someone in work with a family takes Home say £300 out of this they have all the bills, rent or mortgage payments,Council tax, Dental treatment, prescriptions etc. School dinners. Someone on benefits can finish up with £500 in their hand & have nothing to pay, no rent , no Council Tax, free dental treatment, free school meals and the gravy train goes on, the more Children these irresponsible People have, the more money they get. Stupid or what. I rest my case. and why the government don't stop them comming in the Country? And give the jobs to the british people's..this is a joke now..every body moan without any action..... i know of a factory down the road from me that made 300 english workers redundant 18 months ago they reopened earlier this year every single one of the original staff reapplied but only ten were taken back on and they were not the normal workers they were managment the rest of they factory is full of polish and east european workers who are unskilled people say that english are a bunch of lazy layabouts sitting on the dole not every one wants to be on the dole but how can you compete for jobs when the factorys want polish and east european workers and the reason why no holidays to pay out /no sick pay to pay out / no union to fight for rights for the workers /any problems they can sack them straight away as they dont have the same rights as the english workers did the english workers cannot compete with them but if they were told to go home there would be plenty of jobs left for the ones who really do want to work "The number of foreigners working in Britain has hit an all-time high despite the fragile state of the recovery. This summer, the total topped 2.4million for the first time after thousands arrived from abroad in the spring." So much for Labour's assertion that many Europeans would go home!! And, don't forget that most do not spend their money here but send their earnings back home and, they claim child allowances, child tax credits, working tax credits and tax credits which also goes back to their country of origin. 'Good job these foreigners came in and are working, otherwise UK plc would be bankrupt. How else can UK pay for all the benefits and allowances but from the tax taken off these foreigners. - Toby, UK, 19/10/2010 05:57 I know a Polish lady who works for the minimum wage and pays £24.00 Income tax and national Insurance per week back into this country. However, she receives £20.00 child allowance each week for a son who still lives in Poland and over £40.00 per week in working tax credits. These benefits more than offset her contributions to the economy. Add to this, her free dental, optical and health care because she is low paid and then multiply this by the millions that are doing likewise. I think you'll find they are part of the problem rather than part of the solution. The government took us into the EU, now we have no say in who comes here, likewise the government hasn't got the backbone to stop the influx of foreign workers and stop the benefits of anyone born here who refuses to take a job and support themslves, Don't bleet and say that there are no jobs, they have just proved that there areat least 2.4 million, which wipes out almost all of the unemployed layabouts and scroungers.Get us out of the EU and show some common sense and backbone, that would get us out of debt a lot sooner. The employment agencies are the people who should be investigated they are the ones pushing for these people to come here and not helping British workers. They can rip these people off much easier than british workers. Get out of the EU now! The principle reason for this is two fold (1) our unemployed are unwilling to do these jobs themselves as they believe these jobs to be beneath them and (2) why work when they can get benefits and everything else that goes with it. Simply put there is a lack of pride in working. Hopefully the radical chnages in apporach to youth unepmloyment and dole payouts will change this but it will not happen overnight. And of course there is the third element which is pay. In many cases employers pay these overseas workers less than they would pay a local. This is because they know they can get away with it as the foreigner is unlikely to complain, after all what they earn here is much higher that the dole they would get back home. So the problem actually revolves around a number of issues and will need bold measures to put this right. Employers should offer living wages, government needs to crack down hard on those unwilling to work (and gladly this is about to happen). How is it that these people can find jobs as "unskilled" workers when millions of "unskilled" layabouts in UK are unemployed & allowed to be!? - David Learmonth, CEI, Thailand, 19/10/2010 05:14 Well I was struggling to find work around that period and Southampton is not one of the hardest hit areas in this recession. My suspicion is that many of these job vacancies are not even being advertised in this country at all but directly abroad. Personally I think the REC (recruitment and employment confederation) needs to start investigating the practises of some of its members regarding whether they are offering the same opportunities to all jobseekers or are specifically targetting certain nationalities. I do not care what colour they are, White, red, Black, Yellow. Somebody needs to put up a huge sign at Dover, 'THERE IS NO ROOM LEFT AT THE INN'. We have a population rumoured at 68 million, the same as France, we have half the land mass they have. Floridians are screaming that the state is over populated they have a land mass similar to ours, their population is 18 million. We do not have enough doctors, dentists ,schools or teachers for our population, the roads are at a standstill due to the number of cars now on the road. This madness MUST stop. It is lunacy. A few may pay tax yes, but in terms of the social cost, the benefits paid out, the overcrowding and strain on all public services, especially our prisons, our immigration policy is sheer madness and certainly not beneficial. The cost to the country is huge. Have politicians learned nothing from the last election? Next time there will be an eruption if the current government do not get a grip. Stop the flow and stop it NOW! Any incoming immigrants should only get the same benefits that their country would give them, not the mad benefits that seem to pour out of our pockets into theirs. There is nothing to stop two or three times this many coming in to Britain, which seems unbelievable madness, some thing has to be done at Government level to restrict levels of immigration, and if the cannot, then we must leave European Union. We the British people must dictate to them, and if the Government doesn’t listen to us, then we must make them listen. The whole point of this exercise by our government is cheap labour, consequently resulting in the very small minority of rich getting richer and the great majority of poor gett poorer - or as they like to call it, the new world order. Very soon we'll see Cherie open a charity hospital for the poor somewhere in London, named after her husband 'The Tony Blair Foundation' in a desperate bid to get his sainthood and his insurance into Heaven. This country is addicted to benefits like a junkie is addicted to drugs.That is why foreigners come in to do the unskilled jobs indigenous Brits will not do and prefer to rely on State handouts. This is the reason why all the liberal bleeding hearts are bleating and the benefit recipients squealing now something (however small) is being done about it. The remedy is clear:Get out of the EU,stop foreigners being able to work here and stop making having children a career choice for both couples and single women.The policy should be:"If you will not work (if able) then you will starve" and"The state will not pay you to have children".I bet the number of jobless and (intentionally)single would shrink quickly and the benefits bill likewise. The benefits system should only be a safety net between jobs,not a career choice. That would be ok if we could post the slack chavs to Belgium. I wonder how the EU would react to some kind of protest march or demonstration in Brussels. At the moment France is getting some stick for unpopular policies but nobody ever seems to mount any hassle right where the EuroQUANGOcrats live. Hardly seems fair. the problem is lots of these these people do not pay tax, they stay long enough to earn there tax free wages then return home to spend it in there own countries. We are in a lose lose lose situation as they can also use our health service and claim for there children that are not here. What some of the commentators here fail to take into account is that ,the majority of foreign workers are not boosting our economy ,they live many to a house and so only a minimal profit is made by a landlord.They live frugally while here and so contribute little to the local merchantile economny ,they send a great deal of money out of the country ,therevy assett stripping and lastly they claim benefits for children who have never set foot on our soil.Their minimum wages for the most part attract little in the way of tax and so on balance they are a huge drain.If they were not here ,wages would rise,locals would take the jobs and the local and national economy would eventually see results.Its a short term quick fix ,foreign labour and has never worked long term. The answer to this problem is easy! As an elected government, they should reflect the wishes of the electorate. I believe that the majority of the British public feel that the bureaucratic EU does not work for our country and therefore there should be a referendum on staying in the EU. The out come would be in favour of leaving and then the immigrant Eu workers can leave! Job done !! I've never understood why we allow 80,000 able bodied men to do nothing all day long in prison and then have thousands of immigrants come over to work on our farms etc.Prisons are too soft as it is,so why not organise a few thousand prisoners to pay back something to society, and do a days work picking fruit or whatever all these immigrants will be doing. The fresh air and exercise will do them good also,and it won't cost us anything,so it'll help keep our food prices down. I'm sure many prisoners would jump at the chance to do something constructive rather than watch TV all day. and where did the other 1.9 millon come from. Please, please, please, go home. The Government study shows no net benefit for the U.K and their are skills shortages in your home towns i.e. Poland where the firefighters are all girls. With High unemployment amongst locals and now harsh Cuts YOU may inadvertently start The NAZi's (PT 3). I hear rumblings, I really do. Both your kin and ours died in that film so have a care, your Greed may = WAR. What does the headline mean 'RETURN to Britain'? Did they ever go away? All Europeans should be classified as foreigners and surplus to requirements. What gives people from other countries any right to work in Britain. Don't say the EU as the big majority doesn't want to be led by it. We are a country called Britain and not a recluse for the area known as europe. see the government got a handle on immigration. What a surprise! The country will continue to go down hill as long as the PC's let anyone into our country. I don't believe the figures either. There must be over 245,000 Indian/ Pakistan/ Bangladesh restaurants in Britain, and what about the chinese? It's all part of a grand plan by those who have the real money it's called DIVIDE AND RULE. The problem is that evertime a question is raised to our curropt politicians about immigration that start telling us about quotas being imposed on handful of highly skilled migrants (less than 5% of total intake) coming into this country from outside EU. What the people really want and what nobody is willing to take provide an answer for are the MILLIONS that are from new EU states, half a million illegals and another million asylum seekers that live in this country. They don't speak the language, are mostly unskilled and have no intention to integrate..... Mi casa es su casa. I wondered where everybody had gone ? I am sick to death of hearing that British workers don't want jobs. My husband is a City & Guilds trained carpenter with 20 years experience. He has kept his job, but been forced to take a 10% cut in wages, several others have been let go , to be replaced by Eastern Europeans who will work for the minimum wage and then claim Working Tax Credits. My son had a job in IT earning £24K, he has been replaced by an Indian immigrant being paid £17K. My family has never been out of work or claimed benefits, but we have been sold out by successive governments. Our quality of life is being eroded on a daily basis, our infrastructure is creaking at the seams and at current immigration rates, we will soon concrete over every green space to provide homes. All to provide the bosses and upper classes with cheap labour, nannies, cleaners, gardeners etc. By voting for the same old crowd of politicians of the liblabcon backslapping fraternity this is your reward. In an age of austerity,with decent people thrown out of their jobs,and having to take employment on a part time basis,or jobs for far less money than they are used to-we have this.....extra competition from 2.5 million interlopers helping to drive down wages...'infesting' towns and villages up and down the country. You must be very pleased at the outcome of your vote. Good job these foreigners came in and are working, otherwise UK plc would be bankrupt. How else can UK pay for all the benefits and allowances but from the tax taken off these foreigners. The bottom line is that British people will not take these jobs when they can sit around on the dole and maybe do a bit of work on the side and be better off. The government's plan to make welfare less rewarding is the only way to get the workforce back into employment.. My son did a spell in a factory between uni and his career where there were many Poles .To be fair he said that they worked very hard and all they (and he) received was minimum wage for a 12 hour shift all through the night. He said that Brits would turn up for their first night and quit before the first shift was over ! To put it bluntly they were idle.If there were no option they would just have to get on with it ! Don't let the workshy and the bleeding hearts tell you there are no jobs here... The government needs to ascertain what sectors are lacking workers and rather than paying benefits without any end .. send these benefit seekers for re-training or indeed training from scratch ( for those who have never worked ) and give them the option of taking the job or getting no benefits ... The charity state has to end for those unwillling to work and those breeding the state to death. good job they ARE here, they are doin gthe very jobs that our yobos and shirkers refuse to take How is it that these people can find jobs as "unskilled" workers when millions of "unskilled" layabouts in UK are unemployed & allowed to be!? Now I know the DM will either decide not to post this or my comment will be red arrowed by all and sundry but - I completely understand the need for an immigration cap, afte all the UK is full to the brim - I saw it myself while I was at university. However, what I don't understand is how net immigration will fall at all while there is freedom of movement in the EU. Looking at the statistics, the majority of foreign workers are from the EU and Poland/Eastern Europe. These numbers will be unaffected by the cap. The system isn't working. Those that have overstayed, committed crimes, and are abusing the system need to be shimmied out for heavens sake. Unemployed Britons regard the jobs as either too low or too demanding. First, if a job is "too demanding" the pay should be higher. A Brit would probably take any one of these jobs if the pay rate was suitable for the task. But we will never know whether this is true, because there are millions of foreign workers to take the jobs at any wage. Who did all these jobs before the foreign workers arrived here? In California for instance, the majority of workers in fast food restaurants are Hispanic, mostly in the US illegally. They are paid the minimum wage and subjected to less than satisfactory working conditions, with no benefits. High school students and other Americans looking for full or part time work are left out of this market. But in more isolated States such as Vermont or New Hampshire, the same restaurants will pay 50% above minimum wage to entice American workers. People should ask themselves why do English/British employers still prefer to employ people from Eastern Europe over indigenous people. The minimum wage ensures that no one is used as cheap labour as done in every country. As such am employer trying to stay afloat in these rocky times would look at who will give them better productivity with the least amount of fuss. Let us be honest to ourselves and recognise that times have changed, the business approach of companies is now very much capitalist and driven by the ideologies of profit and wealth accumulation. Every company will be looking at maximum productivity at the minimum possible cost. The days of we are British (first world/developed country) are long gone and now you have to work hard. If working hard it too much for you them claim benefits and stay at home. this country is stark staring bonkers, we are in massive debt and yet we still let in all these people and if eu workers cant get employment they are still entitled to all our benefits, we have gone down the plughole It is time our own unemployed became more competitive to prevent the foreigners filling the jobs. Cut the handouts, make them hungry and the queues for employment would swell enormously. Furthermore, if the Eastern Europeans can up sticks and travel a thousand miles to look for work, it is not too much to ask our own unemployed to travel a mere 100 or even 200 miles or more to relocate and secure work. One of the problems is that our own unemployed are simply not fit enough to to sustain many of the jobs the foreigners are filling. As time goes by (a few weeks rather than years), engagement in physically demanding work results in improved fitness, making the individual fit for purpose and the work far easier. And still the government will profess that immigrant workers are good for the economy. Don't you just love being treated like an idiot by all the various governments that have ruled in recent decades Now I know the DM will either decide not to post this or my comment will be red arrowed by all and sundry but - I completely understand the need for an immigration cap, afte all the UK is full to the brim - I saw it myself while I was at university. However, what I don't understand is how net immigration will fall at all while there is freedom of movement in the EU. Looking at the statistics, the majority of foreign workers are from the EU and Poland/Eastern Europe. These numbers will be unaffected by the cap. The system isn't working. Those that have overstayed, who are criminals, who abuse the system and who are unskilled need to be shimmied out for heavens sake. Do these dodgy statistics include the 1,400,000 illegal immigrants currently in the UK, whom the Home Office cannot trace? The article didn't mention how many Britons are working elsewhere in the EU, or elsewhere in the world. It must be a similar number to the number of foreign workers who shifted to the UK, considering the unemployment rate, and very few new jobs being created in the UK. So, people moved out, people moved in type of thing I guess. I'm beyond UK retirement age + and it is said by our unemployed they cannot find work ! Or that employment would mean a cut in their benefits payments.but what surprises me is all these foreign people arrive find a job and just get on with it ! Before I went to live in Scotland, what worried me a bit was the number of unemployed, especially in the Glasgow area. Having got there I discovered more work available than I'd seen in my whole life ! ! But you just try to find a handy man or builder, none ! wait weeks for a half useless moron to arrive and regret it quickly. There are thousands of openings in Scotland for anyone who wants to work. I wouldn't be atall surprised if it's not the same in England and Wales too. We should welcome anyone who is willing to work, from anywhere. Excellent news. That means more British people can choose a permanent no-work lifestyle and live off the state. We taxpayers are only too happy to pay for non-working Brits and those EU workers who claim child allowances, etc. Yes, raise taxes. We're used to being screwed; and you, the government, can just keep bleeding us dry. Good, they're good workers, and in many areas improved crime rates by actually doing something about it. The ratio to me, must stand at 7:3 for benefit/risk. If the british people wont work, then let the europeans in. What bothers me is the comapny profiteering, tax/benefit/housing/welfare/schooling scamming, non-criminal checks, paying our tax outside our country and so forth. The British people need a boot up their backside to a) stand up for themselves b) stop being so consertative tip - look at france c) help themselves and their neighbours before attending to non-uk's d) not vote in complete idiots like your usual LibLabCon. Anyone see that documentary where they put 5 unemployed 'Brits' on benefits into these jobs in the place of these Foreign workers? Only 1 turned up on time, 1 didn't bother, he phoned in saying he was on the booze the night before and wasn't bothering to go to work.. Those that made it to work worked so slowly, stopping for fag breaks and phone breaks that when the British owner paid them the minimum wage, he said he had actually lost money employing them for the day. The one guy who gave it a go was lost as they put an English guy in an Indian restaurant and he didn't know his Rogan Josh from his Vindaloo. (so that wasn't a fair test) It showed that the problem isn't with Foreign workers 'taking our jobs' but the fact that British workers are now (mostly) lazy. Thank the lord that there are still some of us who are willing to WORK for a living. "Eastern Europeans may be taking jobs that workers here are reluctant to do, possibly because unemployed Britons regard the jobs as either too low paid or too demanding." Or maybe the high cost of living doesn't affect them, because they are coming to do the job on a short term basis, before returning home with savings that converts to relatively high capital in their home country. But of course it is easier to trot out the tired old line about Britons being lazy. The irony is that this driving down of wages, and the indigenous reaction, is pure Adam Smith economics - yet the theorhetical Adam Smithites prefer morality to economics when considering the issue. While we remain inside Euroland, there is absolutely nothing Cameron or Theresa can do about it.. Good, keep letting them in. If the British sheeple are not yet awake then they soon will be. Hmmmm? How many British people are unemployed? How many foreign workers have taken jobs in Britain? Now lets do some maths... Do I see a way of saving Britain billions in unemployment and ther benefits? Hmmmm? Hmmmm? How many British people are unemployed? How many foreign workers have taken jobs in Britain? Now lets do some maths... Do I see a way of saving Britain billions in unemployment and ther benefits? Hmmmm? STOP foreign workers in Britain ... NOW! For 35 years I have been trying to get work in the UK - I lost my marrage at the end of 30 years becuase I was only allowed 60 days per year in UK - This was due to the Contract of Employment and because of the UK Tax Laws which do not allow visits that are more than 90 days with in a year. It actualy has to be less because of the tax year Please tell me where these jobs are I am still physically fit - I have a UK Passport - UK Driving License - I will relocate to where ever the work is Can you (sometimes) use your brains, people? Where is the photo and name of the so according to this statistic 4% of the population are committing 18% of the crime . You do the maths so according to this statistic 4% of the population are committing 18% of the crime . You do the maths Why not put up posters of Liverpool. Then the scousers would sort them out the real way!!! Sounds like an idiotic thing a council would do. I'd be asking them about the posters. We keep letting them walk in. They are no value to the country, only harm. Are we mad? Even if we did leave the EU nothing would change. The liblabcon would continue with the same policies. Another European success story. We should just throw them out. These people are ruining our country. Just get us out of the EU Cameron. This must be another DM windup surely ! I wonder what Albert Steptoe would say about this article? Poland isn't in Eastern, but in Central Europe. Who on Earth would want to come to that place?! Those Polish criminals have no self respect! Outrageous! Lets kick out graduates from Africa and welcome criminals from EU. Well done Britain EU need us, they would find it very hard to get another gullible Country like us. We dont care where you (and your contemporaries) came from or why, we just dont want you here now - or ever. Full Stop If you have ever been to Bognor Regis you will understand that prison is probably a better alternative. The real problem is that the lack of benefits in Poland drives Polish people to come the UK which has accessible generous benefit provision. We are a magnet for all the 'good, bad and ugly' of Europe and will continue to be until the gross disparityin benefits is resolved: Prefereably by quitting the EU. Your missing the point - we don't want (or need) you here regardless of where you came from. - HG, London, 19/6/2012 13:01 Does it mean you always stay in England and never go abroad? By the way, where did you send off your prisoners years ago? You did not want to have them here. Stop being ignorant as your post shows and send the prisoners back to their homeland. Resolved. Am I being scepitical here! but it looks to me like we are being pushed towards a civil war....why on earth would criminals be encouraged into this country this way. We are under attack from our own leaders on all fronts....this is sending a message to all of us that no one is looking out for the honest hard working tax payers and I am getting fed up with it now. This is very dangerous and needs to be confronted. A mythical poster come to Bognor where many solvent elderly people live who are vunerable to criminality. Don't worry the British tax payer will house you, give you money to live off, you will have free medical assistance, education and in some cases free transport. What you need to do is just turn up. Some families are on the brink of finanacial Armageddon the highest rate of youth unemployment our hospitals are buckling under the strain of excessive ( under Blair's This is what happens when politicians absolve themselves of their reponsibility, too much talk and no action - nothing changes! Why do other European countries not have the same degree of problems, maybe they take a stricter line! ENJOY, SUCKERS! Please please please shut the door. moan moan moan,I'll bet next election the same lot will BE VOTED IN . they are all the same just the strip changes colour,this was said 60YEARS AGO. - quin f, longcroft uk, 19/6/2012 11:50 2,000 years ago and counting actually! I never see anyone complain about the miilions comin from other continents who wiill never go back jodie, QLD Australia, 19/6/2012 13:18 Don't be confused. This article and others like it are just right wing let's hate everyone trolling. Whoever signed up to allow the dregs of Europe into our country should be hung, drawn and quartered. Time for a cultural exchange. Send our criminals over to Poland and see if they like it. Living very close to Bognor I'm in a better position to comment than the majority here. I don't recognise the description of Poles as valid at all. The ones I know are very pleasant and hard working. They are here to work you know. Of course, mere facts are not good enough for the ravening hordes of dm readers. A large proportion of them dislike anyone who isn't exactly like them. This would be okish if it weren't for the large proportion of dm readers being abjectly appalling examples of human beings. Constant whining about everything, refusal to help anyone less fortunate. I'm jolly pleased we haven't had an influx of dm readers to Bognor. Now that would be unpleasant. Actually probably quite a few in Aldwick, maybe we can fence them in That explains a lot. Feel like a foreigner in my own town sometimes. If someone is found to be breaking the law, why are they not sent back to their own country for them to deal with them??? And if they try to return, they should be stopped at customs. Why do we have to put up with criminals from other countries as well as our own? I thought America was the least appealing place on earth. It seems I was wrong. England is on the downward spiral.. Such a shame, the pictures of your country side and castles always made it seem like such a lovely place to visit. I'll stay away, thanks to your looney Government. Anyway god forbid one of my children were to get sick whilst on holiday over there! Your hospitals are also stink according to the other article I just read.. What a mess! Well at least they are white. - ME ME, LaLa Land, 19/6/2012 12:42 Well what an ignorant little creature you are!!!!!!!! We have the right to live anywhere in Europe or did know one tell you that.. Weren't George V's famous last words "Burgle Bognor"? Or something like that... im an immgrant and i too dont understand how uk allows people with criminal past settle in uk so easily. you cannot blame eu on everything- e.g. EU has Euro circulating and UK doesnt so why not too be different on foreign criminals from the rest of EU? Foreign nationals coming here don't have to undergo the same riorous CRB checks that British nationals have to undergo. They can come here with a clean sheet. And *********STILL***********The elected Government does *******NOTHINK*******about******IMMIGRATION** Towns,Citys.Seaside Resorts are turning into Hell Hole's where no real British Person would want to live. Thats why they Move Out and that why places like Newham, we the indiginous population are now the minority. If they thought it was wonderful,diverse,cosmopolitan as all the Media,BBC and politicians would have us belive they would not of MOVED OUT. Multicultralism is a failure and its about time Cameron done some think about. As he has already lost my Vote. The mans an IDIOT where in Tony Blair case he was the begining of the End of the UK and will go down in history as Britains most destructive PM. You do not have the right to compain if you vboted for Dozy Dave or any of the Lib-Lab-Con cartel as they are all in it together. Open B orders to anyone who wants to come is official government policy and Dozy Dave is telling us he wants to limit the flow to 225,000 a year. The fool has no plans we know about to house, feed, educate, assimilate such vast numbers the equivalent of a big city every single year for years and years. Anyone who votes for the Lib-Lab-Con cartel desrves just this sort of result. UKIP--are not a right wing nazi party--they want to shut the borders to protect our country and uphold the rights of all of us. Well at least you people have place to moan about polish people.Luckily there is nothing you can do. I don't believe in one word in this article.We have almost a million polish people in this country and you are surprised few rotten apples get there as well?Not every country can be so perfect like England.English are wonderful people,kind,open to different nations,pretty people,well educated,rich,not at all selfish,not xenophobic,not racist English people are not being caught abroad for smuggling drugs,Raul Moat,Derick Bird,Baby P case,rioters from London mugging Thai boy,and many others. You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother's eye. Eastern Europe is not just one country. It is better if in your articles you would show where this scam came from without blaming the whole Eastern Europe. - Mango, London, 19/6/2012 12:27 Your missing the point - we don't want (or need) you here regardless of where you came from. Well at least you people have place to moan about polish people.Luckily there is nothing you can do. I don't believe in one word in this article.We have almost a million polish people in this country and you are surprised few rotten apples get there as well?Not every country can be so perfect like England.English are wonderful people,kind,open to different nations,pretty people,well educated,rich,not at all selfish,not xenophobic,not racist English people are not being caught abroad for smuggling drugs,Raul Moat,Derick Bird,Baby P case,rioters from London mugging Thai boy,and many others. You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother's eye. Is there a poster asking the criminals to live in the same areas as the politicians. Loads of taxpayers booty to get hold of. We have been told we need mutliculteralism often enough. This is a fine example! And so George V gets his last wish. Eastern Europe is not just one country. It is better if in your articles you would show where this scam came from without blaming the whole Eastern Europe. If i was a criminal i would not go to a poor area i would go where the pickings are much better and Bognor sounds just about right This can only get worse as unemployment rises in europe and our benefits to those who have never paid into the system are so generous. Also as we see time and time again the courts are pathetic when it comes to sentencing people. The free movement of people throughout europe was always going to be a problem for us and only that twit Blair with his money grabbing wife couldn't see it. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Average citizen knew will happen if they let eastern Europe unchecked. Only our government did not realise that. It will get wire unless we get out. moan moan moan,I'll bet next election the same lot will BE VOTED IN . they are all the same just the strip changes colour,this was said 60YEARS AGO. I wonder what ITS THE SAME OVER HERE, U CAN BLAME YOUR GOVERMENT ALONG WITH THE IRISH AND I THINK SWEDISH GOVERMENTS WHO WERE THE ONLY COUNTRIES TO PLACE NO RESTRICTIONS ON POLISH WHEN THEY JOINED THE EURO IN 2004 ... WHEN MOST OTHER COUNTRIES AROUND EUROPE DID. this is Pooland Polish criminals who also earn convictions over here, cannot be deported because Poland hasn't signed up to the Prisoner Exchange Programme. Who is responsible for suggesting that former inmates make their way to the South Coast of England? can't understand what for you use anti-polish propaganda all the time DM?Why you hate them so much? Not all POLISH people are criminals.And you should show some proof like picture of that poster or name of prison.Whole article is just based on one gossip.Get a grip DM.You can't wait when English people will start fighting with polish on the street because they have read all those horrible stories about them in your paper. You are really the worst tabloid ever and the most xenophobic paper in UK.Shame on You.Not all Poles are criminals. Friends who now live in Europe tell me that the UK is regarded by the French and Germans as Europes 'dustbin', where all the human 'rubbish' from Europe goes to live because they get free hand-outs and accommodation. Apparently, we even take toxic waste from Europe and bury it here in the UK - so I've been told - under some quietly agreed deal previous Governments made with certain European countries, doesn't surprise me in the least.... Had a fanily day on Bounemouth beach about 5 years ago. Got there early to park and then found a nice space on the beach - but after 2 hours we were like sardines. Full of our louts and also eastern europeans. The usual, cig ends flicked all around, alchohol, lewdness. It was a real cesspit, so we left early. Sorry Bournemouth but I will never go back. So now Bognor - well bugger Bognor too. The whole country is being trashed and the 'lunatics are in charge of the asylum' The only solution I know of is to not vote for those who said they would change things before they were in power. Why don't immigration check criminal records on people coming into the country. Canada won't even let someone with a DUI enter the country. Again to all those who have forgotten. 2008, the signing of the Lisbon treaty, by Miliband then Brown. The Tories hands are tied. The only way is out of the EU. Whatever your MP's party, hound them into giving us a referendum NOW. Then you will see panic in the EU. Brown signed us up to a never ending cess pit. You cannot bail out a bankrupt country and there are at least 5 in the EU. Now if oil was discovered in large quantities in the EU, then that would be different. Sittingbourne is fast becoming a suburb of Warsaw You want to reduce the prison polulation ? simple deport ALL foreign criminals. why should british taxpayers pay for them to be in jail ?? Just come back from a Portugal Coastal area. The locals were saying they are having a problem with eastern european migrants, with prostitution and crime becoming rife. You just couldn't make this up, we the british tax payer has to put up with this kind of vile class of people flooding into our country and the goverment does nothing about out human rights to get the borders shut. Bognor - now that's one part of the South that isn't beautiful! Is this a joke? It can't be real. - Pippen, Kiwiland, 19/6/2012 10:56........IT IS REAL! I LIVE NEAR BOGNOR AND ITS GOT MORE POLISH THAN KRAKOW.......THE PLACE IS A DISGRACE, GOD KNOWS WHAT HOLIDAYMAKERS THINK WHEN THEY GO THERE. THE BUTLINS BROCHURE DOESN'T TELL THEM ABOUT THAT! are given a choice when caught all over Europe, prosecution or a one way ticket to the U.K. which he also described as the cess pit of Europe, his words not mine, most choose the one way ticket to the U.K. - Benny, remember the Ozone layer, it never went away., Manchester, UK, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is complete rubbish. never happened! Throw+them+out%2C+sick+of+them What is depressing is not that some eastern Europeans are crooks but that so many who no doubt consider themselves model citizens are racists. Just check the green arrows and see. I said this would happen when they opened the gaping mouth of the EU ever wider. It has spewed its sewage upon us. A tad unfair. The Polish people I know in Bognor are as nice as the English people I know in Bognor. Why would it be any different. Yep....come to dustbin Britain...we take all the refuse other countries don't want. The relationship between elected and those who elect them is very simple and breaks down into two parts. The elected collects tax's and spends them on our behalf (whether that by on law the majority deem appropriate in the county etc), we in turn should pay those taxes. Secondly they should protect us and REPRESENT OUR best interests, again we should abide by those laws until they are changed by proper process. To put simply we vote them into power to look after US and give them the financial means to do so, however it's like a members club, you all pay and you are all a member i.e. English, American, Greek whatever. Why it this not understood by our politicians? As I have previously posted, I was told by a Dutch Police inspector petty criminals are given a choice when caught all over Europe, prosecution or a one way ticket to the U.K. which he also described as the cess pit of Europe, his words not mine, most choose the one way ticket to the U.K. Why+do+you+never+hear+these+sorts+of+issues+raised+at+Prime+Minister%27s+Questions%3F Is this a joke? It can't be real. Officers say 18 per cent of the crimes in the Arun area are committed by Eastern Europeans should probably read%2C 82%25 of crimes are NOT committed by Eastern Europeans. round them up and take all the ill gotten gaines and donate them to charity them after they finish there sentance send them back to there own country If they commit an offence here they can be immediately deported. Or maybe Spanish Police are breaking EU rules. Vote UKIP deport the lot of them there a scourge on the country TONY BLAIR A big thank you to those wonderful Eurocrats in Brussels and our outstanding governments both past and present for allowing the dross of Europe to come to the UK and steal, sponge and turn our country into a cesspit. We never voted for this, but the likes of Blair and Brown signed us up for it anyway. Ship them back and to hell with Brussels. - A Little Balance, England, 19/6/2012 09:44 Can you prease remind yourself about what Camerons promise was about immigration when he was campaigning at the last election..He publicly stated that he would cut immigration to tens of thousands...Yet last year we allowed half a million immigrants into the UK If we leave the EU, tear up the treaties and govern our own nation like we used to do then we can just round up every one of them and send them packing back to their own countries. This is just one of the many reasons why you all should join UKIP and vote for them whenever you can, local or general elections, because the other three have done and will do absolutely NOTHING to stem this tide of immigrants. ahhhh, right then, this explain an awful lot, having lived here a few years ago. This was happening 15 years ago in Hastings (One of the reasons I moved North)...................Therefore the Government has had at least that amount of time to do something about it, they have done NOTHING but fill their own pockets.........................Our country is wonderful our Government stinks. Don't you just love the benefits of belonging to the EU? Don't complain, get him deported. and we STILL dither over immergrantion and the HUGE influx we see year in and year out , while we suffer massive unemplyment amoung our own and all the services are at breaking point ...we CAN NOT sustain this and need a reversal NOW !!! oh nooooooooooooooo!!!! not another one of our lovely seaside towns eroded by dangerous criminals... Looks like the last President of Poland was quite correct you in the UK have all our criminals. Is it April 1st today? A big thank you to those wonderful Eurocrats in Brussels and our outstanding governments both past and present for allowing the dross of Europe to come to the UK and steal, sponge and turn our country into a cesspit. How many more computer bugs will be needed to rid ourselves of the EU. Mr. Cameron all you need to do to walk the next election is state that the British Electorate have a vote whether to stay in or out. He knows what the answers going to be and so do all the parasites. This nation is on the brink and irrespective of what the Labour pack of yes people say it is getting nearer the day when the populace have their say. Mr. Cameron be under no illusion we want positive action Theres only one party that will put a stop to all this and you know it Reply to Amy Bath, This would happen whatever party was in power they are all tarred with the same brush << Crime is probably accounting for most of the 3million jobs said to depend on the EU. The rest are the bureaucrats. - Avril King, Poole, 14/9/2009 10:34 >> Is there any difference?? << I don't want to know what Joe Public thinks of all this, I want to know what the Prime Minister's views are!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Alan, Alnwick, 14/9/2009 10:02 >> He's still waiting for Mandelson to tell him. the only party that will stop this is the BNP, but I bet you all continue to vote Lib Lab Con. Like the sheep you are. Wouldn't let the Ghurkas settle in this country yet any body from the east of Europe no problem. Enough reasons to bail out of the EU catastrophy and ditch this New Labour shambles in the process. Oh the benefits of unrestricted mass immigration! I'm Slovakian and have been living in UK 6 years. I have got full time job, pay tax and don't claim any benefits here. i have benn studying english and work hard to become part of the community. I'm sorry to read that Slovakian ai England are part of mafia or sort of. All my slovakian friend in England work and don't do any crime. By reading those comments, I am a bit confused whether we are reading the same article. Is this about an immigration or a scam? It could also have been committed by English/British people!!! Let's not forget about the crimes committed by British abroad (e.g. lawyer friends claiming an insurance of 'stolen things' in south america, british teenagers smuggling drugs etc The thing is when British commit s the crime 'the government is ready to go and 'rescue' them from their punishment....Not all nations have 'this privilige' .... Would'nt let the Ghurkas settle in this country yet any body from eastern Europe with the a--e hanging out of their trousers can enter no problem .Good reasons to bail out of this EU catastrophe and ditch this New Labour shambles in the process. Cassandra from Nottingham, you were doing so well until you appologised for being 'un-PC' that's where all the problems stemmed from! The PC band wagon has caused us to be scared of raising an eyebrow, let alone our voice in support of OUR opinions and standing up for OUR human rights, bugger anyone who doesn't or hasn't paid into OUR tax and health systems! Send them home to face what's coming to them! Of the 34 arrested on Friday, all have since been released, with four on bail and facing charges of swindling within an organised gang. I'm confident that the four given bail will turn up at Court at the appointed time for their trial. I'm at a bit of a loss to understand from Madge in France just what David Cameron has to do with this scam. Its has nothing to do with the government and as much as I'd like to say it, not even Gordon Brown is responsible for elements of this scam. This is purely a banking issue where the profits of banks comes ahead of adequate security measures. Chip n Pin technology enabled this sort of scam just as labours ID card idea would make people far more vulnerable to ID theft once the codes are cracked. Whilst the losses through scams to the banks remain below a certain percentage, banks accept it as the cost of doing business even if it causes major problems for their clients. Whoops spoke to soon! Every country has its criminal element and it matters not one jot where this bunch originated from!! Incidently, its largely because of the EU that we got a lot of our criminals back from Spain to 'do their time', rather than swan round the Costa Brava for the rest of their lives. I don't remember people then talking about how we must "get out of the EU"!!! I dont see these guys as any more criminal than the banks. All these guys are doing is participating in the banking industry. Thievery, deceit etc. Whats the difference. I wonder if those wanting all immigrants kicked out of Britain are the same people who think they should be allowed to park on private land without consequence. This is why people are voting BNP - the only party interested in keeping Britain British. More evidence that this country is stuffed to the gunwhales with slimy crooks, gangsters, and our own feral cretins. And as someone has already said.nothing will be done to deport this trash. They'll be allowed to stay, get a severe ticking off and left to run riot once more while claiming (fraudulent levels?) of benefits. Soon this country willbe without any thinking , sensible Brits and populated by the dross and deadbeats of the world. To Mark of Barcelona, living here (look it up) I can assure you that a lot of Germans now say that they would gladly have the wall back up. I remember the first weeks when the wall came down and the "Ossies" came visiting. The "Westies" gave them all 200 D-marks, with no questions asked, "Welcome Money" they only had to go to any Bank or Post office with a DDR passport. Didn't take them long to realise there were no controls and they made repeated visits to various banks etc each time getting another "Welcome". We (W. German taxpayers) are still paying for them in a "Solidaritaets Beitrag" (Look it up). Bring in the BNP. Stands for British National Party. Their the ones who can sort this country out and please do not say they are rasist. We are British so we vote for our British party. As that ideot Brown keeps telling us we need them. The comments here are too be expected (as is the ensuing red arrows I guess). These are criminals and poor people being easily led. There's no reason to suspect that British Nationals offered the chance of free cash, wouldn't have done the same thing. It's the fault of organised criminals not a governments immigration policy. The government has no responsibility for a bank's awful IT infrastructure! Have not read the article but am happy to see Barclays have been robbed! Another reason to vote ukip! We have been ruined by these armies of foreign scroungers and criminals...out of Europe Bnp,that is what i will do if Cameron doesnt stop the terrible tragedy Labour has allowed to our country!! The Sloivakians seeme to have learnded great lessons from the directors of the banking institutions..They have been robbing the banks for years ....A pity our law enforcement has not been as swift to put the lot of them in handcuffs....including Godwin who brought his bank to its knees and does not have to rob an ATM machine to pocket his illgotten gains...The tax payer,yoiu and me , take good care of him...His reward for greed and incompetance....and still in bed with HRH Charles and his chairities.. When you look at the overall amount taken it is hardly a fraud of any note. It not even a tenth of the bonus of an ordinary banker. Its more the embarrassment for the bank that counts. Why are they out? So they can continue scamming? When I was involved with Immigration enforcement work I regularly (nearly always) found that immigration offenders had credit cards, sometimes with high credit limits even though they were not permitted to work in the UK. Even when I informed the Card issuers that the holders were here illegally and due to be removed to their own countries I was rarely asked to confiscate the credit cards. Presumably the holders could then spend up to the limits in other countries. I doubt they paid off the cards. Banks appear to fall over themselves to give credit and have only themselves to blame for such losses. if it was an arab country theyd be executed over here they might send them to a holiday camp 'Of the 34 arrested on Friday, all have since been released, with four on bail and facing charges of swindling within an organised gang. They were travelling in a Porsche Cayenne 4x4 which had arrived from Dover by ferry.' 34 in a Cayenne? Now THAT'S clever... Amy, Bath: It will happen if the tories get in. The dream for all the politicians is to become a Euro superstate and have a president. Mr Tony Bliar is set up to become the (unelected by the people) President of Europe. They want the power that America has. They don't care about our country or our people. They let all immigrants in (illegal or otherwise) and give them citizienships and let them call themselves "British" and they allow them to vote ..and there is the crux of the matter. English may not vote for labour or tory but all immigrants will vote labour and the EU has told our government we have to take more thousands in, and they will do so because they are gutless. The EU bods must be obeyed. England will be dismanteled and become a region within Europe. There will not be any "Englishness" allowed. Take heed people, this is what will happen. We need about 25 years of nationalist government. UKIP or BNP, I don't care which. Nationlist in the sense that they will put Britain first and the rest of the world second. Pull up the draw bridge on the incoming and clear out anyone who isn't legally here. In short, clean up the mess that this government has made and then ensure there are adequate controls in place befor elowering the draw bridge again. Britain has been sold out by this and previous governments in the interest of big business and their global ambitions for profit not social justice. All globalisation has done is to allow the criminal classes to roam the global preying on the innocent and corporations to redistribute poverty. This is what New Labour has abandoned the british people to. Vote BNP... Stop this now.. It's all very well everyone blaming Tony Blair / Gordon Brown / NuLabour / the French / the Turks / the EU / immigration / Elvis Presley / whoever...the bottom line is that if Barclays weren't so stupid that "...unlimited money could be withdrawn from an account, even if there was technically hardly anything in it.", then this wouldn't have happened, would it? This is one reason i will stay an ex pat!!! Such a shame. Politicians have alot to answer for when they make decisions with such disasterous consequences. Countries like slovakia and romania were known to have notorious criminal gangs and thieves yet they were still welcomed into the EU. Money from the EU pours into these countries. By living the life of crime, stealing, pickpocketing and receiving benefits etc they send money to their own country and build mansions from the rich pickings they gain from western europe. This was only recently exposed in a documentary on TV. "engage in its usual money-recovery activities." This means they will fleece it back from their investors. This type of crime will escalate together with prostitution, the ever increasing drug problem and internet fraud as well as crime of every description. The reason why is that we are subservient to all the petty EU regulations that they throw at us. The three tired old parties are all for the EU and voting for them is voting for more sufferance. The only party that I can see to sort these problems out is the British National Party. Love them or hate them you can see that things are rapidly disintegrating in this country. Ignore them at your peril. Theft from a bank is a crime! The Slovakian miscreants were caught and they will be hauled up before the beak and be given a severe slap on the wrist. On the other side of the coin, bankers were caught fraudulently emptying the coffers of billions and created an economic recession. For their efforts they were given huge bonuses. It looks like the banks are easy prey for thieves and frauds alike. As an incredible! How long will it be before we are told; "You local bank was robbed today. Therefore £xxx.xx has been deducted from your account to make up the shortfall" As Tony Bliar said.......We need their skills...... When we agreed to open up our borders, who did they expect to get in, Goldilocks and the tooth fairy? Not with our benefits system ripe for the plucking and the police looking at thought crimes. Not a lot we can do about it really except thro' the ballot box. 'I have been voting Labour since 1997, but this is the only reason I would give my vote to the Tories. The tunnel and the immigration door must be slammed shut.' - Alexandrina, London, 14/9/2009 10:45 Whatever makes you think the Tories will close the borders? This is typical of lifelong NuLav voters who have become disenchanted with Brown and his henchmen. They fall for the BIG LIE that the 'other' Party will be better. Lib/Lav/Con are ONE Party. You can include UKIP also. They are ALL, without exception one hundred per cent committed to taking us into a Federal Europe and destroying the nation state. In fact we are so far into being obliterated as a nation state that, short of a revolution, it is probably too late to recover. The sadness lies in the truth that most of the electorate are ignorant of what is being done. The awakening will be brutal but much too late. Very clever really, the way they've fooled most of the people most of the time. The Slovakian Government is run by the Mafia, believe it or not! So I, for one, am not surprised. I enjoyed my stay in Slovakia. They are really nice people and they take care of their country. HOWEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When my elderly neighbours were burgled, the Police did not make any arrests. The perpetrator was found in the Danube, having failed his swimming test!........... We know, because a rather sharp little man told us........ The old folks did not get their valuables returned, though........... How come that a scam using Barclays bank cards suddenly becomes a forum for political debate? How about turning on Barclays and asking them about security against fraud because there's obviously a lot of work to do, regardless of the political party in power! Tragic that these people are living here in comfort while honest citizens, whose forefathers fought and died in the wars, are struggling to live a decent life. Why do you think house prices are so high? Because of the huge numbers of foreigners like this living in them. It's not just the Slovaks.Here in Oz we've had a wave of ATM fraud perpetrated by Romanians. "What a dreadful day for us all when the Berlin Wall came down and the EU was enlarged - cassandra, nottingham, 14/9/2009 09:42" I cant believe that there are people who actually think this.Who are YOU to make such judgements? The dreadful day for us all was when USSR had destroyed Hitler to keep britain free,perhaps we could start from there? If you are not happy being in EU,than vote for the anti-EU party.And forget about the benefits of being a EU citizen. I've said it before I'll say it again: LIBERALS = ULTIMATE TREASON Madge Blair, France - Excellent. Totally agree with you... When will this country get it's head from out of it's backside and realise that the majority of Immigrants, have lived up to now by their wits and by any means possible to simply survive. That means they are Street Wise, don't give a monkeys about the Authorities and will run rings round anybody in this Country, many of whom, quite frankly would have trouble changing a light bulb, without assistance from their computer. Face the facts, we are simply unprepared for the sort of scams that these people regard as normal life. Just One Very Small problem here Once upon a time we had a Head of State. Namely Her Majesty, The Queen. No we have to answer to a Load of Unelected Politicians in the EU, and soon , to the President of the EU. Blair. Will the Tory Party give this country the Referendum as promised and take the UK OUT OF The EU. Then start to clear out all of the Garbage sent here by the EU. You are of course at liberty to tell me that I am wrong in what i believe. Pat One of the "joys" of our membership of the EU it that every criminal scumbag in Europe has a legal right to come and live here. And, as is increasingly obvious, many have done just that. As the planet's population grows, so does the number of people involved in crime. Our only hope of avoiding being literally overrun by such people is by exerting very tight control over our borders. That means letting in a lot less "tourists", "students", spouses....and leaving the EU asap! The Criminal Paradise of Great Britain. Send us your rapists,murderers,thieves and general scum. What an achievement for this lame government. If anyone thinks that our Dave is going to do anything about all this, they should forget it. Dave is as much in love with the "EU dream" as all the other un-democratic load of swindlers in Westminster. They couldn't care less what our children and grandchildren have to put up with, living cheek by jowl with criminals, - they don't! Its the same here in france, the political pygmies who run this country are all living on another planet as well, and their corruption is as great as in England. Nobody is going to get deported out of all this, after all, they are all crooks together, aren't they? So they will look after each other. Until we have a party in Britain who cares about the British people more than lining their own pockets, this will go on and on! The chickens are coming home roost now showing how stupid this country has been, we have let in every Tom Dick or Harry, legal or illegal when they do wrong they are allowed stay claiming asylum and benefits instead of being sent back to their country of origin, we sent back a terrorist to die in his own country , it will never change now the floodgates have been opened so long we are drowning in our own stupidity. GREAT BRITAIN no GUTLESS BRITAIN run by morons. O ! I hear you all yelling but I bet you vote for a party thay will just carry on with it ??. What a dreadful day for us all when the Berlin Wall came down and the EU was enlarged - cassandra, nottingham, 14/9/2009 09:42 Yes what an awful day for a country to be reunited, hatred banished and the reunification of 2 powers. You are evidently a total philistine (look it up) please try to source your information from the Mail or other such periodicals (look it up) Labour.. Open door policy eh? Crime pays. - Rick, Newcastle uk It was Ted Heath who tricked the electorate into joining the EEC, try and get Dave to promise a referendum for withdrawal from the EU. That's all it would take to guarantee a tory government. I'm sure this wouldn't have happened if the Tories were in power Not one red arrow comment so far, I think we are all singing from the hymn sheet. POLITICIANS TAKE NOTE!! What on earth are we thinking about lettin g all this scum into our country and paying them to live here before our own people. We used to be a wonderful place to live, but now we are the rubbish of europe and the laughing stock of the rest of the world. Check on anyone who wants to come into our country before they even get to the borders, not after they arrive here where they can easily dissapear wiothout trace. When we travel abroad we have to go through border control with our passports etc, so how is it all these criminals are aable to get in without any problems. Disgusted of Bournemouth. So Barclays blame a 'computer bug'. Sure do take us for mugs, dont they. It was their crass incompetence that was to blame. But what do they care? It will all be paid for in the charges that every one of Barclays customers pay. Thankfully I am not one of them. We should get out of the EU now. Borders should be re-established, policed & enforced aggresively. Financial migrants should be sent home forthwith & not be allowed back (as should all immigrants who have commited any criminal offence). Human Rights should be abolished forever (the only people who seem to use them are those intent on criminal activity in any case & have no respect for anyone else's). The vast amounts of cash saved from the EU budget should be reinvested in our own country & distributed by qualified, competent professionals to help the masses & not just the few (not MP's or defunct MEP's)... Message sent to Santa early! the french made 34 arrests ...I bet you they are sent back here instead of there own country . So much for the holy grail of "Chip and Pin" security.. Wait till labours Id cards come in the back door.. Every detail of all our lives up for sale. Still voting marxist.? I agree with ALL comments. It is time that we CLOSED our borders and GET OUT of the EU!!! I think ANY British citizen would vote for the Party who promises to take us out of the EU. Come on David Cameron make us that promise PLEASE!!!!!!! "Out on bail". That's okay then, they'll disappear and more will take over and rob us all blind. Don't you just love the justice system, all for the criminals one and all ! build a wall dividing east and west europe and introduce severe border controls and kick all the garbage out.Which ever poliical party sorts out the mess will et my vote. Harry, a true brit. Well thats a shock, NOT.!!! All living in our country, bleeding everyone dry and out on bail. Great. the party that takes us out of the stupid E.U. gets our vote. I suppose it was organised by the government as part of thier attempt to balance the books.` Using slovacs to carry the can is a wonderfull idea, after all they are some of our better imports, they steal overseas and bring the cash to the UK. Now all we need to do is use them to train our MPs. Perspective: The money was taken from a massive, multi-national company that made £6.1 BILLION PROFIT last year. That's a 0.005% loss in profits. If this happened to you or I (and you or I earn i.e. £25K a year) it's the equivalent of having about £1.25 stolen from you. £1.25!!! I lose more than that down the back of the sofa each year..... With banks having illegally taken around £5bn from customers every year in penalty charges, this 'loss' is a complete joke. What a lovely people. We give them safe haven and the chance to make a new life and this is how they 'repay' us. No pun intented. One has to ask the question WHY these foreign criminals choose to live in & target this country for robbery, theft, scams, fraud etc etc. Answer is simple - our Government has made it so damn easy, the EU is happy for them to be "our" problem & even if they're caught we still pay the cost of keeping them in prison. We have a proud history of being a refuge for the oppressed but these days we're the oppressed, suppressed and damned depressed! If our police know who they are they should be arrested and tried over here. Then sent back to Slovakia to do their time. This shows just how grateful they are to be here in OUR country..... NOT satisfied with ALL the FREE BEEs they get from us tax payers ...they take more....Deport them all How lucky we all are to be members of the EU. I have the perfect defence for these money loaders. They were on a mission for Bully Brown - "Quantitative Easing'.... These fine upstanding citizens of Europe who now reside her, probably on benefits, along with murderers and rapists, etc., that we have inherited courtesy of our beloved masters. They will probably be returned to England, allocated Probation Officers, given new identities and round the clock Police Protection. That is of course, after they have had medical check ups, and been assessed to see if they are eligible for any more benifits due to a change in their circumstances. Have I missed anything out.? Well they will get the appropriate advice. I know the advice the man in the street woukd give them. We have to get this Labour lot out, then get out of Europe. Far from putting a stop to the outrage of having to house, clothe, feed, breed the hordes of foreign criminals and freeloaders who are here and arriving here daily, the EU is now proposing (and will do, as they are the bosses) to "share" out the zillions of 'refugees' from the Third World (who are rather inconveniently still in 'their' countries) with us -- after all, it's only fair isn't it. We've still got a bit of standing room here. GET US OUT OF THE EU!!! LIKE NOW!! Cameron, note! You've got one chance and one only! Good luck to them,any crook from abroad who wants to cheat the British system get over here as quick as you can,its so easy for you,do a bit of thieving,if you get caught they will probably give you benefits until your case comes to court,if it ever does,and you will almost certainly only just get a telling off,its a piece of cake.the police hardly ever prosecute fraudsters,Westminster has turned the UK into a gangsters paradise,large and small. Yet more foreign criminals 'based' in Britain. We must be the softest, daftest, most gullible nation on God's earth. Why the hell can everyone else see the truth of open-border policy but the government cannot? While our lads are giving their lives to fight terrorists overseas this bunch of idiots known as our government are letting criminals, just another form of terrorist, into this once decent country. Ah the joys of being forced to have this scum living in our midst because our politicans haven't got the foresight or spine to retreat from EU membership. We entered for trade reasons and remain for, God only knows what reasons; the benefits are miniscule compared to the burden, not only financially but culturally and socially. We must get out of the EU and reclaim our right to cast out the increasing career criminals descending from Eastern Europe. Cassandra, Nottingham The EU enlargement and the prospective EU membership of Turkey is one of the main foreign policy goals of the United States of America. Americans want Turkey on their side and they want Turkey inside the EU. The main advocates od neo-liberal capitalism and the main supporters od NATO are in eastern Europe. The ex-communist states have a socio-economic policy which is almost idential to that of USA and UK. This is why they are supported by Britain and the US. The mere fact that these countries were allowed to enter the EU is a price we had pay to keep the Yanks happy. And this is why Turkey will be allowed to enter, despite the pressure from Germany and France. Britain, unsurprisingly is one of the main supporters of the Turkish membership. The more countries that are in the EU, the weaker the central Franco-German alliance within it. !"There should have beenn a 5 year period before citizens of an enlarged EU could come here. Turkey next!!!!!!!!!!!David Cameron, WE WANT OUT !!!!!!!" 1)there is a ban in most of the european countries.You,british,wanted to earn a quick buck on cheap labour and lifted the ban,so dont complain now 2)turkey won't join EU ever,cause its not even in Europe. 3)before you cry "we want out" dont forget that there are around 4 mlns of british emigrants living on the continent. Are we 'trying' to import foreign mafia's??? Criminal enterprise should be a good reason to eject foreign criminals. Surely, it's a no brainer...........break the you go. "close all borders NOW!!! - Fran ex pat, The Netherlands Ede, 14/9/2009 10:27" Lets start from you,our french parasite in Wageningen I have been voting Labour since 1997, but this is the only reason I would give my vote to the Tories. The tunnel and the immigration door must be slammed shut. I am surprized to see some of the comments like : "close the borders"; "london will end like Beruit"; "these countries have lived in poverty for generations" ..... The answer does not lie in the above mentioned. The point is that there was a loop hole in the barclays system as well as the legal system which allowed these criminal to move bail. These are the only two points which need to be addressed. The EU is there to stay and is part of a much broader picture - obviously incomprehensible by the readers making the above comments! A lot of people forget that when native Britons go abroad, some of them too have been known to be "thugs .... (footbal thugs for example) ..... murderers ..... thieves ... etc.... You get bad apples in every country and every walk of life and then there are white collar crimes also - for what makes them more acceptable than these crimes? We have our own share of bad apples amongst the native as well as settled migrants who call UK their "home" Will they get deported? I guess not thank you mr politician you have heaped the dregs of europe onto our country and now you are scared to do anything about we are on the very short road to civil war here as people are sick of it. Welcome to the new 21 century England. Crime is probably accounting for most of the 3million jobs said to depend on the EU. The rest are the bureaucrats. When will this dim-witted, flat-headed, self-serving, incompetent shower of a Government claw itself for a moment out of the stinking morass of its own rank ineptitude to realise its short-sighted, hare-brained, amateurish excuse of an immigration policy has dragged this once-fine country down to the scum-laden gutter? More "benefits" of forced immigration. I hope to God that Turkey is not next, it's peaceful here with little criminal activity of this sort. Keep us out, PLEASE!!! On bail, others released - you wont see them for dust. They ALL should have been locked up until their court case and then deported back to the place of their birth and be done with it. Well done to Nu-labour for destroying our once great nation by allowing scum from all over the world to reside in the UK , I know where my vote will go and it's not the three main parties. Another own-goal by our open-door policy... At least they are wandering off abroad to nick the dosh, shows theat tthey KNOW there is nothing left nicking in Britain, thanks to our excellent politicians (current and "retired") who have nicked it all for themselves. You ain't seen nothing yet, wait until Turkey is allowed to join the EU and then you will see trouble in our streets. You have done a wonderful job of protecting other countries NuLabour while allowing the UK to go down the pan with the amount of crap you have allowed to pour in and to all you do gooders and PC loonie Lefties, let see how happy you are about human rights for all when your bank account is hacked. After having Barclays phone me every weekend at 9am over money Barclay's stole out of my account all I can say, is it couldn't have happened to a more deserving bank. Stupid New Labour, stupid big business encouraging New Labours immigration policy. At the end of the day the tax payer always picks up the bill. When is the British government going to represent British people? These clowns and their vote rigging election policies need to be gone. Sorry to say it but we need a Britain for the British government or we will have the BNP rising and rising! No doubt they used their unlimited cash credit cards to come up with the bail money Wonder how they managed to get through nu-labours "Tough new points system", this is just another example of the fine upstanding people labour are allowing to flood our streets. Please remember this in may next year when that clown woolas tells us all how labour have got immigration under control. I agree with cassandra, nottingham, the end of the Soviet Union was a bad day for the west, the worst since WW2. Cassandra Nottingham You alluded to the forthcoming rubber stamp job of allowing Turkey to join EU. Turkey has land borders of 269 km with Bulgaria, 203 km with Greece, 276 km with Georgia, 325 km with Armenia, 18 km with Azerbaijan (Nahjivan), 529 km. with Iran, 378 km with Iraq and 877 km with Syria. And each one of the borders can be walked across with a suitcase. So let in Turkey and you let in the world. Get out of the EU. Close our borders and stop these criminals from debasing our society. Further stop paying benefits to all migrants. They should be locked up and the key thrown away, but no they are released on bail, beggars belief how this country is being fleeced by foreigners to our shores. We should be pulling up the drawbridge and throwing out anyone that has broken our laws. I don't want to know what Joe Public thinks of all this, I want to know what the Prime Minister's views are!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good old EU...the best thing that ever happened to us....NOT ! Are these some the people that make the valuable contribution to this country that we keep hearing about? - without doubt this government have damaged us beyond repair! yet another crime committed by immigrants living in Britain. When will we ever learn. We have enough of our own underclasses without welcoming in those of our European Neighbours. Out of the EU now and close our borders. Revolution required. Fran the ex-pat; Have you booked your ticket home??? Hypocrite!! If you read the article properly you will see that they have ALL been released, because the 4 ringleaders were bailed!!!! This beggars belief, and was probably done in the sure and certain knowledge that they would all scarper back here, saving the French shed loads of money and effort in prosecuting them! How did we allow this once orderly and law abiding country to become a haven for the gangs and criminals of the world? Sorry to be un-PC, but most of the crimes we hear about, including inner city knife crimes and muggings ARE carried out by those who did not originate here!!!!! What a dreadful day for us all when the Berlin Wall came down and the EU was enlarged. These countries have lived in poverty for generations, obviously they will head to places where the living and pickings are easy! There should have beenn a 5 year period before citizens of an enlarged EU could come here. Turkey next!!!!!!!!!!!David Cameron, WE WANT OUT !!!!!!! They've been allowed 'out on bail' !!!! Do you really think they are going to hang around - nope they'll head right back to good old UK where they'll be safe with the rest of the criminals allowed in - close our borders now and shut/block the tunnel we have enough of our own scum without the rest of the EU's Proves how disasterous the open borders policy from the EU is. Britain should refuse re-entry of these criminals back to our country. This is one of the reasons why the dregs of the world flock to the UK. Once they are here, they become untouchable by the law. They can do what they like. No doubt they were shipped back across the channel on the first ferry available where they were no doubt met with tea, toast and train fare home!!!!! I feel so proud that our ancient capital city is home to a substantial community of Slovakian criminals. We used to have our own small criminal class, that was easily policed. Now we have the dregs of the world setting up "communities". generally in subsidized housing & with their human rights protected at our expense. Unless we have a massive change of direction & soon, London will end up like Beirut. close all borders NOW!!! 'armed police made 24 arrests...' why does the media refer to 'armed police' as if to give some dramatic edge to a story. In most normal coutries the police are armed as a matter of course, so this is no big deal, indeed most foreigners cannot believe that the police can or ar prepared to do their job here without a sidearm to protect themselves or the public. Well thats a surprise, all have been bailed and released into to community, where they will vanish, never to be seen again. Until next time we are lucky enough to catch them at it. (or the French) Then what? Thats right, back to the start of comment. And I suppose they have all returned to London with their ill- gotten gains without any check at our borders, ready to plan their next scam. OUT of the EU now, and seal our borders tight. thank you tony blair and gordon brown well done......just more eastern european crime for france and the uk to deal with.......... Quantitative easing Slovakian style. it is not difficult to bypass the security to access unlimited withdrawals from a Bank Card, but you do need an 'insider' to make the necessary changes to the accounts in question to allow unlimited withdrawals, the euphemism used here a "computer bug" is a term frequently used by Banks as a catch all for an 'inside job' the truth is bank and credit card fraud has never been higher, particularly internet related activities, if the Banks were to come clean over the billions they lose each year through fraudulent activities we would stop trusting them and they would soon go out of business, so we are always told these are 'isolated incidents' and 'computer bugs' the losses are insured anyway so the banks can afford to keep it quiet. Can't see any reason why not! These people arrive here fully aware "IF" caught nothing much will happen to them. The same excuses will be used, we come from a country where we have had harsh treatment and for a better life or it's not our fault our mothers didn't breast feed us. Guess what ? The do-gooders stand for it and more and more criminals follow making lawyers very wealthy and the public here unhappy and living in despair. Ever thought it's been done on purposed. Lets hope the French send them back to Slovakia. Britain the dumping ground for the worlds criminals, thanks to the Labour government and corrupt EU. Welcome to the European Union Dream. If this scam had happened in the UK no doubt the fraudsters would have been released on "insufficient evidence" from the Director of Public Prosecutions. Lets hope they all get deported.Very nice what this open door policy has done for our Countries. This is what these people do best. what do you expect these people from other countries think the streets are paved with gold and when they find out they are not then they help themselves to what everyone else has worked for,I hope the french send them back to thier own country , there is not enoungh houses and jobs anymore for our own people wake up britain and france don't let them in unless they have money to support themselves. I really do hope the french authorities come down really heavily on these people and make a lasting example of them. A clear message this behaviour will not be tolerated. If this crime had occurred in the UK, our craven legal system would have probably given them a community service order! Why can we not ban all suuch foreign criminals from entering our country? Would it harm their EC inspired Human Rights? Unwitting accomplices ? the poor things must feel proper foolish now !!! Any way ...Foreign criminal gangs operating from the UK. ...what a surprise. Will these people be deported from England , when they of course come back to Blighty. "The London based East European gang" just about says it all, NuLabours one great achievement, Britain crime magnet to the world. i trust that those persons arrested are deemed as unsuitable to be in the UK and are imprisoned in France and then sent back to Slovakia, im not holding my breath !! more scum in my country . This caused problems for ordinary travelers. I went to pay my hotel bill that morning in Calais with my M&S card. The process was 'abandon,' I informed the receptionist that my wife also had a card, thinking that mine had been damaged and that she would pay the bill. Unfortunately her card was also 'abandon,' Luckily, I had my Barclay card with me that went through with no problem.Upon reaching home I telephoned M&S to report that our cards had been rejected. I was informed that our cards were perfectly alright and that the two transactions at the hotel had been accepted, this now means that I have paid one bill three times. M&S say that I have got to contact them again on Tuesday, ( tomorrow ) so that they can sort it out. Hopefully they will have read your article and will cancel out the two charges. This is the scum we are letting in to the UK and we must get out of the EU now. If anyone can give one good reason for staying in I'll give ten for leaving. The cost for remaining a member is both financially and constitutionally ludicrously high. They will probably be sent back to London where they will be given a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again! The french should deport them back to their own country and they should not be allowed to set foot in Britain again. ( I wish) "unwitting accomplices" How can they be unwitting, if they drew money from a bank account they must have known that it was a scam. Or why did they travel to France in the first place. I see the French Police have released them on bail, do they honestly think these people will come back? Yet another scam run by people this country let in because of the EU's rules. If we were not members of this nasty club we could control the scum that are arriving daily. I expect the french will blame the british for this. A security bug? How convenient for the criminals - coincidence, or an inside job? This country has enough scumbags of its own. Close our borders NOW! Poor old Barclays. All those decades of cash dispensers and still there is a 'bug' in their system. Someone in IT will be looking for another job soon, especially if the 'bug' was an inside job, as seems very likely. At least the crooks had the good sense to withdraw Euros! I wonder what Barclays will do to the people whose cards were used, presumably on accounts with zero or negative balances. Do they even know where they live? Or who they are? Un-controlled immigration, un-controlled crime, un-controlled criminals. Lets get rid of this Government and control our borders. Dimwit politicians are to blame I see the banks are starting to realise that cutting back on computer security personnel was perhaps not the brightest idea, after all. Last week, I learned how low a regard banks had for people who have the skills to keep their entire infrastructure working: When my fiancee and I opened a joint bank account at Deutsche Bank, the teller needed to put my occupation into the computer system. The killer detail? They had no category for IT workers of any description! Labour.. Open door policy eh? Crime pays. kick them out ... like us all we live in home and pay taxes !!!! if they want to live in streets then they are welcome to go to where they come from , here it's NOT the way we live !!!! weak gouvernment ................. They're not daft. If they wait there long enough they'll be housed. I'm sure most countries would bundle them in the back of a car and MAKE SURE they were on the plane back. It's so sad we have to show such little compassion to our fellow human beings however these memorials are of huge importance to us Brits and don't want them desecrated. These people are a nuisance. They were begging at the Notre Dame in Paris when I was there. You have to watch your bags and pockets. I don't know anyone that would give a penny to them. Unfortunately it's only going to get worse. May I just add, the huge majority of Polish people who reside here work like dogs, are hugely bright and well spoken and are a credit to their home nation. Don't tar all Eastern Europeans with the same brush. This is bloody disrespectful and it offends me. Its about time the Uk maned up and told these people to bugger off,. If they have no money or no where to live and no job then they dont come here. I have never seen anything like this in my life. Lol at people blaming the Tories, this is labours doing if you remember rightly ! one way ticket Enough is enough our small island can't take anymore, we are stretched to the limits, the NHS, schools, housing and employment. We are a laughing stock it must stop now!!!! Instead of the DM constantly stirring this pot - and other similar pots - why doesn't it actually DO something about it. Start a campaign, hassle MPs whatever. Or would that be too much to expect? If you say you don't want them here you're racist and if you try and send them back there's do-gooders who'll jump up and down shouting and fund legal support that'll drag on for years and cost this country a fortune.......while our own less well off are struggling to make ends meet. All the people say give them a home.How about you let them live with you and you can pay for them if your so soft hearted and thats the problem sorted.Hmmm the silence would indicate a big no.Hypocrites this makes me proud to be british.......... No other country would put up with this! They are waiting for benefits and housing. Poor Matthias. Imagine what life these people had back home that makes sleeping rough seem like a good alternative. Remove all rights to benefits for five years then sit back and watch the exodus. - Ron, Birmingham, 6/9/2013 13:42 --------- Homeless people do not get benefits, due to them not having any fixed address. A government with no backbone = A country left to self destruction. They just don't get it. The British people are sick and tired of our country being used as the dumping ground for the rest of the world. We are the ONLY EU country that tolerates anything and everything. GO HOME!!!! Easy touch England. Nothing Great in Great Britain anymore. So sad. It's too late to moan about it, they're here. The more educated have been warning about this for years and yet the British electorate kept voting in the same old way. And guess what, there are a load more coming soon. If you don't like it, vote for one of the parties who will stop it, otherwise stop grumbling like a bunch of old women. There are people out there that could stop this, either join them, or live with it. Because quite frankly just bleating on about it, with solve nothing. Instead of wasting money on imperialistic buildings, that should be spent on housing. Govt wrong affordable housing. Especially in parks of london.....result would be few homeless and reduced house prices!!!! errr if I dropped a sweet wrapper I might face a hefty fine.... "immigrants were offered free flights back to their home country" I'm sorry but there is no choice in this....force them on a plane and be done with it! If you're here illeaglly you should be chucked out! One word is all that is needed - - UKIP ! Clean this country up Mr Cameron and get rid of all the rubbish. Disgusting. They shouldn't be given a choice. Just send them home Only a matter of time before they are sleeping on the back Benche's at the House of Commons ! Chortle Chortle Chortle there's me thinking that they come here get a load of benefits straight away and a nice council house. strange way to live if that's true If they are so obviously sleeping and living in these spots, then where are the immigration department? Why have they not swooped in whilst they were sleeping and taken them to a holding area and sent back to their own country with a red arrow on every computer system that will stop them from returning. It's hardly rocket science and yet immigration seem unable to comprehend even the simplest of actions. why do we not charge them (there are many statutes that can be used if the authorities had the guts), get them convicted in all-night sittings in magistrates courts, put them all on a bus, take them across the channel and drop them off? Oh and take their full details AND fingerprint them so that if they are caught again or try and get in the Border Agency will be able to deal with them - which they cannot at the moment!! Any clothing left lying about is an offence under the litter acts - so pick it all up and burn it - no ifs or buts! The well funded pity-me industry will no doubt use the HRA to try and stop it - but since we are not doing anything other than giving them a free trip back to france - tell me what is inhuman about that! PS Fully agree with most of the above too! Welcome to cameroons uk.He does nothing about it ,but wants to attack Syria,putin is on the mark,nobody but immigramnts is bothered about Britain. I watch from afar and I shiver !............... What an awful mess this country is in. edward heath started this when he RAMMED the uk into the common market (EU) tony and gordon made things worse dave WILL NOT TACKLE THE PROBLEM only U K I P will vote how you will but think of your children and granchildren UKIPS not the answer..can they gaurantee they will stop imigration,read their manifesto first. "Why aren't the Left Wing Loony Liberals campaigning for the Government to give them each a house,- Dave , Alicante Spain" - Er this is why the bedroom tax was introduced and why our young people are no longer being given social housing, so the Lib-Lab-Con can give the housing to them! pick them up and send them back to where they came from. Don't give them a chance to shout HUMAN RIGHTS. This country is going down the pan fast. ship 'em back The various local fire services need extra training exercises and should conduct them at those sites which are in danger of damage from careless fires started inadvertantly by unauthorised occupants. Thus, the fire services should 'damp down' these sites, preferably at dusk and dawn, to minimise the risk of fires breaking out. Where is the compassion?? These people are homeless , they sleep on the streets. How is that OK in any circumstance. You wouldn't let your dog sleep out in the street so why is it OK for these people?? Time to send in the forty per cent of police not investigating crimes, to round them up and ship them out! Ian, London. its not only the middle class who work. not everyone working class have 10 children and do not work. ignorant I'm hoping for a harsh winter Why don't they go home the UK is a third world country now,they are better of back home. You should not get access to this country if you don't have a job to go to, or a job that can support you.. go home !!!! My God what is wrong with you all?? can you imagine having it so bad that you rather sleep on our cold streets (our month long freak heat wave aside) than in your own home?! I can't. Have a heart DM readers and no that doesn't mean we should 'let them all in' just show compassion. Nadya , Canvey Island, United Kingdom, 06/9/2013 13:22 ++++++Excuse me but I USED to have compassion but enough is enough and I have been driven to this by seeing my own nation being ground down. And Nadya I bet there are thousands and thousands who have had to go down the same route, Nadya, Canvey Island. If you feel so sorry for them, let them into your garden and clear up the said mess the next day..It is one thing to have nowhere to sleep but another to leave litter and disrepect behind . @Nadya , Canvey Island, United Kingdom I guess from your name you're also from this neck of the woods otherwise you wouldn't have such a big heart? The UK, or any other country, is not a dumping ground for people without the means to support themselves or get them arrested and deported...forget human rights and the EUSSR, simple. Xenophobe much? no? what would you call this? Get them ALL on a boat and back across the channel NOW but sadly they won't prob. get a house soon !!!!! I would like to officially thanks Tony Blair and Gordon Brown for everything they did for this country. Chuck them all out, we have no room. They are NOT adding anything to the country, they are taking it away. The only people let in should be tourists, business visitors, those visiting family and those who are relocating to work. We have a major problem in housing our own homeless without importing them. No good deed goes unpunished! Where are all the human rights crowd who I thought they would be helping these people and maybe clearing up the mess they make. No to busy talking about it rather than becoming involved with the dirty end of the stick, whilst nice and warm in their nice house's. It is their fault we are in such a state in the UK. Isn't the E.U. wonderful. Much more Europe please. My wife is Bangladeshi and she studied and worked 5 years in London. At the end she returned to Bangladesh because the Cameron government made it almost impossible for educated and hard working tax paying non-European (!) people to stay and work in the UK (my wife NEVER asked for benefits). But at the same government welcomes lazy drug using rubbish from Eastern Europe to disturb the common people, spoil the system and plunder the UK. Good luck UK! Asylum, Immigration...........where we were once so tolerantnd welcoming now we are just plain p'd off and exploited! Vote UKIP and stop the insanity destroying our country! Ms May has been too busy targeting and destroying the family lives of respectable hard working tax paying British citizens and families with a non EEA spouse by denying them a UK visa. Which she doesn't do with EEA nationals. If Ms May got her priorities right and tackled the real immigration problems this would not happen! If they are immigrants without jobs or homes then the best thing is to send them back to their own countries. Aid money we spend abroad should be diverted to this, also deporting illegal immigrants. However, the issue of rough sleepers in London is a difficult one. I used to work in a gallery on the Bankside a few years ago and we used to find rough sleepers outside the front doors in the morning. The front of house manager was very kind and used to give them coffee and biscuits, but he would also tell them they had to pack up and leave. At that point most galleries were charging entrance fees, so we would have had no visitors and would have lost about 10k in vital revenue. Telling people to go made us feel awful though. And that's why I moved to Australia!- Shaz , New Zealand, 06/9/2013 13:17 --------- don't you mean New Zealand? just please vote UKIP! ...all three other parties,& they really do not care! Calcined Bauxite ,13:22------ Agree with most of your comment EXCEPT for the Ukip bit. Do you think they are any better than this lot? They are politicians after all. Next time you see the UKip candidate - ask how long it will take to come out of the EU (for which I am 100% in favour). They will NOT mention about "SEVEN YEARS"!! just tourist coming to see the royals. "and one hangs his coat on a peace sculpture" for crying out load folks, PIECE!! - Bob, Redditch Bangkok, 6/9/2013 11:30------------------------------------------hahahahahahaaaaaaa!!!! my word, how EMBARRASSING!!!i'm cringing for you! And immigration is still classed as good for the economy.How can it be good,when we have this problem What the heck! Kick them back to where they came from - sod PC. Captain Steve- arrest them and then what? Put them in our warm jails where they are fed and watered with our tax payers money? put them on a bus to Tony Blair's house or any of the old Libour cabinet, this is what they all planed. Not Fit to govern, ever. Come on down UKIP How about a reminder that basically, what these people are is POOR??? Nobody sleeps on the streets because they choose to! Does it disturb you to see poverty when you have your latte macchiato in the morning? Is it ruining your mood? Sure, it's better to see pretty flowers then hungry homeless people. And on top of everything, they are not even British! I mean, we could somehow tolerate the poor if they are British. But foreign poverty? That is really not acceptable. What if you would lose all your material possessions tomorrow and people would be disgusted at you because you sleep on the street, what would you do? Run after them and say, no, don't hate me, I am British not eastern European? Any immigrant with no job, place to stay or enough money to support themselves should be turned around at point of entry and deported. We have enough benefit scroungers that would rather live on benefits than work, Blame the bankers Why do we struggle in stopping these people from coming here..we live on an island!!! Good grief! its publicised and nothing is done. Get them out! Just move in some armed guards and dogs and that should do the trick. Thank the politicians and the Human Rights Bill for the mess this country is in. Have you noticed that it never affects the people who have created the mess. so take and incinerate any 'rubbish' they find hidden in bushes and at night get the pressure hoses out to 'water' the gardens. Get rid - problem solved. Vote UKIP. Meanwhile Cameron is in Russia telling everyone what a wonderful country Britain is. Well it's only set to get worse. But don't worry according to our politicians we need them, what for I do not know but they are good for industry apparently. It's time to close the doors to our once great nation! My beautiful country as I knew it is no longer we fought off the Germans in the last world war so we could live in peace only to be let down by our own successive governments my god my for fathers would be turning over in there graves if they were able to witness the fiasco in theses troubled times and those that sacrificed there lives would be wondering what on earth for.? And Cameron's more worried about what's happening in other countries than his own...Tories OUT! Shouldn't there be a export trade in this to the Eastern European nations whose property they are. Third World UK and being sold out by every greedy politician with their hands in the till. Surely it is against human rights to take their crack pipe of them Tut Tut Roll on winter. so many gave there lives for this country if only they could see it now, they would think why did I bother. IF they dont accept the free ticket home from the UK taxpayers.... send em to russia to sleep on the streets.. Why do we tolerate this? - Angered , Manchester, 06/9/2013 13:17---------- Because we are fooled into thinking we live in a democracy...but we dont... If this is what happens when it is illegal for them to stay, what does anyone think will happen when we can't keep them out? The idea that people can move freely around the EU is a good one, but I'm sure it was meant to benefit the countries involved, not end up leaving them being a dumping ground for all sorts of people. My friend in China, who could, given the opportunity teach Chinese, or even maths in England, will have to jump through so many hoops to be able to remain here. The criteria to be allowed to stay in this country should apply to everyone from whatever country they come from. That way we can control who enters I've stayed a while in the uk for my studies... it deeply saddens me to see such foreigners misbehaving on, well, foreign turf. It's a great country if not for all these trash! SOMEONE SAVE US FROM IDIOT DAVE! ..... - nr , wigan, 06/9/2013 13:23............In case you hadn't noticed, the rot started when Dave was still in short pants. THANKYOU TONY BLAIR Tony and Cherie Blair have lots of open spaces in their various properties, try camping out there. But on a serious note, this is the changing face of Britain, instigated by Labour and the Europhiles, nothing will change for the better until we ditch the corrupt EU and it's unelected stooges along with those MPs who would take us into a FEDERAL EUROPE. Dave - you must get your priorities right and get things sorted at home.. These rumblings of discontent are getting louder by the minute. if the law of this country dont do nothing about it, then dont moan about it, after all we let them in to run riot so only one person to blame, these foke have no money no job no home, WHY ARE THEY HERE The answer to all this is simple ,give us our referendum on our continued membership of the EU now,be,fore we are completely taken over For once Cameron listen to the people instead of surrendering us to Europe. Beautiful London is now the pits. we have got the same in France..... I bet there isn't a Litter man from Westminster Council in sight, If that had been a londoner dropped a crum off a sandwich they would have been all over him......amazing. - Ken Draper, Amersham, United Kingdom, 6/9/2013 12:55 They probably were the Westminster Council litter people. It has all been privatised and they now impose fines for littering, so they have got us both ways, no where to place litter, no one to clear up and we then get fined! CAMERON you gutless muppet. Kick them out Cleaning up used condoms and human excrement - just about says it all. How much lower can this Country sink ? I, along with everyone else, am fed up with immigrants but, I get angry when Brits keep blaming Cameron for what's happening! It was Blair that originally opened the flood gates so that he would get the votes and, it was Brown, who then sold us out by signing the EU treaty. I agree that we need to cut the amount of money sent in foreign aid but, in this country, Cameron can do nothing at the moment, and frankly, UKIP if they ever get in, may try and halt future immigration but, I can't see them being able to change the damage already done by Labour, either! Just remember at the next election that votes for UKIP may make you feel better but, I seriously don't think they would get the leadership and, you will just be strengthening Labour's hand again!! I blame Blair and Brown - they started this process. In the history of or geat counrty, have any other two individuals done more damage?! Send them home, whatever the consequences. Immigrants like them cannot contribute to our society!! Send them back to the EUROPEAN country that they came from, no human rights issues, no wars going on therefore no reason to put up with them !! Water cannon should clear the detritus, try it! The Gov has to get real and close, or get control, of the UK borders. The police should go in and round them up and then we should depot them. They are bringing nothing to the UK. at least without an address they cant claim benefits - Ian Edwards, nottingham, United Kingdom, 06/09/2013 12:23 Lovely to see your readers are as compassionate as ever! These people aren't using heroin (unlike the 'usual' residents) aren't causing aggro and are just trying to better themselves - unlike a lot of 'natives' Why not look on the bright side, Mr Edwards - at least they're using condoms, so there won't be many damned single mothers or child benefit claimants... Oh I forgot, we already have millions of those! THEY SHOULD GO TO CARLTON TERRACE AND SET UP CAMP ON ALL BLAIRS OTHER PROPERTIES, TO SEE WHAT HE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN IN THIS COUNTRY HOPING HIS DREAM OF BEING PRESIDENT OF EUROPE WOULD BE HIS PRIZE. This is disgusting. Take them to their embassy and get them to sort out their own people. The council really needs to step in and set these people up with some homes. - Johnny260 , London, United Kingdom, 06/9/2013 13:19------------------------------------------------------------------- What a load of tosh name one country a British person can walk into and be given a free home, why dont you take some into your house as you are so generous. THANK YOU LABOUR ANYONE MOANING JUST REMEMBER WHO CAUSED THIS AND VOTE UKIP They'll be joined by plenty of homeless Brits in the coming months. Thanks, IDS! Get them out now. Lets stop this now because we will start having to look at dodgy ugly shanty towns. Disgusting blight on all of our lives, to be honest I'm struggling to think of what they can contribute to our economy.....nope still nothing. No job with paid contributions, no home, no English = no room here I'm afraid. At the end of the day this is costing us tax payers money cleaning up the mess they leave and having to send the police in to move them on frankly I'd rather public monies are directed to a more positive use. Because, like many people who come to this country, they don't care about our way of life, our traditions, our history, or what we hold dear. They just want money, money, money and we give, give, give! How exactly are people with no finances to support themselves allowed into the country? When I moved to the States I had to provide documentation to prove that I had enough money in the bank to support myself and that I had somewhere to live. Surely that should be the basic requirement for all non asylum seeking refugees immigrating to **************. strangely enough you do, but for some reason Britain don't follow their own rules ??? taking the place of british vagrants who will not doss down there? well done tony gordon and dave look what you have not done tHIS IS A RESULT OF VOTING LABOUR FOR ALL THOSE YEARS.ROUND THEM UP AND SEND THEN HOME I would love to see them pitch up at the Blairs residence and leave their filth for them to rot in!! welcome to dog-hole britain........ Have you seen that programme ,,, the UK BORDER AGENCY makes me laugh , its the best comedy ever written......and their staff are the best comedians ever produced, I know the police are raiding and moving them on quickly - but they are only moving them onto another spot, so it's just a vicious circle. If they have no home, they can't get a job, if they can't get a job they have no money, if they have no money they turn to crime to survive. If this is your definition of Eastern-Europeans, I suppose the Brits are all loud, uneducated, disrespectful, misbehaving, drunken lager-louts who happily throw their hotel furniture out of their window - as we see them here, in Eastern Europe. 'If they're not there, if we move their sleeping bags like we are told to, some guys get angry.' ============================== They get angry if you move their sleeping bags ? ! What do they think this is - claim staking Klondike or what ? Maybe Dave can stick it right up Putin and show these pictures as an example of current British success and why he should be taken seriously. Labour's new voter base. A disgrace. That people are sleeping rough irrespective of where they choose to sleep Kick them all out and deal with EU reaction Later. It will be years of talk or hot air. This is the European Union for you!!! Or once great Country!!!!! Patricia, Romsey Get them out! Catch them. Deport them. No appeals No Lawyers. No problem. Why can't they be left alone?! - Tandoori Nights , London, United Kingdom, 06/9/2013 13:17 ............... So you wouldn't mind getting up one morning to find them camped in your front garden, then, complete with detritus and human waste? Hopefully they'll all disappear off home come autumn when it starts raining constantly and turns really cold. Not sure they're going to be happy sleeping in a soaking wet sleeping bag. No doubt they'll become ill and then will be using up NHS resources..... I've just returned from the clean, optimistic, city of Chicago. I'm ashamed of this dumping ground that is the UK. UKIP is the only answer to our burgeoning problems. How exactly are people with no finances to support themselves allowed into the country? When I moved to the States I had to provide documentation to prove that I had enough money in the bank to support myself and that I had somewhere to live. Surely that should be the basic requirement for all non asylum seeking refugees immigrating to Britain? - BayouLimey , Baton Rouge, United States, 06/9/2013 13:18 Because we're part of the EU! If were independent like the USA we could refuse them entry! Send your thanks to people to continually vote LibLabCON and fail to understand the word 'democracy'. If they have nowhere to stay - pass a law or do whatever is necessary to order them to go back whence they came, finger printing them when they came to the UK would have helped but I understand this isn't being done- why? Yet again another reason not to vote for Cameron. UKIP is our last and only hope. Cameron will promise to act but every promise he made has been broken. Bloody well kick them out. What is wrong with us. We're a "little island" quote, unquote. Leave whatever political groups we are in as a nation that says we have to "cow Tao" and start again before its too late. The coat on the hook is cute. At around eight o'clock the group packed up their sleeping bags and blankets and stashed them in bushes that lie directly in front of the museum............................if they stash their sleeping bags and blankets during the day why not just burn them........ Blair's Britain...!! The free dustbin of the world at tax payers expense! Remove all rights to benefits for five years then sit back and watch the exodus. You can thank ALL the left wing hand wringers for this mess, if this is what social cohesion and tolerance is all about, then I want none of it............UKIP your time is NOW! Why are they letting in people with no jobs, money or accommodation? Can you imagine going to America like this - you would never ever be allowed in. I bet there isn't a Litter man from Westminster Council in sight, If that had been a londoner dropped a crum off a sandwich they would have been all over him......amazing. - Ken Draper, Amersham, United Kingdom, 6/9/2013 10:55 - KEN YOU'RE COMMENT MADE MY DAY, I LAUGHED, YOU ARE SO RIGHT, HIT THE NAIL RIGHT ON THE HEAD. They look rather clean and tidy to me.....DM can't help winding up its readers who by chance fall for this BS every time...well the gullible ones do..... Chill, they'll leave soon, as soon as their nice new council houses have been refurbished and the benefits they've claimed start pouring in they'll be out of the way. Round em up and stick them on the ferry Next it will be Buckingham Palace, Referendum on the EU rather than scrabbling to send bombs into Syria David Cameron??? How about sending them to Scotland if they are so keen on leaving the Union and joining the EU. They can then have them all. Thank you TW London Good to show we are all in this together you really make me want to stay in the United Kingdom...FREEDOM.... Wow! Well for all of you in your cosy little lives not being forced to seek better circumstances. All they need now is for for shallow selfish people to mock them and claim the ground they sleep on. I find this incredibly sad. I doubt any will say they chose to end up like this! They can't even build up or improve their 'own' country - what use are they to ours?. If they are out of work with no where to go, how did they end up in Britain???? Go home! Kick them out. How is this allowed?? Reduce the numbers in both Houses of Parliament and double our Border Control staff Isn't it about time we had the bottle to sent them back where they came from if they cant support themselves, we don't here of Brits doing this in their country Eagle eyes, London 13.08 Yes, you would think Cameron would use common sense and do that, yet he must abide by EU Dictatorship rules of allowing free entry into UK to ALL from other EU countries. The only time we can get rid of any of them is if they are wanted under an arrest warrant, then they can be deported. Otherwise they can remain here for ever, but Cameron will not be telling the public that.. UKIP ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO WILL END THIS MADNESS AND TAKE BACK CONTROL. And they said it wouldn't happen. Never mind, our Liberal coalition partners must have a plan in place. That's why we voted them in. Doubt they would stick around if the police moved in and had the Fire Brigade hose them down regularly. If they cry, 'Human Rights', escort them to the airport or docks and ship them out. The people are slowly waking up ! even in America they are questioning their leaders . I am too old now to make a physical stand ( did that in the 1960's ) so I am now bombarding my MP and the Government with e mails . Even if they don't read them in person, we know a big doughnut in Cheltenham that will be reading them , SHUT our BORDERS once and for all , we can look after our own country thank you very much , we do not need 500,000 immigrants every year , we have many young people to do the work . AND MR CAMERON , if they will not work , then they should starve . THERE never was and never will be a free lunch ! SHUT THE DAMN DOOR! is this what b-LIAR meant by immigrants benefitting our country, it seams that immigrants are the only ones who 'benefit' from this disgusting dumping ground the eu and it's rules and our duplicitous government have turned OUR country into. France threw these people out if only we had some patriotic adults in government we could do the same. VOTE UKIP. Russia dismissed Britain as 'just a small island no one pays any attention to." After looking at these photo's, I can see how the Russian and the rest of the world think this way about Great Britian. What have you done to our beautiful country David Cameron? ----- Marg, Melbourne, 6/9/2013 12:49 ----------------Cameron may not have done a lot to correct it but it was Blair and Brown who deliberately messed up by "rubbing the right wing's nose in it " -their words. Only the Daily Mail could care more about a monument than the fact that people are homeless. If we stopped giving unwarranted and thankless financial aid to countries like India/Pakistan to nurture their space programs we would be in a better financial situation to just round up this scum and send them packing PRONTO. This country lets anybody in, come on over lads - Britain is an open house. I went on a Chiltern train from Birmingham to London 2 weeks ago with my sister who is nearly eighty and visiting me from Australia, the train was full of people speaking their own language and lots of small children taking up many seats as we stood There was food all over the tables and floor and I felt embarrassed that a train that in the passed was a delight to go on was like a third world transport My sister was horrified and did not feel well after such an unpleasant journey and was pleased to be traveling back to Australia its now that europe could/should work - if we stand fast with france and germany we would have so much more weight in the world - the 3 countries make an economic superpower and britian-france makes a military superpower - yes i know, red arrows, cos you don't like forigners ! Go home. We have no homes for you, no jobs for you, no place for you...we do not want you. Go home....sorry if that sounds too 'right wing' for some, but time to wake up and smell the coffee. We're a busted flush for those already here: total national debt, current and expected, matching that of the Weimar Republic. We're on borrowed time with our NHS, welfare and pensions. There IS no room at the inn. When the proverbial does hit the fan - and it will in the not too distant future, with debt projected to double within five years - we're all done for, both the drivers and the passengers. Sorry, but open arms are a luxury we can no longer afford. The gates are closed, the doors bolted: find another mug. We've been haemorrhaging money for almost a hundred years through this misguided notion of the 'welfare state' - it's bad enough being bled by our own: you will bleed us no more. Go. Home. Damned if you help them guilty if you don't. Does any politican care about this country and the people that pay their salaries and tax. This should be top priority clear them out never mind their human rights, anyone with any decency would do this to monuments and the like. Needs to be sorted as soon as they arrive no good six months down the line when they are fully settled in. Terrible. They should be housed in a taxpayer funded house for the time being... If you want to stop this then get out and vote in 2015. Dave and his dog will never grow a pair and will continue to let anyone in. Employ men to patrol parks and turf this riff-raff out as soon as they settle down. If this type of behaviour is allowed to continue, things are going to get very ugly in the near future. The British are a patient people, but they will only put up with so much. That "so much" is very close now. How is it right that a country cannot prevent vagrants, beggars and the mentally deranged from entering our nation to ruin it? Oh, it's called the EU. Ofcourse Romania and Bulgaria want to join, it's a win win situation for them and lose lose for us. As usual! Sick to the back teeth of it. Ruins everything that Britain once stood for... but that's alright Cameron, you just deal with Syria... Because that's OUR! biggest problem at the moment... Oh wait. dont worry esstern europeans just try get use to the weather not long left until you can stay forever! and u ll be staying at richest areas in london meanwhile im buying my parents a property in another country Why are our politicians so gutless?if there isn't a law against vagrancy,stop dithering and damn well pass one They must be better off in their own country than here living like that! Reason 8 billion to vote ukip Okay so there is dog poo, used condoms and a crack pipe found in a Public space. How is this tied to Eastern Europeans, I don't get it ? Are we saying they all brought their dogs with them and get enough money off the social to but crack with ? Your comments:no worries, they gonna be there only for 3 months after that they entitled to start claiming benefits :-) Outrageous - deport them all! After the vote against military action in Syria our leading political leaders said the UK must consider its position as a WORLD POWER. Yet we can't even control these immigrant vagrants. But our Parliament could rush through the gay marriage bill. Nothing like getting your priorities right is there Dave? These people who comment about DM readers not being compassionate. Well just remember we DM readers are part of the majority of Middle Class England who have to pay for this mess. Not you. And also remember if the majority think this way then maybe you could be wrong in your views. Easy to be an idealist goody goody 2 shoes isn't it. I mean I would like everyone to have money and nice houses etc. and no starvation or wars in the world but it's never going to happen is it and people like you are part of the reason it won't. round 'em up and ship 'em out Won't affect the politicians who live behind their iron gates and travel in their chauffeur driven cars! Sorry guys. you will just have to put up with it! All courtesy of EU Dictatorship membership!, things will only get worse till we get OUT!. It's long past time to ask: WHAT THE HELL HAS HAPPENED TO YOUR SPINE, BRITAIN? How come they are allowed in the country without a job, accomadation sorted, and money. Oh and isn't it wonderful this open border system. They are flooding in their droves from Britain for a better life to places like Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, who incidentley can't do enough for us over there. We are now an international joke.... Something should be done, but nothing will be done, as long as we are members of the EU there is only one answer _ Vote UKIP in next year's EU elections and let the LIBLABCON know what you want with only UKIP MEPs representing Britain in the EU parliament next year . My parent come to visit me as I work here. I feel really embarrassing when they saw many homeless people sleep in such a lovely spot! That not what they imagine about UK!! Absolutely astonishing that the UK is one of the richest nations in the world, yet we allow homeless migrants fowling our streets without batting an eyelid, it's about time Theresa May listened to the electorate and sorted our borders, immigration and many other issues, this country cannot cope with the mass influx of migrants and the migrant baby boom, we as a nation are being placed on the back burner by our own politicians and are bowing down to every nationality which walks into this country, wake up England and sort it out. The Imperial War Museum...commemorating all those who fought and died to keep this a proud country, safe from foreign invasion...until politicians sold us all down the river. The government don't seem interested, this country is ruined Me here London 12.07 Dont show your ignorance there is hardly a cashpoint up here even in remotest Highlands that has not been scammed.WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THEY HAVE STOPPED IN london.GET OUT MORE ! So they are homeless and smoking crack in the UK. Could a government official tell which one of their immigration checks these people passed. If they didnt we all know where they are, send them home. It is so simple. Thank you Tony Blair, for screwing up our country. They would be cleaned out from Downing Street pretty quick! at least without an address they cant claim benefits We all welcome you greatly with open arms to this glorious nation. now entering is more easy. They do have a home just not in this country Australia's got it right, you have money in the bank and a trade before they even CONSIDER letting you in! - SOMEONE SAVE US FROM IDIOT DAVE! Close the gates... We are full! Should be easy to resolve this problem. I assume the land is private, not public property. If so, arrest these people for trespass. If it is public land then arrest them for littering. Either was, the law has been broken and to ignore this is just a form of discrimination against the British people. Captain Steve Being balanced, it doesn't matter whether they're Afghans, Somalians, Polish, Latvian, Romanian, etc. ALL people since the dawn of time have migrated to improve their lot, better their lives, live off the fat of other lands. I don't blame these people. However, when our economy is messed up, the nation in debt, jobs are scarce in many cities, shouldn't we use common sense. No job after a certain period & you go home. Same should apply to British migrants in other countries. Current situation is ridiculous. My God what is wrong with you all?? can you imagine having it so bad that you rather sleep on our cold streets (our month long freak heat wave aside) than in your own home?! I can't. Have a heart DM readers and no that doesn't mean we should 'let them all in' just show compassion. Coming to a park or spare bit of land near you and me most likely. It is just stating the bleeding obvious! that's what you get when groups of people "doss together! fed up of reading about it!! just please vote UKIP! its disgusting! Sticks in the throat to say it ! but what a bloody mess this country is in & there are people responsible for it! & started 25yrs ago to the present lying conniving lot!! yes all three other parties,& they really do not care! never will care! & the scams that they are up to at the moment is amazing!because of UKIP! that is what holds their attention! so expect another one of the three parties to pop their heads above the parapet & promise something about sorting that mess out!! but you know they will not!! Immigrants were "offered" free flights home? They should be rounded up and ordered onto flights home. Instead of the government wasting millions on high speed trains, failed technology in the NHS etc and spend the money on border controls and port security to cut down on illegal I am sure anybody, whatever their political persuasion would approve. Oh the joys of being controlled by the EU Bring back the "normal" British summer and they'll be washed away in no time :) SEND THEM HOME! WE'RE FULL!! There is no great in Great Britain any longer thanks to all these rich so called educated politicians. They have systematically destroyed our once wonderful country!! Let me run the country I would have it cleaned up within 6 months, the EU wouldn't like it though! We should house these people ASAP. It wouldn't take much for them to join an already diverse English culture. it' s not that we would notice any significant change. What happened to being vetted before entering a country? The council really needs to step in and set these people up with some homes. They should sleep rough on the doorstep of No10 Downing Street - that's where this mess emanates. - Candy, UK, 6/9/2013 12:18............No chance of that happening Candy. What do you think those big gates and policemen are there for? Good lord, we cant have riff-raff and peasants bothering Mr Cameron and his friends while they are trying to enjoy a nice tax payer funded luncheon, and discussing the next part of the EU plan to reduce this once great country of ours into a dumping ground for Europe's unwanted and undesirables. Stuff the eu send them home How exactly are people with no finances to support themselves allowed into the country? When I moved to the States I had to provide documentation to prove that I had enough money in the bank to support myself and that I had somewhere to live. Surely that should be the basic requirement for all non asylum seeking refugees immigrating to Britain? Why do we let these people in? They are of no benefit to the UK. Why do we tolerate this? Deport them...good for nothing and a drain on resources let Poland deal with their own!! And that's why I moved to Australia! Why can't they be left alone?! And it's only going to get worse after next year. Much worse. Cameron needs to get Britain out of the EU NOW. Ah, why bother? Britain has been given away long ago. Just keep phoning the police till the system crashes then the government wil have to do something If not our country will be no better than theirs In a civilised society no one would need to live like this. - RogerdeCourcyJones Me and the girls from the office - Jenny and Sarah - think you are COMPLETELY missing the point, son! If they have no where to live, no form of income and are sleeping on the streets, surely its a matter of 'get out of our country', not please would you mind leaving, please pretty please, errrrrrr we will even pay. Welcome to the eu. We are very quickly becoming the toilet of Europe. Cameron, stop pouncing about with idiots like Obama and come back and sort this out. The people would respect you one hell of a lot more! What the hell is happening to our once great country? say your 100!% English Lol. Your actually a mixed mongrel made up of Roman , German , French , Danish etc etc etc that applies to all the English me included We can even be traced back to marsh Arabs ! We ENGLISH are one of the most mixed races on the planet Disgusting! Flagrant disregard for the message of peace and the memorial to those who gave their lives. When are the government going to say enough is enough. As long as Mr Cameron is in charge NEVER which is why i will be voting UKIP. We need to pull out of the EU simple. Why dont the governent live beside all this and see what its really like. All their rubbish everywhere. We need to be like Australia they will only let you in if you have so much money, a trade and under 45 yrs old. They wouldn't get away with it in any other country. My god the UK is in a ridculous mess (literally!). I am unable to understand why we cannot solve this minor issue the people who run this country are useless and spineless collect them all up put them on a bus take them to Brussels throw them off tell the EU you made the problem you deal with it. I am confident the hard working people of this country would not lose one nights sleep.perhaps we would probably give the person who gave order a job as a poliitician. More should be done to stop this behaviour. Maybe they should get the cleaners/groundskeepers to sneak up on them early and make them clean it themselves. I hate Brussels and their stupid Human Rights rules as we wouldn't have as many immigrants without it. One of the guns they are talking about was on a ship that my grandad served on so i find it really offensive that they are being so disrespectful of the Imperial War Museum's grounds. The politcians tell us that we need these people to help us with the job market ???? They obviously are living in a different Britain to where I live. Parts of West London are now out of bounds to us but I have yet to see any of them making an honest pound and paying tax. Blair's Britain! Before people start complaining about this behaviour, remember, if you voted Conservative, Labour or LibDem, you voted for open borders and this is the consequence. - John, Portsmouth, 6/9/2013 13:06....WRONG! Regardless of how we voted, NONE of us were consulted or asked if we wanted to turn our country into a freeloaders paradise! That said, I will never vote for Lab/Lib or the Conmen again! Why, for goodness sake, are they allowed to remain in this country? They have no jobs just pick pocketing etc. The Council should make them clear up their own mess? To hell with the EU and their ludicrous laws, it's about time we should show these useless people the door, and make mess in their own country. For eastern Europeans , sleeping rough is like a 5 star hotel .This country is terminally sick . We all just sit and let it happen, We vent our anger posting comments in newspapers which is not enough because the Government turns a blind eye. The clock is ticking until possibly tens of thousands more people come into the UK seeking work that does not exist so thanks to EU law they will be given benefits and housing if they have children. Time to sit and reflect as we have become a Peter and Paul nation, taking off Peter the tax payer to give to the thousands of Pauls. Is it not time we used the Human Rights Act 1998 to our benefit? According to HRA Article 5.1 (e).....Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be deprived of his liberty save in the following cases and in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law:.....e)the lawful detention of persons for the prevention of the spreading of infectious diseases, of persons of unsound mind, alcoholics or drug addicts or vagrants;. If these people do not meet the description of Vagrant I don't know who does. Arrest them all and deport them immediately. Only the UK would be stupid enough to let it happen. Go to any of their countries & try it!, a good hiding on the way to prison would be what you'd get. Come 2014, there will be 100,000's doing it, turning this country into one huge vagrants dumping ground. Pathetic!. The Vagrancy Act 1824 is still on the books. Arrest the whole damn lot of them. OUT OUT OUT Blame Tony! - NIck Addison, Great Missenden sick to death of idiots like you tony has gone hes past finished blaming him isnt going to slove the problem now get it !!!! fast forward to the present - there you are - reallity check Why not round them all up fill up a plane or two and deposit them back to where they came from at taxpayers expense, which in the great scheme of things would be cheap!! Where do the Eastern Europeans go when winter comes and where are all the millions going to live who will arrive in the next few years? zzz! Fantastic! So glad they setting up home in affluent areas and we can all thank B-liar and his liebour followers for this - if you want this sort of thing vote liebour if you don't vote UKIP. Dave & co can't do much about it because it was all signed and agreed, along with a load of extra money by liebour with the EU. And of course, they cannot be send home because that would violate their human rights. In other countries there's get thrown in a cell and fined but here we give them benefits an offer them housing. We're pathetic Round them up and put them on the next RAF flight back to where they have come from. Stuff what Europe tells us what we can and cannot do in our own country. Round them up and Deport them!!! Should be simple and would send the right message to any others arriving! If they have no job and no form of supporting themselves they should not be in this country....... Outrages! Here's an idea. If someone entering the country for anything other than a holiday has neither a job or a place to stay, send them back. It is SHAMEFUL - but why does the person who's been instructed to move their stuff imply that she doesn't do so because the "guys get angry"?? What the heck? They SHOULDN'T BE THERE!!! Let them get angry! If they don't like, find somewhere else - preferrably in Vilnius... Hasn't the Peace Garden got a sprinkler system? If their "stuff" got a good drenching perhaps that would encourage them to move on... And don't talk about compassion... Is it compassionate to doss in a public space that's been dedicated to peace? Bah!!! UKIP will DEFINITELY get my vote! Get out of the EU and end this maddness SHOCK! HORROR!! Man hangs coat on granite slab. WHO CARES? Just give them council flats and be done with it. They arent any lazier than the average brit This is awful. Do something about it cameron! Bet he wont. Waste of space. The British employers that hire illegal immigrants get a paltry fine.Why. Can't people see these human beings are desperate and have nothing and little to hope for is britain now a refugee camp? What a miserable existence they must lead. Why can't they lead it somewhere else! so nice to see the EU in all its splendour without border cointrols, and people can travel anywhere and treat the host country as a toileyt they manage to get here so they can manage on there own to go back.......... stop being soft cameron and grow a pair ........ at the moment they are pinhead size How about sending them to Scotland if they are so keen on leaving the Union and joining the EU. They can then have them all. I could weep at what's been done to our country, and everyone seems helpless to undo the damage done. The UK government should start recharging the countries that these people come from for all the costs incurred cleaning up after them and all the other costs related to them sponging of the UK tax payer Nowhere to go?? How about home? Instead of get rid of these mess our interfering busy body of a prime minister wants to interfere in syrian affairs this cameroon should get his act together otherwise he will get his fingers burnt come the 2015 elections his liberal ideas does not wash with the majority Why even bother coming here? - Big Al, Nein jan, when they are legal in jan 14, benefits, free health service , housing, there feral kids in schools,no doubt like the rest of eu migrants they will then take presidence over brits , comes to something now that police cant be called when they attack staff trying to move there just were do the supposed people in power here think its all going to end Water cannon ... Deduct a substantial amount from our 'overseas aid' contributions to pay for the adequate security of this area. Anyone (British / Foreign) who disrespects this area should be locked up and the key thrown away. Cameron only likes to be on the World stage feeling important and giving our money away who cares what is happening in UK I could not care less about Park Lane. Let the poor and rich mix, I say. But a war memorial?? No. Just NO. NO wonder people want to vote UKIP-get out of the european community Mr Cameron. Deduct a substantial amount from our 'overseas aid' contributions to pay for the adequate security of this area. Anyone (British / Foreign) who disrespects this area should be locked up and the key thrown away. The British Border control really needs to tighten up! We should adopt the policies of Australia where if you cannot prove that you can fend for yourself, you do not even touch the soil! The guy in the second pic is quite hot. And his tshirt says " sex instructor". I guess he won't be homeless for long! Is it beyond out Border Control people to work out for themselves that we should check that someone arriving in this country on a ONE WAY ticket should be asked how they think they are going to support themselves, unless they can prove they have sufficient funds and/or a job to go to? It's what America, Australia and New Zealand do. I have a UK passport and when I arrived in Norway of all places on a one-way ticket I was quizzed for a while until my "sponsor" arrived to sort things out! Lets hope for snow this winter, that should get rid of some. So what happens in December when thousands come from Romania and Bulgaria, where will they all pitch camp? The government seems to be concentrating on everything but this matter despite the fact it will have a HUGE impact, so why the silence, is it because we have no power to change the EU rules? I think so, yet they can't admit it or it will give a further boost to UKIP. The UK is a doormat in all senses of the word. It has the words welcome written on it and you can wipe your feet on it before going in. Given how scruffy and poor these people look.. How an earth did they get into this country?!!! I just don't get it! If they came in via the back of a lorry, then they are illegals, and should be picked up daily, and thrown back to their country daily... This country is being brought to its knees by our useless politicians many who spend time on outside jobs rather than do the job they are paid for I'm surprised Cameron has not donated 52 million of money we have not got for humanitarian aid to these tosa's plenty room in the grounds of 10 Downing St, and at Parliament come one come all.As a well know primemister once said you never had it so good. Welcome to LibLabCon's multi-culti utopia!! Glad to hear they use condoms Welcome to Britain ! Before we know it we'll all be living like this ! #bedroom tax How can anyone go to a foreign country without anywhere to live and no job ? Where is the respect shown to this country when they come over here and treat some of the areas in London like this. They should not be allowed in unless they have accommodation and a job to go to, its not up to us to provide for them, we have our own people that need help. Maybe instead of sending them home send them to Brussels let them sort the problem out. In a civilised society no one would need to live like this. well heres hoping that the only option they are given when winter kicks in is home Just the beginning! Those in power who make these decisions, of course, do not have to look at or live near these sights. Once their here its to late if the police arrest em what they gonna do with em? put em in a cell feed them somewhere warm to sleep they'd love it the damage is done alas it's only gonna get a whole lot worse. And to think if all the money I've spent on hotels when in London! Why didn't anyone tell me i could set up camp in the mist exclusive areas in town???? Deport them!! Are the big guns metal? Scrap Metal? Your comments: Cant they sleep rough in there Country.. Long way to come just to camp. Pfft. Thank you Labour for causing the problem and thank you Tories for not dealing with it. If you try to sleep at Trafalgar square, you would be told in no uncertain terms to move on. Lee , London, United Kingdom, 06/9/2013 12:19... They can go back to their own countries for help. Why should we help them? We have enough of our own people who need help. Charity begins at home. The homeless Lithuanian even had his washings up. This would have been hilarious if it wasn't serious. It is only the beginning. Brace yourselves for 2014 We need them to sleep rough outside Westmister, so that the EU-loving MPs (of all parties) have to step over these symbols of Freedom of Movement of Labour to get to their work ! Bottom line is that this is the cost of EU Membership - but all we hear is that Nissan might close down if we get out. NO THEY WON'T. PS I see the G20 leaders are togther....why are Baroso and Van Rumpuy there - can anyone tell me what COUNTRY they rule ? In other countries, you have to ave a hotel or friends address to state where you will be, along with your visa.... Somehow I don't think "dissing own in the war museum" counts.... Please auK, just get real, firm and practical with these people, and round them up and kick them out! And this is a benefit of being in the poxy EU? The problem is Obama might see anything we do to dissuade this sort of nonsense would be seen as tyranny and we'd be bombed Don't blame the UK police for this mess, blame the politicians West made a colossal effor to destroy USSR. Now Eastern Block countires citizens are all yours - enjoy! Neighbours of ours have just come back from a holiday in UK. They said never again as it was filthy! I only left UK 10 years ago so what's happened to a once lovely Country? When is the government going to get the message that the British people do not want these people in the UK? We are finished if we stay in the EU, soon we will be completely over run. I have to vote UKIP in the next GE, they are the only party that will get us out. Major failure of border control, this is the result of thoughtless austerity and getting rid off border officers, not only at the first point of entry, but having the man power to round these people up and ship them out. new rules of entry should include a deposit paid to the Govt to cover the return back to their country, no deposit no entry. This is what the Vagrancy Act 1824 is for: use it! It is illegal to sleep on the street or beg. Take a leaf out of the book of the French: round 'em up, line them up immediately in front of a magistrate, convict them and put them on buses back home within 24hrs. instead of sweeping up excrement why dont they sweep up all the immigrants and put them on a plane HOME wether they like it or not!! unbelievable what goes on in this country ! Don't expect Daveto do anything; we are already no longer a Nation that means anything in the world, just ask the Russians. Another benefit of uncontrolled mass immigration This is a joke,And Cameron wants invade Syria, clean you own country's mess first, No wonder Britian is not Great any more, This is the result of EU membership. We need to leave but the majority of us will still vote liblabcon the party's that to keep us in. If you intend to vote liblabcon them don't complain about this sort of thing. If however you really want to do something positive , VOTE UKIP and persuade everyone you know to do the same. It's the only way we can start to change this country for the better. Send a fire engine in and hose them down - keep doing that until they get the hint Not PC, neither is abusing a memorial site And still our doors are flung open wide for all and sundry... Tip of the iceberg, as from next year these people in their droves will be everywhere and many sleeping rough, as a regular feature all over the place, when let in under EU ruling.., The UK homeless nationals, will then pale into insignificance in comparison., fact not speculation. Put the sign up "NO VACANCIES" we are full AS PUTIN SAYS, LITTLE ENGLAND, Europe's dumping ground. You can thank your government for that... Why let these people in the country if they are not going to benefit our community They're turning the place into a slum and I for one am sick and tired of it. Maybe they can choose Downing |Street for their next toilet At beginning of next year all from Bulgaria and Romania can claim benefits on arrival by saying they are self employed, and bringing their families will guarantee them immediate accommodation, all courtesy of the UK tax payers. It is no use complaining because it is EU Dictatorship ruling, and pro EU leaders like Cameron may tut, tut, but will still comply. SUPPORT AND VOTE UKIP TO TAKE BACK CONTROL OF OUR COUNTRY, BECAUSE NONE OF THE OTHERS WILL, OR THEY WOULD HAVE DONE IT BY NOW. O welcome welcome to our humble abode, if you turn left down the end of the street you will find the nearest job center where you will tell a pack of lies to collect your first dole money which you will receive fortnightly and then follow the road to your left you will see the council where you will tell even more lies to be given a free council house or flat depending on how big your whopper is and once in your own property you will be able to bring the rest of your family over to live off our country, Again, may I say a big fat welcome........... NOT!!! What do we expect, we have got no respect for our country anymore, why should we assume these lot will. So angry to see my country being pulled apart, breaks my heart to see a lovely country being ruined and nobody will do anything to stop it happening. And the Rt. Hon Cameron announced at a meeting recently in Kazakhstan, that he personally would like to see the EU extended from "the Atlantic to the Urals!" Is this the opinion of a man who would ever lift a finger to enable the UK to leave the EU ? Never in a million years. The only politician in this country who will offer this opportunity to the electorate is Nigel Farage and UKIP. Cameron and the rest of the liars, traitors and conspirators in the ConLabLibdem consortium will destroy the UK, unless action is taken at the 2015 General Election. VOTE UKIP. Yes I'm going to bitch again about your immigration policies. Canadian here with a fantastic work ethic - take great pride in paying my way through life through hard work and a member of the Commonwealth to boot!! Nope... can't move to England!! We only let everyone in Europe with no skills to speak of in. Thanks. Everytime I read this stuff I am INSULTED. I have wanted to live in England since I was a child and I just. simply. CAN'T. Does anyone understand this reasoning? GET OUT OF THE EU. Wow, nice to see the DM readers are a compassionate as ever... - kendo214, hannover, 6/9/2013 11:46 Let them move to Hannover with you. Lets see your compassion What ever happened to the vagrancy laws in this country? or will this upset the human rights laws? just asking. Sorry I have to say this but if they are living as vagrants surely they should be sent back to their own countries. they should sleep on their own consulates ground until they fly them home. MPs tell us regularly the immigration is all good. Don't tell me that they lie?!! Russia dismissed Britain as 'just a small island no one pays any attention to." After looking at these photo's, I can see how the Russian and the rest of the world think this way about Great Britian. What have you done to our beautiful country David Cameron? Calm before the storm, maybe this will be the straw that finally breaks the Camels back, doubt it but its time the British public grew a pair and demonstrate that enough is enough, politicians of all persuasions need to realise that your average citizen has had enough of these blatant abuses of the system, they come here with no money, no, education, can't speak the language and have no specific job skills that will benefit the UK, if Cameon put in as much effort trying to sort out these festering sores in the UK as he did trying to bomb Syria then possibly we could solve this issue, doubt he will though as he only likes to be on the world stage. No job, no home, get rid simple really but then again country been taken over by leftie liberals who ignore majority defend minorities . O welcome welcome to our humble abode, if you turn left down the end of the street you will find the nearest job center where you will tell a pack of lies to collect your first dole money which you will receive fortnightly and then follow the road to your left you will see the council where you will tell even more lies to be given a free council house or flat depending on how big your whopper is and once in your own property you will be able to bring the rest of your family over to live off our country, Again, may I say a big fat welcome........... NOT!!! Doing the jobs we won't do! Enough is ENOUGH - terence , derby, 06/9/2013 11:54 Terence. The MPs do nothing, because their masters in Brussels will not allow them to. How disrespectful - this needs to stop now - we are not a nation of tramps Blair has plenty of spare rooms. Well if the British kids are quite happy to pay hundreds of pounds and sleep rough at a music festival then these people should not be criticized. Of course they shouldn't have been allowed into the country without sufficient money to live here for at least 6 months or already have a job and I don't think begging and stealing can be classed as work. Instead blame the governments both current and the last one. If those in power can't be bothered to deal with this, then it is up to you to make a change at the next elections. People need to write to their politicians and warn them they won't be voting for them if they don't do anything about it. Round them up and ship them out, freedom of movement within the EU did not mean this, that said they shouldn't have been allowed in the EU in the first place. HMS UK is sinking ... when will anyone with power over my life put there by a "democratic" system that I was taught to embrace actually realise the truth...? O welcome welcome to our humble abode, if you turn left down the end of the street you will find the nearest job center where you will tell a pack of lies to collect your first dole money which you will receive fortnightly and then follow the road to your left you will see the council where you will tell even more lies to be given a free council house or flat depending on how big your whopper is and once in your own property you will be able to bring the rest of your family over to live off our country, Again, may I say a big fat welcome........... NOT!!! its going to get far far worse just wait until next year 1rst of January i believe another influx of immigrants, i just dont want any part of this worldwide social experiment anymore what was wrong with leaving countries as is? its not like we dont send billions to poorer countries, i want out and just having recently becoming a father im terrified as to what its going to be like in another 10 or 20 years i fear his in for a tough life an unfair one at that. and it's only going to get worse... when will this country EVER find its backbone as regards immigration. Will you go away. O welcome welcome to our humble abode, if you turn left down the end of the street you will find the nearest job center where you will tell a pack of lies to collect your first dole money which you will receive fortnightly and then follow the road to your left you will see the council where you will tell even more lies to be given a free council house or flat depending on how big your whopper is and once in your own property you will be able to bring the rest of your family over to live off our country, Again, may I say a big fat welcome........... NOT!!! Gee...thanks Labour How on earth did they get into the UK? The Roma complain about persecution in Romania where they behave as they do here. Bearing in mind what a soft touch the UK is and the availability of FREE Legal Aid, I see a Human Rights and compo claim coming any day now. If we did that in Romania and abused one of their monuments in such away then we would rightly be arrested and deported, vagrancy is still a crime. Unfortunately every morning on the streets of London you see the Eastern Europeans stashing their stuff for the day before going begging and it is becoming more and more of a nuisance, as it is very aggressive begging and in a lot of cases tantamount to intimidation. This problem needs to be sorted and soon before the next influx. The politicians should be the ones clearing up their mess every morning, not the museum staff. These people are not homeless, they have homes in their own countries but chose to come here to try to live off our benefit system. With sights like this in a 'sacred monumental garden' is it any wonder that this country is an international laughing stock that no one takes any notice of any more. Roll on winter and let's hope it's a really cold one. Round them up and put them on a bus. Take them to the Romanian Consulate and let them take responsibility. If they are not doing anything worth keeping in the country deport them back, let their own governments look after them!!! Wait till early next year..... Ukip them out And it can only get worse unless we leave the EU before 2014. Round these people up and send them home, our country is full thanks to the EU which has brought us nothing but ruin. They should go home. We don't have any room for them. The young man who wanted to work I feel sorry for, as he has clearly been cruelly misled about the availability of jobs in Britain. The others, however, who come here with no intention of working, should never be allowed in to trash our country. If the only way to stop this is to vote UKIP, I certainly will. Close the border to those that cannot contribute to our society or afford to live here....enough!! Disgraceful - ROUND THEM UP AND SHIP THEM OUT- no if buts or maybe's. No job? No home? Then go home to your own country and let them take care of you. We have a hard enough time looking after our own. Harsh, I know. But I wouldn't go their countries, sleep rough and make the place a refugee camp. Here we go again-no wonder Putin remarked that we are of no consequence-what is going to be done about all this??We have to restore 'true' British pride!Unless of course we are all hot air....I wonder how Nigel Farage would have responded to Putin I must say Cameron looks completely downtrodden and ill at ease where are our 'staetemen' gone?? May I suggest automatic garden sprinklers to go off every couple of hours! What is the government doing, this country is going to more Great Britain!! something has to be done, put a stop to all this, sod the European Courts they don't live here! now our kids may have to have 3 days schooling per week due to the influx over time...........not worth having a government at all its a joke Its called the socialist dream or as they put it the International Worker!!! It was the end if Britain as we new it the day they signed the Maastricht Treaty! And if you want to learn what they have for us in the future the study the Frankfurt School of Marxism! I can assure you those trade union leader have studied it well! That why they are desperate to fund like minded Labour Politicians! This is what David Cameron as done for the country, more immigrants are on the way and hes not prepared to do anything about it. I run a homeless project and have been asked by local government to open many more......homelessness is the only growth industry at the moment it seems........another tory legacy. I'm surprised they haven't been given their Mansions in Park Lane yet, give it time for the ECHR & EU to force the government to give in and give them all the benefits. Thousands of their countrymen and women will flood into Britain in 2014, if we all bit the bullet and Vote UKIP in 2015, by 2017 Thousands will be going back over the channel, UKIP is our last hope, mess this up and we deserve all we get. and GET IT we will. How do these Romanians get in the country to LIVE ON THE STREETS? Yet a Canadian with a career and clean record & British born grandparents cannot get a green card in London. That's messed up. Someone there is making the wrong immigration choices Thank you politicians all, who have led this country to the bottom of the cess pit. Italy - Population 59,685,227, Area 116,347 sq miles, Population Density 512 / sq mile. France - Population 65,350,000, Area 246,201 sq miles, Population Density 301 / sq mile. The whole UK - Population 63,181,775, Area 94,060 sq miles, Population Density 662 / sq mile. Anyone else see a problem here? The fashionably PC lefties won't be happy until we're crammed in like sardines. We're Europe's dumping ground for people like this; no wonder the Russians said what they did, decades of inept leadership have brought us here. I had hoped 'call me' Dave's defeat in Parliament would have made him realise it was time to get his own house in order and sort out problems closer to home... A vain hope indeed. What a joke this country has become. Can you imagine this happening at any monument or in the US ,particularity anything related to the military.... and while we are at it ... where are all the immigration officials checking the credentials of these people? I would have thought it was an easy win for them to fastrack a few deportations. Referendum now! Let's get out of Europe, rip-up the EU Human Rights document (and write our own), secure OUR Borders and deport (and no amnesty). Omni88, Oxford, UK - Cool. When can I move in with you then? Don't know who I despise more. Th flotsam and jetsam of the Planet portrayed in the photographs above OR the kow-towing politicians who bend the knee submissively and appease Merkel and co... OR those who for the last 70+ years have voted those weak-willed 'politicians' into power... Perhaps, unless it really is too late, time for a change, UKIP anyone? you don't give them the choice, just send them back Disgusting! Why come to England to sleep rough?! Stupid and pointless. They won't make their fortunes here! - Tintin , London, United Kingdom, 06/9/2013 11:54---Well they will if they are stealing and begging and not paying for anything. On the other hand, more and more people leave everything up to the police and the law. Some parents even think school should educate their kids. People need more common sense and more implication in the life of their community. All the selfishness and the personal ambition granted by overselling politics lead nowhere good. Reply to ................Kendo 214, If the shoe was on the other foot, and these people were hanging articles of clothing on monuments and using the area as a public toilet in and around you . Would you be as tolerant . I think not. Blame the European open doors for the mess. Get out Of Europe or renegotiate the terms to stop these people coming here and ruining the country. Will the Government please give me a free flight out of here. No so we just have to abide by the rules and put up with it. So so sad what they have done to this once Great Country. Time to put things right for our Grandchildren. Like my Grandad did for me. Is this the Modern UK ?........... couldn't they set up camp outside Buckingham palace instead Enough is enough The country is FULL , close the doors for 2 years sort out those who are willing , want and should be here to contribute to our wonderful country and we we welcome those with open arms. For those who don't , its simple move on... GO HOME! Im sorry, but i am sick of these kind of immigrants. My dad came here in 1973, worked every single day, paid tax and made sure we went to school, got a job and paid into society too. What the heck is wrong with these immigrants... and of course the in house benefit scroungers. Makes me so angry! Deport. "homeless" + gates. What happened to the 'Vagrancy Act'? My patience has snapped where immigration is concerned. I have had enough, I won't be served by them, or visit any establishment that employs them. I don't care what happens to them, I just want them to go. This is just a preview of what is to follow from January 2014. STOP IT NOW before it really becomes too late I bet this wasn't the life they were promised back at home if they came to Britain. they really should go home if they can't find work or a place to live. It's sad that people have to live on the streets and take desperate measures but they chose to come here. There are British people in the same boat in their own country! help them first!! and still mr cameron does nothing a benefit to the economy eh? a benefit to the country eh ? bringing diversity eh ? Remove the policeman from the final photo on this article and turn it black and white. that picture could of been taken in the 40's. what a joke of country this is turning out to be. send these tramps back to where they belong, their OWN country. Falls in to the category of why am I not surprised. Until 'we' do something about this it will carry on! We need someone in parliament with a set of dogs danglies . Put the hosepipe on them at 06:00 hours every morning, that should do the trick. Yes Putin got it Right. Tramp-Land UK compliments of > Guts UK Gov. Vote UKIP to put it right. :) Oh come on. These people know what they are doing - they sleep in some of the most obvious places until someone comes along, feels sorry for them and get them setup in a nice house with all the trimmings. Get themselves in the papers is a good way to start. I think these Eastern Europeans in this story are in for a rude awakening? Wait until next year when more of the countrymen arrive here and start taking up spaces these people have found. Let's see how they deal with overcrowding around national monuments and parks. I have a serious question? How long do you think it will take for the government to react to this mass influx of squatters? Usually the man and woman on the street see the problem years before the government move to address the problem and we see it now. So we KNOW it will massively increase from this "minor" problem to a huge problem but how long before they do something about it? Welcome to Broken Britain This is what you signed up for when you voted to join the EU. Be careful what you wish for. Our politicians will not do anything because they get their palms greased by the EU. Not a chance of us withdrawing from it. Corruption and fraud is endemic How many stories like this before SOMETHING IS DONE? No other country would allow this. We are importing thousands of people who will never contribute , but will be a drain on our economy. Please, please act in the national interest, for once. Thank Labour for that one. They should take a look at how the Australians treat these sort of people. . . . If they do not have a good reason to be in Australia they deny them entry and send them straight back where they came from. . . Not having enough money to support themselves during their stay is just one of the reasons for refusing entry. Disgraceful. And there's an £80 fine for dropping a cigarette butt or a lolly paper in Bromley high street. The environmental officers are in action there all the time. What about a bit of environmental protection against these Romanians. Go home please. Winter is coming the grasshopper will have to travel to Spain. Why continue to let non-Brits stay? Worst day for Britain when you joined the EEC and opened the borders to everyone. And if these vagrants leave throughout the day, yet "store" their sleeping bags and belongings in the park, simply remove them when they are not there. This is just continuing their ability to return and camp there again. It's about time someone grew a set and stood up to these guys. Your PM has just made a speech about how great the country is (G20) - anyone in authority like to prove him right?????? To paraphrase part of the headline:- One hangs ones head in shame, and I'm not referring to anybody in the photographs. Where next I wonder, The Cenotaph? Disgusting and ridiculous, the grounds keepers should not have to clean their mess up every day! Send them home! There's no room at the inn! THEY HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO RESPECT Do you think France would stand for this? A squad of riot police would have them bundled away in vans within a day. We are too soft. don't worry the winter is coming, see if they still sleep rough on our streets when its cold, windy and snowing They have ruined this country and made like theirs, nearly the end of GB Round them up, kick them out of the country. If EU don't like it, tough! All this is getting out of hand, they need to act now. Let them stay, no where else to go have they, plus they"ll soon be a tourist attraction for the Japanese with their cameras. Where else should they go? They should be given council housing. we should really be making more parks like this for them....who wants a council house these days when the parks are far better....good on them!! They could go and camp on the property off all the ex labour government as they were the ones that allowed the mass immigration into our country. They will welcome them with open arms, as they expected us to. <> like the lads sweatshirt "sex instructor, first lesson free" :-) If I sleep rough would the government pay for me to return to my birth place?.......Canada? Maybe worth a try. Think I may stop reading the mail online due to all the UKIP lovers. Yeah vote for a party that has an MP who thinks all women of child bearing ages shouldn't be hired and refers to Africa as Bongo Bongo land, yeah that is really moving forward. People in England don't know how lucky they are. Bit of a come down from Park Lane slumming it in South London .Please let it snow If I sleep rough would the government pay for me to return to my birth place?.......Canada? Maybe worth a try. see how they behave in cold weather hopefully they just might go back to they're own country. total lack of respect for this country SEND THEM HOME NOW This is all so wrong but our government does nothing. I know genuine foreign entrepreneurs wanting to invest and live here, they have to struggle to get a visa and yet these people from EU walk in freely to do whatever they like, honestly what a mess! To the socialists and idealists: I hope you, and especially your children, are all happy. I'm sure you'll be even more self-righteous as the problems get inevitably worse. I for one feel sorry both for the homeless and for the staff. This is absolutely awful and should NOT be happening!!!! WHEN is something going to be done about it .... once and for all ??? It's about time we adopted the same kind of rules as Australia! I just don't understand how these people keep getting into the UK if all they are doing is sleeping rough in parks?? How does that benefit our country? Not really sure why they'd want to stay if they can't find jobs and are sleeping rough?? The UK weather isn't that appealing is it?!?! Bloody joke of a country will NEVER change. Maybe if the politicians had to overlook these camps or clean up their rubbish,they would do something about it Round them up and kick them out, its difficult to work out. They are contributing nothing so send them home. They are just helping turn our country into the cesspit of Europe. another bleeding heart liberal shutup ------Wow, nice to see the DM readers are a compassionate as ever... - kendo214 , hannover, 06/9/2013 11:46 They won't go back to their own countries because they are probably wanted criminals or have no education or prospects of a job. Better hang out here labour's benefits will eventually come! 'But if we move their stuff if they're not there, if we move their sleeping bags like we are told to some guys get angry.' "mon Dieu" Well we can't have that can we? It will never do upsetting our guests like that. This is just the "overture" to a very comic opera, G & S could not have produced a script like that. Paul Glasgow..."If this is happening every morning where are the police?" There's enough problems there without bringing them in. UKIP UKIP UKIP The ONLY way out of this c**p. thanks for turning my country into a cess pit ... you useless so called leaders ....... roll on 2015 ..and UKIP We do not need any workers here.We have our own British job seekers!End of! Quick! Notify Blair that his concept of different cultures living side by side in unity is working well Why even bother coming here? If it were me seeing their parcels of whatever under the bushes they would be removed and sent to the land fill site along with the rest of any garbage found around there. Pack them all on a ferry and deport them without a bye your leave etc Strong action is the only way.: OK enough. Why is Boris allowing this disrespect to happen ? Cameron needs to address this problem on our doorstep and look to this country instead of trying to be the "world leader" he seems to think he is! 'Bout time we just got rid of the lot. The goverment are spineless and only interested in sorting problems in other countries and giving our money away. If this was a goverment for the people they wouldn't be ruining England like they are. Scotland don't put up with it and that's why I'm moving north. Hopefully come winter it'll be too cold for them to sleep on the streets and they'll have to move on. Awful what is happening to this country. Our politicians are idiots. Offered a free flight home !...They should be deported immediately, and stuff what Brussels has to say about it, it is our country, and if Cameron is too cowardly to deport them, then vote for a party that will, vote UKIP..!!! They're all over here too. Who decided it was a good idea letting Romania and Bulgaria join the Eu? - mreed , Oslo, Norway, 06/9/2013 11:48 That's interesting, and Norway's not an EU member. Bus, plane and bye bye..........simple. UK Vagrancy laws allow that these people can be removed from public view. Why is this not happening? If these people are homeless foreign nationals they should be taken to their nearest embassy for their compatriots to deal with. Vote UKIP and end this farcical situation. If nothing else, voting for UKIP should rid us of Cameron. now established as Britain's biggest liability. Send them all back, whence they came !!!!!!!!!!!!!! send them back NOW ! It's really simple, no home and no job, DEPORT them. If Europe is that keen to stand up for them, then off to Euope, FRANCE perhaps! Maybe the Houses of Parliment might be their next stop to! @- kendo214 , hannover, 06/9/2013 11:46 - Compassionate, LOL!!! you can always go to their country to live like they do No other country would tolerate these useless derelicts from hapless lands who have NO respect for Britain whatsoever.....ROUND EM UP AND THROW EM OUT ! Why is the Dalai Lama referred to as 'His Holiness' but not the Pope? Offered a free flight home... it shouldn't be an offer, it should be mandatory to boot these no-gooders home and don't come back!! Can they not be forced to clean up their own used condoms, excrement and crack bottles?? I feel really concerned for these people. Why do so many people feel angry with them? If this was an article about homeless dogs I wonder what the reaction would be. WHY is this allowed to carry on happening? this is utterly crazy! the 'authorities' need to move them out & make sure they either find a proper place to live or they go back home About time we reintroduced a vagrancy act. No one should be allowed in to this country fromANYWHERE unless they have proven means of support. IF THEY HAVE NOT GOT HOMES TO STAY THEY SHOULD NOT COME IN UKIP ...residents say they are out of work with nowhere to go. Perhaps where they came from? It's so fun reading western abuse of the term "eastern europeans". Imagine if we wrote sth like "a tourist from western europe won the lottery today....". That could mean anyone from german neo-nazi to the queen of England lol The only answer is vote UKIP. "Wow, nice to see the DM readers are a compassionate as ever... - kendo214 , hannover, 06/9/2013 11:46" Bloody bleeding heart, hand-wringing liberals. You really have absolutely no idea what you are doing or the consequences of your actions beyond the immediate. As an American woman, who lives and works in London, I see these people often. It breaks my heart. The government should do something for them and see that they have food and shelter. Winter is coming and they are going to have nowhere to turn. Who is this "His Holiness" that you are talking about? Do you mean Tenzin Gyatso, who would like to have himself installed as the unelected "leader" of a medieval theocracy in an already impoverished country? Oh yes, that's very holy, that is! It's all very well someone sleeping ruff! But seriously if you are not born in this country or even British, why should hard working people pay their taxes to clean up after you!! Go to your embassy explains your I dire strates and go back to to where you came from!! When the weather starts to turn colder their numbers will drop steadily. Pick them up and take them to their respective Embassies to deal with. If they are homeless and have no money, their Embassies should repatriate them to their country of origin at their expense. Why do we think it is our problem. And yet barely 100 yards up the road is Kennington Police Station - if the police let this happen under their own noses, no wonder they think they can do whatever they like. They should be deported without delay. It would seem that our "police force" is still sleeping on the job! They have nowhere to go? what about home where they came from. If their having to live on the streets , they will have no income , so where do they get the money to live from ???? we persecute our OWN vagrants that have fallen on tough times and are quite happy for them to be moved on . So how is it these immigrants are allowed to return time and time again and are allowed to treat our national monuments in this disgusting manner.How long are we to leave our gates of this once great country open before its realized that we cant cope. at least UKIP have some good ideas and will be getting my vote next time round. Can any one remember that Little girl who dropped a bit of Cornish pasty and a Seagull snapped it up the parent got fined should the same law apply Why don't the authorities stop it ! Why would you want to come to the UK and be homeless? - Mr Singh , Birmingham, 06/9/2013 11:03....More than likely because if they stick around long enough they'll be given housing, healthcare, education and everything else under the sun for FREE to them, but paid for by the likes of most of the people commenting. It's about time this goverment grew a pair and said to hell with the EU and round up all eu people who do not have a job and kick them back to their own country. Enough is enough this country will end up a third world country whoops sorry we already are. Oh for goodness sake round them up and send them to Brussels Exactly what harm is this doing to anyone? Oh no please I need to get out of this 'dumping ground' of a country! Vote UKIP, then Labour will get in! coming soon to a town city near you.time to shut the door on all those who can not contribute to our society.this probely wont get printed . Coming soon Episode 2 Britain 2014, the migration of a further 1,000,000+ benefit scroungers to the UK mainly southern england and how they will bring the country to its knee's. Crime, DWP, NHS, Education & Housing. Wow, nice to see the DM readers are a compassionate as ever... - kendo214 , hannover,=== You think that letting people sleep in parks, public gardens and memorials is compassionate. That allowing them to despoil these areas with detritus of their squalid existence is compassionate. To overlook the crimes they commit to exist or because they are lawless is compassionate. That we should just turn over our spaces to the world and his wife, because they come here in thousands and aren't really suited to work, either because they are ill-educated, have neither functional written nor spoken English, are more interested in living on benefits (usually significantly higher than in their home country) or just came here to escape dire conditions. Why not invite them to stay in your garden if you feel so strongly. Send them to there country of origin....they can live just as well on the streets of the homeland as they can's not that I'm heartless but we should have a FULL sign at any port.....not enough housing for the people who were born here so why let more in. Is this what our grandfather's fight for in the war Mr Cameron? I think not! This is what we have to EU members.....ain't it wonderful.? These people need help. The comments on here would def not be as harsh as they are if it was young British people on the streets. Thank god its still warm and not winter yet. It will only get worse. This country has to say NO to any more immigrants. What has happened about immigrants going to the nearest country? No admission to this country unless they have means to support themselves or have a job lined up, with proof. Even Merkel is worried. She is on the way out. And people were saying the advert van suggesting people go home was offensive? Think again. No respect by these people at all. Issue the cleaning equipment to Mr Blair and Mr Brown and make them clear the mess up they created. Brown is still an MP so it will only be a short trip on the tube. That is if he turns up at Parliament. They should sleep rough on the doorstep of No10 Downing Street - that's where this mess emanates. Ship them back to their own country now and no softly softly approach, get them the hell out of here, we are a struggling country without all these free loaders entering our borders. Well done the British Establishment you are doing a great job of running the country. It is time to stop all this nonsense, it has to stop ... how many times must we say or think this. If we went to their country and did the same what would the reaction be ?? You know the answer. ... Our government and police are not doing their job and letting this country become the laughing stock of Europe. It is not the country I was born into anymore. Sad so very sad. They don't come to Spain where the weather is better. Why? Because the police would nail them and because there are no free handouts. We'll never get anything solved until our judiciary stop behaving like a bunch of student protesters. What the hell is wrong with England. Just get them out and give us our own culture back and let them live their own!!!!!!!!! Enough already. Why do the British Nation put up with sort of thing? I am sure if we did it in their country we would be arrested and deported, we are far too soft That's OK - because Cameron says so. Deport them, they are a disgrace and we don't want them here. Used condoms?!? Fantastic for the Liberals in Britain at least they are practicing safe sex!!! In another vein - If the british hate their own country what do you expect everyone else to do? Move them on to Downing street. weak britain, the russian are right we are only a small island and dumping ground. Thing that is so annoying is we are sleepwalking into this situation and it can be avoided. Our government could LEGALLY opt out of this! They could either say due to our considerations that we may be leaving, all rules are suspended until this is decided but also they could pass an Act of Parliament which repeals part of the European Convention. Europe don't have last say on everything because it is unconstitutional. Obviously they wouldn't tell anyone this though. Is this what happens to your country when you have a big heart . -- - John-B, London, United Kingdom, 6/9/2013 10:53 --- AND incompetent, traitorous Lieb/Cons/LDumb politicians !! Join, support and vote ONLY for UKIP - flush the others out. We are long overdue some decent, 'breath of fresh air' politics designed for the benefits of the indigenous UK population. Not long until winter. Get real, we have seen nothing, yet. Takes us over an hour to get through passport control coming back from a holiday. How are all these getting through. Shut the borders and start deporting. You want to come and work pay 50% tax that will put them off they might start heading off to Germany. Cameron/Boris you need to sort this mess out now and you need to shut the door on europe now - at least have the guts to do something in your so far totally inept priministership. It's a wonder Putin rub it in about Britain putting up with these people Ron, Western Australia Bob-For the same reason men go with crazy hags from hell...because they do not know any better,yet.It's like a child touching a hot oven.It's foolish.Mama told you so but then you had to see for yourself Get them out of the country now. how lovely! Thanks to the powers that be. They are sleeping rough therefore not claiming benefits. Surely DM readers who are obsessed with benefits and who's getting them would be in their element...? Immigration has been a success then? When they've taken all the jobs, the 'spares' clutter up our national monuments? Well done, Labour! The scheme was meant to help scientists and business leaders travel between European Countries with a minimum of fuss. But its turned out completely differently and just caused huge problems for everyone. It could have been forseen that the desperatley poor people of Eastern Europe would be on the first bus they could to the richer countries. This scheme needs urgent cancellation before all our Countries collapse under the strain. But do you trust any politician to sort it out ? Well UK, welcome to the world. Good luck to them all GET THEM OUT!!! Problem is this rubbish is giving all migrants a bad name. They have no respect for anything and yet expect respect. The truth is they believe we are mugs, just ask any of them. We are mugs ripe for the taking. The people do not represent the majority of migrants though who come here to share in our beautiful country and in our lifestyle and want nothing more than to work hard and have all of that. This kind of rubbish will just move on to the next place once they have destroyed our country. What a joke. now were to go. Than go home. Why are they here?............... Blair, the sellout traitor's legacy lives on.. That's it I'm going to Eastern Europe to sleep rough in their parks and claim their benefits and see how they like it. What's they don't give benefits to scroungers - now there's and idea! It appears we don't have British homeless people now dm?! What a bias article I cannot even be bothered to finish to read. Without making any comment upon the thousands of people dossing around everywhere Iwonder if It might help the ordinaryBrit to realise what a lovely country England was These people have no home no real income no nothing yet they think its betterhere dossing than going home I wish the government would stop worrying about the Middle East and do something about this country. Come January we will be swamped with further immigrants. What a mess we are in... Only Nick Griffin had any real answer. "Wow, nice to see the DM readers are a compassionate as ever... - kendo214 , hannover, 06/9/2013 11:46" Exactly Kendo, because obviously the people in Hannover are much more compassionate towards the eastern European immigrants you've got over there... 1 important advice... don't come to the UK We have a government somewhere, taking our money and not doing the job; that's fraud. Tip of the iceberg. No person deserves to sleep like this but we are FULL! Vote UKIP One world,One people.Peace and love to you all. - Sebastien, Hackney, United Kingdom, 6/9/2013 11:30===I bet you wont be saying that when they set up camp outside your front door and mess up your street Your comments:This has got to stop , this has got to stop how many times must we say it, think it . If we went to their country and did the same what would the reaction be .... ha ha ha Our government , police, etc are letting these people make us become the laughing stock of Europe. Buckingham Palace Next Why are the Police not arresting these people and the Border Agency removing them from the Country. They have No jobs and no homes. They can be removed and sent to their home countries. Why cant these 'tramps' be deported and sent home? They are nothing but a drain on society. So Cameroon - what ya going to do? They are worse off than in their own country ... deport the lot without thinking it over ! What was the point in shifting them from Park Lane if they are going to be allowed to set up camp somewhere else, particularly the Imperial War Museum. They do what they like and they are allowed to get away with it. Do jobless immigrants sleep rough in the streets and parks of Brussels and Strasbourg? I suspect not. Do not dismiss the EU elections in May 2014. If you don't vote for change, then don't moan that nothing is being done! How much more disrespectful behaviour do we have to put up with before the powers that be actually do something?! How dare people like this come to my country, demand and expect respect then absolutely defile our nation by being so utterly and unashamedly disrespectful, get rid of the lot of them, am sick, sick, sick of it. The feeling of helplessness at being able to do nothing is making for a very angry nation, a ticking time bomb if you like. More on the way in January, folks. But the government obviously doesn't care. It would rather throw money at Syrian rebels than get this country back on its feet. We need to get out of the E.U. and stop this sorry flood of lazy good for there's only one party will guarantee that, isn't there? Why are the police allowing this to happen, are there not laws against vagrancy? - I.Noitall , Newcastle, United Kingdom, 06/9/2013 11:32 --------Yes there are! not that our police would be that interested! I wonder why? No! they are more interested in stopping and harassing a motorist at 0430 in the morning for not indicating on a deserted housing estate road! oh! and don't they just love to get that breathalyser bit of kit out! they were so eager, they didn't even bother to tell this driver as to why he was being harassed! Remember shiny Dave pratlling on about how he was going to create the " Big Society ". Laughable now isn't it ? Go home if they have no we're to go how much more have we got to foot the bill for the worlds poor our children are now suffering at school our NHS with cuts that are barbaric to pay for schooling healthcare and benefits when we can't provide for our own immigration on these levels is just plain crazy our stupid mps still can't work this out yet This is England! WHY are they here if they are homeless and have no jobs ? As the Scots got us into this in the first place, send them all up there !! Let's hope for a really cold winter then!! When will these out of touch, not living in the real world MP's wake up to this and block immigration into the UK, we really do need to sort this major problem out as it is becoming very stressful and putting a major strain on our public services, UKIP or any other political party will get my vote who will stop and limit immigration to the UK. Something has to give as we cannot continue with the EU dictatorship on who is entitled to enter Britain and drain everything in it, enough is enough. The government won't do anything, they have cut loads of border staff, not taking on anymore. the situation is just crazy. Before people start complaining about this behaviour, remember, if you voted Conservative, Labour or LibDem, you voted for open borders and this is the consequence. It happens because nobody stops it. For God's sake when is this Government going to wake up. Won't be long before the big guns disappear without trace ...................... Buck palace next Our once proud country is becoming a rubbish dump. Is this what are to expect going forward ? Instead of trying to play the world leader, wouldn't Dave be better off getting things fixed at home ? I am disgusted by this but not surprised! this country is going down the toilet! Why not send them to Ireland...there's lots of empty property there. What is wrong with enacting the byelaws against vagancy? This country, without strong leadership, has gone soft. It seems the mainstream parties don't actually want to deal with this. It is a disgrace. Kendo 214,Hanover--------------- You go and clear up after them then !! Only immigrants with recognised qualifications in either academic or industry occupations should be allowed in. There is NO demand for tens of thousands of unskilled workers in this country. The Germans are sick of uncontrolled immigration too as are the Scandinavian countries. If the useless politicians listened to their people they would find there's a general consensus amongst most "western" European countries that enough is enough. Buck palace next If they're sleeping rough on the streets of Britain, surely they can cope sleeping rough in their own countries? I'm very liberal by nature, but pictures like this make my blood boil. They are guests in the UK and yet treat it with the utmost contempt. Surely if they are not a UK citizen, have no fixed residence or job, they should be arrested and deported... I despair for my country, how long is this sort of thing going to go on for before something is done about it, UKIP get us out of this mess at the first opportunity . European Union = freedom of movement! Coming to a park near YOU very soon!! Many more to come,solution is in our hands when it's time to vote. Only one party opposes this mess and it's not Labour/Conservative or Lib dems. Time to wake up voters of the UK. Kein Barber.Hereford...11.46..........Quite right ! If you are STILL going to vote for either of the three parties that sanctioned this degrading of our country then DON'T complain because YOU are part of the problem . For once just take the blindfold OFF ! And your Government lets them do this? Imagine what would happen if a British person tried this? Thanks Camoron, May and all the rest of you EU loving shysters who have perpetrated this crime on us. Britain is rapidly becoming the EU dumping ground of the unwanted, who in torn are tuning our country into an open sewer and desecrating our memorials to the people who died for this country. You've all sold us down the river and are no longer worthy of our support. UKIP can and will change this. Ok so a building dedicated to people who live, died and survived during desperate times and you're all moaning about desperate, homeless people who need shelter? Are the dead Romanians who are no doubt mentioned in the museum more important than the people who need help today? Sling the lot in the back of an RAF Herc and off they go home. Britain the biggest squat in the EU. Come next year you won't be able to see the grass for bodies. SO much effort to spend on Syria. SO very little to get our country back from the ravages of ill-conceived "good intentions". EVERYONE should write to their MP's about all this. Overwhelm them and make them do their job. I don't understand why or how we can take these people in. We can't afford to pay their benefit. We really need to get out of this EU malarky. I pity them. Not for their circumstances, but for the fact that they have reached the point where they simply have no shame. Can someone tell the poor chap there's a spare room in 10 Downing Street It's the EU and all the treasonous politicians who signed this country up to the treaties of the unelected ones. They had no right to do that, our sovereignty and democracy was never theirs to give away in the first place., We need to be out of the vile organisation with the utmost urgency. Only then will we be able to run our own country once more as set out in our Constitution. Let's hope for lots of heavy rain at night for several months. That might put them off. Your comments: I walk my dogs past these people every day. They are quiet and considerate. They have not harmed the Peace Garden in any way. Please leave them alone. Are the police allowed to do anything, or are they happy to let this happen. Surely they can all be collected from London and put in a high security field surrounded with barbed wire. Go home then! Surely if you are living on the streets this country is not for you. Employ a dozen of them with high pressure hoses and clean it up overnight rather than in the morning? I'm at a loss as to understand why Jamie Oliver doesn't give them all a job if they are all so hard working. {sarcasm intended} They don't even help themselves, but instead are quite happy to give into their baser desires and buy condoms rather than consider the long term solution of just what are they going to do with themselves. (Although the alternative of loads if kids is equally unthinkable.) The heatwave is over and we are going into Autumn/Winter but they will still be moved on around London instead of going home. I'm all for helping immigrants who are truly needy, if they are facing persecution back at home etc. But this is lunacy. Nobody is really benefitting, not us nor them. This is not a solution. Fgs Cameron you wimp do something, they have NO respect for our country send them back. God help us after Romanian and Bulgarian citizens are allowed to swarm here after jan 2014. It's like watching a car crash in slow motion; and all our politicians can say is that their hands are tied. They should resign and let in somebody who CAN do something, before it's too late. Only in this country would this be allowed to happen!! These dossers should be shipped out pronto. Get used to it guys, it's going to get a whole lot worse. I guess this is the legacy of messers Blair & Brown. Coming to a town near you very soon now. 01/01/2014 is the start of the big race to the UK. Every one will be a winner. And who pays? You ain't see nothing yet Don't think I will be going to London anytime soon..... get RID if them right away !!!!! as they will all be there soon !! if I left a mess there I would be fined !!! why are these allowed to get away with it !! send them packing NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! wheres the police !!!!! Saturation & patience has been reached. Our useless politicians need to get their fingers out before we have a catastrophe on our hands. Blair's houses need to be confiscated asap to house illegals and we need to stop immigration now. UKIP ARE OUR ONLY HOPE. Offered free flights home. The next stage will be to give them a couple of thousand each to go home (ring a bell?). I'll never visit London it's becoming a right toilet. round them up and ship them out - vote UKIP I am pretty sure that next year when a handful sleeping rough and making a mess turns into thousands sleeping rough and making an even bigger mess then the government might actually get off there behinds and do something... Serves you lot right, you were paranoid of none EU immigrants but i have always said "Our problem was the Europeans"........ RED ARROW ME IF YOU LIKE having read the article, think I'm going to opt to stay in Switzerland. UKIP UKIP UKIP .Any questions ? Theres your answers. why dont they just go home? Don't offer them force them Just like here in Geneva. Shocking. Truly shocking. And, what's worse? More on the way! Your comments:GetRid of them all very quick. Why do they keep on coming. Mthey are not wanted here. What has this country become except a doss house for the rest of theveu. Mmjust wait until January. All hll will break loose then. Mintuink the normal everyday British man and woman have had enough. Get tough and show the world that we are no longer the benefit country of the world. When this happened in France they were not just moved on but sent back to Romania. The problem is that under EU rules they have the right to return.London is slowly returning to a 19thb century condition because of the EU. This area in the article is beautifully maintained with its Tibetan Peace Garden. However this is what the ratepayers in London get also. This Angers me so much !!!! They are costing us as a Country having added nothing but misery to it ,when we have veterans who have served our Queen and Country still sleeping rough with no help... Get these disrespectful Gypsies out of OUR country and start helping the People who have served it instead... its time to deport these people. when you go to another country you offer something to make it better. these people are doing nothing. The future has arrived. Blame Tony B'liar'..... vote UKIP 2014 & 2015 Poor London, snigger, who said it was grim up North, expect thousands more, all these National Insurance numbers handed out. Red arrow to the right, snigger. Why do we allow all this trash in our country ? Kick them all out immediately...most people had enough but are afraid to say anything in case they're labelled "this & that" ... What exactly do these people contribute to our economy & society ? this country is great i pay nothing and i use free intanet now in coffee place. we keep coming because there is no problem here I fear ,you aint seen nothing yet ,wait till january when the floodgates are opened ,please out of the E.U now. Amy from Bath said__ I don't agree with them being here at all but I do have sympathy for them when I see a young man sleeping rough on the street. whatever nationality he is. - Amy, Bath, 6/9/2013 10:37 Then follow your conscience and invite one (or more), to stay at your home. That way you can feel good about yourself, and the streets are a lot tidier. I walk my dogs past these people every day. They are quiet and considerate. Over the years there have been many people sleeping rough in the Peace Garden but not one has caused harm. Please leave these people alone. Why come to England to sleep rough?! Stupid and pointless. They won't make their fortunes here! This is just the start we need to stop this before January 1st when they can all come in. The tories have sat on their hands and done absolutely nothing the past three years will,only get much worse next year, ,the police keep clearing dosser park lane,and they just keep returning its a joke. Simple answer, get out of Europe and stop letting them in. why can't some sleep out side no 10 perhaps DC might do something then you yes he would have them removed then do as he always does NOTHING. our government is useless we want our country back or there is going to be big trouble as we are all fed up with this its only a matter of time before we snap something has to give. And they are not even here illegally thanks to the rules of the EU who say we must allow in ALL FROM THE EU WHO WANT TO COME. Common sense flew out the window long ago when it comes to the EU Dictatorship and our leaders bending over backwards to comply. SUPPORT AND VOTE UKIP, THE ONLY CHANCE WE HAVE OF TAKING BACK CONTROL OF THIS COUNTRY. Why don't they make these people clean up their own crap? Cleaners shouldn't have to go round cleaning up dog/human poo, used condoms, drugs paraphernalia and rubbish. They've got nothing better to do anyway. I dread to think how it'll be come 2014. round them all up and send them back were they came from and argue the case later and they can have their hr in their own country, we cant afford them I have a novel idea - it`s called DEPORTATION. you lot seem to be foregetting one key point.........this is their country just as much as it is that we are part of europe....i dont see you posting pictures of every single homless british person online........why not ?..its just the same thing...except these eastern europeans dont stink like the british born tramps....they take care of themselves...even hang their coats up properly. What a shame that we cannot simply deport them Why is this allowed to happen. The rules of free movement only allow those from the EU to come here IF they have a job to go to, housing and medical sorted out as the rules say so they DO NOT become a burden on us. It says nothing about us becoming a third world country with Europes' waifs and strays. Forced repatriation should be enacted, not just let go to appear some where else. It wouldn't happen anywhere else in Mainland Europe, the French CRS wouldn't be so nice. put them all on the next plane outta here and never let them back in Politicians these days have no spine. They are a shadow of the past. Above all others, criminals included, I hate politicians. Homeless foreigners should be put on a plane and sent home. If they wish to come back they should have a job and accommodation first. The govt should help this process. They should be handed over to their own consulates to deal with. Why aren't the Left Wing Loony Liberals campaigning for the Government to give them each a house, they campaign for most other stupid things. It's only going to get worse How about sending them back home... Did you notice the young man who, when he had a job, sent the money home to his family. Not a lot of use to the economy. Brace yourselves because come January 2014 there will be loads more swarming in and it will become a common sight (if not the norm), and nothing's being done to prevent it simply because no one gives a toss! Round them up, ship them home and impose lifetime bans them. They obviously have no affiliation with, or respect for us so why are they here? Welcome to EU I find the majority of the comments today extremely unchristian. Will we ever get our Country back? I could cry when I read articles like this. Surely somebody can do something. How are those old women allowed in as it's quite apparent they cannot work so should be sent back home. It isn't their fault. They were born into poverty, are seeking a better way of life and see chances in this country. The problem lies with lack of proper migration controls, irresponsible social engineering by the last government, a present government unwilling and/or incapable of cleaning up the mess and Brussels who, despite having unlimited rescources, have failed to deal with the problems of former Eastern block countries entering the EU. I've heard that there's some shocking advertising in Eastern European countries showing their own people sleeping rough and begging on the streets of London, saying: 'A job abroad can lead you to this.' Sick to the teeth of this. We are doomed. They all need putting on a plane Nd sending home. They need to offer them a trip home when it's winter because they won't be sleeping in these places then? Surely we can find them some nice council houses, or pay for their private accommodation - we are a bunch of softies, after all. I despair! When the Muppets (Mr Cameron Therese May & Co) let in Millions of Migrants into Britain what do You Expect ?? ... Tax payers have to pay for them (Like it or Not) Health-Care housing Food Dentists Legal Aid Ect Etc because they have No Work & No Money......Mr Ed/Labour are just hopeless so Britain is Doomed until the people find Real-Men Real-Leaders & an EU-Referendum on Freedom ASP. What depths our country has sunk to. I can't see any solution in the future. if this people have no legal income - uk have the right to send them back. I'm fed up with people taking us for a ride This economic migrancy and all the problems it brings has got to outweigh any benefits we get from being part of the EU Enough moaning, time to take the Lib-Lab-Con to court for treason UKIP for me next time round in polls, had enough of living in a country that is run by the EU....... Why aren't they deported? Should fit in well with the millions of other immigrant's we have here in South London we cant get enough of em They're all over here too. Who decided it was a good idea letting Romania and Bulgaria join the Eu? This country is turning into a joke, you may as well not even call it England anymore. what would our great granparents think after they fought and risked there lives for this country and for what for foreign nationals to xome in and make it theres. I am 100% englsih but you feel like your the one living in a different country, you cant get benefits when needed but yet these get offered houses, benefits everything JOKE Just put them on the plane home - no arguments. As much as I'm all for helping those who are less fortunate, this just isn't on. If they want to sleep on the streets they can do so in their own country. If you want to come to the UK, bring a skill set or enough money to pay your way legally (i.e. no caravans). This wouldn't be tolerated in front of Buckingham Palace so why is it tolerated elsewhere? The law should be consistent. Then every day everything left behind should be thrown away, if they have no sleeping items they will go home, perhaps now would be the time for a leaflet drop telling them how to hand themselves in. Does anyone else remember the good old days, when only British citizens could get benefits or use the NHS? How I long for those days to come back. Red arrow away...... This was inevitable! The government have had three years, but have done absolutely nothing to prevent it from happening! It is not January 2014 yet either, this is just the start. Why are we allowing this to happen, time for action now! Thank you Tony Blair. Deport them. This Country is ruined, thanks you Tony Blair, and Cameron and Clegg. UKIP for me this time. and any time we try to deport them, we can't because of their HUMAN RIGHTS. Soft touch Britain. Round them up and send them home! Everybody's got to be somewhere! Might come a time with us brits leave this country and love for refuge else where...impossible scenario? Think about it. I don't understand. No job, no money to support yourself, no accommodation - why are they let in in the first place? The EU gives right of movement, why doesn't the UK say well OK as long as you have all three conditions aforementioned in place? Is this what has become of Britain? Vagrants turning a National monument and beautiful gardens into a doss house and a human toilet? It's a national disgrace! Wow, nice to see the DM readers are a compassionate as ever... Act. Next election vote for a party that will do something about all of this. Otherwise...please keep quiet and accept what you vote for. If it was me smoking crack and dossing round a London Park, I would be in a police cell ASAP.!!!! Welcome to soft touch Britain, disgrace!! They are usually youngish and there's normally a couple of females that stay with them, but they look really young, perhaps only 18.' ========== Why do women go with losers? Well, i dont like this. But obviously the majority do, otherwise UKIP would be getting far more votes. Cast your minds back to the student that peed on a war memorial. He was charged and convicted of some offence or other that I forget. My point is that these morons are showing similar disrespect our war dead and deserve punishing. Where are you our police Force. Are you upto the challenge or not! How disrespectful! I just really can't get my head around why more and more immigrants are being let in the country? I dread to think what England will be like in 10-20 years time. >>>>And the European dream rolls on, just why are the Easter states being allowed to join the EU? With their poverty just becoming a millstone around everyone's? >>>> Clear them all out, and sod the EU>>>> James, Reading: I agree, send them to where the politicians have to work, let them live there. Then we might get this debris off the streets and back to their own country! Sort the mess out there then they just might stay. Or dump them on their respective embassies lawns and make them stay there! I¿m embarrassed to be English we are nothing but a joke Just kick them out of the country? I really dont understand what the problem is. Disgusting.... What a sorry state to see our once beautiful country in, unfortunately a lot of people are not bought up to respect there surroundings, many immigrants consider it acceptable to live in this country like they would in their own... For example, i very much doubt the british homeless would leave drug paraphenalia, used condoms and their own excrement in such a place of beauty, there is places for such behaviour...... due to immigration.... GB is finished God help us in 10 years time, I dread to think what we will be come, I know English will be a minority language and we will be a minority in our own country with no rights whatsoever and having everybody elses forced upon us. UKIP seems to be the only hope we have of sorting this mess out and getting our country back. They'll DEFINITELY get my vote come the next election. it will all be solved in January when the local government will ahve to find them all homes and acomadation....... ain't it a joke. Blame the EU headquarters in Brussels ! And we'll no doubt be seeing a lot more of this in January 2014 when Romanians and Bulgarians are allowed free transit throughout Europe. Thanks EU. It's going to be shambles next year And Cameron is now handing out over £50million in aid to Syrian rebels! Charity SHOULD begin at home but apparently MPs think differently to us! This madness has to stop! The £50million would have been far better spent in clearing this rabble off our streets, and preventing more arriving here! If this is happening every morning where are the police? just ship them out if they can afford drugs, condoms, beer etc they can afford to pay for there own way home. enough is enough. thousands more on the way, get used to it. all coming for the free benefits, "FREE" that I pay my hard earned taxes for. free for them, but we tax payers having been paying in for years. put them all on an island off the coast, with tents, and no social, see how long they want to stay. Lets hope he tries the No. 10 doorway next, they should give him a good 'E.U.' welcome, after all with the right 'human rights' applied he may want to vote to stay in the E.U.!............Con. member, for now. Go home and stop littering up our city. I'm sick of seeing this. If you want to come to this country you should prove you have employment and money in the bank. reptile said, Easy, just take them to their embassy's let them sort it out. I agree with you Reptile. Hopefully the "sorting out" extends to arranging and more importantly PAYING FOR flights taking them home. You know the answer. UKIP. Blame Tony! Council officials and police in London blame the unwanted visitors for a surge in begging, pickpocketing, shoplifting and anti-social behaviour. ============================= That was always predictable. They should be blaming New Labour, Blair and Brown who adopted the "open borders" policy for self-centred political reasons and let them all into the UK. Having said that, Cameron's lot have done NOTHING to stop the rot, and with a further flood of Rumanians about to hit us in 4 months time. Why are our politicians so utterly out of touch, inept and useless ? What depths our country has sunk to. I can't see any solution in the future. I wonder how many natives would be allowed to get away with it!!! Making the UK a better place. The idiots in government need to open their eyes! To be fair the police are raiding and clearing them quickly. Saw a raid this morn top of park lane. - jaffacakefuel, London, 6/9/2013 10:02.............Pretty pointless in the long run though! Moving them on... If they are arrested at all, one peep of 'Human Rights' and they're soon released right back into this god-forsaken country! Where are useless Plod? Just look at old those Ladies are ..!! What are they good for Workwise..? If you or i tried emigrating to a foreign country with absolutely no money and in our seventies we would be told we haven't got a hope in Hell ..! Oh and I bet they can't speak a word of English .! This seriously needs to be dealt with ...NOW This only happens because it is allowed to happen..that's it in a nutshell ! These people have no visible means of support, no work, no money, no accommodation, they are in legal terms vagrants and as such should be subject to a legal remedy, which is to remove them to a place where they came from, they have a country to go to and no doubt relatives and friends to turn to for help. So collect them , document them and put them on a flight back to their Country of origin. simple...IF OUR GOVERNMENT WANTS TO ! Lots and lots more to come next year courtesy of the EU open borders and the Lisbon Treaty. London will be totally swamped .......mark my words, you have seen nothing yet...!!! No where to go? Hang on they were offered FREE flights home? So they DO have some where to go. They actually go across the road to a shelter where nuns feed and allow them to shower and return later Next year should be interesting, judging by unofficial (true) numbers. It'a also amazing how they move them on from the affluent areas so quickly, anywhere else and it'd be months. Tip Of The Iceberg. Vote UKIP! Get Mary Beard and other assorted lefty's to clean it up. At least they are using condoms! Yet MP's can't understand why the UN has sent Raquel Rolnik to the UK on a fact finding mission about housing conditions? No money No home No self respect, send them home on the first plane. Glad Greece does not tolerate this. It makes me so proud. Thank heavens the European flag flies over every Government building, as our Euro MP's slave long into the night, on their paltry salaries, fighting to supply us with more of these wonderful people. Don't forget; the Labour party told us that immigration was a GOOD thing, and that our country NEEDS people like this to be a better place. It must be true because they would have let us have a vote on it if it was at all in doubt. Hurrah for immigration. Hurrah for Europe. Hurrah for our wonderful politicians. One day we will understand why they have done this to our country; and I am sure that we will all be grateful. They are trespassing, fine them if they don't have money make them clean up the city, they won't hang around for very long if there is nothing for them. Flippin heck when is this country going to get a grip and sort out this mess Can't the authorities just capture them, deport them and black list their name. Poor illegal & unemployed immigrants most probably will create social troubles to the country. The country has to force its entrepreneurs to employ its own citizens and force the latters to accept employment they're offered rather than letting it go to immigrants. I personally care more about these fellow human beings than some memorial that I never have nor will visit. Some people needs to sort of their priorities or maybe I am the last good person in the world? Something which the Pro-EU brigade never mentions. They've made these people homeless with false hope. This is past ridiculous. Comment readers are actually falling for this!! How dumb are you? Read the story. It says, we get rough sleepers here during every summer. So every summer there are homeless people sleeping there, this isn't news then. How many homeless people are foreign in the UK? Loads. They are laughing at us, people, but not as much or as loud as our politicians are, especially the old and the new Labour rats. WELCOME TO BRITAIN, the doss house of every country in the world, I dread to think what 2014 will bring with the influx that is expected !!!!!. Why aren't they arrested for vagrancy? I bet if they were British they would be.Why the softly, softly approach? I used to love going down to London for the weekend, but you wouldn't catch me down there now, it's a dump. sick of these people , sick of cameron why doesnt he startt to sort his own country out before he starts on syria and the like ? Get the fire brigade in with their hose pipes to clean up the mess and wake them up - perhaps they wouldn't be there again. Disgusting. March them to their own Embassy and let them sort out the problem by sending them back to where they belong. Why are they allowed here? Uk is being laughed at by people around the world. disgusting.. round em all up and kick em out! If they are sleeping on streets and have no job they should have no choice they should be sent back to there own country . Migrants should not be allowed into this country unless they have somewhere to live a job and have medical insurance and £10,000 in cash. I don't understand this at all. Are there not homeless shelters? Can't you cordon off monuments at night? We don't have the EU problem but it is abominable. It must be abolished. It is vile to allow this in sacred areas. What are the solutions for this that show that your country means business and will not tolerate this behavior. It is disgusting. They shouldn't have a choice whether to go back home or not, it should be instant deportation on the spot. where's plod, this more important than fining motorists............. Are these the people we want in this country ? Blair and Brown opened our borders for every down and out to come here and look what we are left with . Camp them outside their MANY houses and flats they own and then see what happens , You can't come into the country uses you have an official letter saying you have a on. Simple. will only get worse Get the water cannons out. Maybe they should sleep outside the homes (on in their gardens) of all MPs and the PM, see how they like it. So few decide so much for so many. It's ok for those in power, they don't have to deal or put up with this, the rest of us do. I am so sad at what has happened to my country. It will only get worse come January and in the future when other Eastern European countries join. the worlds dumping ground. This country is at boiling point regarding immigration. Someday soon, the bubble will burst, and all hell will let loose. No Work, No Job, No income, Simple! NO WAY YOU STAY HERE! Ship them all back home, it is NOT England's job to take in the waifs and strays of the EU; in spite of what those clowns in Brussels say! Why are the police allowing this to happen, are there not laws against vagrancy? You don`t see any on College Green - it`s right outside Parliament. Maybe a few there would concentrate Cameron`s attention on the fact that his beloved EU is opening our doors to thousands more of them in January. And yet the DM, which regularly makes headlines over immigration, is fond of deriding UKIP who are the only party committed to putting a stop to it. "We do have to clean up after them unfortunately". What utter nonsense- do you think, for one minute that Parisian workers would put up with this? Read the accounts of what happened in Paris, e.g. outside the Louvre. They didn't just shrug their shoulders and give in-they stopped work and marched on the government department in charge. At times I'm so sick of this country. these pictures make me feel sick and whose doing anythng about it!?!? its actually getting worse. av said it before sayng again av never voted but its UKIP next time like. this country is in a mess and it scares me! Can't these people be given benefits and a council home? Best sort out this problem before the rest of them come to this tiny island of ours. One world,One people.Peace and love to you all. I am sorry, but that is just wrong. People take their chances when they come in this manner, doesn't mean that should be allowed to sleep where ever. It's not right for the people to clean up after them either, I think shows a sign of no self respect, having someone clean up you, clean it yourself you are to camp like this. These people just don't care, it's all what they want to do. I don't mean to be harsh, but at least pick up after self, and have some control. How do they get into the country? Looks like rain this Weekend ;) Get rid of them! A modern day plague... Yuk. I never voted for my country to change, it's turned into a dumping ground. If they're going to keep coming, keep them in London where the government might actually notice them. Must be the only country in the world you can come with no job or funds or address... Cess pit "and one hangs his coat on a peace sculpture" for crying out load folks, PIECE!! Out of work, well should not have been let in without a place to stay, money and a job, get real people go home we do not want you here. This island will sink soon, it's already on its way. I fear what future my children have. - parky77, Manchester, uk, 6/9/2013 11:20------depends how you qualify "sink". I reckon it did that ages ago So can a tourist also pitch a tent up in Hyde park while on holiday ? Free and great location .... Seriously though when is enough enough beyond a joke the public should keep phoning the police till something is done i just have no idea what planet our government are on. the country is full, dont let any one else in till the population drops. simple The results of a big heart and a weak government, lets hope we have a really bad winter. Yet another reason for us to elect a UKIP Government at the next election! It's absolutely ruined the 2am cruise. Get them out and give us back our gardens. - Hunsa, Somewhere in London, 6/9/2013 10:32 - Actually the easiest thing to do is read them the EU regulations about free labour movement and not being allowed to sponge off other countries and then forcibly remove them. If they have no job, no money and The government cannot stop the east Europeans from migrating to the UK because of the EU treaty, but still far more people from Asia and Africa are migrating to UK than from eastern Europe. What is the government doing to stop them? send them back they are no use here its a disgrace Throw em out the country! It's a "trailer" for 1st January 2014. Why isn't this madness stopped. Put them all on a plane to return them to their own country & don't let anymore in. EU passage is rubbish how many true Brits want to settle in the countries these scourge have come from. Bit one sided isn't it? Close our boarders now & have a referendum now to get us out of this one sided mess. I suggest the place is cleaned with a high pressure hose. Particularly while they are still present. Cameron is more bothered about going in to Syria than he is about sorting this country's problems! Perhaps some of the Employers that frequent these articles and constantly tell us that East Europeans have better work ethics than us Brits can nip down offer them some jobs and get them off the streets... PS: Where are all the benefit haters today with there suggestions of workhouses , vouchers, cleaning the streets etc.. Collect them up and send them home. Or will an outbreak of a serious disease occur before anything is done. We really can't be having this.Someone must be held responsible for dealing with it & sort it fast. I also have a similar problem across my street. I live in central London and from when I moved in the number has gone from 5 - 18+. They're very loud late at night, litter, use our doorstep as their public toilet yet the police won't do anything about it. It's disappointing considering how much we (as in everyone) pay to live in London and have it ruined by a small minority with no respect. I'm losing faith. The Tories have had 3 years to think about this FORESEEABLE problem; yet today they are just doing things on the hoof. - Andy Stone , Hull, United Kingdom, It is no use blaming the present government. WHO opened the doors, and made it illegal to stop them? Oh!!! Of course it was your beloved Labour Party. Land of hope and glory More like land of dope and Gorey It makes me weep Home: This individual sits up among the flowers of the Tibetan Peace Garden and residents say they are out of work with nowhere to go so what the hell are they doing here for gods sack !! Why aren't they just sent back? Well,so much for Putin's Versailles reenactment. What was that comment again he made about the UK .Surely,he won't want to bother such a small country with his homeless countrymen.They should be shipped back to vast Russia and its immense opulence and riches. - GoodMorning , City of Angel, United Kingdom, 06/9/2013 10:51 None of the people mentioned in the article are Russian. Not sure what you are talking about. Blame the EU for allowing poor countries to join the EU for political reasons whose nationals now do not need visas to come to the UK. Unlike Russians who still need visas to travel to all EU countries. Open door Britain. Politicians don't care because they live in their own closed off section of society...they aren't picky about where their slave class comes from. These people really are living the dream arn't they, other people thinking of coming to the land of opportunity take note you do NOT get a free house! we are a joke of a country! pc madness gone wrong. Arrest them for vagrancy and take them to their Embassy. Great good. This is what happens when you open the border gates and let the rest of unemployed Europeans in.Surprised NOT! WE would get arrested,locked up and then deported if we did this in their country - hash, beds, United Kingdom, 6/9/2013 10:38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We would get arrested and locked up with a nice big fine if we did this in THIS country. They're not homeless - they have homes in their own Country. For all our sakes - these people should be obliged to sign a contract when entering this Country - break it for any reason, littering to the worst, and home they go. If they want to appeal, do it from their homeland. We didn't fight for their freedom we fought for our own! Goodbye Britain - you were great. About time we rounded these people up and dumped them back to where they came from - labeled not wanted, surplus to requirements. What I really think would be unprintable.. Well,so much for Putin's Versailles reenactment. What was that comment again he made about the UK .Surely,he won't want to bother such a small country with his homeless countrymen.They should be shipped back to vast Russia and its immense opulence and riches.- GoodMorning, City of Angel, United Kingdom, 6/9/2013 10:51 +++++++++++ What are you talking about, there is no Soviet Union anymore. Everybody was so happy when the Soviet Union was broken up, well the chickens are coming home to roost now, in Britain. Looks like Dave has a big ''to do'' once he gets back from sorting the Syrian situation out and throwing 300 million there,will he will come back and sort his own back garden out....How can it be that within a few paces of one on the worlds leading financial centres there are homeless,distitute people sleeping rough...and defacing memorials that honour the price our young men and women paid for their freedom to do so.... can someone please tell me what is the point when they are all invited back in january anyway ?? what a disgrace and a laughing stock we have become cameron needs to be ousted now !!! take all their litter and deliver to number 10, until that happens they will do nothing UK becoming USA....:(. The shiny new Britain that the Labour Party created, millions in poverty, schools and hospitals unable to cope, incurable TB on the increase and crime rocketing. Thanks for your open door policy on immigration, our nation owes the Labour Party a great debt of gratitude! and we allow this WHY? Oh please someone give them a home But they DO have homes - Back in their own countries. Why should we have to put up with it? The EU's own rules state that you must be able to support yourself and have 3 months to find a job - if not then you are not allowed to be a drain on the host country's resources and must go home. How about Cameron starts enforcing it instead of throwing petulant tantrums about not getting his own way over Syria. Talk about fiddling while Rome burns!!!! go HOME! or face arrest please wait until next year. Our country will even more classed as third world So they can afford condoms, drugs and beer. It might help if Plod enforced the law when they can drag themselves out of the nearest McDonalds or kebab shop which appear to be London`s "unofficial" police stations these days Put them on a military transport plain and send them back where the came from.Forget those idiotic EU rules. I don't agree with them being here at all but I do have sympathy for them when I see a young man sleeping rough on the street. whatever nationality he is. - Amy, Bath, 6/9/2013 10:37......................Don't suppose you'll be offering up your bed? Thought not. give me back my country and sack all politicians MPs SEE THIS,, or as always turn a blind eye,, close our boarders,,get out of the EEC, Time to purge, you choose how. Simple, at border control ask for prove of residence and confirmation of employment. If this cannot be provided, turn them around and send them back. Not exactly rocket science is it? I think it was John Major who signed the OPEN DOOR treaty at Maastrict. I wonder what he will be thinking when he sees the results of his actions? this boys and girls is where any austerity measure savings are going. Cleaning up after them, housing them, paying them benefits. we are being robbed under the watch of lib lab and con. We need to change, will another party be just the same? For sure voting the same over and over will not change things. A vote for ukip is a vote for labour - LIES. A vote for any other party than lib lab con is a vote for your childrens future IMO. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! The soft touch liberals can call me whatever they want, but I do not want these people in my country! The EU right to roam needs to be enforced on the basis that it was intended, namely to work in any country. It does not give the right to doss and become criminals. Ship all unemployed EU roamers home. Perhaps a condition of entry should be some form of bond that would ensure their return if they become unemployed. They're having a laugh, get them out. I wish our useless government would forget about sticking their nose into the business of others, and do something about the state of Britain, before we are sleeping on the streets of other countries! Big deal Good luck to them. These people are made of hard stuff! These people shouldn't have the option of being asked if they want a free flight back to where they came from,they should be rounded up and sent back anyway. London looks like it is becoming a pig sty.Disgusting. Make them build a raft and get home them self why should we pay, they should not be here in the first place. If they have no job, no house, no money, how did they get here in the first place, how did they pay the fare? Or did they get in the back of a lorry? They should be immediately deported. I fear this will only get worse when we allow Romanians in Will UKIP deport them? Vote UKIP and they'll be gone - This is what happens when professional politicians run a country, no life outside the hallowed halls of power, so fail to see the mistakes they make and the results there of. Hose them down with water. That will move them on! And your words of wisdom Blair are.... Get out of the madness that is the EU VOTE UKIP Come out of the EU then round these people and send them back from wence they came.Simples Hose them down, a nice drop of cold water from a water cannon should do the trick nicely. Can't the authorities just capture them, deport them and black list their name. Poor illegal & unemployed immigrants most probably will create social troubles to the country. The country has to force its entrepreneurs to employ its own citizens and force the latters to accept employment they're offered rather than letting it go to immigrants. As Jack Straw would say this is modern Britain, The New labour project that is bearing the fruits of their lust for voters, to stay in power. Putin is absolutely right about this country. Our politicians have sold us out. His oligarchs do own Chelsea and these lot degage our nations pride. These are not your normal emigrants, Lithuania for example is not a poor country and the people I have worked with from there are hard working intelligent people. These people are transients who move to wherever they think the pickings are better, and that means wandering from country to country scrounging. I've worked in Mayfair for many years. In the past few months one particular road I go down on the walk from the station to the office, has started to be used as a public meeting place and toilet (for both pee and poo). The smell in the morning is overpowering. I've complained to Westminster City Council and to be fair they acted really quickly and the pavement and walls are now washed down daily and the rubbish is cleared. Homeless people have always been in the area, but what's changed that the homeless now use the streets as public toilets? Oh, hang on a minute . . . . Oh...Great Britain *sigh* :'( Oh...Great Britain *sigh* :'( Thank you labour and con rats. Get real this is the future...self inflicted by our 650 MPs... We can expect more of the same ... As 650 MPs have no committment to want to control immigration to a basic well unforced controllable level... ... some of our MPs appear to be a liability in controlling the UKs best needs ... Of the majority... in years to come it will cost the uk dearly in local conflicts and aggrovation to all... We could end up with mini townships like south Africa as increased homeless flood th the next 25 spendable income reduces year on year for so many...Reported 45,000 empty shops in the UK and growing ... is a bad bad sign .. Of where the uk is heading... They or anyone else shouldn't be allowed in unless they can prove they have a residence and place of employment. Offered free flights home but they're choosing to stay? There should be no choice available to them and they should be returned to wherever they came from! One word... Porta-loo (or is it two?) Problem solved though! Britain deserves what it gets - this is what happens when Liberal do gooders dictate the immigration policy a country for too long. Well done Labour. That's disgusting, why the Police aren't doing anything? Send them back home ASAP any other country will just ship them out (including other European countries) but UK is weak. All part of the EU's contribution to european exports, the communities dross, and funded by, you guessed correct, taxpayers !!! This would not be tolerated in their own countries. Come on wake up for gods sale UK government. STOP this insult to god fearing, tax paying, law abiding UK citizens. Why the government allow this to happen in the first time? Because they are IRRESPONSIBLE THEY DONT REALLY CARE and put all the population to live with this disgrace situation - THIS IS ONE OF THE REASONS UK SHOULD CUT WITH THE LIBERALS OF THE EU they were are and will be a bunch of lazy politicians without any progressive sought EUROTRASH!! This makes my blood boil, it should be like Australia, no job or skill and you not allowed into the country. I would say our country is too soft but it's the EU that control the UK these days. Send them back!!!!!!! Wait until they can all come here legally. This problem has only just started. But Cameron will not know tucked up in his 1 million pound house. And this is the taste of what's to come but on a mass scale, R.I.P. UK Well done Labour. surely if they are homeless and not contributing to society they should be deported? Why would they want to live here is there is nothing for them? I am not against immigrants but coming to England to be homeless is just insane. Just send them home under EU rules you must have a job and somewhere to live,what is going on!! They are homeless! Regardless of age, religion or nationality homeless people deserve our compassion. What sort of society are we if we can't show a bit of compassion to the most vulnerable. I am a bit disgusted at some of the comments. Red arrow away it only proves my point! David Cameron & all his cronies have let this happen, let them deal with it. That's what they get paid for. So when will that somebody we elected to run the country have the guts to sling them out - EU or no EU! Why are they not moved on or prosecuted for trespass? Get rid of them Who would have imagined the import of homeless...beggars belief. And it is going to get much worse, thanks new Labour,vote UKIP its our ONLY hope, Where are they getting the money to buy the beer, drugs etc? When I enter Canada and the U.S.A every time they ask where you are staying, and the date of your return flight. so why not put in in place in the U.K. and it takes so little time. welcome to the Doss House of the world, 2013 GREAT Britain. What a shambles. Being work shy got nobody anywhere ever They evict them. They come back. Close the borders, send them home don't let any more in. The price of belonging to europe - is a price too high. It's a free world. No one in this country created this world therefore it is not owned by anyone. Welcome to Britain London is quite mild in winter compared to the Baltic be prepared for more to arrive You stupid people haven't seen anything yet. Just wait till this time next year. You don't realise just what you are letting yourselves in for. It will make the last Polish invasion , and make no bones about it that is exactly what it is, look like a trickle. We couldn't do that in their country! We MUST vote UKIP they are the ONLY party that WILL get us OUT of the EU and has the KAHUNA'S to sort the endless problems being a member of the EU has brought to OUR country. We must get control of OUR laws (75% are made by the EU) money (56 million a day to the EU/12 billion overseas aid a year and rising) borders and way of life, which has been destroyed by the EU LOVING lib/lab/con!!!!!!! And that´s what happens when you let poor European countries that are poor like the developing countries, into the EU. This is just the beginning....And you people thought that Immigrants from your former colonies were/are bad! Why, if they don't have a permanent abode or British Citizenship, are they not taken straight to a flight back to where they came from? Like it or not! get rid NOW ! and vote UKIP Cameron : DO SOMETHING They should only be allowed in if they have jobs lined up, no chancers and free loaders It is not their fault. Istead of offering free flights home how about forcing them on a plane home! If they are polluting our streets and are unable to find a home then ship them back to where they came from. I hope its a long hard winter! WHY ARE THEY BEING MOVED ON, THEY SHOULD BE LOADED IN A VAN AND DUMPED BACK ON THE CONTINENT!!!! Why are they here?? they have no means to provide for themselves, they don't speak English - WE ARE A JOKE, TO THEM, GROW A SET CAMERON AND CO, AND GET RID OF THIS SCUM!!!!! If anyone wishes to live in another country you HAVE to show immigration your bank account, have means, skills, qualifications and family who will support you, what is wrong with having the same rules FOR EVERYONE!!!! Cameron and chums couldn't care less , Milliband and Clegg wont even talk about it . Most politicians are being very British about immigration , I.E sticking their heads in the sand and hoping things sort themselves out . There is only UKIP , anything else is burying our heads in the sand and hoping things sort themselves out . Camoron and all you other MP idiots, take note and let's hope you don't have this outside your homes, very doubtful This is the state of the country Cameron is trying to defend. Actions speak louder than words! Lol, what a dump the UK is becoming... It will be cold soon so lets just cut to the chase and sweep out all the exhibits so they can kip in the museum itself where they will be warm... Disgusting What if we all behaved like this? Well, a) there would be no room for them to hang their clothes on our treasured sites, and b) there would be no-one paying into the social security to pay their benefits. For crying out loud Dave, you're the person we entrusted to look after our country. No wonder the Russians think we are weak. Firstly. They are not going to have any concerns about our history, (you could say why should they, it's not their country). These are desperate people. I feel sorry for them, as they come from an excluded group in their own country. But, that doesn't mean to say I am happy for them to be over here. They offer us only problems and should be deported forthwith. Thank you EUSSR. Time to take control of our borders. Arrest and deport them under the vagrancy act. Fine them for littering. Arrest them for lewd behaviour. Arrest them under the use of class a drugs. Etc etc the deputy prime minister should act now and as the PM has other pressing issues would gain the public vote in showing some bottle to regain our country from the evil of the EU and unwanted immigration... Well,so much for Putin's Versailles reenactment. What was that comment again he made about the UK .Surely,he won't want to bother such a small country with his homeless countrymen.They should be shipped back to vast Russia and its immense opulence and riches. They are not Russians-Russia is NOT in the EU and wouldn't want to be!. Facts right first please!! How about if they clutter and ruin our priceless monuments like the ingrates they are, they have to do community services. clean up their own mess then everyone elses, not a prison sentence though, that will give them what they want. Repeat offenders are deported out the country. Reading stuff like this INCENSES me. It is high time to remove these 'people' from our streets and despatch them from whence they came and NO APPEALS. Stuff the EU beaurocrats! And you know what volcano, Italy - there is NO point in having border controls because there AREN'T ANY CONTROLS WHY? Are we not deporting these people? They are NOT working migrants, NOT working, They turn our parks and gardens into rubbish tips,. This incompetent government has a lot to answer for with their shambles on immigration!! Soon this will be British people due to the problems in part caused by IDS and the bedroom tax also the constant attacks on the poor. 'They was offered free one way flights home, but the chose London streets instead' why are they being given the option?! Just load them up and send them back! Enough is enough. Stop this by standing up to the E.U. and changing the law....quickly! Gordon Brown and Tony Blair are you reading this. You brought them over here for more votes now you are not in power you wash your hands of them, shame on you. When January comes....just you wait. Just round them up and on the first plane back to where they came from..France. Hooray for the EU.. Come and use our country as a toilet. ;-( Get the Spanish police to move them.....they don;t mess around! we need to change our rules and only let in from the eu countries those that have accommodation and only allow two years work permit, no benefits at all. if Spain and Greece are not giving any medical help then we must do the same. the rules must be the same for all that's the whole point of the eu! Wait while next year, what you see now will be nothing compared to then. It seems in this country no one cares if you destroy churches or any spiritual monument. However, if a war monument is touch everyone gos crazy. Since when did we become a war obsessed nation? We have stop thinking about what happens after death and instead work on ways of creating machines to bring about other people's deaths. I thought everyone loved everyone?. That whole 'we are all equal' speech I hear daily on here about sexual, racial discrimination. When it's our money on the line, greed comes out. Hypocrites. Blame her majestys goverment not the eastern european dossers. these people should be kicked out immediately - why they are even allowed to spend the night there? It is a disgrace. The PRIDE to have a great country is really gone... we are run by muppets. Wait till January! No where to go?... how about HOME! Tony Blair has loads of property that is rarely used, why not house them there? Cherie can then do all her 'human rights' work from home - sorted. if they are sleeping rough they should be deported as they are clearly not contributing anything to the uk I thought the whole point of the freedom of movement within the EU was that people could move to WORK freely in the member states. I did not realise it gave the whole of the EU permission to doss in the UK and receive benefits! Why on earth are we letting them in without work or a place to live?! This is depressing. And this at the same time we read that primary schools are coming under pressure for places - this is partly down to too much immigration as well. At the end of the day we are a small island with limited resources - we just simply can't take any more! so how many Syrians do you think hes gonna let in Well why let them in the country in the first place? - nicola , glasgow, 06/9/2013 10:15>>>>>>>I had always believed the open borders were for seeking employment, yet some of the women appear to be much older, I cannot believe they are seeking work. I wonder what the reaction would be if we all arrived on mass in other EU cities parks and squares? Where are the boys in blue?????????????????????????? I am tired of DM calling all of former soviet block countries "eastern Europeans". Most of former yougoslavian contres are Balcan region, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia is Central Europe, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are Northern Europe and so on. If would be the same if I started calling uk, Italy and France Western Europe and saying that Italians with distinctive Mediterranean features look like Anglo Saxons reporting another wild stag party somewhere in Baltic states. Please, name the country and not a former political block. Otherwise it gives bad name to all other countries assossiated with that terminology. This is a communist country now so get used to it , because more of the same is coming and our bought for politicians couldn't care less . Just the tip of the Iceberg wait until next year they will be everywhere. And the members of the Houses of Wasteminster will do nothing. If I go to America I have to give an address for where I am staying. So why East Europeans can simply turn up with no where to go is wrong. They have somewhere to go - Home. All the Addresses for MPs should be published with transport links to their Gardens. Once camped outside these locations lets see how quickly something is done about the problem. our government is a bloody joke they should have never have been allowed in to the UK in the first place - operate a system like Canada or Australia - if you've a trade and money to bring to our economy ok, if you've nothing, then no thank you. why should we, the hard working taxpayer fund these scroungers, we don't want them, the crime rate rises, and they are a complete public nuisance, when oh when will they wake up to this?!!! if they have no job and are sleeping rough the flight home should not be optional If they have no residence technically they cant get a job. So they are ILLEGAL!!!! Next boat out !!!!!!! Why would you want to come to the UK and be homeless? Ah, the joys of EU membership. Send them back from whence they came! They clearly do not have the means to support themselves as they have no jobs and no home, so will most likely beg and steal from us. They have very low morals and hygiene standards. Why should the honest British taxpayer have to put up with this? I'd say move them outside of MP's homes but they all seem to have second homes miles away that we pay for as well. This will only get worse, the border agency admits immigration is out of control and they don't know how to stop it! Your comments: Arrest them for vagrancy, and then deport them first taking their DNA so they can be checked if they try to get back in, BRITIAN is becoming the cesspool of Europe!!!.....voteUKIP When will our country learn? I'm sure other countries wouldn't allow this. Round them up, ship them out... Send them all to where they came pdq. Send round a police van. Take their details, finger prints etc. Straight to the airport. Deport same day. Job done. UKIP If they have no work then kick them back to where they came from! How about giving them directions so they can go and sleep outside Theresa Mays house and she can pick up their used condoms and excrement? A good cold winter will get rid of them. Wait till the EU ban comes off this should be spectacular mwhaha's a direct result of the Tony and Cherie comedy show. sorry but theres no way i would want to live in london now days hgopefully the weather will sort them out Why dont a police officer walk round EVERY morning and night and move them a long. I mean what are my taxes paying for? Its not hard. Stop letting them through the god dam borders then Nicola It is very simple. Under European law they cannot be stopped from entering the UK. Do not blame the police or Border Force as they can do nothing about it. Until we leave the EU we are stuck with these people whether we like it or not. They can always go home. If they have no where to live that has hygiene and toilet facilities they should be collected up and sent home. Or is the government going to wait until some serious epidemic breaks out. Let them sleep rough outside No 10 perhaps then David Cameron will realize this sort of thing cannot be allowed to continue, plus see what staying in the E.U. results in. Who is 'His Holiness' ? pick them up and move them out back to Eastern Europe by the bus load think this is bad wait till January 01st 2014!! To be fair the police are raiding and clearing them quickly. Saw a raid this morn top of park lane. - jaffacakefuel , London, 06/9/2013 10:02..YEAH BUT thjey simply move elsewhere so the problem doesn't go away it just re locates! Throw them out! Just thank David Cameron for this........ he must be so proud off his achievements ... What`s happened to the vagrancy laws? Stayed at Park Lane recently where they hang out around the entrance to the tube, ignored their begging, but still intimidating to a woman with 3 kids, a blight on our fab city. This is disgusting, why are they allowed to stay in the country, they should be rounded up and put in a van back to where ever they came from and not allowed to stay in the country. No Job, No home then don't stay in the country. I have had enough of our taxes supporting people from other countries who have never contributed to the system. the EU is killing this country. The came here illegally, they have no reason to stay. They should be deported for this, I'm sick of homeless immigrants, some set up camp in the childrens play park by my home, they would get undressed in front of children and it took weeks to convince the council to do anything. If you come here to work, don't have work and don't contribute to society, get the hell out. Welcome to Blair's Britian. Not putting anything into the system, yet using up time and money at the expense of the tax payer once again! Pack em up, send em home! We need to adopt the attitudes of the Aussies! Send the photos and the clean-up bills to Brussels. Thank you,yet again,Mr.Blair...! House them next door to all the MP's that voted for this failed social experiment This is disgusting, why are they allowed to stay in the country, they should be rounded up and put in a van back to where ever they came from and not allowed to stay in the country. No Job, No home then don't stay in the country. I have had enough of our taxes supporting people from other countries who have never contributed to the system. the EU is killing this country. don't allow them get settled in, move them same day, after they have cleared their mess up. and the problem is only going to get worse next year ! They are not wanted here in Britain, they are just a strain on our society but remember if Cameron had any guts none of this would be happening and also remember this is just the first trickle of a huge flood heading our way! If they have no accommodation, they should be booted out...not let loose to go elsewhere. Deport the bloody lot of them NOW. I bet there isn't a Litter man from Westminster Council in sight, If that had been a londoner dropped a crum off a sandwich they would have been all over him......amazing. Is this what happens to your country when you have a big heart . Well,so much for Putin's Versailles reenactment. What was that comment again he made about the UK .Surely,he won't want to bother such a small country with his homeless countrymen.They should be shipped back to vast Eastern Europe and its immense opulence and riches. A bit more attention to our country and a bit less posing on the world stage may not go amiss Cameron. Well,so much for Putin's Versailles reenactment. What was that comment again he made about the UK .Surely,he won't want to bother such a small country with his homeless countrymen.They should be shipped back to vast Russia and its immense opulence and riches. Do you think this would happen in Bern? I suspect they would not get in in the first place or if they did cleared out of the country sharp-ish. We are literally and rapidly becoming the toilet of Europe. Will someone please give them directions to our politician's houses and Westminster. Until the idiots who purport to be in charge have to live with the problems that their ineptitude create nothing will change. The only time our politicians have listened to us is when their jobs, were threatened. Cameron did n't offer us a vote on Europe because it was the right thing to do, he was worried about UKIP. Bear that in mind at the European elections. That's disgusting If they are out of work as they claim, then Britain clearly ins't the country for you. Up sticks and try one of the other European countries. They are all just as accessible as you, and some of them even speak your language. Well,so much for Putin's Versailles reenactment. What was that comment again he made about the UK .Surely,he won't want to bother such a small country with his homeless countrymen.They should be shipped back to vast Russia and its immense opulence and riches. The Tories have had 3 years to think about this FORESEEABLE problem; yet today they are just doing things on the hoof. Ive worked in two countries abroad and in order to enter these particular two there was strict entry requirements ,the main being details of work/job as the reason you were coming to the country were mandatory,regardless of being in the European union unless they have a job to come to then they should not be let in! Easy, just take them to their embassy's let them sort it out. What a sad state of affairs, when are our politicians going to realize that their calling is to run the country for the good of their constituents, and not to turn a blind eye to what is happening to our once green and pleasant land. If our elected representatives feel that they cannot do the job then they should resign and make way for someone who can. maybe this will shut george galloway up the stupid man wants this. Why are they 'being offered' free flights home? Surely, if these people do not have a permanent residence and place of work then the flight home should be compulsory not optional? It's time the UK started to get tough on immigration and ignored the 'human rights' brigade. uk dumping ground for the riff raff Is it SO difficult to restrict immigrants entering this country unless they have have written proof of a job and somewhere to live - for at least one year after entry. What is the point of border controls???? No sympathy whatsoever, they don't come from war zones or extreme poverty. Go home. If the people of this country don't vote UKIP at the next election, to end this shameful misuse of our hospitality, then there will be no end to sights like this. Vote UKIP and get us out of the mess that is the EU. For goodness sake, why can't we deal with this? It's ridiculous, Mr Cameron, SORT.......IT.......OUT. Bring back the Iron Curtain! Don't blame the EC - it was the fall of Communism that brought about all this. If they have no where to go what are they doing in Britain and as they are homeless they arn´t there to work are they? If they arrive here with no money, no job and nowhere to live, turn them away. If they are going to be a burden on the UK, turn them away. Other countries do. Tony Blair should be made to clear up after these people- after all, he let them come here. GET US OUT OF THE EU and send these 'benefit migrants' back to any EU country, we do not want them and we cannot afford them. UKIP we need you. Cameron ... close our boarders before the rest of them pitch up They are not wanted here in Britain, they are just a strain on our society but remember if Cameron had any guts none of this would be happening and also remember this is just the first trickle of a huge flood heading our way! Labour opened the doors to all this nonsense the Tories haven't got the guts to do anything about it. UKIP is the only alternative left. And it's only going to get worse! We either need much stronger anti-vagrancy lwas or for the police to start upholding those that we do have. It is simple, keep moving em on until they go home. Under EU legislation they must be able to support themselves even if "on holiday" - if they are living on the streets you can kick them out. A standard three-month stay is only valid if you have somewhere to stay. Read the damn laws properly and stop pussyfooting around. The main obstacle is that stupid UK judges have totally misunderstood the human rights legislation and their idiot judgements have created cases of precedence. Bless their souls. what about the thousands of british born homeless people?? not worth reporting hey DM Starting in the Spring of 2014, the Government admits that as many as 150.000 more will be arriving in Britain. Independent estimates are more like 1.7 Million..... WE would get arrested,locked up and then deported if we did this in their country I don't agree with them being here at all but I do have sympathy for them when I see a young man sleeping rough on the street. whatever nationality he is. It's a wonder they haven't been offered mansions in central London isn't it. Declare yourself homeless and move up the council waiting list, they obviously did their homework before arriving in London But they are cheaper to employ! This is so wrong but politicians do nothing. im pretty sure theres still a lot more UK homeless people, but that's not worth reporting is it DM The UK is an absolute joke! Glad i left when i did. Over crowded England come to mind! They need to camp out on parliament green then our politicians might get the message. Too little is being done and the easiest solution has always been is to move them on to the neighbouring boroughs rather than addressing the issues. the only place you will never see them is outside a politicians house. But they are pretty much every where else. May be the Department For International Development will buy them a house. They buy one for everyone else. This island will sink soon, it's already on its way. I fear what future my children have. This is getting ridiculous, thousands of tax payers money is being spent on clearing up their mess every time! Well why let them in the country in the first place? Nowhere to go? How about home? To be fair the police are raiding and clearing them quickly. Saw a raid this morn top of park lane. Costa Del Crime, was always related to Spain where most of the UK criminals go, but it's the UK that takes all the criminals from everywhere else. What more proof do the government need that the EU is not, and never will work for the UK. But having said that, we only have wimps running the UK, and not politicians who are dedicated to looking after the country, there all in it for the money and fame. And there are people in this country who will be accusing the police of institutional racism for putting these charming visitors from abroad on a list of wanted criminals. They'll tell us that these fundamentally decent lads left their home countries to come here and make a fresh start but are being persecuted by intolerant and bigoted facist rightwing nationalist swine. That's if someone asks. Otherwise they'll just pretend that it's not happening. For certain you'll never get Clegg explaining how this is one of the wonderful benefits of EU membership that's easily worth fifty million a day. I am really annoyed reading this comments. Frankly one of my relatives happened to be a head of special police unite in warsaw responsible for chasing wanted criminals. We`ve had conversation recently about Polish criminals wanted in Poland staying in England: Polish police managed to find them here in UK, provided Scotland Yard with addresses and asked just to arrest them.What happened? They cannot be arrested due to some silly human rights. I don`t really want to go into more details but maybe someone will read it and do something about it? I agree that all this scum should be returned to the place where they coming from and they are not eligible for any rights. They breached the social codes so why award them with any?? This is no surprise, as the Eastern European countries empties their prisons of their most violent prisoners and sent them on a one-way ticket over to us. They cleaned their records to hide their criminal past. Thank you Tony Blair and Brussels! UK = European prison island! We have enough of our own scum with no understanding of the ten commandments "" THE BASIC RULES OF A SOCIETY "" ( forget the church ,,,,) these people don't understand how to live with others that's why they are here ,,,,because our the politicians dont understand either,,, Ahh the benefits of unfettered immigration and being in the EU are without measure, we've got them all, benefit fraudsters , thieves, pick pockets, rapists murderers, torturers etc etc and all of them here to stay, Tony Blair must be really proud of how he's turned this country into the dumping ground of the world, a safe haven for every piece of scum from anywhere, his motive was to change the face of Britian forever and rub the far rights noses in it, well he's certainly done that alright, along with every other decent British citizen Some countrys import goods, GREAT britian imports the scumbags of europe,and then cant get rid of them.Is that what politician are paid for? I never knew that Vee. And many more white collar criminals. Border controls need tightening.... - she,, somewhere, 24/1/2012 --------------- What a ridiculous statement to make. We all know this so I am sure we don';' need someone to keep repeating the same thing over and over. Your statement means about as much as someone commenting that petrol is going up again. Bob, england, 24/1/2012 16:38--------------------On the other hand, this is the best statement I have read on DM online for a long time. You have hit the nail firmly on the head when you say "border controls should never be surrendered to anyone" and that is exactly what Brown and Blair did with our borders and look at the trouble they have caused and the danger they have brought to us. Their handywork has cost the taxpayer billions in welfare and legal aid and there are dangerous criminals wandering around our streets and living amongst us. Isn't it time that Blair and Brown were brought to book over what they have done to this country. Thanks to Blair and his fellow traitors, all Britain has become is a penal colony for Europe. With the USA it was "Give me your tired, your poor your huddled masses...." Blair's Britain started with "Give me your benefit scroungers, criminals and serial murderers". Put the Law of Treason back on the statute books and put Blair on trial for treason and crimes against the state, along with a few of his henchmen like Hain and Brown. Couldn't help seeing a stupid comment just now,' how about UK criminals in europe. Why would anyone, unless they've nicked a few mill, leave the benefits of the UK, no Romania is now a much safer place, as are many EU countrys, when Labour opened our borders to the World the entry rush was led by criminals. I'm just surprised the list of 14 contains only 12 of them. What about there Human Rights to work ,rest and play in GREAT BRITAIN. HOW DO THESE SCUM GET VISAS TO ENTER THE UNITED KINGDOM IN THE FIRST PLACE ???????????????????????????????? GET RID TIGHTER BORDER CONTROLS NEEDED what lovely people we now have in the uk, what exactly do the border control do? thought they were employed to do a good job? think they need lessons from the australians who check everything, passports, the lot, if anyone watches nothing to declare you will know what i mean here. but its true what people are saying here, when they do eventually get caught, all they have to do is cry human rights what about my human rights,its disgusting,no wonder we are the laughing stock of the world.anyone can just waltz in to the country.get a grip cameron, you were elected to govern the country,so do it please,before there are victims of those yobs over here. Is UK becoming a haven for criminals! Take care of yourself and your children! 12 out of 14 most wanted are Eastern European, that means if we did not have the benefits of EU membership the police would be looking for just 2. The Council of Europe is what conects everything bad. The European Court of Human Rights, which enforces the European Convention on Human Rights being one of the main bodies of the council. Set up by among others BRITAIN in 1949 by the Treaty of London. It's this european institution that is at fault an institution established by Britain that has outlasted its usefulness decades ago and needs to be disbanded. In this modern age why can it not be checked . Help the ugly mob . Oh they are all so pretty. NOT. None of this surprises me. Yes check the unemployment benefits and housing benefits register and find them on there. I am sick of hearing about the EU all it has done for this Country is costing us Billions of pounds, and we seem to get all the scum of Europe living here scrounging off and committing crimes.. What I want to know is what the bloody hell are you going to do about it. Why can't we do what the Yanks do and finger print/eye scan everyone that comes through every airport/port? If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear..... The UK has an open door policy to everyone. EU Human rights dictates that you must be allowed to stay in the UK, freeload, scrounge benefits and commit crimes at will, even if you're an islamic terrorist or serial killer. Looks like we really need a mutli national, multi cultural society like we need a hole in our heads. We have enough home grown criminals without importing foreign ones We have enough problems with own, home-grown criminals without importing more from abroad. surprised---NOT How about a manhunt for all those UKcriminals hiding out in Europe? It is two way traffic, little England. 'The countries where these crimes happened want these men back to face justice for these offences and it is in the interests of London to help find them.' Well U aint having um ... after all its there... uman rite, innit. Nooo..! Surely this is wrong...? Do you mean to say that the treaties and agreements that the 'New Lax Left' signed us up for meant that we sleep-walked into allowing these animal nut-jobs to just walk into the UK...? That B.Liar, Plunkitt and Co. actually encouraged these people here, using terms like..'we need ethnic diversity..' and 'As our population proportionately gets older, we need people to replace our decreasing working population...' back in the early 2000's....? That the chaotic immigration system instigated by Labour meant that border control became a joke...? Do you mean that the figures released last year, showing a massive increase in crime, county by county, caused by immigrants from predominately eastern Europe TRUE....? Read it and weep voted for it. Everyone is welcomed to England as according to this unelected Government these criminals from europe work far harder than their British competitors. Fantastic isn't it. The UK overrun by violent immigrant criminals all at the expense of an island. The sooner we have a BNP government for a year or two who can clean up the UK and get rid of all these violent criminals, and the BNP WOULD send them back to their country, at the same time as closing the borders so no more can get in, imagine it just for a minute - wonderful - well it's either that or as someone else put it in another comment, a revolution. Try getting into the USA, even with just a drink-driving conviction. You might be lucky. Overstay your 90 day visit there - you'll be hunted down and mercilessly locked in a dungeon awaiting being hoofed out. Comeon, we are trying to emulate the USA as much as we can. its what i said over 20 yrs ago if this country truely becomes a part of the euro, this country will become europe's then the worlds prison, the security cameras are being fitted and those wind farm struts are excellent forcefield barriers, with the chunnel for access to and from, resistance is not futile... What a surprise, with the UK Borders Agency leaving our doors open for all to arrive without proper criminal and medical checks, we have some of the worst criminals and unhealthy people from Europe, all winging their way to a bedsit or benefit heaven accommodation paid for by the UK Taxpayer. West London has their fair share of good eastern europeans, working hard, paying their way and living normal quiet lives. When you hear you Polish neighbour criticising other Polish for being lazy, good for nothing scum, there really is a problem. My neighbours have Polish local papers sent to them by their parents which details local criminals and they regularly keep in touch with Polish life through the internet - They have said they would not hesitate to call the police if they see or hear of a known criminal in the UK. I did wonder what all the benefits of being in the EU our lefty politicians keep telling us. Now I know, silly me......... Tony Blair is entirely responsible for this! Thank you Labour for allowing these SCUM into our Country. Grubbie Britain again - Europe's festering armpit. All the prats stating they we have done far worse to the costa del crime, surely it's up to the Spanish, to police there borders, and arrest wanted criminals, and us to do like wise. Also I seem to recall most of are criminals over there, were hiding in plain sight, spending there I'll gotten gains in there bars. The filth we've got will be claiming benefits, dealing drugs, and screaming human rights when caught ! SCUM They are only looking for them to give them a house and benefits. hardly ever see a policeman or his car..When I do it is usually parked in Macdonald Burger car park Ah that will be the benefits of multi culturism, and diversity that immigration brings to the country. Good ole Tony Blair told us all about it !. The lying filthy maggot that he is I wonder how long ago these pics were taken. No4 looks very familiar, but a bit slimmer now. The police have enough domestic crimes to deal with without having the problem of foreign criminals roaming about the UK. How long will they be able to cope with the extra burdens being placed upon them? When will those in power do something about the UK's porous borders? are you sure about who they are as to me they have the look of contestants in 2012 UK's got talent WHEN CAUGHT MOVE THEM IN WITH KEN CLARKE HE LOVE THEM........ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// that reminds me i need to get my car cleaned in the morning what an evil looking bunch of wasters,line them all up against the wall and shoot them ,save the tax payers money. It's one thing letting all the polish, romanian etc citizens into the UK, but criminals? Why isn't there a rule in place which stipulates NO CRIMINALS! It should be simple...if you have commited a crime then NO ENTRY! No doubt these are the people who are claiming benefits aswell - I doubt they work..... and they probably commit crimes here in UK and end up in prison at expense of taxpayers. What the hell is going on??? SORT IT .. This is Labour's legacy Not one of them is English. Why the hell were they allowed in our Country in the first place? If caught, they'll only be kept here, living comfortably in prison on tax payers money due to their "human rights". This place is a joke. They are probably all living in London, next to a police station. carrying on with their life of crime whilst collecting a host of benefits courtesy of the long suffering taxpayer. It should be noted that all those who let this kind of thing happen, all work in the Public Sector! Why bother? They won't or can't be deported. All that will happen is that the UK taxpayer will end up subsidise their break in HMP Butlins and paying their legal fees to stay here. Don't forget the ones from Georgia, Chechnia, Russia and Ukraine hiding in the wings, they are also not in the EU but have been allowed into the UK. When caught send them with their bundles to a prominent Lib Dem, they will appreciate them. Deport ! Deport ! Deport ! I'm shocked to think we even have pictures of them,do we have to lock them up? they will only complain, then we will have to pay out even more money for their hurt feelings. Thank you labour voters. What did Cameron say about ensuring our borders would be secure? How long does he propose to wait before implementing this promise. The ones that said this would happen were threatened with arrest for racism. CRIMINALS IMPORTED BY OTHER CRIMINALS. What is going on with this Country we let the dregs of society in. These people thrived under a Labour government, every politician involved shouid be prosecuted. How about a manhunt for all those UKcriminals hiding out in Europe? It is two way traffic, little England. - Phil, Sutton, 24/01/2012 17:14 And that is our problem because............? All this thanks to the EU, we really need these scum like they need a bullet in the head... Put all those mugshots on the big poster boards that are in every town in the land and with a big reward. Oh and put them up in every benefits office because they will all be claiming. And bring back HANGING. The reason you don't see Blair or Cameron on there, is because they are on Britain's MOST UNWANTED LIST. I bet their all on the dole! they are living somemwhere, so if they are picking up benifits and housing benifits, the authorities know where they are, but it will be a waste of time and money to go out and catch them, as after they are caught you will have every lawyer in the country fighting to keep them in the UK,, and as for prison that is a joke,as the sentance they would get wouldbe laughable. oh don't forget they will have the "Human Rights" on their side as well. also the PC brigade will be have their say as well. that is the UK today, I also note that they are all immigrants, so the jUdges will have the last say if they can remain in the UK and we know the answer to that will be yes. for thoses criminals it will be win win all the way and they know that. Another success story for the EU loving government! Traitors!! scum of the earth free to roam england. Welcome to today's Britain, where the dregs of society have been allowed in. Immigration Service ??? non existent, just let them in we can't be bothered. Who the hell let them in anyway? We have become the dumping ground of Europe and we can't get rid of them because of their "rights". What has happened to this once great land? Since when was Georgia in East Europe? Just go to their local dole office They probably took a look at the British riots last summer and thought what the hell is this place we came to and left.-----------------------then again,after seeing the' tributes' paid to the British criminals who passed away,lots of British love their gangsters and thought Britain is the place for them......and they would be correct. whats the point wasting money and time of the Police tracking them down when trying to bring them to justice will only contravene their human rights and they will never be made to pay for their crimes Probably selling "Big Issues" How about a manhunt for all those UKcriminals hiding out in Europe? It is two way traffic, little England. - Phil, Sutton, 24/1/2012 17:14 What a pathetic, uneducated comment. British police are always publishing Britains wanted in Spanish newspapers. And if they catch them, what will they do? We cannot deport or extradite them, they have 'Uman Rights, the God sent saviour of every criminal. However, they may rest easy, our authorites cannot even catch a cold, and if they do, the lawyers will queue up to defend them and get them out on bail. How about a manhunt for all those UKcriminals hiding out in Europe? It is two way traffic, little England. - Phil, Sutton, 24/1/2012 17:14==================== Trust the Social Marxists to want a balanced view! Are they all out there flogging 'The Big Issue' ? And they said we need them for our economy, believe that believe anythingwe have more then enough, unenployed and getting worse, What's the point??!! Nothing will happen to them anyway...human rights etc. they'll all have cats/dogs and hundreds of kids with many different stupid women so their "right to a family life" will be the first consideration. Even though they've all ruined thousands of others family lives whilst in the UK.... So we have 10 of the most wanted fugitives on the loose in the UK. Wonder how they got in in the first place. Hopefully they will be caught and removed to face justice in there own country. IT WOULD be very nice to think that our legal system does not try to mess things up with Human rights I dont hold out much hope of common sence ruling the day, but I live in hope. Well now,UK is so unbelievably easy to enter,that we now have all European most wanted here,they all know just the place to hide and lie low, comfortably on benifits,yes UK is an safe haven for such as this lot.All down to lazy,very lax border controls run by a stupid Govt following EU orders.All in it together, yes right down the pan. I am sick and tired of seeing and hearing about East European (Romanians in particular) all over newspapers/tv and I am Romanian.If they work legally in UK they should have documents,if they dont have dont let them in.If they come as tourists then they should be able to prove that .i.e accomodation/return ticket etc. With regards to those scumbags i will be more then happy to help the goverment to catch them. FYI not all East Europeans are bad. Whats the point, we haven't the power's to deport them, our masters in Brussels will not allow it. How about a manhunt for all those UKcriminals hiding out in Europe? It is two way traffic, little England. - Phil, Sutton, 24/01/2012 17:14 Are we supposed to sort out the rest of europe as well? We can have them back but let the countries they are hiding in round them up, just as we are doing here in "littlle England" . Britian the dumping ground of Europe,everybodies welcome if its not given to you just steal it nothing will happen if somebody gets in your way see them off nothing will happen how on earth has the ONCE Great Britain got into this state where any evil criminal ( or indeed anyone else ) can just walk in !!!!!!! "How about a manhunt for all those UKcriminals hiding out in Europe? It is two way traffic, little England." - Phil, Sutton, 24/1/2012 17:14 >>>>>>>Yes and the incoming lane has far more traffic in it than the outgoing..... Border Controls were certainly doing their job, weren't they, by letting them in ?? Just check the Council House list and the benefit office and you'll find we are keeping them in luxury... Let our ex military control our borders, I think we would see a big, big difference..... Isn't it weird how they look like the same man in the mughots, taken at different times of his life (and weight)? Wouldnt we be better employed making our borders tighter and preventing them getting into the UK in the first place or is that too shocking a statement in this politicaly correct enclave of Strasbourg? It's reassuring to know that the Tories have been so successful in securing our nation's borders...... My god what a bunch of neandrathuals!I wonder how many more criminals are hiding out in this country? Support a Party with some backbone, vote UKIP next time around. Remember this when it's time to vote. Lib/Lab/Con all do nothing which is why I will vote UKIP. I want my country OUT OF THE EU AND BRITAIN to sort its own laws and border controls out and start putting laws into place to keep criminals out. We have enough of our own. Of cause they are in the uk were else would they be, not in Tony Blairs house I bet, thankyou Labour for letting these people in just to get a vote to stay in power you destroyed this country all on your own. Looks like plenty of business for the flourishing human rights lawyers! Even when they are apprehended what's their chances of permanent deportation. Especially once the soft human rights jockeys get on their high horses, not to mention prosecution for any crimes they'll have undoubtedly committed over here. But this is the land of milk and honey to the underneath - a- lorry brigade. Don't lose sight of reality. Humans are humans, no matter if polish, british or americans. You will find good and bad everywhere. Please be aware that there are many british criminals who ran away from justice and are sitting somewhere else in the EU... maybe in Poland, Spain, Portugal.... or am I wrong? The most important thing is to have a good system to catch all criminals, no matter where they come from and make them pay properly for their crimes. Is that all or is this the tip of the iceberg. Try looking in the prisons as well, they may already be there under a different name. If they were wanted by Interpol how come their passports weren't checked when they entered Britain, that's assuming it wasn't false to begin with. Time to start fingerprinting everyone when they come into the country and they don't get to leave the port or airport until they are run through the databases. How about a manhunt for all those UKcriminals hiding out in Europe? It is two way traffic, little England. Dont blame the EU - blame our lazy authorities - Georgia and Albania are not EU members dont see cameron or blair on there Good old UK. The dustbin and laughing stock of the world. YOU KNOW WHEN YOU FIND THEM? SENTENCE THEM TO HOUSE ARREST IN BLAIR'S MANSION. I BELIEVE HE'S GOT THE ROOM. Dave, Leeds, I'm sure there's lots of low life British scum in Europe....I'm talking about the above "Low life scum" who are here. What's so hard to understand ?... Check the benefits register then you'll find them! fistly how do they get past customs, do we have east europeans checking passengers now. if caught then what happens, they use the human rights law and then are allowed to stay here. then they will claim benefits and the lawyers and translators make mega bucks. whilst the tax payers pot gets less and less. Anyone else want to bet even if they do get caught, some Human Rights Legistlation will prevent them being deported. If they are in the UK, they are here to stay. bet most of live here in peterborough Isn't it wonderful. We are world leaders in the breeding of chavs and criminals but yet successive Governments in their wisdom decide that we don't have enough of them so they top up by importing from Europe and reward them by putting them on benefits. Has there ever been a more crazy, incompetent country ever in the history of this planet? Maybe we should adopt the same methods as the Australian government! I wonder how many of these scumbags would be protected by Tony (night in shining armour) Bliar's 'Human' Rights act????????????????????What a clown. Oh those poor poor Romanians. Lets give them houses and feed them as they can't help being criminals can they? I expect Mr. Blair, who loves them and invited them all to live in Britain will share his nice home with them. If they are wanted back home, the extradition arrangements mean they can easily be sent back to another EU country. Why is it in Britain the police and authorities are so useless when it comes to tracking down and arresting wanted criminals like these? They seem to disappear into the woodwork, and are all probably claiming large amounts in benefits with assumed identities. So we catch them; then what will 'we' do? Wouldn't want to send them back, they might be punished bless their cotton socks! They have rights doncha know! Aren't we lucky that EU rules allow just any dross to come and live in this country? And our governments, past and present, welcome immigration and do nothing to safeguard the population. Border controls need tightening.... - she,, somewhere, 24/1/2012 there are no border controls for EU member states all people in the EU can come and go as they please , you cant keep EU criminals out, Blair signed are controls away to the EU. Border controls should never be surrendered to anyone just think, this open door policy was nothing to do with european rules (certain countries had an opt out, we didnt apply) this was all about flooding the job market with cheap imports to drive the wages of the lowest paid in society down, regardless of the cost to society (no criminal record checks for eastern european workers) funny how you never see eastern european chief executives of traders, who'll do it for half the price or no bonuses, or god forbid, no honours every new year MOST WILL HAVE A CAT OR A BUDGIE BY NOW SO THEREFORE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BE SENT BACK! ALL C**P PLEASE COME TO BRITAIN! Made possible by our useless politicians, assisted by immigration lawyers who will readily serve any foreigner threatened with deportation. All on legal aid, of course. isnt it comforting to know these scumbags are at large in our green and pleasant land . uk border force get a grip Some of these comments are so ignorant. "Oh the benefits of the EU"... "Why let this scum into the country?" etc.... Now you know how Spain feels with having their coasts immersed with the biggest thugs Britain has to offer...... Shouldn’t the headline be. Living in a council house near you ---ect You know the sad part about this story, apart from this scum being allowed in to the Uk in the first place, is that even if their caught there will be a thousand and one lawyers, solicitors and bleeding heart groups demanding that they are allowed to stay in the Uk. Even sadder is the fact the judiciary will agree with them. British citizens are a down trodden minority. Will any one fight our cause?????????? "Welcome to England"- me, Maidstone uk___________Um and Wales and Scotland and Northern Ireland. I cry for this country. Why people are having children is beyond me, what do you think it will be like when they grow up? Why bother catching them? If they are caught, then human rights will kick in and they will be given free accommodation and benefits. SO what if they are found ! Nothing can be done to them due to they probably have cats or even play cricket. Britain is now the dumping ground for the filth and scum who are welcome no where else on the planet. The government should be sued for infringing the basic human rights of decent, law abiding, tax paying people - that is the right not to live in fear of these feral feckless migrants they have deliberately allowed to come into our once great nation unchecked, not vetted & unmonitored by our incompetent politicians & its public servants. And I'm sure other countries; like Spain, have enjoyed playing host to large numbers of our hardcore criminals over the years. It's hardly news is it? 'criminals escape their own countries' like that's something new. I'm sure there are plenty of Eastern European criminals holed up in countries all over the world. In the same way that there are no doubt plenty of UK criminals doing the same. Just another non-story for the permanently outraged to enjoy. Oh, but of course it's the DM website so nothing new there then. None of the three parties care. They only want more in. We know who to vote for in 2015 if Britain is still in existence! Thank you Blair and Labour. Traitors. courtesy of the eu, all the crap comes into britain, and no doubt on massive benefits, and of course with the court of human rights on their side Labours idea of a multi-cultural Britain. What about the home grown scum like the rioters? So many of them have just got away with it. We need to clean up our native filth as well. Ahh the joy of open borders...nice one - Matt, London ................and how many low-life British scumbags are living in Spain, Portugal, Greece, Holland, etc.... evading British Justice As if we dont have enough of our own scum The joys of the EU eh? - - Rob, England, 24/1/2012 15:38 Albania and Georgia are hardly members of the EU. LIVING IT UP COURTESY OF US THE WORKING BRITISH!!! And when the resources have been used and spent to catch these people some judge somewhere will let them off and allow them to stay here.....One sick country! We are second to none on refugees.We welcome them with open arms. Theres another good enough reason to leave the EU Welcome to England All thanks to Blair and his "Open door" policy-he should be sent the bill for apprehending these beauties. Have a look at the scum in England and i bet its way worse.. !!! Ah yes, the blair/brown multicultural open door policy is now spurning its very own Frankenstein's monster - thanks a million nu-labor. What happens to them when plod catches them? We pay £60million per day as subs to belong to this corrupt club...and this is what we get in return. The government has a duty of care to the British people and they are failing to protect us on every level. I suspect these lovelies are just the tip of the ice berg. Come one, come all, We're daft here. Border controls need tightening.... I suspect these lovelies are just the tip of the ice berg. Come one, come all, We're daft here. Don't forget about Pests from the West either. The joys of the EU eh? Blimey, I thought at first it was a photo of another load of crooks - Labour's front bench! charmers! "Tracking down 10 most wanted European fugitives on the run in Britain"...Well have you tried the DHSS Office or the Big Issue seller on the street corner. Failing that try the most expensive villa in the area. How many from eastern europe?!!! -good job we dont have open borders to the EU .... DOH!!!!! Ahh the joys of open borders...nice one some lovely looking lads there. Once again govt's are putting the lives of the indigenous at risk, they should be ashamed of themselves. I thought that when we got rid of the vile, destructive Labour Party... things would seems not. isn't it a government's job to protect it's people - well it's time they started doing that, because we have had enough of them all letting in despicable people like this. Oh, the benefits of EU membership and 'uman rites? UK you made your bed now lie in it. UK wil never be the same anymore The result of letting Tony BLiar and his gang run riot for 13 years, although the new Emperor in number ten doesn't seem any better. We do let some scum into this country Bet they are living in council houses and claiming too. When did Albania and Georgia join the EU? Looking at the pictures, you couldn't wish to meet a nicer bunch of guys, could you? And this is only the eleven they know about - or tell us about - from eastern Europe. What about those from the rest of the world? I am sick and tired of hearing about everything being racist this and racist that. So what are they doing about his fish thefts? A bit of communication could do magic, if someone wants to take a fish with them than try to encourage them to go fishing in the sea. Instead of harassing try to educate that in UK not taking the fish is a habit and general rule. Look, its the pro-doscrimination crowd. Fighting for their right to judge people based on their nationailty! Its funny really. My ten-year-old was astonished and shocked to see it.¿ -- Yeah, that's believable, a 10 year old boy shocked and astonished, absolute rubbish! "my 10 year old was shocked to see it"..get a grip...i think you lie.... Surely it's against their Human Rights NOT to have it translated in to umpteen languages at, as usual, massive expense to us? Reminds me of the "No Dogs, No Blacks, No Irish" signs you used to see in pubs years ago. Disgusting attitude. I thought we were passed this The guy is Racist. Should get the good lesson. I'm not at all surprised by this. It seems that today the police's main concern is to stay within ridiculous PC guidelines rather than catch the criminals who are stealing this mans property. What a joke. This word racist is so ridiculously overused - and wrongly used for that matter. Most Eastern Europeans are exactly the same race as the so-called 'White British.' is not that they are a different race that is a problem but the fact that they have an entirely different culture. FGS stop using the word racist if anything its discrimination. It's his land, he should be able to do whatever he wants with it. These labels are flung around so casually by the left and they are never held to explain or justify them. In the current almost hysterical climate of being "offense averse" the mere labelling of someone as racist or fascist or homophobic or islamophobic is often enough to stifle all further discussion. But those using these labels should be called upon to explain and justify them. In this case the man in question has been labelled by some correspondents as racist, some even calling for him to be prosecuted. The sign specified "East Europeans" so is "East European" accepted as a racial or ethnic grouping? If so into what category does it fall? Is it some previously unidentified subset of the Slavic races? But not all east Europeans are Slavic etc etc. The absurd example is to call anti Islamic comments as racist, as one of the boasts of Islam is that it has followers of all races. Hold those who use such labels to account and demand they explain their (mis)use of them. It's a wonder the Police didn't trip over their size twelves and claim compensation. Blame the inertia of the police. Plenty of fishermen catch and remove the carp from fishing lakes here in France. And most of those are French and NOT from Eastern Europe. There are rules about the size of fish which can be taken, but many just ignore those. We also caught some French men wading in the river on OUR property. They were catching fish with their hands by shooing them into the banks prior to stealing them. So people of all nationalities can be capable of the same crime. That is why this gentleman's sign cannot be correct, as it generalises about ALL members of a particular nationality or ethnic group. How can this be a racist hate crime? It's not racist, it's technically xenophobia which isn't racist. Obviously plod hasn't anything better to do. I'd have to told plod where to go Last time I looked east Europeans were indeed Europeans, like me. So how can it be a race crime when we are the same race? Nationality does not equate to a different race. I'm sick of this utter frivolous nonsense by the police. Did one of them try to sue him too? Go and catch the fish thieves. "call the police"? .....hahahahahaha... Bad idea cartier! He'll be arrested and taken away for his non PC opinion and then all the fish will be stolen in his absence. For those who feel this man is wrong about who is sealing his fish I would like to point out that as a rule the British have never been Carp eaters even though carp have been available here for years. Carp, however are most definitely on the menu in Eastern Europe. Carp and chips.... no thanks. Glen .... Southampton. At the end of the day it is his fishing lake, he owns it, he bought it, he runs it. If he knows or sees or hears that Americans (for example) are stealing his fish he is entitled to ban Americans from fishing at his lake. Since when have eastern Europeans been another race? Same as when the police say having a go at Islam is racist, no it's not. Islam is a religion not a race of people. This is a typical example of discrimination against nationality. Website says ''Fishing at Dog Lane is available to anyone with a valid EA Licence and who purchases a Day Ticket''. I he want to ban fishing he would have to do it for everyone not just for his chosen group of people. Just wonder what is going to happen when ,great-grandfather Eddie Whitehead , will need an emergency ambulance and it will arrive with Eastern European doctor on board! is there any real news in this paper today? or any day for that matter. Ha Ha, Call the Police, it will take them forever to respond, if they respond at all, to busy filling in bail forms for Burglers, and robbers. Well as I see it if he owns the property then he is entitled to say who may and who may not enter Maybe he should put a sign up to the effect "No Entry to people who haven't lived in the area for three years or more" and turn a blind eye to the British who haven't. That should keep the great British Police force off his back. A sign saying "No Carp Stealing" would have been more appropriate. Then again, that would probably be fish-ist. Funny, on one hand, but then again, how does he know who is from Eastern Europe and who isn't? Many people over here look pretty much the same as the English do, you know? If I sat down on the bench, would he just come to me and ask me to ID myself? :D All anglers have known this for a number of years . Thing is if you say anything your classed as a racist Wake up Britain before its too late I know who I shall be voting for . UKIP SPEAKS MY LANGUAGE And I am nor a racist eddie whitehead your not breaking the law for stopping them from fishing if its your private property.your in the same situation when a landowner stopped them fishing on his lake in oxfordshire and cleaned out all the fish in it 'you are in your right to put the sign up..and have who you want to fish in it, . No dogs, No Irish, No blacks... and now No Eastern Europeans. I suppose Mr Eddie never leaves UK as he is gravely scared of any non British people. P.S. If he is rich enough to own a fishing lake he should invest in fence. Why not write a country? Eastern Europe is big with many countries. Not every Eastern European countries people are bad and steal. Some do have laws about fishing. I know that in Slovenia it is not allowed to fish in lakes and rivers without a licence. You're not even allowed to throw a bait, catch a fish and release it. It's stupid to post a sign like that. It's as if in Greece they would put a sign in a street "No western Europeans" because British teens drink en mass and cause havoc. "He Claims" so, trial by media and guilty! Send the European anglers to Australia for fishing trips. Carp here are in plague proportions that's big fish, fish not sprats. Imagine all the carp you can eat all in the freezer on the return trip. Its illegal to return carp caught back to the water. i remember Menindee lakes, carcases along the bank!!!! Fair play to the bloke fish stealing is rife since we had mass immigration forced upon us! why shouldn't he ban them? Anyone who goes fishing knows how bad its getting. The swans are going missing as well! The loony lefties need to wake up! All you PC lovies can whine as much as you like it being racist and how it's not the fault of eastern Europeans, but as I am married to a Pole I will tell you something. It most certainly IS eastern Europeans stealing his fish. No one in Britain has eaten carp or pike since the dark ages. In fact, it is very difficult to buy here because of this. But my other half loves it, especially carp at festive times like Christmas. Big carp in a fishery are expensive. Some are worth thousands of pounds!! And that's not counting the revenue that people knowing you have big fish to catch will bring - £20 a day to sit by a high quality lake and fish down here in the south. The police will inevitably do nothing at all to help this guy. They would stand by and defend the 'Uman Rites of the criminals rather than prosecute them as thieves. So what choice does he have? Putting up a sign saying "pretty please don't eat my fish" in as many languages as you like will do nothing. obvious racism and hope he has his bag packed and ready for a few days in chokie , unless it`s removed pronto............- thommo , solihull, 10/4/2013 please tell me you are planning to emigrate very soon, over the top PC people like you have ruined this country. I am an angler and some Eastern Europeans are a problem as coarse fish are part of their diet and they see it as a free meal. Considering the plethora of laws you Brits have....I'm surprised you don't have one about promoting hatred! a passer by was shocked when he saw the sign all i can say is go get a life More power to your elbow mate. In my country he would get a FAT fine and would be excluded from community. I am sure they are Eastern Europeans', Mr. Whitehead says. Presuming the thieves work during daylight, he must be very good at recognizing what country people are from. If he bases this on seeing them at night, then it is again perfectly clear what he sees: nothing. Even he admits he has no evidence about the ethnic background of whoever is stealing his fish! He adds: 'I am sure they are Eastern Europeans. I've had no problems with people from other countries.' Well, Eastern Europe is not a country, it is a region, so he has had no problems with people from other countries, even those in Eastern Europe. BTW, most countries, even East European ones have laws on fishing, stipulating which fish can be kept or which must be put back in the water. Red arrows, please! - kate, austria, 10/4/2013 17:27 Thanks God continental europe has more intelligent people. I think only frustrated people could give you red arrows . I am British and I hate Britain, does that make me a racist? I got red arrowed for my comment, but was not surprised. Strange that just a few people have said this man, instead of putting up signs, should install CCTV, ask police to patrol the area more frequently, or put up a fence and instead of searching vehicles that leave (can he do that legally?), he should charge a fee for entry on his private property and fishing there, if it's his livelihood and investment at stake. Far fewer people would go there, and hardly any to steal fish, irrespective of which country they come from. come and live in boston,i dont think we have any fish or ducks left The only people I ever see fishing the River Trent during the close season are all eastern europeans. They do take pike for the pot. They also plead ignorance of our fisheries byelaws. I'm not surprised he's put the sign up, makes things simple ad straightforward. good for him, i would do the same thing too, " you don't expect to see this ignorant, racist kind of thing"----------Funny how often people who stick ignorant and racist together in a sentence are themselves ignorant about what racism (or race) is. If he'd put up a sign saying "no people with shaved heads", would that be ignorant and racist too? "Reminds me of the no Jews signs I read about before the Germans start throwing them in Ovens... - Andy , Kingston, 10/4/2013 15:49 Reminds me of signs that say ""no tresspassing"" or ""only 4 children in the shop"" or ""no poaching"" ""no admittance to people with dirty boots"". It is nothing to do with the holocaust and it is offensive to hijack that awful offence for something completely different." I totally support the chap, my local river as been plundered by Eastern Europeans, and yes i have proof, i've seen them with my own eyes. Carp apparently is a favoured dish in Eastern Europe so naturally they are going to raid our rivers and lakes, thats the problem with multiculturism, they bring their own culture over with them and as you should know, you complain and you're branded a 'waycist'. Nice one...... If people want to live in the UK then they should abide by UK laws and not their own! It's private property and as such he can refuse entry to whoever he likes. What people need to understand is that fish caught from fisheries of this nature are always returned alive. People pay for the right to catch fish maybe take a photo of their catch, thats it. People from eastern europe find this mind-set incomprehensible, you go fishing and eat what you catch. The same problem has been experianced in our inner city park lakes but doesnt stop at fish as the diminishing swan population will testify. So I feel Eddie Whitehead is perfectly within his rights to ban whomever he likes from his water and simply trying to protect his busnes and people crying out about racism need to have a long hard honest look at the situation. This man is pefectly right!!!! Since he owns the property, close the lake to everone. Problem solved. Nice to see all the leftist out in force - ooohhh it's racist... What utter twaddle? We used to have swans near where i live, that is until certain people killed them and ate them.. East Europeans are white caucasians same as the pond owner and therefore cannot be racist ? His sign should have read " no white people" and therefore everyone would be happy and say nothing ? Perhaps ' no stealing fish' would be better. After all no one has been caught I felt badly reading this. I am Polish sometimes visiting your country, never fishing neither here nor there. Will I be checked and brought to police if I go for a walk there by accident? I assure you, that fishing without permission is strictly forbidden in Poland. Simply if you fish you have to have a valid document of fisher's union and never ever do it outside places where it's allowed. Of course we have poachers. But they are prosecuted like in any other country. Let me know why oh why don't you find this note racist? Because I am the same race as you are? Which race of Britons do you mean? If it's not racist, probably it's pure linguistics, but still not fair. Civilised owner would write "no fishing", " thieves will be prosecuted" or something like this. That's a shame. Stop 'carping' on and install security cameras round the lake? I do have a certain sympathy with him. A local charity has a fishing lake for disadvantaged children and they have restocked it twice. They did catch two thieves and yes they were Polish, they'd come off the farms nearby. Think the wages are so low they have to find alternative ways of eating. Good for him. Good luck mate I banned Eastern Europeans off my lake a few years back,the ban is still on they didn't have the bottle to take me to court. Stick with it. Tony @ Trentside fishery Grimsby His lake, his rules . It is happening all over the country. Swans are also being shot and eaten . Do you think that British people are doing that ? Maybe CCTV would help ? Serves him right, making money off living creatures. He's not worried about the fish's welfare/livlihood when he sells them, is he? What a nice bloke Even the DM notes that there's no evidence whatsoever that it's Eastern Europeans. The fish are probably dying after looking at that miserable owner's face. This has been going on for years. My Polish next door neighbour has two pike heads nailed to the door of his shed. Bizarrely it's still legal to take fish from rivers (never met a fisherman who agrees with it) if of a certain size/number but taking anything other than those allowed is an offence. Fish can only be taken from still waters with written permission of the owner or club. He should check rod licences and report any who do not have one to the EA hotline immediately. More chance of them getting a £2.5k fine for no licence than taking his fish sadly. Just another culture clash. Well, yes, in Eastern European cultures there are such practices, it's cultural matter, someone that goes fishing can take home some fish for the table but within a decent limit and only if he/she has a fishing permit. Plus you cannot fish any time you like to - this is somehow restricted by law, when it is time for fish to lay eggs fishing is forbidden, and people that do so in such periods are fined. So don't imagine that things happen just like that, nature is protected, and so are fish species. And true fishermen always respect that. Nevertheless such unhappy events take place, you could ask police to interfere and solve the problem no matter nationality and problem is solved faster than showing off announces that could only instigate and develop felings of hate between people no matter their nationality. There more decent ways to solve such problems but this means to take some social responsibility as well. Look, they were caught red handed at my local fishery and suddenly they all stopped going because the owner decided to watch them all. No chance of fish? No chance of them bothering to fish was the result The East European Race that's a new one. The usual suspect blamed by fishing lake owners for disappearing fish is an otter followed by calls to kill all local otters. Perhaps he should get some security cameras to determine the fish taker. Claim for losses caused by "unseen" thieves can be made on insurance but unless he has a good policy otter loses are not covered. We need to ensure that we are not violating their human rights in any way. It is not racist. It is culturalist. It is recognition that cultural differences and attitudes can affect how well people blend with each other. Forget the rest of the story. This is racist and its clearly illegal. I trust the DM have reported this to the police and handed in the evidence? 'I am sure they are Eastern Europeans', Mr. Whitehead says. Presuming the thieves work during daylight, he must be very good at recognizing what country people are from. If he bases this on seeing them at night, then it is again perfectly clear what he sees: nothing. Even he admits he has no evidence about the ethnic background of whoever is stealing his fish! He adds: 'I am sure they are Eastern Europeans. I've had no problems with people from other countries.' Well, Eastern Europe is not a country, it is a region, so he has had no problems with people from other countries, even those in Eastern Europe. BTW, most countries, even East European ones have laws on fishing, stipulating which fish can be kept or which must be put back in the water. Red arrows, please! How can the sign be racist? It doesn't mention any race. If anything, it's East European-ist. As for calling the police - they'd only be interested if the fish were exceeding the speed limit or parked on yellow lines. As an Eastern European I hate to read/hear such stories. How desperate do you have to be to steal someones fish from a pond to eat it?! I mean people keep fish they catch in Poland if they pay some licence or something. But that's in Poland and here is Britain but some clearly don't care. obvious racism and hope he has his bag packed and ready for a few days in chokie , unless it`s removed pronto.............. "Nothing racist" reminds me of Apartheid-signs "White people only" or Nazi discrimination "Not for Jews" with similar explanations. Nip things in the bud! Goo on yer mate. I am Eastern European, working in the UK for 9 years, currently completing my PhD and looking forward to become an academic. I am not a scam, I don't claim benefits, don't smuggle cigarettes, don't steal fish etc! Can you please stop harassing me! It is absolutely ridiculous to pick on Eastern Europeans all the time without any reason. British people commit crimes, drink excessively, steal things (like my coat last week in the nightclub) so they are ALSO not perfect. What I recently observe in the media is an unprecedented attack on people who practically share the same values as British and I simply cannot understand all the hate towards us. There are so many minorities in the UK and only Eastern Europeans are targeted by the campaign full of prejudice and very full of lies. he doesn't know the ethnicity of the fish thieves, it could be anyone struggling with trying to pay their bedroom tax and increase in council tax payments. In Ireland , their at it whole time, the amount of Pike { a protected species} taken is giving cause for concern ,,THe Dept of Fisheries is fighting a silent battle with them , I wonder what would happen if irish people went to Eastern Europe and broke the law , ??????????? hahaha hilarious Illegal. Simple as that. Prove who it is before making these ridiculous signs! ..its about time someone told it as it is.. add to his missing fish, half the swans in london parks have vanished..& where we live cats are disappearing at an alarming rate!..lets face facts. its not racist or "not pc" but if you take a few thousand people used to a certain way of life where struggle, hardship & hungers an everyday thing then let them enter a country like the uk, these things are bound to happen & a lot worse..a lot lot worse I fear when our bulgarian cousins come over in droves... Problem is if he does report it to the Police they will be too scared of being branded racists themselves or even too inept to do anything about it. This guy can't win as the law favours the criminal and not the OWNER Don't fall for the lefty claptrap; an Englishman's home etc - and that includes his lake. Personally I'd have attack dogs patrolling the grounds. Hurrah for UKIP! - CaptainGinger, Islington, 10/4/2013 12:17 ================================================================================================== Your ukip world doesn't sound very enticing How can it be racist when East Europeans are the same caucasian race as the English? Unless of course Mr Whitehead is of African or East Asian descent and the man in the photo is just a stand-in? They are taking fish all over the Fens as well. Remind me how fishing works. This is a fishery right. Are you actually supposed to put the fish back? So they get caught repeatedly? That seems wrong to me, I assumed people went fishing to catch fish, take them home and eat them Yet again a British citizen in his own back yard says it how it is and the left wing brigade come out in force. Its thanks to these left wing do gooders that this country is in the state it is. Put up a sign "Private Property" trespassers will be shot! He may be right but a sign saying "Don't steal the fish" and install CCTV (it is relatively cheap now) would be more effective. - Nini, London, United Kingdom, 10/4/2013 11:44..................Yeah right. That would work. These people are unlikely to get caught and if they are nothing happens to them. His best bet is to lawfully treat his fish with fungicide to kill white spot and put a sign up warning that the fish are inedible. "One walker passing by said: 'It's bizarre, backward and racist. It's the sort of thing you're shocked to see in this day and age." >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes shocking - if you've been indoctrinated by the liberal-left elite and the BBC. Can one get a degree in "Being Shocked" these days? His land, his lake his fish... This is akin to placing a sign saying, "No Dogs or Indians allowed" during the Raj or "No Black, No Dogs, No Irish" sign during the 70s from a potential landlord in UK. But then what more can we expect from the descendant of colonialist !!! No wonder, Britain's today's generation's suffering due to the ill-deeds of their ancestors, across the globe. If people want to live in our country they should live by our rules or leave. Simple. Good for him Bravo! The sign is absolutely spot-on, I am a bailiff on a local water and every time we catch people stealing specimen fish from our waters they are ALL from Eastern Europe. Its a big problem. Someone netted my lake and stole the carp too...I haven't bothered to replace them. How about notice on a pub entrance door in Krakow - 'No Stag Parties'. Guess why did they put it there? he put up a sign, big deal. I get the looks clearly saying I'm not welcome even though I don't steal anyone's fish ;) its not RACIST its the TRUTH. we have the same problem near us. the eastern europeans dont put the fish back. they take them home to eat. the same goes for the wildfoul that live on the lake ;they seem to like graylag geese and swans. To be fair we all know who takes the carp and who eats all the swans etc, but we are not allowed to tell the truth anymore. We need politicans with the balls (no I don't mean that idiot Ed) to do something about this country although I fear it may already be too late. I,m forced to eat Carp at xmas in Poland,, its foul Good man! His campsite must be like Fawlty Towers with tents. The sign is as distasteful as the fish. "They've obviously had problems with people taking fish, judging by the other signs they've put up. But you don't expect to see this ignorant, racist kind of thing." Some people really are terminally confused in their own heads. He accepts they've been taking fish and accepts it's wrong then criticises the sign singling them out because they've been deliberately doing wrong by taking the fish. I really wonder how these "right-on" individuals can operate without their brains exploding because of their inconsistent thought processes. I'd sue him! No different to the petrol stations in Bradford with "Asian Taxi Drivers Only" signs. A sign won't stop the fish from being stolen. No doubt he'll get life imprisonment yet if some loony lefty or vengeful immigrant attacked him they'd get community service. Good for him !! These people killed a beautiful swan on my local river and left the mate devastated, her pain was so clear to see, she just floated on the water with her head diwn and there was NOTHING I could do. It killed me ...... Protesting about Eastern European's eating freshly stocked fish is racist? Burn the witch, stone him, duck him... ooops that was for heresy wasn't it? Ahem... Socially exclude the racist, sack him, fine him, jail him! I personally prefer to blame the Swiss. Why are all of the logical comments being thumbed down? This is the wrong way to handle the situation, and quite frankly it's reminiscent of the segregation days "No blacks, No dogs, No Irish" Hmm Just when you think progress has been made in society. if it ain,t nailed down that will get nicked as well Its not rasist, he's just defending his livelihood. Its a fact that certain easten europeans are stealing thousands of pounds of carp and pike from fisherys all around the UK. They have even been caught draining sections of the grand union canals all around hertfordshire, damaging boats in the process so 15 - 20 indeviduals can net all the carp and pike in the section without the hastle of fishing for them. somthing has to be done before stocks are decimated all over the country. Good for him! I know of a fishery very close to this one, the game keeper has to search their bags and often finds fish in them. They are then made to pay. Feel sorry for the bloke, trying to make an honest living. This man is just trying to protect his livelihood. A widepread problem, as with the two swans shot by, probably, police believe, an E European man on the River Avon in Dorset recently. Of the revenue from our annual fishing licence, we now have a great deal of it spent on policing waters from eastern Europeans plundering our fish stocks. The wildfowl suffer too. I have lost count of the times I've fished places where passers by tell us of eastern Europeans who've cleaned the place out - often with nets. This problem is rife, everybody knows it and serious action needs to be taken. I have heard of people taking the law into their own hands - this man has been driven to this and deserves support, not criticism. Your comments:Doesn't he look a nice chappy....not! That man is only rascist when politicians and police toke action when they fish all places empty. BUT.. this man and ALL EU citicens are on their own in the battle against the lots of eastern europians because they play the game by differant rules. (not all) This man is RIGHT. In the Netherlands where i live there isnt a SINGLE fish in lakes or rivers because those eastern europians have differant morals and dont leave any fish for others or think about nature. So the goverment in all EU are overruled by action like this man that takes action because his goverment has let him down Where else would this man turn to if he didnt take action himself???? (obviously police let him down!). In the past there were rules and morals that were respected by natives,but others dont care about those rules,if you dont know what i mean you have not been in WEST EU the last 15 years. What next no Irish or no Jews? This man has an evil heart it reminds me of the old days when people used to use divide and conquer tactics to keep us all apart. Why are the british so racist? I've fished a river opposite an eastern European chap three years ago, I watched him over the five hours put everything he caught into a plastic bag and then walk away with all sorts of species of fish. Now that same river it would take you a week to fill the bag as there are no fish left. SO GOOD ON HIM! his lake, his rules.. He has put this sign up cause its true, i seen it first hand when taking dogs for walk, me and others have seen eastern europeans taking fish from our local fishing lakes, i know they are cause you hear them talking to each other, normally gangs of at least 3-5, we report it but nothing ever gets done, if you speak to them they either claim to not speak english or not understand, also swans have been killed and taken. Poor guy doesn't know what he's let himself in for, when the PC brigade get through with him he will be putting up a sign asking if the fish thieves would like him to supply chips free of charge with their stolen fish, said sign will have to be in twenty eight different languages of course ! To all of you simpletons out there. How can it be racist, eastern europeans are the same race as most of us, They are just a different nationality. Racism is about race and not nationality, do try and understand that simple fact. Another simple fact is that virtually all people who have been caught stealing carp and, here in Lincoln, killing our treasured swans have been eastern europeans. It is a huge problem. Easy for the people who are criticising him but perhaps they would like to finance the ongoing restocking of fish instead? I'm sure once they were the ones who had to pay for it they wouldn't have such open minded ideas. I feel sorry for that the bloke is having his stocks plundered - but wouldn't it make more sense to have invested the money on security (CCTV etc.) instead of putting up an ineffective and frankly ignorant sign? - I guess tarring several million people from a dozen different nations with the same brush makes him feel better You will find too that swans, ducks and geese have been disappearng from our lakes, rivers and canals "call the police"??.....hahahahahaha....good idea! I remember in the 1980's the Irish blaming the German's for fishing all the pike from their lakes and rivers. In a number of cases it turned out to be local people as they could sell them on to the restaurants that were looking to add them to their menu's to make a few bob from German diners. Who should we blame in this case I wonder? Something fishy going on here.................... Nothing racist about that sign, eastern Europeans are the same race as him. There is a lot of truth in what this fishery owner is saying. Across the whole country people are reporting the same thing where fish levels are declining because Eastern Europeans, who seem to think it¿s normal behaviour, are actually taking their catches home to eat! Probably because they can¿t afford to buy fish due to their low incomes because they come over here and take all the jobs by undercutting British workers and then send home their money home which in their country is a huge amount. These people don¿t integrate and don¿t contribute. How can they when they send all their money home. But you¿re not allowed to say this as you are then branded a racist or a bigot by the looney left and all those doo gooders who live ion a bubble. The thing is in England(and a few other countries) we corse fish for fun but the eastern europeans (and others) fish for food so they take every thing home and a lot of the time its to small too i have seen it my self, i know a lot of lakes in Poland have been fished out because of this,its a cultural thing we don't eat so much fresh water fish in the uk but in most of Europe they do,its a shame because it will ruin the fishing for everyone. The owners obviously have forgotten that this is no longer the country of FREE SPEECH, and you are only allowed to say what our leaders allow you to say despite, WHAT YOU THINK. There is a clash of cultures here. In the UK and across western Europe it is normal to catch fish as a hobby or indeed a sport and then put them back into the water for someone else to try and catch. Unfortunately though the same rules of engagement don¿t seem to apply to Eastern Europeans as in their culture it is normal to catch fish and take them home to eat. Once again we see here someone objecting to the ways of a foreign culture and in doing so being branded a racists by the loony left and all the doo gooders ¿ probably the same ones who celebrate when a famous old lady dies. This can't be racism as being 'Eastern European' is not classed as a race. Discrimination, yes but his lake/land his rules. Good luck to him. It was reported a few weeks ago that Eastern Europeans were stealing fish stocks. I don't blame him at all. i live in southern spain and when the eastern europeans arrived here we noticed that they were indeed catching the carp and taking them away to eat, on one day i counted 18 men each with an average of 6 carp in there buckets, wen i asked if they had the correct fishing licence they laughed at me and informed me that the spanish police did not bother them as it was to much hassle to get interperators etc, yet they will prosecute Spanish and English anglers (who do not take the fish away), i asked if they live nearby and was told no, they had come down from Malaga way, i asked why they didnt fish up that way, there reply was "because there are no fish left", make of that what you will................................. saying what a lot of others are thinking but too weak and feeble minded to voice.............. The eastern europeans were caught stealing swans in ireland Big deal, he put up a sign. Most people just give me looks as if I'm not welcome every single day even though speak clear English as well as other 3 languages, been here nearly 10 years and respect everything to do with British Culture. Just the fast that I sometimes speak in my own language on the street when I'm on my phone with my family is enough for me to be a victim of racial comments. There need to be many dedicated fisheries where the idea is to kill and eat the fish. sports anglers can have their waters, those with more of a hunter-gatherer take on life can have theirs. This is not solely the domain of eastern Europeans - any time I catch a decent grayling, trout, pike, zander or perch I knock it on the head and take it home, just as I'd do if I caught something in the sea. note: I'm not breaking any laws. I only do it in waters where kill & keep is permitted. freshwater fish are a relatively untapped resource of tasty, clean and high quality protein and you know exactly what it is, unlike the food you buy at the supermarket. Swan and Carp is a Eastern European issue, trouble is PC Britain is to afraid to speak out now for fear of arrest, no freedom of speech any longer in the UK. Well done, this man has the backbone to speak out. Some cultures think Carp is a good fish - Some do not - It is against the law in Australia to throw a carp back - And it is serious. They must be destroyed as vermin who destroy the natural environment of Australian native fish. Some cultures think Carp is a good fish - Some do not - It is against the law in Australia to throw a carp back - And it is serious. They must be destroyed as vermin who destroy the natural environment of Australian native fish. Not many ducks on the pond in the park Christmas Day,seemed a bit odd. Hahahahahaah he presumes they`re Eastern Europeans but cannot prove it....right.......what this guy needs its a fine and never ever be allowed to put racist signs in public again. I mean he even looks like the classic old mumbling guy with nothing better to do. Did he counted the fish to see if they`re all missing???? What makes more sense, the age old tradition of catching fish to feed themselves or repeatedly torturing them by ripping their mouths apart then throwing them back ? Funny how everyone gets up in arms about someone trying to save his livelihood, these same people say nothing about Behead those how insult Islam posters, funny world, hand wringers protecting everyone in the world except their own countrymen And the ducks! So I can still steal his fish? Good luck to him. Eddie Whitehead for President !!! I'm Eastern European and unfortunately the poor man has a point and I understand his frustration. It's his land, his lake, his fish, his bench and he can do what he likes with all of them! How does he know the fish are missing when he hasn'r seen any go? you aught to see the signs that go up in windows out side of the UK. i live in the gulf, where landlords state things like - asians only! no men allowed. the first thing that gets asked on your CV is your age. the UK is alone in thinking PC is a good thing. elsewehere, racism is rife, and as brits are keen not to upset, its seen as weekness, that is pushed and pushed because it can be. Boris Johnson keeps saying all English people are lazy, whats the difference The man has his own rights to put up what he wants on his property. Just like the TV, if you do not like what you see then move on to somewhere else. Sorry mate, some thieves don't read so well! Thanks Blair! Never mind the fish, someone should prosecute this guy for racism. I have seen Romanians keep the carp they caught, but we can't say that can we? Don't fall for the lefty claptrap; an Englishman's home etc - and that includes his lake. Personally I'd have attack dogs patrolling the grounds. Hurrah for UKIP! its not racist, at worst not actually PC but racist? The English, Scots, Welsh do not (normally) eat freshwater fish - however Eastern Europeans do fish for, cook and eat freshwater fish, that is a fact. If since Eastern Europeans started fishing his water and fish have gone missing its not much of a stretch to figure out where they are going and do something to protect his livelihood. This is not the first story of this nature, just possibly one where someone is actually doing something about it. Oh for the good old days when the sign read tresspassers will be shot.the land belongs to mr whitehead. I do not blame him they need to be aware its a business not a charity for free fish , Eastern Europeans should be given details when they arrive that our rules regarding wildlife in the UK is diffrent than in their countries, they are responsible for killing swans also the crime rate as increase since we let them in, we need the policy of comitt a crime and you will be sent back home Doubt they'll be able to read that Well done that Man.... The Environment Agency has acknowledged a problem with certain sections of Eastern Europeans stealing fish from lakes so why has this man been accused of racism for simply wanting to protect his livelihood. Unfortunately a minority have ruined it for the majority but to attack Mr Whitehead for the sign is unjust. love it That was a heron more likely this guy is asking for trouble At last one fighting back for his own. Not racist at all, but could have switched it the other way: respect British laws. Good for him I would shake his hand. He may be right but a sign saying "Don't steal the fish" and install CCTV (it is relatively cheap now) would be more effective. If he suspects that it is people from eastern Europe, he could just put up a sign in several languages saying something along the lines of anyone caught stealing will be prosecuted and that he has cctv. Simple and not illegal. 'in't that racialist? Carp is a delicacy in some Eastern European countries - but it's not got a great taste. imagine what would happen if his notice said "No Jews" ? Pure racism, no two ways about it No he is not being racist. We all know who likes to eat carp and it`s not the British. His lake... His property... END OF... Eastern Europeans eat carp as a delicacy, as did the English in Medieval Times. The sign is DISTASTEFUL and ILL ADVISED, but I know in other sections of the media 'Polish lorry drivers' have been accused of stealing carp for their tea. I hope the fishery owner CATCHES THE REAL CULPRITS SOON. THEN PUNISHES THEM. No mention about the housing problem due to immigrants getting houses before Brits,no mention of the strain on the NH due to immigrants who get all the benefits before paying into the system.All immigrants should have medical insurance before entering the country till they have paid into the system English workers have been left stripped of decent pay deals and overtime rates. My Company has banned time and half overtime and now operates at standard rate because of immigrants willingness to work no matter what. The UK is flooded with low paid workers, after years of campaigns to get workers rights employers will no doubt be very happy with the situation. Any other country would have a riot on their hands by now, it seems the British spirit has been defeated. Shame on Labour, no longer the working man's party. BNP is the only hope now. Whilst I think its wrong that our country as adopted some kind of "politically correct" policy which puts everyone over our own white British citizens... I have to say that the main problem here is the fact that Brits just don't want to work... and why would you when you can get paid more from the government for stay home!?! You can't blame the Eastern Europeans for coming to make money and if they didn't who would be doing the job!? Can someone please explain how "overall fiscal impact is probably small but positive" about the lowest paid British natives getting lower wages! The fact is that the BNP are not wining elections because they are racists, they are winning elections because the main parties refuse to net immigration as NEGATIVE. The awful truth is that Nu Labour has neglected what were once its grass root supporters and is only now , on the eve of a massive electoral defeat, waking up to the facts. You simply cannot throw your own people on a scrap heap and allow floods of cheap labour into the Country - its a madness that other States protect their people from but this Government have allowed much to their everlasting shame. These International socialist (who send their own kids to private schools) only appear to experiment on the lower classes - the peasants , as they used to be known in Russia, the Country they got their Party ideals from. yes is a struggle,thik head,it has been for years,since the east eu,invadet britain...and wot can you do about?Say done the damnage, If that's not discrimination, what is it then? Migrants are payed more, they are given all financial support and what do they do with the money? They send it home in their native country to support the rest of their family. That's one of the reason the economy is down in the UK. So they all come to the first country of refuge,England where they will get first class houses, benefits,and more financial help than what they could ever earn.Believe me where I am in China,their idea is support yourself if you wish to remain here or leave. This is just 1st year economics student stuff - increase the supply of labour and wages will fall. The new migrants haven't created that many new jobs in the USA, The Economist this week said since 2000 the US population has risen by 30m but they only have 0.4m more jobs since then. So wages esp for the low paid jobs these migrants often end up doing will fall. Inflation will fall, benefitting the bioggest spenders (the wealthy). Lower inflation means lower inteerst rates, so hosue prices and rents rise - again the poor, renting, lose out, the weathier homeowners and landlords gain. So migration raises inequality, any bright 1st year ecopnomics student could have worked that one out. Surprise surprise..I've been saying this for over 5 years..Since being made redundant due to offshoring, and my skills now redundant also (Textiles) I've found work within the 'Service Sector,' and in the 4 years I've been doing my present job I've seen entire workforces of British staff forced out by bosses who've employed Eastern Europeans, as they've been able to pay them less and expect longer hours..These people are generally young and single, so have no familes/Mortgages to support. Skilled Brits are also losing out unlike this report states. Once again someone states the obvious; but can I be permitted to ask one question: Where are the Trades Unions in all of this? There has not been one peek out of this miserable bunch, they are probably too busy counting their loot and wondering how the can add to it. Who is going to represent the working class of this nation? Labour won't do it and now the Unions are ignoring them. While Margaret Thatcher might have neutered the unions, with Arthur Scargills able assistance; it was Tony Bliar who emasculated them, with the help of the current nameless and faceless leadership. Our glorious leaders Tone and Gord did not allow immigrants in to this country to raise their standard of living, it was to drive down the wages in Britain. Just as a matter of interest can you please put me up for a position as one of these "experts" we are always reading about. I feel I am well qualified to make as many EXPERT opinion's as the next man. I have made some bloody awful mistakes in the past, and I am quite sure I can really come up with some utterly ridiculous "FACTS" as that seems to be the main criteria for the job'. So if the money is good and there is a vacancy Im your man, ready to start today, My first " FACT " comes free "TOO much alcohol makes you tipsy and could lead to a hangover" I have dozens more gems that you should hear before the highly paid "EXPERTS" pip me!!!!, The warning that wage levels for poorer Britons may have been hit will worry the Government. Oh dear there must be a General Election on the way. Cheap labour forcing down wages? I can't believe it! The new Labour campaign slogan is "British Jobs for British Migrants!" So, British low-skilled workers' pay is slightly down, because, when compared to Eastern Europeans, native workers appear to have poor work ethic? Hmm... I see two possible solutions: 1) throw out all non-native workers, so that there is noone to comapre lazy Brits to and make them look bad; or... 2) get busy WORKING! PS: This story is sad and funny at the same time... New Britain? i much preferred the old one before the floodgates had been opened prior to joing the EU, and yes the economic immigrants certainly have driven the wages down not just for unskilled work, a lot of skilled work is not paying much above the minimum wage now, i can't understand why any skilled indigenous Brit would want to stay here when there are far greater opportunities to be had elsewhere like Canada, New Zealand or Australia, where they will get treat with respect and a decent standard of living. New Labours New Britain...what a horrible experiment gone dreadfully wrong. This is exactly what the government wanted! What did you say Brown, BRITISH JOBS FOR BRITISH WORKERS. YOU MONGREL. To many people after a small number of jobs, this situation just keeps adding fuel to an already smoldering fire, are this useless government so stupid, they can not see what is going to happen, even gormless Gorden should be able to work this one out, perhaps. well i knew that 5years ago,why do this labour goverment hate white and black english working class,they do not have to give child benefit to eastern european children,living in their own country.they do keep migrants here to keep english working class down.for some crazy reason they want people unemployed living of the state.pol pot want tht long ago,they need to be in asylums,oh sorry they closed most of them down. Well how long has it taken them to figure that one out? In the meantime men over 40 are rendered unemployable and youngsters have no prospects of jobs. Welcome to New Labours UK where the only people getting stiffed are the British voters! Japan has a modern economy with zero immigration, if they can do it, why can,t the UK? Good point James Slack , excellent work ethic. I know that. Impoverished at the bottom of the financial heap I wonder how many of them are living in council housing whilst claiming benefits which aren't available in other countries? ONLY 700,000 left ? thats 700,000 too many I am really not interested in reading so many stories like this - because everybody already knows that! Why do the British public put up with this Government and it's lies and deceipt? Blair & Brown should have been hung for treason, years ago! The Romanan Goverment wants rid of a lot of people who commit crimes and take benefits from their country. They are eally pleased that we ae happy to take these deadbeats away from them. Well done Mr Littlejohn. A fantastic article that mirrors my feelings precisely!! I have just read the latest opinion poll shows 72% of the electorate would vote for the anti democratic, eu parties. So all the other 28% of the people like myself belong to a minority group . I am not religious but god help us. "I cannot get over what has happened to this country. Worst of all noone is doing anything.- kt, berkshire, 14/6/2013 8:00" I agree and, moreover, it is the alarming speed at which this rate of change has happened, and continues to happen. Our failed poltical leaders are all hoping for jobs on the EU gravy train,until we get rid of them all they will continue to sell us out for their own grubby financial greed. Get us OUT of the EU Dictatorship!!!. Why pay them to hang about on the streets? France deport"s them, but the UK don"t because............................... - barking snail, nottingham, United Kingdom, 14/6/2013 7:27----------------------------------------------------------------Northern Ireland kicked them out too and sent them to England. LOL. ONE WORD, UKIP All part of the "progressive" agenda. Bend over and take it. Sorry but how long has Camaron been in power? Didnt he say they were going to cut immigration? Will the last English person to leave this benighted land please switch off the light. You can shout and scream as much as you like about this and I've no doubt, in truth, the government doesn't like it either but, as long as we're tied to the EU there's nothing, nothing at all, that Cameron, Milliband or Clegg can do about it; not a thing! Unless we get out of the EU, we have no choice. Regarding the second part of Richard Littlejohn's article... I thought ignorance of the law was no defence. It seems some of our judges are ignorant of the law as well. Richard: Do you think forgetting what country you live in an Illness or just a Consequence of Immigration? We have six months. Let's get a vote of no confidence in ASAP on Camoron and his cronies, boot this lot out of parliament, and get Mr Farage in to fix this before it really is too late. You try littering with a cigarette packet and your are in deep trouble. They do all this and nothing seems to happen.I just don't understand the laws anymore. If you are a captain on a ship and can see a bloody big iceberg in front of you what would be your reaction? Do something about it pronto. Just smile and say, there is nothing to worry about. If he was in the Royal Navy he would either end up dead, or be facing a court martial if your choice was the latter. I am a democrat but something needs to be done against this madness sooner than later. If the gutless politicians will not act now the only other option is public protest. Surely, camping out like this is illegal in this country! Why aren't the police rounding them up? The Italians, and the French famously did exactly this, put them on buses and sent them back to Romania! Why oh why cant we do the same!!!!! Well said Richard.The vile BBC mouthpiece will still advocate that this dross is good for my country which Judas Cameron has deserted and let the left wing pondlife go unanswered.Patience is wearing thin VERY rapidly . Leftists should give up their own homes to immigrants and go live in ruins and caves. You just try littering by dropping a cigarette packet on the floor and your in deep deep trouble. They can do this and no one bothers.It's sure odd to me . UKIP, UKIP, UKIP, BNP wants to get out of EU have you been censored ? (in not pointing it out) We were told that only 13,000 people would come to Britain, at least a million arrived; HOW clueless are the officials. NOTE we are about to allow as many again from Romania and Bulgaria, IS ANY ONE AWAKE in government to STOP THIS influx of unwanted migrants???? Why the sudden panic, this was always on the card. You voted for it when you voted for Balir and you voted for it when you voted for Cast Iron Cameron. You the voter are to blame. We, the electorate are reaping the rewards of OUR failure to vote for patriots. Good luck Briatain, we're going to need it. Have our politicians bothered to go back to read the original EU agreement they signed to see if they are interpretting it too loosely? I thought we signed up to give free movement of labour which from my definition does not include beggars and criminals so why are these people not simply sent back to their country of origin. Someone from within the EU wanting to work in this country should apply and be given a work visa to allow them to freely search for work here but if they have not found work within a reasonable period (1 year?) then they should leave again and perhaps go elsewhere in the EU where they might have more luck. Or did our politicians sign up to the free movement of the population within the EU super state? From the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in a report that was published on Thursday....There are approx 100,000 Romanians living in the UK 85% the highest from any nationality, are in full-time employment. Most are under 35. Almost 40% have a university degree. There are over 4,000 doctors & nurses working in our NHS,Figures show that 62% of Romanians in Britain have no dependents, 32% only have one child & only 300 claims for child benefit were made in 2012.The study also showed the UK was unlikely to be the preferred destination for Bulgarians and Romanians. It added that those who do leave Romania were far more likely to go to Spain and Italy, where 1.7 million Romanians are already living and working, and this is unlikely to change. Bear in mind something that applies to the people who have let this happen, the Politicians, the MP's who "think" they are worth a £20,000 PA pay rise, they do not live with the results of their policies, there are no Roma in Downing street, there are no MP's queuing 12 hours in A&E, if an MP rings the police, the police actually turn up, if an MP needs to see a Doctor I bet they don't wait a fortnight, one day the boy's and girl's in the House of Commons will lay down the straw that will break the camels back, and then God help them. England is lost, glad I moved to Canada. We also have them in Switzerland living in similar conditions. Nothing new here ...... unfortunately. The idiots that let this happen get paid a fortune and get fantastic pensions at our expense. Dear Queen Elizabeth, I know that your Royal perogatives are now somewhat diminished but if you have one that can save our beautiful country please use it, also the British people would like you to chuck Blair , Brown, Clegg, Cameron into the tower for their treasonable actions against this country . God Save the Queen. Also Richard Littlejohn Brilliant article... Bloody idiot politicians. Started with that treacherous Blair, continued with that Brown (just to keep them in a job) and now, it beggars belief that this liberal 'call me Dave' and the other fool, continue to let it happen. OUT NOW all of you and OUT NOW of the EU. Is there anyway, that the general population can cause an election ? "Leftists" , as you call them do not want to shut down "honest" debate on immigration, they would simply like people like you to admit that you ARE racist. You are clearly deluding yourself to say otherwise, and there can be no "honest" debate until you admit it. - tiffersno2, ipswich, United Kingdom, 14/6/2013 6:45. And the sensible majority would like arrogant "lefties" like you to admit that you ARE, in reality, fascists. How are they getting in???. They do not freedom of movement how are they still getting in?????? Don't blame me, I didn't vote for LibLabCon. Those of you that did vote for LibLabCon voted for this, so keep quiet, stop whining and complaining about it and celebrate instead! By this time next year this lot and a few hundred thousand more will all be on the payroll, Perhaps these pictures would make an effective poster campaign at the next election. What do you think Davey boy? The French dont have a problem with these kind of camps!....say no more Excellent article about the uncontrolled immigration that the 3 major parties will do nothing about. I believe that by 2015 a large proportion of the electorate will have got to the point where they will vote for any political party that will promise to stop uncontrolled immigration, even if their vote means coming out of the EU and losing the economic benefits it supposedly brings us now. There is and always will be a need for immigration but not uncontrolled immigration. I believe politicians will become so out of step with the electorate on this issue that they will severely underestimate the impact immigration will have on them in 2015. . DAVE CAMERON'S BRITAIN ! A HARBINGER OF THINGS TO COME. DAVE CAMERON'S BRITAIN ! A HARBINGER OF THINGS TO COME. Probably better then that which they are used to. I agree with the article and many of the post but the question I am aiming is to you DM; "Who will you back in the 2015 general election?" Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society. - Aristotle CAMERON, BLAIR AND BROWN. This country is finished, and you finished it. Another day, another horror story and another inevitable rant by the readership declaring "What can we do to stop this?" .............What is it about "VOTE UKIP IF YOU WANT TO STOP THE IMMIGRATION MESS & ABUSE THAT THE OTHER 3 PARTIES HAVE KNOWINGLY CREATED AND WILL ALLOW TO CONTINUE UNCHECKED DESPITE THEIR 'PROMISES' " that people don't seem to understand? Simple answer to this - vote UKIP at the next general election. If they win our borders will close to anymore new entrants, we'll leave the EU,he human rights straightjacket will be cast off and all illegals will be forcibly deported. Cue cut in pressure on housing, schools, NHS, policing - win/win for everyone in the UK. I just don't understand why Appeaser Dave doesn't want to see the obvious? Though I'm looking forward to a UKIP government - a UK government looking out for the people of the UK; what a novelty. That's right Littlejohn, express shock and horror to the gallery , yet this is what people like you want, ...a flexible workforce. I'm sure I argued a couple of years ago that Britain hasn't the climate for these employment practices. we can never be like the Philippines where the poor scavenge from waste tips yet this is where victims of the bedroom tax might end up. When you go for your second lunch today Mr Littlejohn , think on. Couldn't we find them campsites in Camden, Notting Hill and Barnes etc on the lefties' doorsteps? - ken mist , paris, 14/6/2013 09:22 No irony in that you are writing this from "paris"? What no one ever seems to ask or question our government about is why is it the responsibility of the UK to provide for citizens of so-called "poorer EU members" when a condition of membership into the EU was that ALL member states had to provide AND EVIDENCE a recognised and acceptable EU wide standard of care, HR, and provision for THEIR OWN citizens. So, if The Roma etc. are allegedly being persecuted in certain EU countries and need to virtually 'seek asylum' here, how can these countries remain a EU member and a natural consequence of that being that they cannot then come here and parasite off another member state who DOES abide by the rules........................or because I'm one of the 'little people' and never went to Eton am I somehow missing something here? Mr Littlejohn has got it exactly right in every detail in his article,It really beggars belief that anyone could argue with any point that he makes.Do the.: great and the good: live in the same country as me,obviously not,and with their privileged backgrounds and being advised obviously by idiots,they are either blind,stupid or do not read newspapers. if cameron,the ministers, and who ever allowed these poor people into their country then they HAVE to look after them you cant just let them live like this they are human beings!! everyone for 1 minute leave your racist self to one side and think about the conditions these people are living under just imagine britain was just like one of these eastern european countries.. wouldnt you take the chance if you were offered to enter a much better country in order to live a fuller life? leaving everything behind is not easy you know. these poor people left their home country imagine yourself in this situation!! nothing is guarateed you never know how britain will end up! if it turns out like one of the eastern european countries dont be surprised you may oneday be forced fo leave your home land in hopes of living a better life!! think twice before being racist.. UKIP UKIP UKIP THE ONLY ANSWER the smug, self-regarding Leftist bigots who have done all they can to shut down honest debate about migration. You mean the ones that haven't been in power for several years now? Come off it, the current UK government love the idea of all these cheap to employ bodies coming in to the country to force our own wages and standards of living down. VOTE UKIP , VOTE UKIP, VOTE UKIP , WAKE UP YOU OUT THERE . SPECIALLY YOU YOUNGSTERS , AS IT'S YOU LOT WHO WILL SUFFER AND YOUR KIDS . SO VOTE U K I P. YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE . Obviously our politicians feel the benefits we receive from being in Europe far outweigh the problems that immigration are causing however the greater majority of the British public disagree and hopefully if we still have a Country worth living in they will find out come the next General election by which time there won't be much anyone will be able to do about it if England was a ship most true Brits would be heading for the lifeboats I have been buying the Big Issue for years to support Scottish homeless, usually men, get them a cup of tea and share some platter. I have not bought it regular for at least two years. I do not believe that the Scottish homeless problem is sorted, even though the majority of people selling the big issue now, are young female and speak little English. I feel sorry for them but charity begins at home and I now buy 2 mags if I see a scottish/british person selling the big issue. Voted Labour or Liberal? Enjoy! You had your chance to make a change in 2010 and you blew it. Are you better off because of mass unchecked migration into this country.........thought not. The disparity in living conditions country to country and successive dictators, rulers and business conglomerates is largely to blame for this. The attraction of Britain (The Mother Country) stems from Empire.. Just about everywhere in the world English is a common spoken language. England's desire to rule the waves (world) is coming home to roost... Are you better off because of mass unchecked migration into this country.........thought not. Someone commented that it's June and we have until December to stop all these people coming here. Unfortunately parliament has a long summer recess in between just to knacker the proceedings. We are pretty much knackered anyway because we were c**pped on from a great height by Labour and have now merely been shovelled up by the coalition. Are there actually any politicians in this country who bother to listen to the electorate? I don't think so, because they all have their own agendas. They don't live in the same kind of neighbourhoods as the rest of us, or lead the same kind of lives either. In short they do not have a clue about the views of the average person in the street and most don't care either. Nothing will change until these immigrants start camping in the lefties backyards! "Negative advertising campaign" ? Like telling them they'll get lots of money if they arrive here pennyless! Our welfare system is a joke! The "Speaker" is the last person to tell anyone anything, and his "other half". Lol!!. The only way to end the madness is to vote UKIP whenever there's an election. Don't leave it to others, don't abstain, get out and vote because this time your vote will make all the difference between an end to mass immigration and EU domination or much more of the same which will see the end of our once great nation for ever. Yeah yeah, pull up the draw-brigde, bolt and lock the gates.. keep the unwanted out.. Typical xenophobic rants.. Truth is since Thatcher came to power U.K has bred a generation of illiterate, lazy, want it all without working for it adults.. Education went down the drain as did taxes. As a youngster growing up I had choice, not the greatest but my education was sought after across the world. Today not so.. More foreigners are employed than UK born adults and the reason for this is simple.. If you travel x amount of miles to get here, you have naff all left but to work and get income. If that fails, there's always prison or some gullible citizen to marry, breed and claim human rights.... I'm happy as long as they all stay in London & the south I can't see droves of 'Eastern Europeans' here - maybe one or two, and you would probably have to look pretty hard to find them. In any case, 'Eastern Europe' starts at the Ukrainian/Russian border - you should be looking at the Russian oligarchs who are costing this country hundreds of millions in the form of tax avoidance, etc., rather than a couple of unfortunates who cost a couple of pennies by comparison. If anything you should be welcoming this as it goes to show that the clamp-down is working. No housing benefit, no free council housing, no benefits. I suggest you go to Romania some time and see what it is really like there - it is one of Europe's most beautiful countries and few people intend moving away from their traditions and culture where people are largely self-sufficient. I go there quite regularly and I feel humbled by their generosity and hospitality. Money isn't everything - they are far richer than we can ever hope to be. This is all being done deliberately by the government. Do you really think they care about the masses who vote for them? All they want to do is make as much money for themselves as possible. Their greed knows no bounds. Low empathy is seen as a wonderful character trait by the men who have been raised in public boarding schools for the most part. It helps them tread on the lumpenproletariat and rise to the highest levels in politics. Yes Richard Littlebrain... those 'Lefties' have been in government for three years. As usual RJ on the ball as far as the immigration issue goes. Answer - vote UKIP. As a life-long Tory thats exactly what I will be doing. And I did feel insulted to be catagorised as a "Protest Voter". Well we'll see about that at the next election........ When we all were told how great it would be if we voted on a common market where trade barriers were down, then to wind up the dumping ground of Europe. Is it any wonder that we no longer trust the politicians in the three main parties any more? All of whom are so up front for us to stay in the EU (greed) and telling us they are debating about snatch backs for our sovereignty, which is also a load of eyewash. Vote UKIP Comments say get rid of Cameron. What ,and then Labour will be in power,then you will slide into third world status very quickly. - expat, auckland, 14/6/2013 7:57 If people had any sense of patrioism they would all vote UKIP and we would be out of the EU, which is crippling and destroying this Country Frankly, the problem with this country is that everyone is too nice. The British do not seem to want to offend anyone, upset anyone, get angry with anyone. Rather just moan about it under your breath. Point is, there is no right in any treaty ever signed by this country for anyone to come and build shanty towns here or camp in Hyde Park or live in caves. The only right that exists is to work, that is a UK employer cannot turn EU citizen down for a job on the basis of his nationality. The EU is a legal structure with a court supervising the compliance with law. What Britain needs to do is to simply pick these people up and send them back home. Simple as that and if the Commission wants to challenge that in court, let them. Do you really think that France, Spain, Germany even Poland want the court to establish that EU citizens can build shanty towns on football pitches and the national government cannot do anything about it? Come on, get tough and get real. No, but what it will do is encourage more and more of us to vote UKIP. They are our last chance. We've been down to the Stockport caves and advised all the itinerant occupants to head south to the home counties where the streets are paved with free gold and houses. We've taken our share of immigration for the last fifty years and it seems that only now when posh London suburbs are affected that politicians and reporters screaming foul. The more that arrive in your location, the better. Maybe something will get done when the rich start getting overrun. Doesn't it just break your heart to see what has happened to our lovely country. I really feel for the future of my grandchildren. ..''A colleague who lives in Hendon near the ground saw about 30 Romanian men arriving only this week, complete with suitcases and baby buggies''.. first a trickle then the FLOOD.. I only hope that one day the politicians responsible for these crimes against our country will face appropriate justice. What would we do without people like Littlejohn, who is always prepared to speak out when others are not As long as we keep moaning about it the lefties will love it, sorry but we all are a bunch of all talk and no action people, we are all afraid of the word RACIST,we are all brainwashed, yearsago if one did not agree with the state we were all communist, so we have a new word to control the people RACIST. Any one with sense and the ability to do so would get out of this country as fast as they could. It is no longer a country of tolerance and respect of others. Corruption and greed at the very top flowing down to all levels of society. Drugs, crime anti-social behaviour,a fifth rate health service, idiotic bureaucracy at every level of government and public services. A country lead by pygmies. Get out if you can. VOTE. AND SUPPORT UKIP NOW. ,!! stop this lunacy. tell europe to get stuffed. and defend our Realm. before its too late. Cameron. and the Halfwit Clegg. havent got the B@lls. to stand up to the Eurocrats. but its fine for them. living in thier multi million pound homes. and holiday homes. , even Boris. called him a girly swot !! ,! we need. Vladimir. Putin to run the Country for a few terms of Government or. the very next best. NIGEL FARAGE !! a man with the guts to say what people think and feel. !! . "Labour have an excuse, they are idiot socialists, but what is Dave's excuse? Continuing to let millions of immigrants in where many claim benefits is socialism of the first order. When is Cameron going to realize he's a Tory?" The thing with Cameron is that he's the new right, the sort who wants socialism for the masses, whilst still giving those at the top the benefits of capitalism. Blair was the same. Mass imigration suits them, as it brings everyone down to the lowest common denominator. You have to think who benefits from this? Big business benefits from high unemployment and easy movement of Labour, as they can pay lower wages and provide worse conditions. It's an employers market. Governments benefit as having lots on state handouts makes them easier to manipulate. It also makes them feel good and generous, when really they are spending other people's money. Other people who they despise. If Cameron and the EU insist on continuing, then we must at least make the Europhile politicians really feel it. Start by suing them personally for any detrimental effect on you or your community. This is stoppable. Whatever the Left-wing advocates of mass unfettered immigration say it is UTTERLEY LUDICROUS not to have control over who comes in! Dear Boris Please arrange to give Hyde Park back to the people who voted you in - otherwise you may find yourself voted out ! I came home into Edinburgh, Scotland on an international flight last week that erroneously bypassed immigration/passport control (presumably a mistake by the ground handler who took us into the Domestic arrivals instead of International arrivals) and went straight through to baggage reclaim. So a plane load of people from many different countries are all here in UK with no-one any the wiser. Wonder how many times that has happened before? What is the point of so much airport security getting onto a plane if getting off at the other end breaches every immigration law and every aspect of public safely? Shocking! BRITAIN, UNDER LIB/LAB /CON IS DOOMED, PEOPLE WAKE UP VOTE UKIP I remember growing up and living in that area. What has gone wrong? I am sure that any British person working within the EU would not be allowed to do the same. Someone is responsible for this chaos and should be made to answer for it. Great Britain - just one great big laughable joke of a country run by couldnt care less self serving clowns, every other country knows this as fact and exploits it. This is insanitary and disgusting , and needs sorting out immediately. Just don't let them relocate near me, I've heard there is a cushy billet outside No 10 Downing St. Not only must we leave the EU, we should also leave the ECHR. They are both responsible for crazy laws and decisions affecting this country. I though the TORY'S were running the country ! - Swivel I Dloon, The Palace, Bulgaria, 14/6/2013 7:22 Have you forgotten 2010 already? They didn't win and so had to form a coalition with the Lib Dems. Look it up. For 15yrs I was involved with with Russian tourists groups visiting London.Mostly women and children as the chance the chance of father mother and children obtaining a Holiday Visa was almost impossible. I was impressed by the knowledge of the young childrens understanding of the History of England..During all of those years we only had 5 defectors.The majority had no desire to live in England.Yet from April this year the visa rules for these tourist families have been tightened yet again.The average revenue from these TOURISTS in one week was 1000euros and my groups numbered 40 people.So tell me how do the government find it so hard to contol the influx of unwanted people into the country.???. (Maybe they are to busy making our grandmas take off thier summer sandals before flying out to Spain) Makes you laugh telling us the welfare bill must be cut, yet anyone can come from Europe and get benefits, where is the logic ? Wasn't President Ceausescu fabulously rich - what happened to all the money he stole from the Romanian people? Richard Littlejohn for Prime Minister! NOW! Consign ConDemLibour to the political scrap heap where they belong, between them, they have degraded this country while seeing themselves financially profiglorate. Vote UKIP in 2015, your last chance to rescue Britain from the cesspit that the EU is creating. Bring back control of our borders and stop filling the overflowing trough that Brussels is growing ever fatter upon at our expense. Britain like Switzerland would flourish outside of the EU. The EU is destined to failure, greedy politicians just can't help themselves put those who vote for them first. "We let anyone ' formally Great Britain" Sadly for me, not. You allow all EU residents with little to no skills, but skilled professional Americans like me- who love and dream to live in England- have to jump through a million hoops to find an employer to sponsor them, and are still turned down. There is someting rotten and rotting in the world today and it's the spineless people in politics that is the reason why and the cause. Why do we comment? Why do we explain our viewpoint? Nobody in a position to do something about it listens or has the gumption to answer. Hendon FC? Go in with bulldozers and 'Turf' them out along with those in London Parks and cave dwellers. The whole world is rotten and rotting because we don't do what really needs to be done and allow the lowlife of this planet to dictate. Enjoy the day now The ONLY party willing to tackle (AND SOLVE) this issue is UKIP. We CAN NOT control immigration without leaving the EU. That is a FACT. Vote UKIP to solve the problem. AND ENGLISH CULTURE IS THE MOST UNEQUAL OF ALL The UK really is finished - it will only get much worse as long as we are in the EU and it doesn't look like we will be leaving. How much big a mess will the UK become before politicians notice. They only have 2 choices - get out of the EU or completely ignore some of their directives and refuse to pay whatever penalties the EU decides to impose. Sorry for all you guys still living there - you have no hope. Come here all and sundry and go camp in the back gardens of our rotten rulers. Politicians don't care about the slums being created in áreas in whiuch they don't live, the main beneficiaries of the mass immigration are the employers who can get cheap labour, earn more profit and thus afford to live well away from the slums A well written, blunt article... Sadly though the people who should be reading and taking note will continue to put their head in the sand and pretend they know best. The Roma community is no different from our traveller community, and these people do not abide by the law, they think they have the right to do what they want, where they want. They don't work yet always have top of the range vehicles, and no-one ever stops to ask how. This is our country and yet we are being told we can't complain that its being handed over to people who will destroy our way of life and our country. Tiffersno2 06:45 So to get an "honest "debate on immigration, first we have to admit we are racist. You should be a politician. But here's a little tip. Never start a debate by insulting a person and calling them racist, or ask them to admit they are wrong, before you sit down at the table. Even the government has had to retract the RACIST tack. It backfired. Who cares UK is a dump anyway No-one is allowed to talk about migration honestly, otherwise we get called racist. Every English/British person will end up leaving the British Isles until it is full of non-Brits and immigrants. Well done Government, you are a pathetic disgrace. So will Mr Littlejohn declare he is going to vote for and support UKIP? Or like many people on here are they happy just to carry on moaning and snivelling? Decide if you have a backbone and integrity - if you really value your country and it's way of life. It's time for real men and women to step forward. If these shantys spring up they should be torn down and occupants removed from the country. Don't you live In America? No doubt putting a strain on their good supply. Pfffft. Yes, they come here, no job or money and say "I'm homeless" get a house and money-job done. Or they start selling big issue...non of them are British anymore. We need to look after our own first!! it is perferctly within European law to expel homeless unemployed citizens from other member states of the EU. The open-border treaty was never intended as a dossers' charter. The government is simply failing in its responsibilities for political reasons. I once parked my camper van in a lay by in Somerset to spend the night because I'd been driving many hours. Along comes Mr. Plod and says "move along now, you can't stop here all night, or you'll get a ticket". Says it all dunnit? This shanty town is the Romanian equivalent of a Luxury condominium. What's more it is put up at no cost to the occupants and no council tax is payable for clearing the mess caused. Leftists" , as you call them do not want to shut down "honest" debate on immigration, they would simply like people like you to admit that you ARE racist. You are clearly deluding yourself to say otherwise, and there can be no "honest" debate until you admit it. - tiffersno2, ipswich, United Kingdom, 14/6/2013 6:45...................... The argument has nothing to do with race, it's to do with numbers. We are full. We are not full of any particular race or creed, we are simply full. Does the fact that people are living in shanty towns prove that to you? Trust me, things are not that desperate in Romania, as I have seen with my own eyes. The gypsies we have coming to Britain live like that in Romania too. The difference is that the police are much stricter with them over there. We are way too soft. Such a shame as I'm married to a Romanian who works hard for an English company, takes no benefits and is profoundly ashamed of these gypsies and certainly doesn't want to be associated with them. Britain like America is founded by european inmigration, so what is the problem again Littlejohn?? If you look at the british history during the past 500 years you will notice that everyone here comes form everywhere in the world, specially from EU countries. Having lived in Denmark, I know for a fact that European countries laugh at Britain for its slavish obedience to EU laws. Even the cooperation-loving Scandinavians break them when it suits! - common_sense_uk , Oxford, United Kingdom, 14/6/2013 07:34 And do the European counrties who flout EU law have to pay the fines that the UK gets threatened with if we were to break their laws ? If that's the case, then what's the point of it all ? Let's get out of the EU now ! The more I hear the more I think it would be best in the long term for the UK. The reality is that many of these immigrants are looking for a better life by contributing to a system that will treat them with a fairness that is not afforded to them in their home country. Unfortunately, with them will be the ones who will come here pleading poverty, rob, steal and take whatever they can and vanish back to their own country. Gypsy's through political, social and welfare exclusion have been bought to the edge of human existence by successive governments in their home countries. They see Britain as a fairer society, can you blame them? Blair signed us up to this and Europe waived many criteria to increase membership without realising the devastating potential problems. We can all live together, if everyone contributes to a fairer society. But while politicians are out to line their own pockets, it is unlikely! I cannot get housing as I work and have paid into system all my life! I am white and British by birth, so what does that say about our so called system! Tiffersno2,Ipswich, put your left wing brain in gear. Not wanting this country's resources overwhelmed is NOT, repeat, NOT racist. People like you are the problem, stifling legitimate and necessary debate. You're probably delighted we have a very leftist government in place. Back to the future; a sign of things to come? The MPs and employers dream! CHEAP WORKERS! Vote UKIP. Shut the borders pronto! This poor country is a laughing stock! Article was brilliantly written though! Richard, so much of what you say, on so many topics and issues, are heartfelt by so many people. The difficulty for most is that they do not have the platform or ability to articulate in the same way you do. Recently, Patrick O'Flynn, of the Daily Express has confirmed his fervent support for UKIP and it is this type of publicity, from high profile, well respected journalist like yourselves, that UKIP need leading up to the European elections and the General election beyond. We all know the influence of the press in politics and it would be a good thing if you were to take up the mantle also. Out of eu NOW. The Tories Dream come true.All that cheap labour on tap.Cameron is such a liar,he's promised Turkey that once they get into the EU,whoever wants to come to Britain will be welcome.the expected number is arround 1 million.Cameron has told Turkey that he will do what he can for Turkey to get them EU membership ASAP.Hasn't anyone noticed that Britains Tory media never ask Cameron the hard questions.Like why has he told Turkey they are welcome to come to Britain?> All we do is read articles in newspapers and become agitated but every one of us just sits back and takes it. We are sitting on a time bomb in the UK and when the money dries up as it will when we are supporting the world then we are all stuffed. The successive Governments have treated us all like mugs. We must remember that these people in power are no more educated than many of us so why do we allow it? The MPs and employers dream! CHEAP WORKERS! WE ARE BEING RUINED BY THE EU AND OUR POLITICIANS. VOTE UKIP AND PUT AN END TO THIS MADNESS. 'Land of Hope and Glory', what a pathetic joke. "Dosey Dave,and his pals cannot understand why A & E depts are over stretched and cannot cope, What to you think all these immigrants go if they cut there finger ,,,,go to A&E they have no doctor, And by the way Richard UKIP is not the only party that wants to put a stop to SOME immigration The B.N.P wants to stop ALL IMMIGRATION. Great Britain R.I.P. Welcome to UK 2.0 I moved from Plymouth because of the Loony Left council there. It used to be referred to as 'Lambeth-by-the-Sea'. France deport"s them, but the UK don"t because............................... - barking snail, nottingham, United Kingdom, 14/6/2013 7:27 The reason is because DC is a spineless nothing and we do not have a real powerful minister in charge of immigration whether it is from the EU or anywhere else. It is all smoke and mirrors and no action is beingtaken by anyone. This country needs a tidy up, a very comprehensive deep clean and has done for a long while. "Smug", "self-regarding, "bigots"? Coo, that`s a case of pot and kettle if ever I heard one! Here's one option for those of you less enthused by this: presumably if 26 million Romanians and Bulgarians move here there will be two completely empty countries which you could take over and vote for whatever brand of reactionary UKIP/EDL party you form over there. We needed a party like UKIP actually in power before the end of this year when the flow of Romanians to Britain will become a tidal wave. Now it's too late, can anyone believe that these shanty towns will be dismantled and the occupants sent back? Of course not, all we can expect is expensive building projects to give them somewhere proper to live courtesy of the British taxpayer. Thanks Tony & Dave. Romania will be a nice place to live next year. All the scum will be in the UK. Perhaps we should think of moving out there ! Come 1/1/14 there will be no going back. They will put down roots and even if we exit Europe it will be too late. Simple economics state we cannot afford them. Nothing racist about it. If I moved there and demanded similar, id be sent packing. We forget that Romania for one has many social issues and deprivation we haven't seen for 100's of years. If we don't pull out of this lunacy, there will be no British people that contribute left in the UK. We have lost our rights, privileges and identity. It doesn't pay to work, earn more than £35k and live in the UK And here's me thinking they can't come in until next year what a load of twaddle vote UKIP its our only chance vote UKIP at the local elections then 2015 vote UKIP believe me its our only hope the politicians on all sides of the house just want to be on top of the pile of c**p Vote UKIP Well said....can't we have more like him who are prepared to speak out for OUR RIGHTS. Sad.... Sorry to the war dead in ww2 you wasted your time, we have now given our country away Nobody should be allowed in to our Country with no money and no where to live end of. This is what is going to happen. They are homeless in there own Country so they come here expecting to get housed at the Tax Payers Expense. Thats what the Campaign Cameron launched to try and stop them from coming here should have said not tell them about the bloody weather. We had a story yesterday about a woman who put a mobile home in her backyard for her elderly mother to live in, which is undeniably an eyesore, but of course her council has asked for it to be removed. Burgeoning shanty towns have sprung up around Southall quite some time ago but seemingly they go unnoticed in spite of the fact that many are living there in dangerous conditions. We now have another shanty town in Hendon. Not to mention various groups of Eastern Europeans who live rough in woods and commons in Eastern England and latterly caves around the River Mersey. IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE PROGRESS? Then of course there are Roma gypsies who seem to be allowed to roll up and parks themselves all over prime parts of London. WHY? On the subject Romas, their history tells us that they have been living in Eastern Europe for close on 1000 years but are clearly reviled there and have don't seem to have been assimilated, but somehow we are supposed to accommodate them without question. GET US OUT NOW When will the week, spineless, overpaid, incompetent, lazy and uninterested politicians wake up and listen to the people of the uk. We do not want or need an influx of foreigners. Our healthcare and welfare systems are already stretched. Why oh why oh why should we provide translators in OUR hospitals ? No English no entry. I am slowly becoming more embarrassed at how we are known worldwide as the soft touch and easy option for spongers and criminals. GET A GRIP. Sorry colin but most people in the north voted labour just because of the word labour now you and every one in the country is paying for it! And we get told we would have to pull down an extension 1 inch bigger than the plan. Or build a wendy house for the kids in the back garden. All hell would break loose if we were to pitch a tent up where ever we wanted. And yet the Councils let this eyesure making our Country look like a dump can get away with it. I have said it before those living near should with draw there Council tax until this is cleared you would soon see than move then. As long as LibLabCon can guarantee that British workers race to compete with workers' wages in Vietnam, China, India and Bangladesh, they'll keep their corporate paymasters happy. New Labour started the ball rolling - noticed any difference lately? Thought not. Cameron is deluded, weak and his own agenda which includes not listening to the people. Its a secret government plan to get us out of the EU. By letting in 3million migrants causing a housing shortage, school shortage, maternity crisis, crime wave etc people will vote to leave the EU and thus Cameron will get his wish of Britain out the EU. Its the only reason I can think of letting tens of thousands of homeless, poor people into Britain. Vote UKIP. Get us out of Europe then we can control our borders. You can't taking people in when you are full, we still have 2.5million unemployed at home we don't need anymore job seekers. MR CAMERON, DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS PROBLEM, AND DEAL WITH IT NOW! INSTEAD OF GOING OFF TO IBIZA PAY A VISIT TO SOME OF THE COMMUNITIES WHO ARE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH THESE PEOPLE, AND SEE FOR YOURSELF WHAT THE LIVING CONDITIONS ARE LIKE. AND INSTEAD OF CUTTING BACK SERVICES, SUPPORT LOCAL POLICE WHO ARE HAVING TO DEAL WITH THIS. BEFORE THE ELECTION YOU TOLD US WHAT YOU INTENDED TO DO. WELL YOU DIDN'T SORT OUT THE BANKERS, DO MUCH A IF ANYTHING ABOUT MP'S EXPENSES, BUT FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS. WE PAY TOWARDS THE EU; ASK THEM TO HELP US. Stable door and a horse seems to be the Libcon motto - think they missed out a word and also the whole point ( yet again) Thank you, New Labour. Leftists" , as you call them do not want to shut down "honest" debate on immigration, they would simply like people like you to admit that you ARE racist. You are clearly deluding yourself to say otherwise, and there can be no "honest" debate until you admit it. - tiffersno2, ipswich, United Kingdom, 14/06/2013 05:45 People like you are the reason this country is in ruins, we are not 'racist' for wanting our country back! I suggest you find yourself a dictionary and look up the meaning of the word before you start throwing it around where it doesn't belong! UKIP for me, call me Dave is a downright disgrace and the sooner he goes the better.- Jonno, Perth, Australia, 14/6/2013 4:06 =========================== Why does who you vote for matter when you live half way round The World? Stop the World,he wants to get off. You should not be allowed entry unless you have employment and/or the means to support yourself better still leave the EU! Having voted and supported the Conservatives for over 40 years it's UKIP for me, my family and friends from now on. How dare these LibLabCon politicians allow foreign criminals, layabouts and scroungers not only into the UK but be so incompetent as to have no means of removing them because a FOREIGN POWER, Brussels, and a foreign court, the ECHR says we cannot. It is high time we told Brussels and the ECHR that enough is enough - and if they don't like it, tough. If UKIP get enough MPs in 2015 and they are in a position to hold the balance of power in Parliament we may be able to send these undesirable packing. Who knows, we may eventually reclaim OUR country! Meanwhile, we will just have to put up with it and watch Typhoid, Cholera and TB and Polio return to the UK - TB is already here. We didn't vote for this, we don't want this, politicians have no right to allow this but what else can we do apart from voting for the only party which will put a stop to this? Vote UKIP. I don't see what the problem is with deporting anyone who comes to a country just to be homeless. It shouldn't be Britain's responsibility to look after the homeless Romanians, Bulgarians etc, it should be Romania's responsibility, or Bulgaria's, or the government of whatever country they came from. Britain's getting overcrowded, get rid of anyone who has nothing to offer to society - LogieBear, Auckland, New Zealand, 14/6/2013 4:09 ========================== Most in the UK would agree with you but the problem is that it's illegal to do so because of the free movemnet laws set up by the EU and signed into (from the UK's side) by Labour. It's one of the reasons why so many want to pull out of the EU so we can control our own country and not be dictated to by European bureacracy Calm: The Prime Minister David Cameron insists the UK will not have 'another Polish situation' when restrictions on Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants are relaxed next year. =========== Does he indeed. It's high time the fool got the hell out of UK as well as politics. I know present Bulgaria and have lived there. The average Bulgarian would delighted if all the Roma moved out, and with good reason. In my youth, my boyfriend and I who were on a hitch-hiking holiday in France decided to have a nap in the sun one afternoon on the grass outside the Louvre. Within minutes, we were being kicked awake by the police and told to 'degage'! I like the word "obfuscated". No idea what it means but it's good. UKIP! Enough said! Your "piece" is delibaretly, I suspect, misleading. Those "East Europeans" as you callthem are in fact mostly ethnic gypsies, or Roms as they prefer to be called, racially and culturally rather closer to East Indians living in UK. The lived for several hundreds years in south and central Europe - including Romania and Bulgaria and almost nowhere they assimilated or at least accomodated to the host cultures. Since now economic and social climate for them is by far more favourable in UK (or Spain, for that matter) they move to our countries. I wish Richard Littlejohn was in no.10. Is this the future, shanty towns and poverty? Nothing will stop them. It has to come from the top, and it never will. "Leftists" , as you call them do not want to shut down "honest" debate on immigration, they would simply like people like you to admit that you ARE racist. You are clearly deluding yourself to say otherwise, and there can be no "honest" debate until you admit it. - tiffersno2, ipswich, United Kingdom, 14/6/2013 17:45 Romanians/Bulgarians aren't a race. Have you considered the possibility that people might actually not be racist, just fed up with so many people coming in and doing nothing except being a drain on the system? They say we voted for this in 1975 and I thought and was assured by Mr Heath and his fellow conspirators we were joining a trading group. My daughter, English born and bred, with degree, talented, bilingual, is in pokey B&B accommodation, homeless through no fault of her own, waiting to be allocated a council flat. She is not allowed to work whilst there, and is left with £32 per week to keep herself. These problems can all be solved at the next election.. We have enough British families on benefits to worry about. We dont need half of the Romanian/ Polish population as well. Whilst in London the past 2 weeks, I felt like a foreigner. I don't mind people coming here to work, but they don't work. And with jobs so scarce we should be encouraging British people to work, not foreigners. No wonder this country is broke. I'll be voting UKIP next time - and even that might not be enough to get rid of them. When are we going to get a Government that actually does what the majority of the people want? Why do we have to cowtow to the EU all of the time? What would actually happen to us if we broke the EU rules for once and stood up to them? Just deport them all for goodness sake!!!!! Don¿t talk rot, it¿s the neocon capitalists who have kept the borders open so they can drive down wages, any self respecting lefty can clearly tell the difference between those who choose to blame and attack the immigrants who search for a better life and those who are responsible for the turmoil in the world. It is in fact people like you who choose not to discuss the real issues and instead seek to blame the innocent. If you look back to the likes of tony Benn and Michael foot in the 70¿s and 80¿s they sought to protect the borders, keep us out of Europe and protect british jobs for british people, it was in fact the right wing neo-cons of the thatcher era that set the stage for European integration, porous borders, mass unemployment and rotten living conditions but you don¿t want to talk about that, so what do you want to talk about? how much you hate immigrants? Lets make it clear we have Tory government who are doing nothing to change anything, If they haven't got an address and a job they shouldn't be allowed in and we should defy the EU and do as France does when they don't like something. Long live UKIP!!! You are showing gypsies!!they are bulgarian and romanian citizens but they are roma!! England is not really England any more, as it seems to me to be mostly a large refugee camp full of a lot of undesireables. Surely people who wander over here moving from one shanty town in their own country, to making another one here, do not really have any skills that will be useful to this country, as there is hardly likely to be a budding rocket scientist amongst them ?. The only skills they bring with them are the abilities to beg and pick pocket and plead poverty. More than likely they pleaded poverty in their own countries which didn't get them very far, so now they come to England where they reckon their pleas of poverty will be taken much more seriously, and they will benefit very much from it. Add richness to our culture...Lazy British workers.... Treacherous, destructive simpletons, we won't have a culture soon. I wish you'd go to Bulagaria. Don't pay your council tax until the council have tidied up ! "Mr Littlejohn, the country is a mess and going downhill at an accelerating rate." - Chris , Woodbridge, 14/6/2013 04:09. This has been the case since I learned to talk about 60 years ago. The term they used then was "The Country is going to the dogs". I have no idea what "going to the dogs" means but it doesn't sound good. Previously, The Country, was "Going to Hell in a handcart". Wherever The Country is going, it is obviously taking a very long time to arrive, centuries in fact, probably something to do with The Department of Transport. Are you going downhill fast, Chris? If so I suggest you do something about it. I am afraid that you won't find Nigel Farage of much help, he is far too busy trying to prevent The Country going downhill, to deal with individual cases. Personally, I am doing OK, so I am really just a spectator in all this, though I must say it sounds pretty awful and I sympathise with anyone who is directly involved in all this "Downhill" business. "Leftists" , as you call them do not want to shut down "honest" debate on immigration, they would simply like people like you to admit that you ARE racist. You are clearly deluding yourself to say otherwise, and there can be no "honest" debate until you admit it. - tiffersno2 , ipswich ..... I first read this as sarcasm and green arrowed it. Then I read it again, and actually think it may be genuine. Wow. Immigration is the only way Milliband and company can increase their vote so if they get back in government expect the floodgates to open wide. It Is JUNE now we have until DECEMBER to stop these people coming here we must get our mp's to stop this we must get them to listen to us. If you think anything about your country we must act to stop this before its to late.We are sitting ducks waiting for this to happen when we can stop it. Dave's just a posh waffler. The voters can see that, most of his MPs can see that, the immigrants can see that. Only Dave's mirror reflection is telling him all is neat and dandy in the wonderful world of economic migration. 'And they tell us the EU & immigration is a good thing for the UK!!! - Birricchinoman, Gothenburg' Give credit where it is due: Miliband, Clegg and Cable are vocal supporters of the benefits of large-scale immigration. The problems stemming from uncontrolled immigration are entirely self-inflicted: they have not been the work of agencies or individuals beyond these shores. The French sorted the Roma problem in quick time: clearance of the slum encampments and the 'residents' were forcibly deported! That solution beats the 'don't come here, it rains a lot' strategy. "Leftists" , as you call them do not want to shut down "honest" debate on immigration, they would simply like people like you to admit that you ARE racist. You are clearly deluding yourself to say otherwise, and there can be no "honest" debate until you admit it. - tiffersno2 , ipswich, United Kingdom, 14/6/2013 06:45...oh the irony! You just don't see it do you? The remarks of tiffersno2 only go to prove what Littlejohn wrote!! Yes, we now Mr Littlejohn about your views. Each and other of your articles only proves them. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY are we allowing these gypsies to settle where they want? Does no-one care? What are the Government doing? For heaven's sake I despair for our country!!!! Ahh. England to get invaded? The chickens have come home to roost! Great Britain no longer has an empire, we are not responsible for the European population. Let foreign governments look after their own people and for once please make the UK government look after its own people. The skills, the knowledge and the work ethics are already here. Just look at the efforts the British people make to leave unemployment and gain a job. If that had been my daughter I would have had to resort to taking punishment myself - and the judge would have been to blame. Someone has to replace all the high skilled Brits heading for the scorching summers and glorious winters of Western Australia. Good luck with that. Am I missing something here or is Richard blaming the previous administration for failing to act on an illegal squatter camp which has only been in existence for the last few months. If so it does it seem unreasonable to expect that our Government might actually have the guts to do soemthing rather than blaming the incumbents of 4 years ago. Furthermore it was the Tories who took us into Europe and the Tories who signed The Maastricht Treaty and the Tories have been in power for sometime now. Is this the true nature of the Conservatives the complete inability to accept responsibility for anything even when enacted under their governance ? And if Cameron hasn't got the balls to exercise power and sort out this mess then perhaps he should hand over to somebody who has. Couldn't we find them campsites in Camden, Notting Hill and Barnes etc on the lefties' doorsteps? STOP letting them in, and kick those already here OUT. It`s straight forward. Give two fingers to Brussels, the same as the rest of Europe do, unless Brussels want them there....?. Blair and labours Britain, those of you that vote Labour and Liberal are the cause please remember at the next election, plus Cameron is weak the only answer for this Country is UKIP> They should be stopped by the police and if they have no visible means of support and/or cannot speak the language and have no proof they are taking lessons they should be out the same week. On a plane preferably Ryanair! You are quite wrong, Richard. According to Matthew Wright.....very few Romanians et al will come here next year, and will certainly not expect anything from the taxpayer!!!! I blame the liberal democrats they have ruined this country with there policies and there influence in the coalition they treat public money like its there own One thing the governinging classes don't seem to acknowledge, is that even if these immigrants do work- in most cases for less than the legal minimum wage- they are preventing others of the indigenous population: unskilled men, young people and mums, who supplement their families' income by working a few hours a day waitressing or cleaning, from working. It's a mess, and it won't get any better until these head in the sand politicians see the reality of the situation. Not only exactly what you say but also if you are a UK citizen who has paid in all your life you will see your pension cut to pay for them, you will receive less healthcare to pay for them, you will get less benefits to pay for them, you will have to work longer to pay for them - basically YOUR quality of life will be slashed just to pay for them. This country is completely screwed unless a seriously radical change of Government is made in 2015. If you get Labour or the Tories back in power in 2015, the country WILL descend into total destruction. - L. G. , Berkshire, 14/6/2013 05:49 - There are no jobs and not enough houses, there's no water or money, now "they" are saying there's no food [though I don't suppose "their" taxpayer-subsidised restaurants will be cutting out meat] and still our deranged, imbecilic masters want more people to come and settle here. "Leftists" , as you call them do not want to shut down "honest" debate on immigration, they would simply like people like you to admit that you ARE racist. You are clearly deluding yourself to say otherwise, and there can be no "honest" debate until you admit it. - tiffersno2, ipswich, United Kingdom, 14/06/2013 05:45 That's right, bring out the 'race' card. It's because of the 'leftists' the country is in the state it is. Isn't it great to live in an asylum run by lunatics? In another news item it is stated that 4 out of five people think that politicians care for themselves before others. I wonder why only 4 out of 5, who are the other deluded 20%? Opening border controls? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but does this mean that I ( from the US) can move to UK? I thought it was really REALLY hard to get permission to move and live there. - cpw , USA, 14/6/2013 04:42.....................................................You've got to be joking! If only you could see what is happening in reality, you're only seeing the news items.....Everything is straining above capacity, Read about problems in the NHS, Water shortages, Gas supply levels, clogged roads. Government debts at record levels, crime going unpunished because there's no money to pursue offenders........ There's far too many people on our tiny island and they just keep letting more in! Lol, this made me laugh: 'since they have a far superior work ethic to the bone-idle British' Considering we in the UK work the longest hours a week, take less holidays and even have less time off on the sick. Nice article but get all your facts correct! I feel so much anger and sadness ,We can do nothing to stop these people coming in to our country,voting for a party that stood for your values and ideals at least made one feel connected with the country and others of similar political views.Now voting for any party is a waste of time as politicians become more focused on their careers after political lives are over and their manifesto promises are just lies to get the vote.I am petrified of what is in store for our wonderful country and there is nothing I can do about it.I will vote UKIP but I feel that it will not be enough,something has to be done now before any more migrants come here and ruin our once amazing island I feel so much anger and sadness ,We can do nothing to stop these people coming in to our country,voting for a party that stood for your values and ideals at least made one feel connected with the country and others of similar political views.Now voting for any party is a waste of time as politicians become more focused on their careers after political lives are over and their manifesto promises are just lies to get the vote.I am petrified of what is in store for our wonderful country and there is nothing I can do about it.I will vote UKIP but I feel that it will not be enough,something has to be done now before any more migrants come here and ruin our once amazing island This just sickens me to my stomach CLOSE THE BORDERS. we don't want them here. The French rounded them up and kicked them out - last time I looked they were in the EU. No doubt Britons will be leaving UK in droves. Good idea, as long as they don't come to France. But they won't will they. They won't qualify for benefits. Which is why Eastern Europeans don't come here very much. Our political system means we rarely get what we vote for, party leaders pursue their own agendas w once voted in What a sensible truthful article on the subject !! Ignorance is no defence in law. We Brits all know and have to pay the price, but this lot coming in seem to get away with it... Game over for England. Rip Immigrants have come to this country for centuries. My own great grandparents came here to escape persecution in their homeland. The only real difference is that they came to Work, Integrate and Contribute. The situation now is that poorer countries who have fiddled their admission to the EU are now being encouraged to offload their problem population onto our health and benefits system instead of raising living standards for their own people. We joined a trading association to benefit our own people and economy as did every other EU state. We did not sign up to be the cash cow of the world just because an arrogant, unelected elite have decided that we should be impoverished by some vast, flawed social experiment. Give me my country back. VOTE UKIP. We only need to do it once then we could return to our tribal voting patterns....if we could ever trust LIBLABCON again. We are becoming a 3rd world country Mr Littlejohn..Can you please recall what Cameron said about reducing immigrtion to tens of thousands as one of his election promises that he has broken. Last year half a million immigrants entered the UK The border agency is not fit for purposes due to the tory cuts and the redundancies made. Mr Littlejohn knows very well it is matter for Barnet Council and the owner of the site in hendon to take action in this matter, under article 45 of the treaty on the functioning of the EU, EU nationals have the right to free movement within the EU and as we know there many many british nationals have done and moved to such places as spain, Bulgaria and Romania have some temporary restrictions till the end of 2013. If Mr Littlejohn does not like being in the EU then may be he should vote against being in the EU when ever we all get a chance or may be stand for UKIP in the next GE. In mean time it is up to Barnet Council to take legal action and clear the site. I despair! How do we escape this hell hole? No one will have me and my husband at 49 ... no country will take us unless we are the right age with the right professional qualifications. Dessicration of a country by politicians. Not only are huge areas turned into slums, but British culture is being destroyed, British towns are being destroyed, British shops are no longer British, and in many areas the British people are looked down upon as a minority who shouldn't be there. To qualify, our politicians have ruined this country. Can it ever be returned to how it was? Unfortunately not. Can things be halted? Probably not, with our weak leaders. Will Cristianity disappear? Almost certainly, and quicker than people realise. Leave the EU and stay in the single market. Apply to join NAFTA. Voting UKIP may be , unfortunately, the only way to get rid of the spineless lily-livered wets who have controlled our country for so long. Unfortunately it was all of us who put them there in the first place and now I think it's not a case of shutting the gate after the horse has bolted, rather trying to shut the gate but finding it impossible due to the thousands of eastern europeans wedging it open with their bodies. Heaven help us all. Just why isn't the law as it stands vigourously enforced, just like it is in France when they send in the CRS to deal with camps,etc. The right of Free Movement ONLY exists to those who do NOT become a burden on the hosting state. Anything else should mean immediate deportation, with no return for at least 5 years. Just deport them,see what Brussels does and ignore,then don't pay any fine imposed,get thrown out of the E.Usless,patrol our own borders,simple really!!! Often working 14 hours a day for the pleasure of paying 40% income tax, a) I am not lazy, work shy Britons are a minority and it's the governments fault, and b) I am furious I'll have to pay for these people. yeah, look at "them" living in those plush, hotel-like shanty towns. high on the hog, they are! ridiculous article. Great article, lets start the debate, this cannot go on. It's time the government acted Any party that takes us of the EU gets my vote, I have never been more determined in my life and before my life ends I wish to see us leave and we will if we stop voting tor liblabcon. This will put an end to it all, a cross against any party but not these parasites. Chris - Woodbridge... What's so special about UKIP; they are also politicians so why should they respond in the same way as the current shower. Once in power, everything they have said goes out of the window. Politicians are fundamentally tellers of untruths. Bobby, Leicester There is only one way, VOTE UKIP and then we can take back OUR country. My father fought in the Royal Air Force in WW2 along with thousands of other members of other English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh ie the real British, we owe it to them and ourselves to reclaim our Great Britain. Get us out of the EU or we are FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!! We have had Tory governments as well as Labour governments. In fact we have one now. Secretly the Tories like migration because it provides an endless stream of cheap, non-union labour. This has been coming for years , all thanks to lefty self-righteous traitors the country has been well and truly invaded. The only advise I can give to anyone back in broken Britain is to pack up and get out while you can. Things just ain't gonna get any better . They can't even deport one hate preacher,never mind a rabble living in cardboard boxes. No other country in the world is daft enough to take em! Great these people have more rights than myself in my country, I'm married to a Canadian and had to leave as her visa run out and due to a costly visa minefield looks like we will be forced out of my country, so a non tax payer can now take my place....well done Cameron First of all I dont blame the migrants whatever their race. We have become doormats for the rest of Europe and the blame lies squarely on our wimpy, gutless politicians who have invited migrants in with open arms. I can see London parks taken over by homeless EU migrants, they will turn London into a cesspit, and tourism will suffer, but hey Cameron is not worried, he thinks they will go elsewhere, end of..... Why is this being allowed? I despair. But we ARE all guilty Richard, guilty of being mug enough to put up with it, guilty of voting the rabble that allows it to happen into power. The best way to discourage them, is to just not let them in!!!! What is happening to this country; what will it be like when my grandchildren grow up its frightening. We have to get rid of this coward of a government and vote UKIP. if I lived opposite these parks where their camping on I would refuse to pay my council tax. Can't you deport the politicians to Romania and Bulgaria then they can offer them benefits and houses to return home. The government don't do responsibility, if fact their only, self appointed, responsibility is to corporations and to the finance industry. One could make a compelling argument for british democracy having been usurped by a foreign power. We are living in a corporatocracy and corporations care only about a good supply of the cheapest labour. I have never thought about leaving this country, but my wife and I have the kind of skills that would enable us to emigrate. But I think for my children's future I am going to do it. breaks my heart to see Hendon fc like this. I would welcome with open arms all eastern Europeans to the UK, i think everybody has the right to better themselves, it not as if theirs not enough green fields to build on back home. Those are real Roma gypsies, with their own language and culture.Dont forget Germans want to gas them as well as Jews during WW2 I'm sure people in Romania, Hungary etc are happy they are leaving for western Europe as they are nomads. breaks my heart to see the home of Hendon fc like this. There is clear answer to these problems. At the next General Election, vote for the party who has promised to say "No more" and to restore control of our own borders to these shores. If people don't do that they will only have themselves to blame for the consequences. If the British were more willing to work hard then there wouldn't be the opportunities to work in Britain drawing foriegners in. The people coming here are not benefit scroungers, they've come here to work. Which is a lot more than can be said for a large number of 'native' Brits.! I expect at least a +1000 rating for this comment. Being from Stockport, I can happily tell you that a Romanian in a cave has had no affect upon me whatsoever! Couldn't the jury put an opinion up for sentencing i.e 300 years and deportation for the judge to consider If no one shifts them and tells them "This is not how we live in Britain!" then we will see more of these shanty towns! What is the point of complaining? One thing is for certain, they will never sleep rough in Downing St, there are metal gates to prevent this! Dave's all right Jack! The Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, lives in a luxury apartment in the Palace of Westminster at our expense. That probably leaves a home elsewhere, possibly also purchased at our expense, which he could throw open to all visiting Romanians. When are we going to fight back?.....when we're in the sea? Punish Cameron and punish Miliband at the polls, neither of these must sit in Government again! Coming to a town near you. Agh, a UKIP i told you so. I remember the common sense tour Nigel Farage did, labour sent along some hecklers, who when he talked about the romanian and blugarians being allowed to come in jan, he was mean by shouts of "scare mongering" "lies" "racist". As we all knew and expected it seems he is right, just like he has been on so many other issues. I wish to thank the daily mail for finally saying something positive about UKIP. However i think more should have been done to point out the Pro UKIP theme here like they would have done if the tories said it!! Couldn't the people whom fall foul of the bedroom tax accommodate some? All the Lisbon treaty achieved was to allow one country to shift its problem to an other , and then allow them to wash there hands of there resposiblities I am actually really scared about what will be "Britain" this time next year The Roma Gypsy issue has been around for a hundred years or more and has never been solved so how on earth should we in the UK be subjected as a test bed to resolve it.? The government and all parties have had enough advanced warning about how the voting public dread Jan 2014 and still do noting about it! It just makes you feel so let down by the political elite. There are approximately the same amount of British and US expats living in Estonia right now, as Estonian citizens in UK. What should we do, deport them also? Traitorous Blair and Camoron have disgraced themselves and have and are slowly but surely decimating this country! all you ever hear from this government is how many british there are claiming benefits they do nothing to stop the thousands of immigrants who are coming from other countries claiming benefits. its time to put our own people first Well written and very worrying the risk of being labelled un 'pc' I think no work or place to live should equal no entry to the UK. end of. And Cameron claims Britain's place is at the heart of Europe! Cameron's place is surely in a padded cell where he can longer do any harm to the country? I fail to understand why they're being allowed to stay whilst the border controls barring their entry until next year are still in place. It also puts paid to Mr Cameron's silly theory that bad weather and new rules on benefits will deter them. I'm sure these people come here with good intentions, of looking for work etc, it isn't their fault if there's no jobs. It is a shame about the 4million Brits who haven't got work either, but that's multiculturalism for you. The government should run some training schemes for them, and give them English lessons to help them in their quest for employment. Our local Big issue sellers are all Rumanian and they are nice friendly people, "Conditions must be pretty dreadful at home if a cave in Stockport is a step up the housing ladder" ...Absolutely priceless, ive spat coffee all over my keyboard. - neil, peterborough, 14/6/2013 3:47 Location, location, location. A cave in a decent area maybe, but a cave in Stockport, that really is a depressing thought All the best Dave Three things really scare me about all political parties; a) They are startlingly incompetent b). What decisions they do make are completely contrary to public wishes. c). They are in total denial of any detrimental effects of their decisions. The emotive commentators on this site say Britain is finished, and it may well be if we don't fundamentally change our approach to this sort of problem. Voting won't do it, and neither will indignant posts on newspaper websites, it needs the public to stand up and scream "We're not going to take it any more". I'm screaming...anybody listening? The problem is, the 3 established parties have sold their souls to the EU. Any attempt to block the EU's ultimate goal, of a United States or Europe run by the unelected, would be seen as an attack on the EU and their place at the trough would be removed, hence our current politicians would rather be subservient to the EU than risk losing their place on the Gravy Train......... Depwavid 02:52 is right. On balance mass immigration is related to the availability of state largesse in the UK. He is also right that most immigrants and certainly those receiving state largesse would support the "Big State" party (Labour). Lord Mandelson is on the record explaining how immigration was part of the New Labour secret strategy to become permanently in power in the UK. Hopefully more and more voters realise that if they vote in Labour in 2015, mass immigration as government strategy will resume. If voters do not realise this I would refer them to an Einstein quotation: Insanity = repeating the same course of action and expecting a different outcome. Labour if returned will waste money and promote multi-culturism / mass immigration. I don't see what the problem is with deporting anyone who comes to a country just to be homeless. It shouldn't be Britain's responsibility to look after the homeless Romanians, Bulgarians etc, it should be Romania's responsibility, or Bulgaria's, or the government of whatever country they came from. Britain's getting overcrowded, get rid of anyone who has nothing to offer to society - LogieBear , Auckland, New Zealand, 14/6/2013 04:09.........the problem is the EU wont let us. only UKIP want to be independant and make our own rules sure, I'll carry on working until I'm at least 90 or dead so someone else can scrounge off my hard earned taxes, oh and remove the retirement date, I doubt I will live long enough to reach it by the time I retire, shall I write my will straight over to the government so they can give it all away too? Getting very fed up with all this now ... Immigration is totally out of control and the party that will actually do something about it (not just talk about it) will get my vote The Border Agency is renowned for its ineptitude, especially when it comes to finding fault with one of their own front line staff. They ignored my complaint re an abuse of power and petulance at the immediate time of the incident. Failed to respond to a written complaint until the third complaint arrived with them via an MP in charge of the Home Office department. Then a further six months and various vacuous responses ending with a suggestion that their records could not authenticate my complaint but that, and this is a good one, they had asked staff but no one could recall the incident. This despite an extremely good description of the individual and his two female colleagues, the date and time of the incident within a 10 minute +/- time scale and the fact that all my documentation, passport, car papers and other documents were taken from me for one can only assume a computer search. So glad I do not need to come back to Blighty, good luck to you all. Raise the drawbridge! We are an island. If we can't defend our boarders what hope have we got? We have run out of decent housing. We run out of water during the summer. We were on the verge of running out of gas during this winter. We are struggling to keep up with our electricity demand. Our NHS service has already burst at the seams. And still the government allows migration by some of the most undesirables from Eastern Europe. We can't house or feed our own people but we can find money to accommodate Somalians, etc. in million pound houses. Who then moan that they are hard done by. We must stop immigration and migration. The student visa situation is a joke. It is used by foreigners to get access to Britain to then disappear never to be found again. When will the government realise we are full up and overflowing. We need to send some of them back. And now. Anyone noticed how the French deal with this ! They are supposedly under the same EU rules as us but they know the French people will have no truck with these illegal immigrants setting up camp willy nilly. What does Brussels do about the French police action - nothing! What do we do? Make hand wringing excuses for inaction while they consolidate these shanty towns into major campsites. And BTW : what happened to the CLEAR rule that these immigrants had to claim asylum in the FIRST free country they arrived in - not travel across numerous safe countries to get to mugs of Europe ... Yes, the UK The problem would be dealt with pretty swiftly if these "slums" were torn down and re-erected outside the homes of politicians. Their presence has no detrimental effect on those living in Downing Street, Connaught Court, Chipping Norton or any of the tax payer funded mansions occupied by politicians in central London. The French appear to have no difficulty in breaking up these illegal encampments and deporting the inhabitants on the next plane back to Romania. So just why are the British incapable of doing the same? I fear it is already to late to stop. Germany has already warned us as to what we might expect, but we have shut our eyes Until we are rid of EU domination, and get some politicians with balls, that will defend this country, this sort of thing will continue. Very well put, I gree with all that has been written. We will wake up and find it all to late when the real problems start. When the people of Uk take to the street to clear them. Unfortunately when you treat and view people as sheep you ain't going to convince the wealthy farmers into thinking things would not be more profitable if they could just squeeze a few more animals onto the farm. I cannot get over what has happened to this country. Worst of all noone is doing anything. With all the spongers from around the world, there will be nothing left for future generations. What is the point of working so hard all your life? I pat tax evaders on the back. Cant say i blame them The problem is, that we are not asking "What benefits are these people bringing to Britain by their presence?"...We are like acting like a victim and accepting crime and disregard for our customs. We should deport all these nuisances back to their various homelands. If nothing is done London will become a large slum.There must be a law already in existence which allows these people to be moved on. Clean up the shanty towns in the back gardens of certain London Boroughs too. That is against planning rules.. Since we have had all these troubles with life in Britain, it appears to me that the problem is not so much not having the laws but the fact they are not implemented. ...Who is failing to implement the law of the land?..................Why are they not using the laws? ...Why are we employing people who cannot /will not do their jobs? ......Who/What is hampering judges from acting tougher?...Can we all start camping in the parks for free when we visit London?...So much cheaper. as long as they stay in london the more the Merrier,preferably outside the house of commons Comments say get rid of Cameron. What ,and then Labour will be in power,then you will slide into third world status very quickly. I would just like to remind everyone that it costs us £55 million pounds PER DAY to be members of the EU. You could build a lot of houses or refurbish a lot of caves for that sort of money and create a lot of jobs into the bargain. I hate to have to say this but with the arrival of such poorly educated and ill-mannered migrants, Britain has gone down the hills. They come here to work but they hardly spend their money here- instead they send it home to their families. These people make not the slightest effort to learn English and there are so many who have lived in the UK for at least 20 years and still can't string together proper words in English. I know of at least one Eastern European who lived illegally in the US for 15 good years and then moved legally to the UK 5 years ago and guess what, he still can't speak English. Neither does he pay tax on his earnings (from undercutting British labor). Yet the government has prevaricated over and over again about immigration and the EU I'm very sad that incompetent and downright selfish MP's are devastating the UK. Labour thought they could bring in votes, the coalition are too weak to 'do the right thing' whatever that means? All our infrastructure is collapsing under the weight of people abusing the system, madness Starting with Bliar, then following on with Cameron, the lie of multiculturalism being good for the UK has been spread wide and far. However, a once reasonably law abiding country, with the mother of all parliaments, has been taken down the toilet. We have dishonest politicians, all hoping for jobs in the EU where they can steal the expense money and line up huge pensions, they take cash for questions, cheap loans and jobs for when they retire. If they lose their seats, it is like the average person winning the lottery with them receiving cash payouts, keeping stolen expense funds and generous pensions. Of to so some sunny shore far away from the mess that is the UK. Not for them to worry about the crime, unemployment, destruction of the social services that all these immigrants will bring. They couldn't control the influx of illegals from the near and far east, this new bunch are legal, so there is no prospect of controlling them. The rich lefties with power (including Cameron and his motley crew) just want the luxury of being seen to have a social conscience and be generally good eggs. They live in wealth and luxury most of us can only dream of and are never personally affected by their pious rants. Nasty hypocrites the lot of them. VOTE UKIP. coming to a town near you Vintage column from Richard today. NO ONE should be allowed to settle in the country unless they can prove that: a) they have come to invest money in the economy to create employment, b) they have specific skills that are not available in the UK, c) they have sufficient funds to support themselves without recourse to public funds. Obviously no criminals or people from hate cultures should be allowed either. Is that extremist or just common sense? Wouldn't be tolerated in France no matter what eu ruling said otherwise. Just kick the parasites out. Can't blame this one entirely on Dodgy Dave though as it was labour who opened the doors to more prospective voters. Shows the type of people labour represents! depwavid, from Panama city is dead right.....The first time I saw Nobama spouting his ideas, I said ``There is Blair mark Two``.....One of Blairs first pronouncements was ``We are going to change this country, once and for all``..........Thanks Tony. No Richard. The blame lies with those who vote Labour, Liberal and Tory. They are the people who want us in the EU, so the fault is entirely theirs. Glad I got out. Such a shame to see Britain in such a mess due to weak politicians. I really fear for this country come January the first, we are inviting trouble and there is not one politician in westminster with the guts to admit it. By the time of the GE all the talk will be, what do we do about immigration,Cameron will go down in history as the man who quite happily let this happen. Yes, but let's be fair to Cameron. It's true he doesn't care a damn about immigration; absurd rules from the EC; violence on the streets; the lazy getting paid our money for lying in bed at home; the health service dropping to third world standards, the courts allowing criminals to go scot free, etc, etc, etc. But give the man his due: he is fanatical about homosexual "marriage" and, after all, this is what the MPs and House of Lords care about not to mention the BBC and THE GUARDIAN. These stories often talk about how these scroungers always want to prefer the UK for 'colonisation." Not too hard to figure out (though the reporters often seem confused. A Panorama program a few years ago followed third world (not legal EU) immigrants from Africa on the underground railroad they use all the way to get to Calais. At Calais was the only barrier they found along the way--before it was open borders and they easily got into Greece from Turkey. The reporter for Panorama interviewed some of the young men waiting to jump on the lorries headed across the channel. "Why UK?" she asked. "You are in an EU country now. Why not France? Germany? You've already come through there." One young man looked at the reporter as if she were moronic and said "Oh no. We want UK. In Uk we get house. We get money. We get EVERYTHING in UK. Here were get nothing." They all know this. Why don't the numpties inside our own country know why they are flocking here first choice? uk is planned as dumping ground for the worlds trash--we are an island and eu can control our borders Politicians don't care they live in nice secluded areas with large pensions to indulge themselves. Pity they don't come out of parliament and have a look around the streets and see what they have done to the country. Has Blair and his cronies apologised for the state the country is in. All they do is downsize the military and Police force, so no protection for the ordinary citizen. Well done mr littlejohn, another insightful article. Fearing being called a racist is ridiculous, somebody somewhere needs to acknowledge that our beautiful country is far too small to cope with huge numbers of immigrants, living here feels like we are bursting at the seams already. Villages will have to start becoming areas of towns soon at this rate, and somebody needs to do something about it. Having lived in Denmark, I know for a fact that European countries laugh at Britain for its slavish obedience to EU laws. Even the cooperation-loving Scandinavians break them when it suits! ' We let anyone ' formally Great Britain Vote UKIP. Can't wait for 2015 - do it now. What is wrong with the local council. Move them on. Local taxpayers should be putting pressure on their local council to clear up the area Honestly I do not see why they can't be kicked out. Every other country would. can anyone tell me what benefits we get by being part of the EU? Can anyone tell me if we live in a democracy why can we not have a referendum on the Eu? France deport"s them, but the UK don"t because............................... Why don't the fire brigade go in with the hoses and wash these cess pits away after first setting fire to the rubbish .Just how much are we expected to tolerate in this country before the police /councils and first and foremost the government do something about this invasion of immigrants. WE in this country are far too tolerant to the lawbreakers and undesirables coming into this country. We are being dragged into this mess purely by Brussels laws on too many issues we must have a referendum now and not in four years time.i Its all very well to say "Vote UKIP" but it will be too late by then, won't it? What happens if 5 million Romanians/Bulgarians come pouring through the borders on 1st January? The British people need to do something NOW! If we could be confident that the new arrivals will contribute as much to our economy as some of their Eastern European neighbours, such as the Poles, we would have nothing to worry about. Speak for yourself. If you were a builder having to compete by taking lower wages or having less work as a result of Polish carpenters, plumbers etc flooding the country I'm sure you would have a different view. I though the TORY'S were running the country ! All that needs to be asked is why doesn't the British govt feel it's necessary to look after the British people first and foremost. The Swiss look after the Swiss first, and as a foreigner living in Switzerland I applaud that mentality. It's up to me to integrate with them, and making sure I have a decent job and a home, is part of that integration. It's not racist to put your own people first, it's called common sense and right. Labour have an excuse, they are idiot socialists, but what is Dave's excuse? Continuing to let millions of immigrants in where many claim benefits is socialism of the first order. When is Cameron going to realize he's a Tory? The problem is that in the history of the world a declining empire has never recovered. Picture a scenario for fixing our woes and then see how easy it is to dismantle when you realise the material you are working with. Most of the best of our people died in the two world wars and right now the only thing worth planning is an exit strategy. If you have any sense you will at least try and get your kids out. I know I am. I work in Mayfair, and I have seen quite an influx lately of Romanians. Lots of really quite aggressive begging, accordion playing and harassment. All you hear is 'pleaseeeeeee' and a hand in your face. It's only going to get worse. So Mr Rashid was bright enough to use a computer and Facebook, but not bright enough to know that sex with a 13-year-old girl is illegal. In any event, it's always been the rule that ignorance of the law is no excuse. Except for Muslims, it seems. Politicians through their refusal to act and there keenness to stay in the EU and let 500,00 immigrants a year from outside of the EU in to our country whose are mainly low skilled 3rd world immigrants and leading us by the hand to economic and social ruin, towns and city are no longer British, this will spread across the country in time and by voting Lib/Lab/Con you would have contributed to it, thats why we have to vote UKIP. I despair. I would like to ask Mr Cameron face to face just what his fascination with the EU is down to. How can being overrun by the detritus of Eastern Europe. Better the UK ? How does he square being PM of a county council ( which is what Westminster is becoming), With being Prime Minister of what once was Great Britain, the UNITED KINGDOM, Is he afraid that history would judge him harshly IF he were brave enough to remove us from this NIGHTMARE. Rest assured MR C , you would have a landslide victory if you made the next election a joint referendum on IN / Out of BOTH THE EU and the HATED ECHR. Good article Richard. Doing it tuff, Brisbane, Australia I would start having a look around your own country (that is unless you're an ex-pat Brit whereby I can understand your comments) because Australia has a huge problem with illegal immigrants entering the country. You have a labour government whose ideology is similar to the UK labour party. Immigration into Australia is changing and challenging the mainly European cultural make up of Australia. As for Britain, politicians sold us out and cannot stand straight enough or speak competently enough to simply kick these people out. My fear is this could cause an almighty backlash and we as a nation are under threat from a politicians desire to create a Britain in their image, which does not befit the British people. Theres only one option left for the British people .And thats . Mass migration to all those rather empty countries like Poland, Romania.. snapped up houses at Bargain prices .. cheap food .. low taxes and lungful of fresh air and Leave over crowded UK to the immigrants Thanks once again to labours open door policy total lack of border control and lack of courage by this government aided and abbeted by limp wristed Clegg´s liberals.That is why we have this shambles.these people should be rounded up like they do in Italy and kicked out with a ban on re entering .Please UKIP get elected and change all of this.get us out of the EU dictatorship.Hendon council should bulldoze the site and secure it and rid the local residents of these scumbags .who are either milking the benefits system or thieving in orde to eat Close the borders. NOW! Do I have to think of everything? And the gullible judge who let the 18 year old Adil Rashid off on a charge of rape --- " because he was unaware that it was illegal to have sex with an underage girl"---- Should be investigated, since when was IGNORANCE OF THE LAW, an excuse. I despair of this country and its politicians, wet,wet,wet. Vote UKIP next time around. In Romania one of the proposals for the new constitution is to declare gypsies non-Romanian. Come January there will be an exodus to the UK and Germany from Romania like a plague of locusts. As for the shanty town in Hendon its a joke, in Romania the local police just knock them down and move them on. Sean- Your Man in Bucharest The Government have blown a lot of "Hot Air" but they have actually done "Tiddly Squat" about the invasion coming! If you are an EU citizen you can waltz in to the UK with no problem at all and pick up benefits you have never paid any income Tax for and use the NHS which you have never contributed to while living in a Council house that a UK citizen could occupy and claiming Child Benefit and Income Support, even in the case, as has been revealed, of many Poles claiming Child Benefit for children that live in POLAND and have never been to UK. If however you are a UK Citizen with a Foreign wife you want to bring to the UK you have to PROVE you have enough income to support her and don't even dare to think of trying to claim child benefit for your 'foreign' children. The UK Govt of course still reserves the right to TAX you even if you are not in the UK and cannot claim any benefits or use any services. Anyone else see a huge disconnect here. Oh and they FREEZE our pensions at rate of first issue too even though we paid a lifetime of UK Tax and NI contributions exactly the same as pensioners in UK. wunt matter ifn you build brand new gaffs fer all v these lot. In two months it will look like a shanytown anyway. They prefers filth and squalor. Seen it meself jes outside of Prague. Hopeless business. "Leftists" , as you call them do not want to shut down "honest" debate on immigration, they would simply like people like you to admit that you ARE racist. You are clearly deluding yourself to say otherwise, and there can be no "honest" debate until you admit it. Better get used to it, because you are going to see a lot more. Up to 2015 anyway. Better start sleeping in your clothes RJ. Ready for the early morning knock. Saying things like "not our problem" must be illegal nowadays, and talking common sense completely banned. I always thought ignorance of the law was no defence. Mete strategic justice. "In the States we have the same problem with Mexican economic refugees." Oh no, you don't have the same problem at all! You don't have unelected foreign bureaucrats writing your immigration laws. You don't have an 'open-door' policy on immigration from twenty-odd foreign countries. You are fortunate enough NOT to be a member of the EU! Here, all our mainstream political parties support EU membership, so we have no-one to turn to to get us out of the EU. Should make the deluded liblabcons have them in their gardens, sure cameron, ed and clegg have a few spare rooms and gardens they can sleep in. Blair has about 7 houses, why are they letting their guests sleep in caves and inviting millions more? United Kingdom we no longer are, more like the PITS. I really don't understand how these people are ever going to be entitled to housing. If you or I left our home of our own free will the council would say we'd made ourselves intentionally homeless and as such wouldn't be entitled to help. Same rules should apply here and for good measure if you have no way of supporting yourself (legally) you shouldn't ever be entitled to more than a one way ticket home. We are fighting a losing battle. These people are like an invading army, except without the tanks. I would like to see, in my lifetime, B:Liar, Broon, and CaMoron all brought to justice, one way or another, for the premeditated damage they have DELIBERATELY caused the UK to suffer. We have those reptiles to blame, not the foreigners. Stop access to all benefits and services, toughen prison sentences etc and the problem is virtually solved. Deport all who are not contributing or integrating. This country is finished. Years of complete incompetence by successive governments. If you have ever voted for any of the main 3 parties then you must share in the blame. UKIP is our ONLY hope at present. Britain is being swamped by economic migrants looking for an easy ride. They have been given the green light to crawl here from the third world rubbish tips they are so desperate to escape from, just to sap this country dry. Most probably have no 'work ethic', regardless of the